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Another Golden Opportunity About to he Wasted

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3 minutes ago, Saul Goodman said:

No move would more improve the direction of this franchise more than hiring Harbaugh. Won’t happen, unfortunately, but the thought process is correct. 

You sure? There's a lot of people who seem to think nothing should be done because nothing can be done, so let's draft that tight end and forget about all this and get back to talking about what color pants we should wear in Week 4 next season.

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this is a money world everybody has their price-you want to get the coach you 3x -5 x what the top coaching salary is in the league he is worth it and the ROI would be worth it as well- Harbaugh would  be a GENIUS hire(it will never ever happen through) He will be like when Jimmy J left the U to go to Dallas-He knows the college game better than anybody and is a proven winner.  He also is a proven guy at the pro level as well.


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The natural landing spot for Harbaugh is the Commanders or the Patriots.

Commanders have a clean slate and the ownership is very smart.  They may not want to give him full control. 

Patriots have already given BB full control.  My guess is that they would repeat with Harbaugh.  

Harbaugh would not touch the Jets with a 10 foot pole.  

Woody is all about 2024.  He thinks he can put together an interesting season.  Super Bowl-not likely, but interesting.   He will bring the whole staff and Rodgers back for 2024.  We will mortgage the future.  After that, it’s a clean slate. 

But if we wanted a Parcells like change, Harbaugh would be it.  Better version than Payton in my view.  Someone will get lucky to get him.  He is the number 1 hire. 

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Harbaugh would be a great hire but you have to judge Woody by the opportunity for this to happen. Right now it's all speculation that he's leaving Michigan. He's literally at the top of the game there right now. If he wanted to return to the NFL, he'd have his pick of teams. He would be more desirable than Payton. Woody's only real asset to offer is an enormous contract. If Harbaugh isn't purely motivated by money, he's got several superior options to pursue that will pay him a premium to deal with fewer problems. I don't think Harbaugh is purely following the money. 

I hate saying this, but if Harbaugh wants to return to the NFL and go to a team where he needs to build the team pretty much from the ground up, NE is a better fit for him. Kraft is experienced with a HC/GM arrangement and doesn't mind a little scandal. That would be the worst possible scenario, so it's the most likely.

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2 hours ago, jeremy2020 said:

I mentioned this elsewhere, but if you think Spanos is "better" than Woody.. that's probably just because you're exposed more to Woody. The Chargers are a bit of a mess. Spanos took a massive load of debt for the move and they still owe a lot of money. His sister is suing him to sell the team because she doesn't believe they have a financial resources to meet their obligations. His brother, John Spanos, is the director of football operations so literally in charge of football decisions. So even if the Chargers are good with paying Harbaugh 20+ million a year for 5+ years.. he may think twice about it.

Spanos? he wouldnt have any relation to the guy who screwed the Islanders?

you may be right but thats all behind the scenes stuff. not on the field stuff. what we did this year with Zach as the backup and not getting anyone better after Rodgers went down is big news and fresh in everyone's mind. 

Herbert is the Key. he is a good young QB that no other team that needs a HC has. if he wants to win thats the place to go.


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4 minutes ago, doitny said:

Spanos? he wouldnt have any relation to the guy who screwed the Islanders?

you may be right but thats all behind the scenes stuff. not on the field stuff. what we did this year with Zach as the backup and not getting anyone better after Rodgers went down is big news and fresh in everyone's mind. 

Herbert is the Key. he is a good young QB that no other team that needs a HC has. if he wants to win thats the place to go.

I don't think Harbaugh is concerned about it. He won with Kaepernick. He had problems in SF with a power struggle between him and the GM who the owner sided with.. I think he'll be a lot more weight on the "behind the scenes" stuff and trust in his abilities to handle the on the field stuff.

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4 hours ago, Fantasy Island said:

Woody isn't doing anything as long as fans pay for season tickets to watch this go****n circus.  Why would he?  He doesn't want to win.

You can say what you want about him as an owner but show me one billionaire who doesn't want to win at anything. The notion that he doesn't want to win is absurd. 

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3 hours ago, JetPotato said:

There's a lot of people who seem to think nothing should be done because nothing can be done

There is literally no one who thinks that.

Legit curious Tater, what response were you hoping for with this thread?  What would you have read and gone "damn right, that's exactly what I wanted you to take from this"?  I am truly curious.

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37 minutes ago, Warfish said:

There is literally no one who thinks that.

Legit curious Tater, what response were you hoping for with this thread?  What would you have read and gone "damn right, that's exactly what I wanted you to take from this"?  I am truly curious.

I don't set expectations for the responses, other than starting a conversation. Right out of the gate, your MO was to end the conversation, despite not taking the time to read what was in it, then laced your responses with nonsense that are atypical of your usually thought-out responses.

Here's some responses one might expect, though, along the lines of:

  • I agree with you
  • I disagree with you, Woody is a great man doing great things and should never change
  • I'm fat and dumb

So really, you could have gone with any of those and not gotten crap for it.

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2 minutes ago, JetPotato said:

I don't set expectations for the responses, other than starting a conversation. Right out of the gate, your MO was to end the conversation, despite not taking the time to read what was in it, then laced your responses with nonsense that are atypical of your usually thought-out responses.

Here's some responses one might expect, though, along the lines of:

  • I agree with you
  • I disagree with you, Woody is a great man doing great things and should never change
  • I'm fat and dumb

So really, you could have gone with any of those and not gotten crap for it.

I agree with you

Woody is fukkin Dumb

Harbaugh won't work for Woody.


We will die without a SB. Woody is 76 and has a teenage son. Tells you about his thought process. That kid will inherit the team. I have little doubt.

Time to emotionally move on. Like our parent's had to when the Brooklyn Dodgers moved. They were heart broken. 







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I'd give Harbaugh anything he wanted but he'd never choose NYJ over ATL or LAC. Also Woody is too busy eating paint chips at the kids table to be able to pull that move off. We're going to roll with the worst coaching staff in the NFL and then next year will hire an OC with no HC experience to come in and change everything. 3 years later that won't work and we'll go back to a DC with no HC experience. We should all know this by now 

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1 minute ago, JetPotato said:

I don't set expectations for the responses, other than starting a conversation. Right out of the gate, your MO was to end the conversation, despite not taking the time to read what was in it, then laced your responses with nonsense that are atypical of your usually thought-out responses.

Here's some responses one might expect, though, along the lines of:

  • I agree with you
  • I disagree with you, Woody is a great man doing great things and should never change
  • I'm fat and dumb

So really, you could have gone with any of those and not gotten crap for it.

Well, clearly one and three are true, and between my other comments prior I'm pretty sure I said 1. several times now.

You're right on one account, I'm am sorta tired of so many pure-fantasy threads wanting pure-fantasy things we know will never happen, then angrily debating those fantasy things for a dozen pages as if they weren't just likely to happen, but sure things to happen.


Woody needs to sell, we'll never be good otherwise. 

Sure, absolutely, but he isn't going to, so what else is there to say that hasn't been said 100x over? 

Another example:  We should draft a QB in the 1st?  Sure, we definitely need one for our future, but JD isn't going to with Rodgers here, so what's the point complaining about it?

If our voices here carried any power, maybe it'd make more sense.  I don't know Tater, really, I wasn't trying to be a dick to you today, you're a friend.  /shrug  

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1 hour ago, 56mehl56 said:

You can say what you want about him as an owner but show me one billionaire who doesn't want to win at anything. The notion that he doesn't want to win is absurd. 

He is winning.  He's been trolling the fan base for years,

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4 hours ago, JetPotato said:

You sure? There's a lot of people who seem to think nothing should be done because nothing can be done, so let's draft that tight end and forget about all this and get back to talking about what color pants we should wear in Week 4 next season.

I would love to know what I can do to help push Woody to hire Harbaugh. What's the plan?

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7 minutes ago, southparkcpa said:

I agree with you

Woody is fukkin Dumb

Harbaugh won't work for Woody.


We will die without a SB. Woody is 76 and has a teenage son. Tells you about his thought process. That kid will inherit the team. I have little doubt.

Time to emotionally move on. Like our parent's had to when the Brooklyn Dodgers moved. They were heart broken. 







I also have little doubt. But the only part of me that has any shred of hope while still looking at this analytically is that someone in Woody's life will eventually get through to him that there's only one way this works. And that way is for him to hire the right people and for him to get out of the way. In Woody's circles there are people just like him, but there are also intelligent people who actually achieved their own success. One of them must at some point get the itch to explain to him how it is done. Step 1 is realizing that you are failing. Step 2 is to realize you don't possess the capability to do this, but there are plenty of people that do. Step 3 is using your resource advantage that you have as an investment in that success by hiring those people. 

I mean, isn't he as sick his team sucking as we are? It's a lot more fun to play with your toys if they aren't broken.

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11 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Well, clearly one and three are true, and between my other comments prior I'm pretty sure I said 1. several times now.

You're right on one account, I'm am sorta tired of so many pure-fantasy threads wanting pure-fantasy things we know will never happen, then angrily debating those fantasy things for a dozen pages as if they weren't just likely to happen, but sure things to happen.


Woody needs to sell, we'll never be good otherwise. 

Sure, absolutely, but he isn't going to, so what else is there to say that hasn't been said 100x over? 

Another example:  We should draft a QB in the 1st?  Sure, we definitely need one for our future, but JD isn't going to with Rodgers here, so what's the point complaining about it?

If our voices here carried any power, maybe it'd make more sense.  I don't know Tater, really, I wasn't trying to be a dick to you today, you're a friend.  /shrug  

I mean, isn't all of that what this board exists for? I get it. Some people would rather talk about late night TV hosts, radio shock jocks, pop stars and how the current shade of uniform green accentuates the color in Sauce's eyes, but I'm more into talking about the football decisions being made here (poorly). And frankly, I've brought up before the only 100% certain, factual way that Woody's tenure here will ever end (it wasn't him selling), but that rustled a lot of jimmies apparently.

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5 minutes ago, JetPotato said:

I also have little doubt. But the only part of me that has any shred of hope while still looking at this analytically is that someone in Woody's life will eventually get through to him that there's only one way this works. And that way is for him to hire the right people and for him to get out of the way. In Woody's circles there are people just like him, but there are also intelligent people who actually achieved their own success. One of them must at some point get the itch to explain to him how it is done. Step 1 is realizing that you are failing. Step 2 is to realize you don't possess the capability to do this, but there are plenty of people that do. Step 3 is using your resource advantage that you have as an investment in that success by hiring those people. 

I mean, isn't he as sick his team sucking as we are? It's a lot more fun to play with your toys if they aren't broken.

You have more hope than I do.

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12 minutes ago, SomebodytoAnybody47 said:

I would love to know what I can do to help push Woody to hire Harbaugh. What's the plan?

Talk about it. As much as possible. The end result won't be Harbaugh gets hired.

But, if there's a highly publicized, groundswell demand for a proven winner like him now, guess what happens when Harbaugh is coaching the Super Bowl in a couple years? We all get to shout "SEE? WE TOLD YOU SO!" It'll take more than that, but maybe after 1,000 paper cuts like that one, something will actually get through to this idiot and he'll give the old "hire a proven coach" thing a try. It's not like he's going to think of it on his own. 

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5 minutes ago, JetPotato said:

I mean, isn't all of that what this board exists for? I get it. Some people would rather talk about late night TV hosts, radio shock jocks, pop stars and how the current shade of uniform green accentuates the color in Sauce's eyes, but I'm more into talking about the football decisions being made here (poorly). And frankly, I've brought up before the only 100% certain, factual way that Woody's tenure here will ever end (it wasn't him selling), but that rustled a lot of jimmies apparently.

For what it's worth, I thought it'd be more worth talking about things than can happen, vs. things that absolutely will not happen.  Hence my original comment, that you set yourself up for disappointment when you want X, and know X will never happen.  

But you're 100% right, this place exists for venting and complaint too, no question whatsoever on that.  

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5 hours ago, Adoni Beast said:

Agreed, I'd prefer Harbaugh but we'll obviously never hire him. I would love Gruden as the head coach here. He was definitely had the Raiders going in the right direction (not a contender yet, but they were headed that way).

I think Gruden is going to work his way back up into head coaching opportunities and who knows maybe he is someone we take a look at in a year or two.

Gruden destroyed the Raiders .   He will be the coach of the Saints in 2024. 

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43 minutes ago, JetPotato said:

Talk about it. As much as possible. The end result won't be Harbaugh gets hired.

But, if there's a highly publicized, groundswell demand for a proven winner like him now, guess what happens when Harbaugh is coaching the Super Bowl in a couple years? We all get to shout "SEE? WE TOLD YOU SO!" It'll take more than that, but maybe after 1,000 paper cuts like that one, something will actually get through to this idiot and he'll give the old "hire a proven coach" thing a try. It's not like he's going to think of it on his own. 

They are talking about it lol. Everyone, media to fans. All there is, this whole time, is to fire everyone and for him to sell. Over and over. Idk where you’ve been. 

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10 minutes ago, SomebodytoAnybody47 said:

They are talking about it lol. Everyone, media to fans. All there is, this whole time, is to fire everyone and for him to sell. Over and over. Idk where you’ve been. 

It's not enough.

I'm a Yankee fan. For years, a small amount of fans have been attempting to highlight the failures of the current regime, particularly Brian Cashman. To us, none of what has been going on with them now is news to us. But 5-6 years ago, the fan climate was very different. Like here, there were a wide range of opinions. Some of us hated Cashman's methodology. Some swore he was an elite GM. We were mocked as having unrealistic expectations. "Fans have no power". It wasn't until the past 1-2 years that an obvious majority are now on board with regime change, and are also very vocal about it. And it's made a clear impact on the organization. We recently had Steinbrenner say "he didn't understand the fans' frustration" (a stupid response for sure, but at least acknowledgement that all is not the rosy picture of the team/fan relationship that they like to market) and Cashman has been VERY vocal recently about fan & media "perception" in a way that he never has before. I do believe it's forced their hand to consider changes.

Here with the Jets, things are a bit different. It's a more complacent fan base, likely due to being numbed by a lack of success. Some just have resigned themselves to not having high expectations ever, at all. That has to change. We must get on the same page, and we must be loud about it so that it is heard. I know the cry is always going to be "they don't care about the fans". I promise you, they care about the fans, not in the way you want, but as much as you're still willing to spend your time and money on them. When, as a group, you start to have a public relations impact on them, it forces them to at least think. It absolutely works. It has worked. It will work again.

There can no longer be these multiple divides. Zach fans. Arguments over JD. Is Saleh out of his depth or does he have room to grow. It's all a waste of time. Zach, Rodgers, Saleh and JD will all be gone in a year or two, and the next era of failure will begin, just like the one before it, and the one before that, and every one since that Woody has overseen. Throw it all out, realize the obvious, and get on the same message: WOODY IS THE PROBLEM. Our only hope that Woody will try something new is if some external force makes it happen. He's too dumb to do it on his own. What's the harm in us all agreeing and trying to flex a little? We fail? So? Nothing changes then, nothing changes if we don't. Get on board and make Woody hurt. Death by 1,000 paper cuts. 

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10 hours ago, JetPotato said:

Every single year, there are opportunities staring Woody Johnson right in the face to make this a legitimate football organization. 

In early 2024 (I say early because I know this is just the 1st of multiple things that Woody and his people will **** up this year), the big one will be Jim Harbaugh. 

I know. You don't like him as a person. Well, this isn't about choosing a kindergarten class for your kid. This is about football. And he knows how to build a football program. He's proven it in a way no one associated with the Jets has since Parcells. And he will. He's ready to leap back into the NFL. He'll take the reigns somewhere and turn some fortunate team into a perennial contender, much like his former employer the 49ers or like his brother in Baltimore. 

Meanwhile, Woody will run it back with the inexperienced, proven failure head coach that was hired by the GM that was hired by the head coach that you fired 5 years ago.

Woody's only move is doing what SELF-BUILT rich people (like the ones he inherited all his money from) all do: recognizing that which you don't know a thing about (football) and hiring the BEST people that do.

This year, Harbaugh will be that guy. Next year, it will be someone else that he won't hire either. It's quite easy to do too. You have tons of money you can give him, and one of the biggest stages imaginable. Probably the thirstiest fan base in all of sports. The first guy that wins here will be an absolute GOD.

Swear to him in person and publicly that you have finally come to the realization that you need to step aside and let football people football. Woody's role should be to stay in the shadows, sign checks, and not be seen or heard from again until he's standing with Harbaugh on the platform to receive the Lamar Hunt trophy. That's the only way it works. 

But here we are. No hope of any of it. We're going to do the same crap next year we did this year. The o-line won't get sufficiently fixed. They'll draft the wrong guy. Wilson, Hall, Sauce will eventually move on to real teams that won't waste their talent. Bob will be fired, and Woody will save a couple bucks by hiring a defensive coordinator that's never accomplished anything ever... again.

I was convinced this was going to be about Mike Vrabel (though I'd be thrilled with Harbaugh as GM/HC as well).  I would fire Saleh today and offer Vrabel what he wanted to sign long-term here.  And I'd fire Ulbrich and bring in Wink from the Giants as our DC.  But neither of these things will happen.

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9 hours ago, JetPotato said:


This is a weak, defeatist attitude. 

What's your solution to the current problem? Do nothing? Just don't even try. 

Stop with this loser nonsense. 

The Jets are a great opportunity for him to cement his legacy as a Hall of Fame coach. And money talks, every time, no matter who is giving it out.

It's certainly worth it to try!

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5 hours ago, varjet said:

The natural landing spot for Harbaugh is the Commanders or the Patriots.

Commanders have a clean slate and the ownership is very smart.  They may not want to give him full control. 

Patriots have already given BB full control.  My guess is that they would repeat with Harbaugh.  

Harbaugh would not touch the Jets with a 10 foot pole.  

Woody is all about 2024.  He thinks he can put together an interesting season.  Super Bowl-not likely, but interesting.   He will bring the whole staff and Rodgers back for 2024.  We will mortgage the future.  After that, it’s a clean slate. 

But if we wanted a Parcells like change, Harbaugh would be it.  Better version than Payton in my view.  Someone will get lucky to get him.  He is the number 1 hire. 

I think @JetPotato's larger point (that I agree with) is that if there's a guy out there that can solve your problems then move heaven and earth to make it happen.  Who cares if Woody already promised JD and Saleh they were returning?!   It's the same thing with QBs.  When you have a chance to draft a FQB, you take him.  You don't say "well we have AR8 for 1-2 more years so it doesn't make sense".

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11 hours ago, Barry McCockinner said:

I mean you can think and believe this but it doesn't make it true. Woody should at least be reaching out to test the waters on the DL.

If Harbaugh couldn’t handle Kappernick, no way he could handle a nutcase like Rodgers! The locker room would have a Civil War! And the MSM would love it!

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13 hours ago, JetPotato said:

Every single year, there are opportunities staring Woody Johnson right in the face to make this a legitimate football organization. 

In early 2024 (I say early because I know this is just the 1st of multiple things that Woody and his people will **** up this year), the big one will be Jim Harbaugh. 

I know. You don't like him as a person. Well, this isn't about choosing a kindergarten class for your kid. This is about football. And he knows how to build a football program. He's proven it in a way no one associated with the Jets has since Parcells. And he will. He's ready to leap back into the NFL. He'll take the reigns somewhere and turn some fortunate team into a perennial contender, much like his former employer the 49ers or like his brother in Baltimore. 

Meanwhile, Woody will run it back with the inexperienced, proven failure head coach that was hired by the GM that was hired by the head coach that you fired 5 years ago.

Woody's only move is doing what SELF-BUILT rich people (like the ones he inherited all his money from) all do: recognizing that which you don't know a thing about (football) and hiring the BEST people that do.

This year, Harbaugh will be that guy. Next year, it will be someone else that he won't hire either. It's quite easy to do too. You have tons of money you can give him, and one of the biggest stages imaginable. Probably the thirstiest fan base in all of sports. The first guy that wins here will be an absolute GOD.

Swear to him in person and publicly that you have finally come to the realization that you need to step aside and let football people football. Woody's role should be to stay in the shadows, sign checks, and not be seen or heard from again until he's standing with Harbaugh on the platform to receive the Lamar Hunt trophy. That's the only way it works. 

But here we are. No hope of any of it. We're going to do the same crap next year we did this year. The o-line won't get sufficiently fixed. They'll draft the wrong guy. Wilson, Hall, Sauce will eventually move on to real teams that won't waste their talent. Bob will be fired, and Woody will save a couple bucks by hiring a defensive coordinator that's never accomplished anything ever... again.

Billy Madison Shut Up GIF

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14 hours ago, Kleckineau said:

This team is Woodys greatest achievement.  He has managed not to squander his inheritance by owning this franchise. Unfortunately for us he treats it like a toy or hobby while  simultaneously thinking he is  able to make sound football decisions.He is in full denial that he is a terrible football guy. Woody and Chris are dilettante's and will never surrender full management control of their toy to anyone. Ever.

Woody knows he is an incompetent miserable wimp. Misery loves company. We are his company. Boycotting the games is our only chance to rid ourselves of this idiot. 

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