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CJ Mosley decision will be a big sign if the Jets have learned any lessons ...

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1 minute ago, SomebodytoAnybody47 said:

Mosley ain't going anywhere. Maybe a paycut? Idk. But he's staying.

It seems like you're ok with him staying even at his existing salary .

Well, then you're ok with possibly missing out on adding a quality offensive lineman in free agency or finding it hard to re-sign Carter II or DJ Reed next year.  The money has to come from somewhere.

In most things in life, it's an either / or decision.  Unless you want to dig a hole.  


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2 minutes ago, oatmeal said:

I can see rodgers talking the jets into keeping him. 

CJ was apart of that “wE oNlY hAvE 3 cApTaiNs” crap the jets pulled last season. 

This org is a freaking JOKE

My sense is you are right.  There's a big difference between what smart teams do and the Jets do.

It's ok for fans to be sentimental ... I remember that with Patrick Ewing at the end of his career with the Knicks.  But it's typically bad for GMs to be overly sentimental in contract situations. 

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19 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

When nuclear winter arrives, the only survivors will be the cockroaches….and CJ Mosley.

Not even dancing in a club maskless when disease x hits will stop him.

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5 minutes ago, OtherwiseHappyinLife said:

My sense is you are right.  There's a big difference between what smart teams do and the Jets do.

It's ok for fans to be sentimental ... I remember that with Patrick Ewing at the end of his career with the Knicks.  But it's typically bad for GMs to be overly sentimental in contract situations. 

The thing is, what is there to be Sentimental about with CJ Mosely? This isn't Wayne Chrebet or Mo Lewis... this is a huge $$$ FA we picked up in his 6th year in the league,  that was out his first 2 years here (injury and Opt out) and has never even been on a +500 Jets team. 


Who cares?? 

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16 minutes ago, OtherwiseHappyinLife said:

It seems like you're ok with him staying even at his existing salary .

Well, then you're ok with possibly missing out on adding a quality offensive lineman in free agency or finding it hard to re-sign Carter II or DJ Reed next year.  The money has to come from somewhere.

In most things in life, it's an either / or decision.  Unless you want to dig a hole.  


This is the last year of his deal.   If you can get him to take a pay cut, great.  After that he leaves, theoretically to get a comp pick back. 

His deal has nothing to do with signing any of the upcoming players to extensions.  

What will cause problems is the crap contracts JD gave out, where Mosely, Laken, CJ and others will continue to have cap hits 2 years after their deals are over.  Plus, you know, how they structured Rodgers' deal.

DJ probably leaves after his current deal.  Need to extend JJ, Breece, Wilson, Carter II.  DJ will be 28 (not old I know), but you can't spend that much on 3 corners.  Again, let him leave and, in theory, get a 3rd round comp pick back.

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25 minutes ago, OtherwiseHappyinLife said:

It seems like you're ok with him staying even at his existing salary .

Well, then you're ok with possibly missing out on adding a quality offensive lineman in free agency or finding it hard to re-sign Carter II or DJ Reed next year.  The money has to come from somewhere.

In most things in life, it's an either / or decision.  Unless you want to dig a hole.  


Not saying it's what I want. And I said, he would prob have to take a paycut if anything. 

I just can't see Saleh and Ulbrich saying "Yes, you can remove the captain and leader of our defense in the year we need to save our jobs".


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Another thing that pisses me off about this 300 IQ GM :
the fact that he is willing to pay Mosley all that cheese and let the younger more impactful Huff walk, fully developed for another org to benefit from

JD didn't sign him to the original 85 million dollar contract. That was the last bozo. And his dead cap numbers were absolutely insane up until this coming year.
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3 minutes ago, bicketybam said:
10 minutes ago, oatmeal said:
Another thing that pisses me off about this 300 IQ GM :
the fact that he is willing to pay Mosley all that cheese and let the younger more impactful Huff walk, fully developed for another org to benefit from

JD didn't sign him to the original 85 million dollar contract. That was the last bozo. And his dead cap numbers were absolutely insane up until this coming year.

Suffice to say, we haven't really gotten our money's worth from him... 😆 

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14 minutes ago, Creepy Lurker said:

Ironically that’s what did stop him in 2020. The Jets need to pretend that they all have Covid so he leaves for good. It’s our only hope. 

Yes, more psyops please!

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1 hour ago, OtherwiseHappyinLife said:

Yes, we all know he is a well respected leader and most of us have him as a good to very good starting inside LB.  That's not exactly the point.

The point is can an Offense Hungry team afford his upcoming $17M salary and $21.5M cap hit?  

The easy answer is NO because aging middle linebackers with serious athletic limitations are not worth anywhere near that type of money.

If I'm JD.......... "CJ, your market value is around $8M per year.  We value your play & leadership and will pay a premium at a restructured $10M salary ...  unfortunately, if we cannot agree, we'll have to part ways and of course wish you thanks and all the best"

This is what good teams do.  Not perpetuate last regime's overpay and push the money to future years.  It's a pay cut or goodbye.

I think we are all sick of the Jets losing.  No more sentimental hogwash ... no more listening to Saleh wax poetic about aging vets like Duane Brown or Carl Lawson.  If we still cannot make the tough decisions that really aren't that tough, then we'll be back in the same spot next year.

2023:  Cut Carl Lawson (fail), upgrade OL (fail), upgrade skill positions (fail), draft Offense round 1 (fail), get a quality back-up QB (fail), don't waste money on Cook (fail) ....

2024:  Let's start with the above on CJ and add pretty easy ones in cutting Tomlinson & Uzomah.  These are pre-free agency decisions (next 5 weeks),  even if the technical date of some cuts might be June 1.       

This is exactly what they need to do with Mosley, Tomlinson and JFM.  Ozomah is cut.  

If they don't take the paycuts, we need to learn to do without them, and ask the existing guys to step up.  

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The Jets have to win in 2024 without the following pieces on defense:

Gastineau, Klecko, Lyons, Salaam, Revis, Mo Lewis, David Harris, Larry Grantham, Bart Scott, Kyle Clifton, Marvin Jones, Greg Buttle, Lance Mehl, Darrol Ray, Shaun Ellis, Aaron Glen, Philbin and... JAMAL ADAMS.  

Can they still do it without CJ ???

Ya dig ???

I'm all for keeping CJ, but he has to rework/give back some of the loot or he can walk.  Let's see how much of a team/fan guy he is. 

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When JD took the job he had to rebuild for multiple years and tear down the roster because of all the bad Mac and Idzik contracts

then he turns around and once it's clear he's underperforming, loads the team up with the worst contracts in the league, really just pissing away cap space at a rate Mac and Idzik never dreamed of 

Alanis Morissette wrote a whole song about this kind of thing

Alanis Morissette 90S GIF 


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1 hour ago, Beerfish said:

The Jets being a stupid organization that do things not in the best interest of the team all the time will restructure his contract pushing the liability further down the line rather than replace the easiest thing to replace in football, that being an inside linebacker that makes tackles.

Victor Green once led the NFL in tackles. The Jets won 1 game that season and gave up the 2nd-most points in the league that season, despite some good defensive personnel around & in front of Green.

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So many crosswinds it's impossible for everyone to be on the same page. The right thing to do would be to get Mosley to take a pay cut and reallocate those savings to keep Bryce. However, the GM and HC both being lame duck underweights "the right thing" and instead invokes decisions of salvage.

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1 hour ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

The thing is, what is there to be Sentimental about with CJ Mosely? This isn't Wayne Chrebet or Mo Lewis... this is a huge $$$ FA we picked up in his 6th year in the league,  that was out his first 2 years here (injury and Opt out) and has never even been on a +500 Jets team. 


Who cares?? 

It's because most guys here get a subconscious tingle when they hear the name CJ, dating back to their Baywatch viewing days 

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2 hours ago, OtherwiseHappyinLife said:

Yes, we all know he is a well respected leader and most of us have him as a good to very good starting inside LB.  That's not exactly the point.

The point is can an Offense Hungry team afford his upcoming $17M salary and $21.5M cap hit?  

The easy answer is NO because aging middle linebackers with serious athletic limitations are not worth anywhere near that type of money.

If I'm JD.......... "CJ, your market value is around $8M per year.  We value your play & leadership and will pay a premium at a restructured $10M salary ...  unfortunately, if we cannot agree, we'll have to part ways and of course wish you thanks and all the best"

This is what good teams do.  Not perpetuate last regime's overpay and push the money to future years.  It's a pay cut or goodbye.

I think we are all sick of the Jets losing.  No more sentimental hogwash ... no more listening to Saleh wax poetic about aging vets like Duane Brown or Carl Lawson.  If we still cannot make the tough decisions that really aren't that tough, then we'll be back in the same spot next year.

2023:  Cut Carl Lawson (fail), upgrade OL (fail), upgrade skill positions (fail), draft Offense round 1 (fail), get a quality back-up QB (fail), don't waste money on Cook (fail) ....

2024:  Let's start with the above on CJ and add pretty easy ones in cutting Tomlinson & Uzomah.  These are pre-free agency decisions (next 5 weeks),  even if the technical date of some cuts might be June 1.       

I LOVE CJ Mosely since his days at BAMA. Thatbeing said your post just makes so much sense. Offer him the $10 mil . If he takes it great, if not "best of luck to you. " 

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  • Rather than having the worst offense in the NFL and a top 5 defense, the Jets will be a better/more interesting team if each of their offense and defense is top 15.   To do that, they need to help the offense. 
  • These scouting morons are supposed to scout the next year’s draft.  The call last year would have clearly been to trade our 2023 first round pick to the Packers and keep picks this year.   This is a much better draft.  The Jets should be thinking about ways to get more picks in the top three rounds this year,  because they can basically draft a starting T, G and WR.
  • We are also supposed to scout ourselves, so last year, Huff would have been extended and Lawson cut, for probably the same money in total.  
  • With a salary cap, good teams avoid overpaying players, even good players.  Even a great player can be paid too much.   Seriously, if we cut Mosley, what is another team paying him?  $5mm?   Offer him $7mm.   What is another team paying Tomlinson?  $3mm?  Offer him $4mm.   JFM?  He could probably get a decent amount on a one year deal. 
  • If the Jets took Jack Campbell last year instead of piling on another EDGE, does that make Mosley easier to cut?  
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There should be some really good LB prospects available in the 3rd(maybe even the 4th) if the Jets decide to move on from Mosley, which I kind of hope they do.  Not really looking to push that money into the future.  Things will be difficult enough to navigate with AR's money.  IMO Quincy has taken over that role of QB of the defense - now would be the time to move on from CJ IMO.


Increase Quincy's responsibilities and draft a kid like Junior Colson or Payton Wilson in the 3rd.  Let him compete with Sherwood, Surratt, even Barnes for that 2nd starting spot.  If you sign a high-end WR with that money you saved from Mosley's deal, you can probably wait on the 4th for your #4 or 5 WR.  You can still use your 1st on Fuaga.  No matter what we'll have to bring in a vet LT most likely, but cutting Mosley is probably the difference between just signing a LT in free agency, and signing a LT AND WR2.  


All that said, I'll be surprised if they cut him. 

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