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Rex Ryan would be playoff-bound with these Jets - Manish straight Trollin'


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The vultures circling western New York have taken aim at Rex Ryan less than a year after he followed a condescending curmudgeon who quit on their beloved Buffalo Bills. Some people up there have selective amnesia.

Ryan, once embraced, now questioned, got a public vote of confidence from Bills owner Terry Pegula on Wednesday, which says more about his frustrated fan base than the man in charge of his football team. Ryan’s Bills are still a work in progress. He just needs to get rid of the bums.

Ryan isn’t Lombardi, but he has proven in the past that he can win when talented players buy in. In fact, he would have taken the Jets to the playoffs this season if he were still around.

Todd Bowles has done a terrific job, but there’s no doubt that Ryan would have the Jets positioned for a postseason berth, too, given the influx of talent this offseason.

“I think we would be (a playoff team),” cornerback Antonio Cromartie told the Daily News about whether Ryan would have taken the Jets to the playoffs this season with the current roster. “I don’t see why we wouldn’t be. ... This is probably the best offense I’ve been around being on the Jets.”


Instead, Ryan stands in the Jets’ way entering the regular-season finale in Orchard Park on Sunday.

The Jets (10-5) will break a four-year playoff drought by beating the Bills (6-7) this weekend. Ryan’s nemesis on One Jets Drive was a clueless pencil pusher masquerading as a general manager, who has since moved to Jacksonville, so the coach isn’t exactly M-Fing everything about his former employer these days.

“There’s a lot of guys I care about on that team,” Ryan said Wednesday. “It’s actually great to see them having success. I just don’t want them to have success at my expense. I’m going to do everything I can to win this game.”

It’s natural for Ryan to be envious of Bowles right now. After all, the Jets’ rookie coach has a GM who actually acquired talented players for him. The new Jets front office transformed the team this offseason with an influx of talent that has made the current roster almost unrecognizable from a year ago.

Bowles got short-term and long-term upgrades all over the place. He didn’t have to deal with the nonsense that Ryan had to in his final two years with the Jets.

Bowles deserves plenty of credit for blending all those new pieces into a successful brew, but Ryan would have lifted this roster to similar heights with the right offensive play caller.


Bowles’ master stroke of hiring offensive coordinator Chan Gailey, who has shared a brain with resurgent veteran quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick, has been pivotal to the Jets’ success. Bowles’ understated, but firm leadership style has been brilliant too.

Eric Decker and Brandon Marshall prove to be a dynamic duo, something Rex could've used during his time with the Jets.

Eric Decker and Brandon Marshall prove to be a dynamic duo, something Rex could've used during his time with the Jets.

“Guys know where they stand with me,” Bowles said on Wednesday.

Ryan might have been louder and prouder than his successor, but his Jets players never quit on him. They believed in the coach until the bitter end in 2014 when the roster had been reduced to a middling Pop Warner squad thanks to the penny-pinching accountant in charge of football operations.

Ryan is in uncharted territory with some disgruntled voices in his locker room this year.

“I’ve never been looked at as a problem,” Ryan said of the public criticism from a few Bills players. “Yeah, that bothers me. No doubt about it.”

Ryan’s words sometimes cloud the fact that he’s a good coach. His mouth wrote a check that his team couldn’t cash in 2015.

He whiffed on his offseason playoff prediction, which is reason enough not to make any more offseason playoff predictions, especially for a franchise that has missed the postseason for 16 years. He promised to steer clear of that tack in the future, “because we failed miserably” this season.

Sure, the Bills got screwed by some horrible officiating (see: pick play in Philly) and have been saddled with too many injuries to too many important players, but excuse-makers don’t last long in the NFL.


Ryan knows the deal. He has to find a way to galvanize his players. He has made a career of galvanizing his players.

He hasn’t forgotten how to coach. None of that, of course, will help him Sunday.

The Jets are poised to reach the postseason for the first time since Ryan took them to a second consecutive AFC Championship Game in 2010.

Ryan was somewhere in the clouds during those magical runs. He might have been able to do it again if he were still around.

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Not one person before the season started said the Jets had more talent than the Bills, not one.

Rex made the Bills look less talented then they are, because he is an assclown mascarading as an NFL HC.

What a hack of an article and a pathetic excuse excuse at being a reporter.

agreed , if there is " no doubt " Rex would've made the playoffs with the Jets then how come he is 7-8 with a Bills roster that is every bit as talented as the Jets...and played the same schedule ...what a joke .

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Not one person before the season started said the Jets had more talent than the Bills, not one.

Rex made the Bills look less talented then they are, because he is an assclown mascarading as an NFL HC.

What a hack of an article and a pathetic excuse excuse at being a reporter.

What is even worse is that when Rex was the HC of the Jets he choose Sparano and Mornhinweg as his picks for OC and actually believed that Schotty whom he had never worked with or previously thought about was the right guy, the best guy in the NFL, to train his inexperienced rookie QB. Rex never had an offensive plan!

 Rex never went out and got a quality back up to either challenge Sanchez or force that guy to sit and learn something.  Again by Rex's own admission he knew NOTHING about offense... NOTHING!!!

Now we are magically to believe that Rex was going to fire Mornhinweg and bring in Chan and Fitz?  No he wasn't and what is worse is some fans of the Bills are falling for it.

IMO Manish is trying to get Rex to say something stupid but to his credit he has been low key before this match up giving Rex and his injured team their best chance to win.......


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Ryan was somewhere in the clouds during those magical runs. He might have been able to do it again if he were still around.

That's the problem: Rex can only win with a team that's built and coached up without him and placed in his hands all ready to go.

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Rex's GM gave him a talented roster in Buffalo, one could argue MORE talented than that of the Jets... But why would that matter?

Read the article again.  In fact hang it on your bathroom mirror.

That team has been a mash unit most of the season.  Pretty sure Manish just punked your entire faction.

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Rex would not have been playoff bound.   WHY?  He would have been stubborn.  He would have went back to Geno.  He would have insisted on running the ball nonstop (50 rushing attempts plus pass completion crap).  He would not have recognized that we have a pretty good passing game and would have kept running.   

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Read the article again.  In fact hang it on your bathroom mirror.

That team has been a mash unit most of the season.  Pretty sure Manish just punked your entire faction.

Is this the first Rex excuse of 2016?

Pretty sure.

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It's shameful how far Mehta is up Ryan's backside!!!  He'll write anything
to kiss his butt so he can have a "source" in the league.  If Ryan was here
we would have 7 or fewer wins.  Here's a few reasons why:

- He would've botched the Richardson situations (suspension & speeding)
at the beginning of camp

- He would've botched the Smith "Jaw Gate" situation and I doubt he would've
cut Enemkpali

- He wouldn't have hired Gailey as his OC

- He never would've cleaned up the penalty issues that plagued us

- After the HOU debacle he NEVER would've cut Coples or demoted Davis & Pace.
He also never would've increased the reps of Mauldin, Catapano or Henderson

- He never would've benched Wilkerson for being late to a meeting

Need I go on???  I haven't even touched on the game management issues that
would definitely still plague us if Ryan was still here (bad challenges, wasted
timeouts, bad defensive communication)

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I'm not going to pretend that I didn't like Rex during his two AFC championship game runs. He exceeded expectations and had a fun team to watch and follow. Rex is a passionate, colorful guy and and a decent football coach. But I said at the time that his shelf life would be limited. He used emotional ploys and talk to motivate his team, and it was clear that it needed to work quickly, because after a few years his act would wear thin. I'm hopeful that Bowles may have more staying power ... but that remains to be seen. Jets fans tend to forget that "Mangenius" had a great first year too.

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It's shameful how far Mehta is up Ryan's backside!!!  He'll write anything
to kiss his butt so he can have a "source" in the league.  If Ryan was here
we would have 7 or fewer wins.  Here's a few reasons why:

- He would've botched the Richardson situations (suspension & speeding)
at the beginning of camp

- He would've botched the Smith "Jaw Gate" situation and I doubt he would've
cut Enemkpali

- He wouldn't have hired Gailey as his OC

- He never would've cleaned up the penalty issues that plagued us

- After the HOU debacle he NEVER would've cut Coples or demoted Davis & Pace.
He also never would've increased the reps of Mauldin, Catapano or Henderson

- He never would've benched Wilkerson for being late to a meeting

Need I go on???  I haven't even touched on the game management issues that
would definitely still plague us if Ryan was still here (bad challenges, wasted
timeouts, bad defensive communication)

-Marshall would have a fraction of his offensive production but would lead the league in run blocking

- Wilkerson would have 6 less sacks but would have an interception 

-Billal Powell would be playing two ways at strong safety

-Tommy Bohannon would be third on the team in catches 

-Bryce Petty would have played in two different games garbage quarters by the second half of the season 

-We would not be playing a meaningful game in week 16


- I had forgotten that Manish even followed this team until week 16 which was awesome 

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Not one person before the season started said the Jets had more talent than the Bills, not one.

Rex made the Bills look less talented then they are, because he is an assclown mascarading as an NFL HC.

What a hack of an article and a pathetic excuse excuse at being a reporter.

once a tool....always a tool.

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agreed , if there is " no doubt " Rex would've made the playoffs with the Jets then how come he is 7-8 with a Bills roster that is every bit as talented as the Jets...and played the same schedule ...what a joke .

Didn't that "joke" of a team beat the Jets silly at home?

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Didn't that "joke" of a team beat the Jets silly at home?



Beat the Jets silly? 5 points when the Jets committed 4 turnovers, and had the ball deep in Bills territory to still win the game at the end, silly???

Funny how you fancy yourself as wanting to have football discussion and not being a troll, yet half or your posts are straight up trolling.

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Beat the Jets silly? 5 points when the Jets committed 4 turnovers, and had the ball deep in Bills territory to still win the game at the end, silly??? />

Yea, yet another moral victory in a Jets loss.

Congrats on staying within 5 points of the ferocious Buffalo Bills.

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