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Bowles v Gase practice question


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I watched the video of the Jets OTA practice and was impressed with the pace, tempo, etc. of the practice.

I'm curious if the practices under the Bowles regime were the same.

Has anyone seen both, and if so, would you provide a comparison?  Thanks.

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The one thing I heard that Gase is doing differently than Bowles is he's calling practice plays into the walkie-talkie for Sam to hear in his helmet similar to a game situation. While this may sound like a "duh, why not" thing to do, the reporter made it seem like this was not a common practice in NFL camps. Instead of having the offense huddle around the OC to go over the next play, this is increasing the offensive tempo in practice and leading to more reps (due to saved time)

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I haven't been to a Gase led practice , but the one's i witnessed with Bowles were downright walk in the park type settings . Granted one of the practices was in shells and virtually a walk thru , but the others were in pads and left me bored and disinterested. 

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1 hour ago, CTJetsFan said:

The one thing I heard that Gase is doing differently than Bowles is he's calling practice plays into the walkie-talkie for Sam to hear in his helmet similar to a game situation. While this may sound like a "duh, why not" thing to do, the reporter made it seem like this was not a common practice in NFL camps. Instead of having the offense huddle around the OC to go over the next play, this is increasing the offensive tempo in practice and leading to more reps (due to saved time)

That is pretty cool, I also thought it was interesting how Gase keeps flat screen tv's on the side of the field. After the play on practice, players can go back and see what mistake or fix they may need to use next time. Not sure if they were using it for both side of the ball, but I am sure they were. 

1 hour ago, WowOhWow said:

I watched the video of the Jets OTA practice and was impressed with the pace, tempo, etc. of the practice.

I'm curious if the practices under the Bowles regime were the same.

Has anyone seen both, and if so, would you provide a comparison?  Thanks.

Can you post the link to the video 

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26 minutes ago, A23 said:

The Jets automatically got 5 wins when they woke up Bowles and fired him.



That’s not even a joke.  I count 4 wins last year that ANY real coach would have won.

This was an 8-8 team last year, with Darnold basically playing by himself, with lots of subpar talent surrounding him ie NO running game, and probably getting bottom of the barrel “guidance” from Bowles and the assistants he hired that he’d make sure were even stupider than he is.

Wildcard berth THIS year.

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Bowles was a terrible coach, he proved as much on the sidelines. No intensity, no passion, he just stood there and that rubs off on the players without a doubt. I'm not sure practice could be any different because if you can't even show passion during a game when the hell can you show it ? I'm so glad he's gone worst coach this organization ever had yes he would give Charlie Winner, Rich Kotite and Lou Holtz a run for their money 

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Bowles was a terrible coach, he proved as much on the sidelines. No intensity, no passion, he just stood there and that rubs off on the players without a doubt. I'm not sure practice could be any different because if you can't even show passion during a game when the hell can you show it ? I'm so glad he's gone worst coach this organization ever had yes he would give Charlie Winner, Rich Kotite and Lou Holtz a run for their money 

Agreed. The simple fact that no one could have been an interim HC during the season sums it all up. We had an entire org of lower tier position coaches with antiquated thinking.

I seriously think Bowles is the worst coach the jets have ever had. Kotite was terrible and had a worse record but Bowles is worse imo.

Sent from my iPhone using JetNation.com mobile app
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57 minutes ago, GREENBEAN said:

Agreed. The simple fact that no one could have been an interim HC during the season sums it all up. We had an entire org of lower tier position coaches with antiquated thinking.

I seriously think Bowles is the worst coach the jets have ever had. Kotite was terrible and had a worse record but Bowles is worse imo.

Sent from my iPhone using JetNation.com mobile app

Trust me when I say Kotite was far worse than Bowles. I always thought Bowles was the type of coach that wouldn’t make a team better or worse than what they whereas Kotites presence actually made the team worse.

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18 minutes ago, Peace Frog said:

We should probably crucify Bowles. 

And Mac. 


And again.

Start several threads on it. 

Maybe even crucify our best player. 

That’s always fun. 

And productive. 

Who'd you have in mind?



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1 hour ago, Peace Frog said:

We should probably crucify Bowles. 

And Mac. 


And again.

Start several threads on it. 

Maybe even crucify our best player. 

That’s always fun. 

And productive. 

well we could always have him arrested for stealing money from the organization :)


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4 hours ago, Peace Frog said:

We should probably crucify Bowles. 

And Mac. 


And again.

Start several threads on it. 

Maybe even crucify our best player. 

That’s always fun. 

And productive. 

I think you’re finally catching on to how things work around here.

depressing isn’t it?

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1 minute ago, Patriot Killa said:

I think you’re finally catching on to how things work around here.

depressing isn’t it?

To be fair, this thread isn't really calling out previous coaches.  It was asking about differences and I've already learned some interesting things like the communications via headset, etc. that were mentioned.

I also know someone posted something about a large video screen on the practice field being used to show players immediately what they were doing right or wrong.  It was mentioned that this was something new that wasn't done previously.

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4 hours ago, Peace Frog said:

We should probably crucify Bowles. 

And Mac. 


And again.

Start several threads on it. 

Maybe even crucify our best player. 

That’s always fun. 

And productive. 

Worst... Haiku.... ever....

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13 minutes ago, jetstream23 said:

To be fair, this thread isn't really calling out previous coaches.  It was asking about differences and I've already learned some interesting things like the communications via headset, etc. that were mentioned.

I also know someone posted something about a large video screen on the practice field being used to show players immediately what they were doing right or wrong.  It was mentioned that this was something new that wasn't done previously.

It’s a good thread. I was just speaking in general lol. 

Its usually just has he explained it to be around here.

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13 minutes ago, jetstream23 said:

To be fair, this thread isn't really calling out previous coaches.  It was asking about differences and I've already learned some interesting things like the communications via headset, etc. that were mentioned.

I also know someone posted something about a large video screen on the practice field being used to show players immediately what they were doing right or wrong.  It was mentioned that this was something new that wasn't done previously.

It’s a good thread. I was just speaking in general lol. 

Its usually just has he explained it to be around here.

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Just listen to the players. It’s like we have real coaches this year. Leo’s a nice guy so he was trying his hardest not to throw Bowles under the bus during his press conference.


The Jets are easily the best team in the division. Possibly the entire league but I’m trying to stay conservative. You know...Keep expectation low and everything.

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8 hours ago, WayneChrebet80 said:

Trust me when I say Kotite was far worse than Bowles. I always thought Bowles was the type of coach that wouldn’t make a team better or worse than what they whereas Kotites presence actually made the team worse.

No sorry I wont trust you ... Kotite had some good seasons with the Eagles and he had some very good seasons as the Jets OC before he went to coach the Eagles. He came to the Jets when they were pretty much in the toilet and starting a re-build 

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8 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

well we could always have him arrested for stealing money from the organization :)


I looked at Maccagnan and for some reason I always just thought “Waiter”... in a restaurant.

Just never seemed to be someone who should be making decisions, just the opposite, and not surprisingly that was quickly one of Gase’s major gripes...the guy can’t make a decision (maybe because he’s an Idiot who was about to be fired in Houston, but that’s besides the point...Man, looking at that draft record and knowing it was “accomplished” by watching 10x more film than any GM in the league, who’d hire this guy again in the NFL?....for ANY position.)

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Interesting how Gase is during games, clock managing, etc. Bowles wasn't so good at that. Gase seems like a smart guy, will hopefully make good clock decisions, time out decisions etc. Don't know how he was at this in Miami, but i am hoping for improvement after our last few coaches.

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13 hours ago, WayneChrebet80 said:

Trust me when I say Kotite was far worse than Bowles. I always thought Bowles was the type of coach that wouldn’t make a team better or worse than what they whereas Kotites presence actually made the team worse.

I was at every single home game during the Kotite years. I even had a shirt that said " Ditch Rich"  lol 

I know how terrible he was, but it almost seemed like he just ran out of answers as a declining offensive mind. He was ok with the Eagles for a bit and was a very good OC before that. Bowles hired two OC's off of the retired scrap heap and had an entire org of guys who couldn't coach due to his low self esteem.  Bowles had no chance to really be a good HC even though the Fitzmagic almost made it look good for a min. Katie was a massive failure as our HC. Bowles  It's a different level of Sucktitude from Bowles. Just ask Pepper Johnson. 

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