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Saquon Barkley, Sterling Shepard: Giants game boycott not ruled out

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1 hour ago, predator_05 said:


These 'protests' aren't strikes, nor are they withholding of labor. Not even close.


These protests are effectively FUNDED and endorsed by the franchises themselves, and the NFL has publically endorsed the use of its platform for demonstrating a particular message. A paid protest is NOT a protest, it is a glorified public relations campaign


Not a single NFL player risks losing salary or employment for supporting an NFL and Nike-endorsed cause. They are not FORFEITING ANYTHING. When jerry jones and roger goodell kneel with you, your protest is NOT a protest. You're an advertisement, at best. This is not 'upward pressure', it's the exact opposite. Protests aren't supposed to elicit claps and cheers from the elites. No employer is hurt by this.


To explain this point in a different way, think of Colin kaepernick in 2016.

He risked EVERYTHING - salary, future employment, public image, relationships within the industry - to take a knee during the national anthem for what he felt was a legitimate, anti-establishment cause. He risked everything, and he LOST everything. It infuriated america, drew widespread anger (from everywhere) and got him kicked out of the league. 

THAT was a real protest.

Or at least, it was... Until Nike eventually turned up, and converted Kaepernick's 'message' into a sh*tty public relations campaign to sell more apparel, LOL: https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/details-of-colin-kaepernick-s-nike-deal-revealed/ar-BBMQbFa


This is the story of capitalism in the united states: any genuine movement that argues in favour of welfare is immediately corrupted and killed by corporate and political elites. I believe academics would refer to this as "Compassionate capitalism"...or "capitalism, with a conscience." 

I refer to this as, threatrical bullsh*t. And so should you. 

I respect your opinion, and there’s a point to what you’re saying, buuuutttt stopping labor as a way of forcing change/action by the employer is definitively a strike.

Not a boycott.

Calling it theatrical bullsh*t is fine, but that’s an opinion. Not definition.

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56 minutes ago, predator_05 said:


Removing qualified immunity does nothing, by the way. Cosmetic change, at best. 


Most americans didn't even know what 'qualified immunity' was until this year's election campaign..LOL 

It’s the main reason most cops get off on civil charges against them but ok

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1 minute ago, CTM said:

what lol

I'm with you on the whole gullible americans things that the elites pit against one another  but you seem to have gone off the rails here. Authorized to rape?



How many states have strong laws that explicitly criminalise sex between police and detainees in custody? Without the loopholes relating to established consent? 


I'm not alleging this is common practice. But police can - and have - gotten away with this. Many times.

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20 minutes ago, bgivs21 said:

Never told you what your thinking, only said I don't think you grasped the point of the video I posted. 

I don't understand what you're trying to get at? You asked me about that kid and I showed you that he wasnt running at the cops but rather walked to them with his hands up. Instead of admitting that you had the narrative wrong about what happened you bring up George Floyd? 


You sat there said there is no winning with someone who thinks along my lines??

I clearly said what I and who I was criticizing. I wasn't blaming all cops.

Ok the kid walked toward the cops with his hands up, you are right.  As i  said before that scenario does not always work out for all citizens of the United States going back to my main point. All killings of unarmed Americans are not just. 

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7 minutes ago, predator_05 said:



How many states have strong laws that explicitly criminalise sex between police and detainees in custody? Without the loopholes relating to established consent? 


I'm not alleging this is common practice. But police can - and have - gotten away with this. Many times.

I'm done, the blog you posted as your evidence fails to mention that those 2 NYC detectives were arrested and chraged with rape and kidnapping. No where in the US is it legal to rape someone, whatever your profession is. 

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10 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

I respect your opinion, and there’s a point to what you’re saying, buuuutttt stopping labor as a way of forcing change/action by the employer is definitively a strike.

Not a boycott.

Calling it theatrical bullsh*t is fine, but that’s an opinion. Not definition.



Explain to me how the action proposed by NFL/NBA players - is definitively a stopping of labor? 

If players are being encouraged and supported by franchises and the league's governing authority to 'protest' and skip games - then they aren't stopping anything. They're simply acting within employer-defined boundaries

they're effectively meeting job responsibilities on company time. The job responsibilities have been redefined - from playing football to making statements on camera. In other words, the factory still runs, but on a different schedule. 

In this case, not playing doesn't equate to a stoppage of labor. 


Remember: There's NO SUCH THING as an an employer-backed strike. 



Now...You could argue that the franchises (and league) were provoked into upping their 'corporate social responsibility' by Colin Kaepernick's 2016 action. But that action represents the absolute limit of 'provocation' that can be attributed to the employee. Everything else that followed since, was corporate and political opportunism. Including everything you see today. 


In summary,

This is an officially-sanctioned public relations campaign led by the NFL, it's franchises, and corporate affiliates. It might be a 'worthy' cause, and it might be for the 'greater good', but its a PR campaign at best

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54 minutes ago, HessStation said:

It’s the main reason most cops get off on civil charges against them but ok

Many academic studies predict little to no change:



In a nutshell: Governments and police review their risk management and continue doing what they're doing. 

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4 hours ago, Gastineau Lives said:

I GUARANTEE you I have had more intimate personal relationships with Black people than you have.

You're not racist, you have black friends.

4 hours ago, Gastineau Lives said:

So go cry racist somewhere else, you narcissistic piece of sh*t, because that's exactly what you were implying.

You said what you said.  

4 hours ago, Gastineau Lives said:

You're not better than me.

I'll leave that to the God/Gods to decide.

4 hours ago, Gastineau Lives said:

Facts do not sit in your favor. So, what do you have? The little num num your brain gives you when you point fingers like a little girl in Salem. 

The Lady doth protest too much, methinks.

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8 hours ago, CTM said:

Most of you guys will be back the minute they play again. I dont understand why people get so upset about these things. They have the right not to play for whatever reason they deem and you have the right not to watch anymore if you decide. Getting all worked up and issuing loud but ultimately hollow threats seems silly but also wrong. It's an attempt to coerce or control. Just quietly tune out or respect thier right to make a statement imo.

Plenty of other things to do for entertainment. Speaking of which anyone have an ETA on strip clubs reopening?



The players are using their right to free expression.   Fans have the same rights.

As far as boycotting games, I ve got 3 big screens set up for Sunday’s.   The year they kneeled I cancelled DirecTV and didn’t watch all season.  A lot of others did as well, and finally the NFL responded to the declining ratings by “ encouraging” standing.

I know a lot of fans of all sports are over these over paid nit wits and their BS.  See what kind of ratings the NBA gets the rest of the playoffs.  You want to bet that they are down?

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9 hours ago, Biggs said:

When my father was born and he's still alive women didn't have the right to vote.  Change, even incremental change that's on the margin impacts people sometimes takes a very long time.  Your lifetime is irrelevant in the course of human history.  Dialogue leads to action and coalition building.  Coalition building leads to voting blocks.  Voting blocks lead to change.  It's a long slow process.  Not that much different from building a perennial losing football team that somehow turns into a dynasty overnight.  It didn't really happen overnight, it just looks that way in the moment. 

These youngins don’t know squat about how real racism was back in the early 60’s and even then was light years better than the 50’s. Change is like watching paint dry. Well stated. 

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3 hours ago, JiF said:

67 Best Black Lives Matter images in 2020 | Black lives matter, Black  lives, Lives matter

Anyone can protest when ever they want, if their employer allows it.

I personally don’t care or want to know about politics when I pay for entertainment, so when athletes or musicians try to share their opinions, I find other ways to be entertained.


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1 hour ago, Warfish said:

You're not racist, you have black friends.

You said what you said.  

I'll leave that to the God/Gods to decide.

The Lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Yup, same old tropes. You really are trash. You take a great thing like racial equality and pervert it to serve your own ego. You fool no one. I did say what I said and I stand by it. 

In your version of reality there is NO DEBATE. Either you believe things that are not true, statistically or turn a blind eye to hypocrisy when it stares you in the face or you're a racist. That's ******* evil. You're a dark person. You are not light, you are not compassionate. It's all about you. You do nothing. You point fingers and DO NOTHING. 

Have you ever once railed against black on black crime? I bet not. You know why? Because it doesn't give you that little endorphin hit you get when you blame white people (and yourself, you flagellant) for EVERYTHING. You dont' talk about black and black crime because you LOVE IT. It give you one more thing to shake your head about and blame white people for.  If it disappeared tomorrow, you would miss it. 

The problem here is that your point of view has as its base something that is noble and wonderful and you use that base as a sledgehammer to bash anyone in the forehead that sees a set of circumstances and interpret them differently, rendering any exchange of ideas impossible. It's totalitarian. But it feels good, I bet.

I could tell you my girlfriend was black, my FIRST girlfriend was black, my best friend was black, ALL my friends are black, my lawyer is black, my accountant is black, etc and you'd still be like i HaVe BlAk FrEnDs. You know why? Because it's never enough, if someone disagrees with you, it's never enough because it CAN'T BE. There has to be leverage and it provides none. You need the num num. 


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7 minutes ago, Wonderboy said:

These youngins don’t know squat about how real racism was back in the early 60’s and even then was light years better than the 50’s. Change is like watching paint dry. Well stated. 

Access to better schools via school choice and eliminating redlining. Actually change. Actual sacrifice. Never happens though.

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13 minutes ago, Bowles Movement said:

Anyone can protest when ever they want, if their employer allows it.

I personally don’t care or want to know about politics when I pay for entertainment, so when athletes or musicians try to share their opinions, I find other ways to be entertained.

Shut up and dribble! 

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5 minutes ago, JiF said:

You tell’em!!!  Now hide those fake tears and bull sh*t fears and go do the only thing you’re good for and score me a TD!!!!

Yep fears and tears are facts! Anyone that is afraid or upset about anything is ALWAYS right! 

I wonder why Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Allen West, Rev Jesse Peterson, Thomas Sowell, etc aren't afraid. Are they not black? Why aren't they crying?

Where are the tears or the fears for the hundreds of black people that are slaughtered by other black people like it's ******* free? Who's taking a knee for them? Who's stopping games for them? Who's looting for them? 

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50 minutes ago, Bowles Movement said:

The players are using their right to free expression.   Fans have the same rights.

As far as boycotting games, I ve got 3 big screens set up for Sunday’s.   The year they kneeled I cancelled DirecTV and didn’t watch all season.  A lot of others did as well, and finally the NFL responded to the declining ratings by “ encouraging” standing.

I know a lot of fans of all sports are over these over paid nit wits and their BS.  See what kind of ratings the NBA gets the rest of the playoffs.  You want to bet that they are down?

It's pretty obvious sports, tech (including social media), Hollywood, and business (except MyPillow) have made a choice here.

They don't really care all that much if they lose a certain portion of the country's support.

It could be a decency thing... but more likely a business call.  More folks n money on the other "side".  And then globally as well, which could be even more important.

Trade most of the world for a third of Americans?  Na.

So no need for folks to complain.  Just stop watching,  stop using the services/businesses.

It's very simple.  If some folks don't like it, don't participate.

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9 hours ago, Gastineau Lives said:

And their unhappiness is based on something I do not respect.


1 hour ago, Gastineau Lives said:

I did say what I said and I stand by it. 

Then you have no reason to get so worked up, do you?

You said it.  You stand by it.  Why would you care so much about what I, a random piece of "trash" on the internet, as you called, think?

You have a great evening.

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