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Raiders DL Carl Nassib comes out as gay. (No mention of Bill Belichick being a scumbag)

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3 minutes ago, dbatesman said:

lmao I somehow missed this the first time around, what the actual ****

Yeah it's an insult to everybody I named isn't it? Just think about it we hired you cuz you're a black woman. We hired you because you're a gay man? Do you understand where I'm coming from? It's insulting the integrity of the people involved. The corporation's make you hire people of different genders races and sexual orientation to protect themselves from lawsuits.

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3 minutes ago, choon328 said:

If you think society has accepted this style of life you're dreaming. Maybe in your little bubble that's true but in society it's not.  There are entire religions who are not accepting. Evangelicals and Catholics make up about 180 million people in America and neither of them are accepting of LGBTQ. There may be a minority in these groups who are accepting but the majority don't agree with that lifestyle. But again, it's about the internal struggle and the strength it takes to come out in a society that is largely not accepting of that lifestyle.

Are you living in 1980?

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20 minutes ago, choon328 said:

If you think society has accepted this style of life you're dreaming. Maybe in your little bubble that's true but in society it's not.  There are entire religions who are not accepting. Evangelicals and Catholics make up about 180 million people in America and neither of them are accepting of LGBTQ. There may be a minority in these groups who are accepting but the majority don't agree with that lifestyle. But again, it's about the internal struggle and the strength it takes to come out in a society that is largely not accepting of that lifestyle.

I should make my struggles public, because people need to know.

You also mentioned Catholics, well, what a crock of $hit! How many kids were or have been molested by priests? Evangelicals? Preachers becoming wealthy in name of a supreme being. It's all crock! Those people should have zero opinion on gay, and if they do, screw them!

Professional athletes declaring their homosexuality is not a new thing. Any athlete coming out nowadays should be treated as a normal and not a headliner.



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8 minutes ago, freestater said:

Got it. You think conformity and homogenization are laudable attributes. People who are different should shut their mouths and hide in anonymity. It disturbs your little worldview so everyone should just be quiet to make you feel all warm and uncontradicted. Yup. Got it. 

No not at all but apparently you think so highly of yourself that you can sum me up off of a post on the internet about football. Yep. Got it. you are the FreeStater! Internet Warrior-

What I actually said is I've been over it for years everybody needs to stop having a parade focused on their differences like they're an eight-year-old at their birthday party.

Unless you think it's a good idea that we have an internet Warrior day?

Then you can leave your mommy's basement to prance around, and have your own little day! LOL

Go take a shower and change your socks... maybe take a pull off your asthma inhaler LOL.

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1 hour ago, pointman said:


But you posted about it here so you did think something about it. Also, 2nd gen.. I would hope he spoke perfect English since.. you know.. he's American.. and you know.. born here. 

But, but.., he didn’t look Merican.

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42 minutes ago, choon328 said:

If you think society has accepted this style of life you're dreaming. Maybe in your little bubble that's true but in society it's not.  There are entire religions who are not accepting. Evangelicals and Catholics make up about 180 million people in America and neither of them are accepting of LGBTQ. There may be a minority in these groups who are accepting but the majority don't agree with that lifestyle. But again, it's about the internal struggle and the strength it takes to come out in a society that is largely not accepting of that lifestyle.

Honestly, why would anyone care what other people do in their personal life. 

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16 minutes ago, freestater said:

"Internet tough guy" 

You're literally the only jackass here wailing uselessly to the void about all these awful gays being proud about who they are. I'll discontinue this now, because your little "prancing" comments fly way to close to ignorant bigoted sh*t I've heard for decades. 

Sorry that gay people existing hurts your feelings so, snowflake. 

Did totally not even close! I will even make amends with you and apologize hey. You completely took me wrong. All I was trying to say is that we all are who we are and there should just be acceptance. Maybe in my slight tirade I worded it wrong but that's actually what I meant if you read through it.

I honestly have nothing against anybody and what I was trying to say is all the segregation keeps us down the celebration of everybody's differences points out that we're different instead of focusing on what we have in common.

I'm not here to be PC, I just tell the truth from my own experience and day-to-day life. And if you take shots at me I'm not going to take it lying down.

I don't mean to be a disruptor I was just having fun and just forming my own opinion. No big deal dude I'm excited about the Jets. And if one of our players is gay I really don't care. And if one of our coaches is a female I still don't care and if one of our coaches is a black female I don't think it needs to be celebrated. If the woman works hard to get where she's got to be then more power to her.

 I'm only interested in football. My point was everybody doesn't need some kind of party, parade, or celebration to recognize their individuality.

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18 minutes ago, DetroitRed said:

Some here are so ignorant. This will open the door for the first player to come out as straight

Thank you and exactly! I'm a dad and I do what I'm supposed to do I fought for custody of my children and I've worked my whole life and I'm a white man in his late forties where is my goddamn parade!?

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