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Wilson's Game Film

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5 hours ago, Biggs said:

Zach hasn't been good and most of the time he's stunk it up.  Lefluer took the heat but he didn't hand him the job the day he was drafted before they knew anything about Zach.  That decision was made above his paygrade.  

 Zach was a project when we drafted him.  Instead of treating him like a developmental QB the Jets management told him he was the man.  They blew smoke up his ass from day 1.  They did this kid no favors.  It takes steel nerves to play QB in the NFL and it takes real conviction. You have to drop back look up field, set your feet and throw with choas coming raining down all around you. It's not something that can be handed out through BS or scheme.  NFL Defenses are fast and tough and they look for any signs of weakness.   

He's a really nice kid and maybe a bit niave.   Zach had a real moment of truth last year.  He had the entire offseason to think about it and he wasn't being told he was the man at any time since he was benched last year.

There is no amount of he's our guy BS that's going to make Zach an NFL QB.   Douglas is working the phones while Saleh and Hackett are telling them they believe in him.  Doesn't matter what Saleh and Hackett tell him.  Doesn't matter what the scheme is. This is really about his mental makeup.    He's not the entitled savior.  He's the guy who's getting his last shot.   Zach has to step in and command the huddle like a leader.   He has to keep his eye's down field set his feet and chuck it.  Lefleur and Hackett aren't in the huddle and aren't making the throws.

He did a good job Monday night.  He wasn't the man he was the man's backup.  Sunday is different.   It's his moment to lead a competitive NFL team.  The odds are real small but I'm rooting for him.  The best thing for this team is for Zach to become a terrific QB and right now.   I hope the team ralley's and Zach steps up.  As a Jets fan I've been waiting for one of these QB's to step up since Namath.  It's right in front of him.  

He's just not a good QB.  It's not a crime and it's certainly not hate worthy.  Hope he has it in him to becomes one.  It would be great.

Well,  I don't need to debate this with you silly...

I will see Sunday. Your vast number of words has  no impact on Sunday. 

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11 hours ago, 65 Toss Power Trap said:

I've been depressed since Rodgers went down. I highly doubted Zach would ever be an NFL QB, and thought the only chance he had was to sit behind Aaron for a couple/few years. So when he played Monday, my mental filter viewed everything he did negatively. 

I just watched "Zach Wilson EVERY THROW - Week 1 - New York Jets vs Buffalo Bills Highlights" on YouTube. I'm trying to self-help and take myself off suicide watch, so here are some takeaways. I promise I am trying to positively slant everything towards ZW (thank you Robert S) as much as I can: 

1. The pick was inexcusable. Middle of the field stare down. However, I assume Hackett is going to emphasize "stay away from the middle of the field" and scream at him about the stare downs. It's been well documented how Rodgers doesn't throw picks b/c he stays away from the middle of the field. Rodgers throws lots of screens, check down, quick passes to the edges, and then hits long go routes that aren't interception prone. There's no secret to it. Zach, stay away from the middle, period. The stare down speaks to Zach not being able to mentally handle the game. He did not seem to continue that crap all game long.

2. He did not compound issues after the pick.

3. He had one inexcusable dirt ball. Glad it wasn't more.

4. I assume at all times he is so scared and in the back of his head at all times, but if I'm being honest after looking at the film, he looked more comfortable. 

5. The easy throws and check downs looked okay.

6. The big run backwards avoided a sack, and I hate the running backwards even worse than Peyton.

7. The 3rd down throw to GW to set up the touchdown was great. 

8. Multiple good throws on time.

9. Touchdown to GW was all GW. Not where the ball should have been, but he gave his playmaker a chance. 

10. The offense was set for Aaron. Game prep was with Aaron in mind. Dallas D is legit, but all prep this week revolves around Zach. Nathaniel has had critics, but I think it's night and day between him and MLF in terms of now having more competence with the OC.

11. The o line was not great.

All this is to say, I might actually watch the game Sunday. 


10 hours ago, Sonny Werblin said:

When I watched his throws yesterday, I was struck that when I was removed from the emotion of the game, he seemed to have far less bad plays. If he played like that last year, he probably never would have lost the starting job. Don't get me wrong, he was not great or even very good by any stretch of the imagination. But it was a marked improvement over where he was last season when benched.

What I liked most was all of the interactions on the sideline. Last season Wilson would plop himself down on the bench next to White or Flacco and stare blankly into a tablet. Monday night his teammates spoke with him about what was happening on the field and were encouraging to him and, more importantly, Hackett was right there with Zach explaining what was wrong on the bad plays and how to fix things. 

I do not want to blame MiLF for everything that went wrong on O last season, but man on man I can feel the dynamic is different with Hackett.  Rodgers also has a hand in that obviously, but we all know from Rodgers that Hackett is a great guy who brings a lot of joy to his job. Positive energy was something that was lacking under the route tree memorization obsessed MiLF.

Good posts by both of you but lets not forget this is about the big picture not just one game that was barely serviceable 

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5 hours ago, JiF said:

Thanks for posting, I'd love to see the All22 so I could see what he was seeing down field because nothing was over maybe 15 yards at most, seems to be taking all the underneath stuff, check downs and screens but there is an area where I definitely see some improvement and that's in the pocket and w/ his footwork.  He doesnt look like a spazz back there and carried over from the preseason as well.  I did not see him fade or drift or turn his back to the LOS or any of those inconsistent drop backs.  I in fact, watched him climb the pocket a few times and plant his back foot a few times and stand tall a few times and move forward a few times and not always successfully but he did it.  He had one play where he kind of went a little crazy and ran way back like 30 yards but ended up throwing it away, so that was nice to see.  

The pick was about as boneheaded as anything I've ever seen.  I rewinded it like 10x just to see if I could find some reason to give him the benefit of the doubt but man, it was a bad as it gets. It's one of those where everyone is cringing in the QB room when he's trying to explain what he saw or did on that play.  Yikes.  But other then that....he didnt have any really terrible misses.  His ball placement leaves a lot to be desired but only like one true horrendous throw.  Ran the screen game well.  Only took a couple of sacks and one he kind of got shoelace tackled as he was escaping.  There was improvement for sure and considering the circumstances, I do give Zach credit.  He was the better QB that night in an impossible situation and he helped the Jets comeback and win.  I hope he can build on this and gain some confidence going into Dallas.  He's going to need it.  I'm scared. 



The All - 22 


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I just hope if Zach somehow plays like he did in the win over Buffalo or better and the total team effort repeats itself for the win non believers will get behind our QB instead of criticizing every thing he may do wrong.

Dallas'd D line is a buzzsaw  that if he overcomes then look out!

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2 hours ago, jetsons said:

The All - 22 


Some solid work by Zach under difficult circumstances. He needs to keep his head on Sunday, stay within himself and take what the defense gives him. Hackett needs to go “full protection” for the most important unknown variable on the team which will also allow BH and Cook to find some holes.

It will be a game with a lot of 3 & outs and the kicking game will be of the utmost importance. I could see a 16 - 13 or 40 - 0 game depending on how Zach plays and Hackett game plans.

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15 hours ago, Better2bgreenthanblue said:

I 100% agree but can't help but think some of these 22-24 year old kids just need time to grow up and toughen up. At risk of sounding like an old geezer my dad at 22 was married, 2 jobs and 2 young sons. My sons at 22 were frat boys drinking, chasing tail and figuring out a way to con their old man out of another couple years of the good life. Point is. Maybe Zack needs time....look at Geno, he couldn't tell time at 22 and now he is useful!

Funniest thing I've read in a while!

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3 hours ago, jetsons said:

The All - 22 


Thanks, rather short analysis, only showing a few plays but there was definitely some improvement from Zach, just seeing him plant that back foot and hitting his drop backs, it allowed the timing for those plays to work, it allowed him to have some anticipation which has been a big issue in his career.  And also kudos to Hackett some of those play designs were gorgeous and got guys wide ass open.  You also didnt see the complete breakdown in form w/ all the silly footwork. drifting and back foot lobs, etc.   It's something to build on vs. a team that is probably going to blitz him on every single obvious passing down.  He will need to continue this progress and I'd love to see him make them pay by taking off a few times and picking up some yards w/ his legs. 

That said, I'd like to see him run the ball a little more.  

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1 minute ago, rtnelson said:

He had 4 really good throws.

2 to GW, the corner that he sat inside the 10 and the basic in to pick up a first with right coverage.

2 to Lazard.  One was the post thrown with great anticipation and zip.  The other as he was falling contorting his body to hit him wide open.

A few more 3rd down pick ups and he was hitting the swings and screens in the right spot to keep things moving.

It's not perfect, but with the pressure he was under in that situation in that environment... I thought he DID great, and played pretty okay.

I know it's not a stat.  But that was by far the biggest game of his life, with little practice reps going in, and the absolute deflation of the entire team, stadium, and fanbase with millions of people watching and a dang good defense on the other side. 

That was as thrown in to the fire as there really could be at this point in the year and I thought he handled himself remarkably well even after throwing a boneheaded interception.

Of course we want him to make more plays.  But I'll be damned if that wasn't a gutsy performance.

Honestly as much as I did see improvement, I don’t think it can be overstated just how impossible of a situation he was in that night. I think I’m most impressed with how he responded altogether but especially after throwing a super duper boneheaded pick.  He didn’t let it compound and loose control of the situation, that was Josh Allen.

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Just now, rtnelson said:

He had 4 really good throws.

2 to GW, the corner that he sat inside the 10 and the basic in to pick up a first with right coverage.

2 to Lazard.  One was the post thrown with great anticipation and zip.  The other as he was falling contorting his body to hit him wide open.

A few more 3rd down pick ups and he was hitting the swings and screens in the right spot to keep things moving.

It's not perfect, but with the pressure he was under in that situation in that environment... I thought he DID great, and played pretty okay.

I know it's not a stat.  But that was by far the biggest game of his life, with little practice reps going in, and the absolute deflation of the entire team, stadium, and fanbase with millions of people watching and a dang good defense on the other side. 

That was as thrown in to the fire as there really could be at this point in the year and I thought he handled himself remarkably well even after throwing a boneheaded interception.

Of course we want him to make more plays.  But I'll be damned if that wasn't a gutsy performance.


It was a tough spot for sure. He's physically capable of making some of those great throws. If he was a 4th round rookie that would have been a really encouraging performance but there is a mountain of evidence that he's a lousy qb. I really, really hope he is able to take the jump to passable. My bar for the Dallas game is pretty low - basically if he survives and doesn't singlehandedly blow it ala both NE games last year,  I will acknowledge it as a success. Just go throw for 200 yards 1 td and no turnovers. That's all I ask.

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Just now, Asymmetrical said:


It was a tough spot for sure. He's physically capable of making some of those great throws. If he was a 4th round rookie that would have been a really encouraging performance but there is a mountain of evidence that he's a lousy qb. I really, really hope he is able to take the jump to passable. My bar for the Dallas game is pretty low - basically if he survives and doesn't singlehandedly blow it ala both NE games last year,  I will acknowledge it as a success. Just go throw for 200 yards 1 td and no turnovers. That's all I ask.

rereading this, it is clear that I have entered the bargaining stage

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17 hours ago, Sonny Werblin said:

The question is was the mental stuff an inability of Wilson to pick it up or was it because he had problems with the teaching methods? I feel like with Hackett and Rodgers there is more of a hands on show you on the field dynamic to bringing Zach along whereas with MiLF it was a game film and tell Zach "do this" while sitting in the QB room. I could be wrong because I obviously was not there, but I really got the vibe that rote memorization and film is how MiLF coached players. 

Milfy is/was an azz. He didn’t relate to any players and didn’t tolerate any push back from his coaches.  Good riddance.  Mistake hire and may have ruined an otherwise decent qb.

 As for the initial thread, pretty much agree. Zach threw the one bad int but other than that played well. Even the td pass was close enough. Not good but catchable for all pro type receivers. Some of Zach’s scrambles were sketchy but he was able to get rid of the ball. And the oline wasn’t doing him many favors in pass blocking.  Obviously it’s one game. Let’s see where they are over the next few. Big test in Dallas and another big test against the patsies.

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14 minutes ago, Asymmetrical said:


It was a tough spot for sure. He's physically capable of making some of those great throws. If he was a 4th round rookie that would have been a really encouraging performance but there is a mountain of evidence that he's a lousy qb. I really, really hope he is able to take the jump to passable. My bar for the Dallas game is pretty low - basically if he survives and doesn't singlehandedly blow it ala both NE games last year,  I will acknowledge it as a success. Just go throw for 200 yards 1 td and no turnovers. That's all I ask.

Honestly if he can replicate his 2nd half stats for a full game, even a bit worse this team would win a LOT of games this year.

Off the top of my head BC I'm on mobile.

9/13 69% 99YRD 1TD 0INT something like a 114RTG.

That's a pretty awesome half he played in the comeback win.  Even if he wasn't trusted in absolute crunch time.

I'm not saying that this is what he is now, I'm just saying that I think Hackett is an infinitely better OC for him and I expect him to play much better than we are used to seeing.

If if if he can get time in the pocket when he needs it.

Apparently our OL was giving up a 30% pass block loss rate which is dead last in the NFL week one.  But that could be one of those stats that is... Less important than it sounds. I just saw it shown somewhere.

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1 minute ago, rtnelson said:

Honestly if he can replicate his 2nd half stats for a full game, even a bit worse this team would win a LOT of games this year.

Off the top of my head BC I'm on mobile.

9/13 69% 99YRD 1TD 0INT something like a 114RTG.

That's a pretty awesome half he played in the comeback win.  Even if he wasn't trusted in absolute crunch time.


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1 hour ago, 32EBoozer said:

Some solid work by Zach under difficult circumstances. He needs to keep his head on Sunday, stay within himself and take what the defense gives him. Hackett needs to go “full protection” for the most important unknown variable on the team which will also allow BH and Cook to find some holes.

It will be a game with a lot of 3 & outs and the kicking game will be of the utmost importance. I could see a 16 - 13 or 40 - 0 game depending on how Zach plays and Hackett game plans.

Love Play like a Jet's All 22 breakdowns! Pointing out guys doing the dirty work like Conklin blocking 3 guys on the Wilson to Lazard play!  Wish he, as a side note, pointed out Ashton Davis's key part in springing Gipson for the win. This team is deep and I think it's going to shock people this weekend.

Oh, I appreciate your confidence but I think a 40 -0 shutout is a little too much confidence to ask of our Jets!😃

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1 hour ago, Jetkwondo said:

I just hope if Zach somehow plays like he did in the win over Buffalo or better and the total team effort repeats itself for the win non believers will get behind our QB instead of criticizing every thing he may do wrong.

Dallas'd D line is a buzzsaw  that if he overcomes then look out!

Next two games will be tough for him. He needs to survive both of these games and have the team win at least one for people to start rallying behind the team.


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49 minutes ago, rangerous said:

Milfy is/was an azz. He didn’t relate to any players and didn’t tolerate any push back from his coaches.  Good riddance.  Mistake hire and may have ruined an otherwise decent qb.

 As for the initial thread, pretty much agree. Zach threw the one bad int but other than that played well. Even the td pass was close enough. Not good but catchable for all pro type receivers. Some of Zach’s scrambles were sketchy but he was able to get rid of the ball. And the oline wasn’t doing him many favors in pass blocking.  Obviously it’s one game. Let’s see where they are over the next few. Big test in Dallas and another big test against the patsies.

MiLF was up in the booth last year.

Hackett on the field. After the Zack pick he went over to him and said you f'd up...no big deal.

MiLF would have nothing coachable to say.

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2 minutes ago, Sonny Werblin said:

I've seen many say this because on the FG drive late in the 4th quarter, no pass plays were called. I don't care who was under center. The strategy their is to score AND burn as much time off the clock as possible.

After the pick, the Jets had the ball on the 27 with 4:51 left.

First Down - Hall for 6.

Second down (snapped at 4:08) Hall for 3.9.

Third down (snapped at 3:20) Cook for 0.

Fourth down (snapped at 2:49 with 14 seconds on the play clock - the only time Zach called for the ball with more than 1 second left) Zach for 1.

First down (snapped at 2:06) run for a loss.

The Bills HC, perhaps distracted by his new job of calling the D plays ignored the clock and chose not to take any Timeouts before the 2:00 minute warning. With him taking his timeouts now, there is no way you call a pass play and save the Bills Timeouts. So, more runs and then since it is 4th down, kick the FG. Bills get the ball back with a 1:48 and one timeout - a situation where one sack may very well have ended the game. (BTW, an ideal situation for WMD - was he even on the field?)

So, it is not that they didn't trust Zach in crunch time. Instead they called the plays that the situation dictated. And I would note that they trusted him just fine during the previous TD drive.

Oh I'm fully on board.  And it made complete sense to me even at the time.  The defense was pitching a shutout in the half so IMO it was a no brainer.

Almost every team in the league would have done the exact same thing given the circumstances.  I was mostly trying to placate the "but they didn't even trust him" crowd in order to stay on point.

The kid played quite well in the second half especially given all the circumstances.


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8 hours ago, jetstream23 said:



2 hours ago, Creepy Lurker said:

What’s funny about the passer rating is this is what we were shooting for with Sanchez on a regular basis. Game manager numbers. That’s all that we need. That and for Saleh to develop a foot fetish. 


Achieving that QB Rating required Garrett Wilson making one of the more brilliant circus catches on a disastrous throw.  

Some people really need to squint for positives about Zach.

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10 minutes ago, Sonny Werblin said:

I've seen many say this because on the FG drive late in the 4th quarter, no pass plays were called. I don't care who was under center. The strategy their is to score AND burn as much time off the clock as possible.

After the pick, the Jets had the ball on the 27 with 4:51 left.

First Down - Hall for 6.

Second down (snapped at 4:08) Hall for 3.9.

Third down (snapped at 3:20) Cook for 0.

Fourth down (snapped at 2:49 with 14 seconds on the play clock - the only time Zach called for the ball with more than 1 second left) Zach for 1.

First down (snapped at 2:06) run for a loss.

The Bills HC, perhaps distracted by his new job of calling the D plays ignored the clock and chose not to take any Timeouts before the 2:00 minute warning. With him taking his timeouts now, there is no way you call a pass play and save the Bills Timeouts. So, more runs and then since it is 4th down, kick the FG. Bills get the ball back with a 1:48 and one timeout - a situation where one sack may very well have ended the game. (BTW, an ideal situation for WMD - was he even on the field?)

So, it is not that they didn't trust Zach in crunch time. Instead they called the plays that the situation dictated. And I would note that they trusted him just fine during the previous TD drive.

I agreed with almost all of the runs, but I think you need to take a shot into the endzone on at least one play. Let Zach throw a fade to Garrett Wilson (or even Lazard if he had a favorable matchup)

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7 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:



Achieving that QB Rating required Garrett Wilson making one of the more brilliant circus catches on a disastrous throw.  

Some people really need to squint for positives about Zach.

Garrett Wilson should actually be credited with an INT for peeling that pass away from the defender 

Same as last season, Jets will win when the team can bail Zach out. And won’t when it can’t.

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