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Garrett Wilson unloading on the Jets in his end of season media session

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18 minutes ago, Darnold Schwarzenegger said:

Incoming trade request in 365 days

It's amazing that hasn't happened by now.  I agree that if this happens again next year that GW will want out.  If that happens it will be a true indictment of this organization.

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31 minutes ago, More Cowbell said:

I never understand what good it does for a player to speak like this except to maybe get the media into a frenzy. The truth is, Wilson had an up and down year. He dropped a good amount of passes. We already know we are running the same stuff next year so looking like a malcontent does nobody any good. 

He had a couple of bad fumbles as well that really hurt. He's nowhere near the level of all the serious problems with the offense, but hopefully he also has taken a long look in the mirror.

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3 minutes ago, Augustiniak said:

Maybe rodgers is ok with this.  He wants to win also

If Rodgers wanted to win why would he shot his way off Green Bay and onto the Jets?   Rodgers didn't come to the Jets to win.  He came to rehab his image for after football.  

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Interesting there is one direct quote then a lot of indirect commentary on what he talked about. Would like to see the full transcript to get the specific wording from GW, and also what he said that isn't reported in this very short tweet. E.g. did he reflect on his own performance and what he can do better? Or ignore it entirely? Headline grabbing sound bites don't always tell the full story.

End of the day - GW is not wrong. Offense should not be that difficult. But is he pointing fingers at everyone but himself, or is he saying that everything needs to improve, himself included? Because that would make quite a difference.


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I don't see them trading him unless they get a good offer top ten pick to replace him. We did see him arguing almost every game on the sidelines with Zach and later he had a brouhaha with AR. He also dropped a lot of passes. But it's the way things go with that position WR it's not just Garrett it's many of them. JD and Saleh did bench people in the past for creating problems some of them are gone. But I doubt they have the support of Woody or Rodgers to get rid of him. 

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15 minutes ago, jamesr said:

Interesting there is one direct quote then a lot of indirect commentary on what he talked about. Would like to see the full transcript to get the specific wording from GW, and also what he said that isn't reported in this very short tweet. E.g. did he reflect on his own performance and what he can do better? Or ignore it entirely? Headline grabbing sound bites don't always tell the full story.

End of the day - GW is not wrong. Offense should not be that difficult. But is he pointing fingers at everyone but himself, or is he saying that everything needs to improve, himself included? Because that would make quite a difference.


Pretty straight forward


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28 minutes ago, TheClashFan said:

He had a couple of bad fumbles as well that really hurt. He's nowhere near the level of all the serious problems with the offense, but hopefully he also has taken a long look in the mirror.

This is an excellent point that has gone overlooked.

GW has obvious ball security issues.

When he feels like taking a break from trashing the organization, he might want to focus on “what he can control”, which is addressing his own problem that has hurt the team on more than one occasion.

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3 minutes ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

This is an excellent point that has gone overlooked.

GW has obvious ball security issues.

When he feels like taking a break from trashing the organization, he might want to focus on “what he can control”, which is addressing his own problem that has hurt the team on more than one occasion.

I think Wilson is enough of a pro to recognize this ( and he has in postgames). At least he’s talking and giving an assessment…unlike the QB this season who’s getting a free pass. 

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4 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

I think Wilson is enough of a pro to recognize this ( and he has in postgames). At least he’s talking and giving an assessment…unlike the QB this season who’s getting a free pass. 

zach hasn't played for a bunch of games, why not move on?

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1 hour ago, greenwichjetfan said:

If Rodgers is to miss any extended time next year, the minute he's diagnosed, Hackett needs to go. He can't be the OC here if there's anyone other than Rodgers under center.

Precisely. I started a thread stating they should have done that this year the day after Rodgers went down. And so it begins, Wilson putting the Jets on notice and rightly so. This offense is costing him major coin. No way he will be a Jet for life. Next up Sauce who will most likely have something to say in his post season thoughts. 

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11 minutes ago, JetsMetsRangers said:

I do not blame Wilson one bit.........You surround the Offensive ROFY with nothing to help......Lazard a complete zero.....UZ........A complete zero.......Cobb a complete zero........Ruckert hardly used in the passing game.......Brownlee hardly ever saw the field........Gipson not a real threat.......When Conkling is your next best weapon after GW says it all, pretty piss poor and one of the worst receiving groups in the league....He did drop a lot of balls but he is the only threat and tries to do too much.........Oh i forgot Malik Taylor!......lol!


at least the coach realized lazard was a turd.

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57 minutes ago, More Cowbell said:

I never understand what good it does for a player to speak like this except to maybe get the media into a frenzy. The truth is, Wilson had an up and down year. He dropped a good amount of passes. We already know we are running the same stuff next year so looking like a malcontent does nobody any good. 

I pretty much agree. 

I mean look, GW is a fiery guy with a great desire to win. You gotta love that about him. He wants to be a leader and, in a way, you can view this as leadership. Saying that the offensive play this year was unacceptable. Kudos to him because it IS unacceptable. We've seen this from him a couple of times this season. I've always appreciated it about him. 

However, it also shows a little bit of immaturity. He's a young player and will learn over time that there are better, more productive ways to lead. This really does nobody any good except the media, who get their juicy quote for the day. If you are trying to get out of NY, it doesn't really help you, if you are trying to fire up the other players, it doesn't really help. You don't need to pile on. The guys on offense know how bad this year was for them. They Coaches and GM know changes need to be made on that side of the ball. 

Then again, he's a player, he was asked a question, and he's just being honest. This may just be a nothing burger. I think if you asked ANY player on the offense, in private most would have a similar reaction.  

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33 minutes ago, Biggs said:

If Rodgers wanted to win why would he shot his way off Green Bay and onto the Jets?   Rodgers didn't come to the Jets to win.  He came to rehab his image for after football.  

what do you expect him to do after football?

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1 hour ago, Bobby816 said:

Understandable and he's right. Remember that he isn't used to losing. His HS in TX was great. OSU was great every year he was there. Last year probably just chalked it up to being a rookie and that's why we struggled. But this year he expected more. Rightfully so.

With how embarrassing this season was from a management and coaching standpoint, we need more players to step up and say something.  

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