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Crennel cannot be as good a coach as me. Look how trim and color-coordinated I am. Ask the NFL Network; they asked ME to be on their commercial, joging on a treadmill, not that fata$$. But I keep losing to all these fat Belicick/Parcells guys who obviously don't work out for hours every day. I am a damn handsome man!

Where's Dick Curl? These timeouts are important, I think, obviously.

My laminated sheet has nothing on it again. Gun told me that I don't know d!ck about defense, but this is rubbing it in, obviously.

Who keeps putting Johnny Cash on my headset? Why can't I call play once in a while? I'm not stupid, like everybody says.

Who is this Fredo that Gun and Solari keep talking about on the headset? I gotta ask'em-they don't have a lot of good to say about Fredo, who ever that is.

Who can I blame this on?

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The Cleveland Browns? The Cleveland Browns? That just can't be. How exactly can a team be named the Browns? That's not the name of a team, that's the name of a color.

I have this on pretty good authority, and this came right from my 3rd grade teacher, Miss Honeysuckle, that Brown is a color. She created these special wheels with all the colors and their names and I kept mine taped right on top of my desk.

I did this so I could be the first one in class every day at school (And I had to break in because it wasn't open yet, and I parked down at the convenience store 3 blocks away). I would sit in class and watch the kids come in and I would use that chart. I would say to myself "There is Jimmy, he is wearing BLUE pants today. Suzie has on a BLACK skirt today. Margie has on a BROWN blouse." And that is what I remember, Margie and her BROWN blouse. See, it's a color. And we didn't have NFL merchandising back then, and Margie wasn't wearing a team shirt.

I would follow Margie from class to class. We mostly had the same classes, and that way, I would know where I was going most of the time.

Cleveland Browns? Somebody better tell Margie.

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The Cleveland Browns? The Cleveland Browns? That just can't be. How exactly can a team be named the Browns? That's not the name of a team, that's the name of a color.

I have this on pretty good authority, and this came right from my 3rd grade teacher, Miss Honeysuckle, that Brown is a color. She created these special wheels with all the colors and their names and I kept mine taped right on top of my desk.

I did this so I could be the first one in class every day at school (And I had to break in because it wasn't open yet, and I parked down at the convenience store 3 blocks away). I would sit in class and watch the kids come in and I would use that chart. I would say to myself "There is Jimmy, he is wearing BLUE pants today. Suzie has on a BLACK skirt today. Margie has on a BROWN blouse." And that is what I remember, Margie and her BROWN blouse. See, it's a color. And we didn't have NFL merchandising back then, and Margie wasn't wearing a team shirt.

I would follow Margie from class to class. We mostly had the same classes, and that way, I would know where I was going most of the time.

Cleveland Browns? Somebody better tell Margie.


That is hilarious.

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The Cleveland Browns? The Cleveland Browns? That just can't be. How exactly can a team be named the Browns? That's not the name of a team, that's the name of a color.

I have this on pretty good authority, and this came right from my 3rd grade teacher, Miss Honeysuckle, that Brown is a color. She created these special wheels with all the colors and their names and I kept mine taped right on top of my desk.

I did this so I could be the first one in class every day at school (And I had to break in because it wasn't open yet, and I parked down at the convenience store 3 blocks away). I would sit in class and watch the kids come in and I would use that chart. I would say to myself "There is Jimmy, he is wearing BLUE pants today. Suzie has on a BLACK skirt today. Margie has on a BROWN blouse." And that is what I remember, Margie and her BROWN blouse. See, it's a color. And we didn't have NFL merchandising back then, and Margie wasn't wearing a team shirt.

I would follow Margie from class to class. We mostly had the same classes, and that way, I would know where I was going most of the time.

Cleveland Browns? Somebody better tell Margie.

I have to re-bump this & give it a POTW NOM. I'm still laughing.

There is Jimmy, he is wearing BLUE pants today.

Great stuff, Scott.

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Does that clock say 1:19? That can't be right, Dick told me the game started at 1:00 and its already the fourth quarter. Wait... its moving backwards, how am I supposed to coach a game if they have their clocks moving backwards?

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