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a friend of mine is convinced that favre


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I'm praying he will too

He comes back, and we are damn close to a Superbowl

I'm with you John. Favre seemed to retire too quietly. ;) . If he's healthy and he buys into this offensive scheme I can see great things happening.

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I enjoyed the 1st 11 games greatly

Seems to me you only remember the last 5

I remember all the picks that he was lucky got dropped... or that miracle toss up TD to win the Miami game...

His arm was what made him great... he no longer has it...

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I'm praying he will too

He comes back, and we are damn close to a Superbowl

For the record...

In our gameday chat at thephins.com, we all were hoping Brett came back out after he hurt his thumb. We were more scared of Kellen Clemens.

Should tell you just how good old Brett is these days.

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I'm with you John. Favre seemed to retire too quietly. ;) . If he's healthy and he buys into this offensive scheme I can see great things happening.

He didn't buy into the offensive scheme last year, what makes you think he's going to buy in this year? Do you think he's spending the off-season studying the playbook?

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Really, "friends thoughts" don't really count as a legitimate source.

How can you say that without knowing who his friend is? Maybe his friend is Peter King or Danny Leberfeld. Those are two inside information heavy hitters.

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For the record...

In our gameday chat at thephins.com, we all were hoping Brett came back out after he hurt his thumb. We were more scared of Kellen Clemens.

Should tell you just how good old Brett is these days.

for the record.....we can't wait to watch noodle boy try to go up against ryans defense next year. i'm putting my money on chad having a career ending injury in the 4th quarter that day when bart scott absolutely decimates him. but not before he goes 10/25, 75 yds., 0td, 3 int.

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Farve coming back would just kill this team.

How do you think the other 52 guys would feel going through OTA's and mini-camps and then suddenly Favre shows up at Training Camp ?

Stay retired Brett. You are done.

Brett ain't coming back. Even the anus combo that is Woodybaum understood that Favre's no use to this team unless he stays in joisey -at the facility- and trains as hard as he ever has to get in the best shape of his life. All after surgery, of course.

And Brett knew he had no interest in that kind of commitment. He just wants to be paid big bucks to have fun on Sunday. Not do any of that ugly work stuff.

Screw him.

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Brett ain't coming back. Even the anus combo that is Woodybaum understood that Favre's no use to this team unless he stays in joisey -at the facility- and trains as hard as he ever has to get in the best shape of his life. All after surgery, of course.

And Brett knew he had no interest in that kind of commitment. He just wants to be paid big bucks to have fun on Sunday. Not do any of that ugly work stuff.

Screw him.

Farve did the same in GB.

When he couldnt pull wins out of his backside anymore, GB got rid of his Prima Donna BS. Furthermore, at what cost will his Highness return? It was 12 Mil last season.

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Favre coming back would undermine every positive move we've made this offseason. Ryan knows that, that's why he will not be back with the Jets. If Favre wants to keep doing his feed my ego primadonna two-step and come back from retirement again, by all means he should do it. Just not with the JETS!!!

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