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5 Locked Threads


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Yet I have a feeling that someone this one will turn political and end up being locked. :D

It is a shame. Unfortunately too many people can't discuss things in a civilized manner. So glad we don't allow political and religious talk since we are just a NY Jets site and all.

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My thread seems a lot more appropriate when I was drunk.

And for the record it had nothing to do with politics.

It wasnt political it was just rude. We are leient but thete is a line.

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Yet I have a feeling that someone this one will turn political and end up being locked. :D

It is a shame. Unfortunately too many people can't discuss things in a civilized manner. So glad we don't allow political and religious talk since we are just a NY Jets site and all.

Yeah, bummer my thread got locked when the OP was simply a word of encouragement to a fellow poster. Seems things can get twisted and hijacked in a hurry. I guess folks still haven't gotten recent events out of their systems yet. I applaud the mods here for understanding the emotion and anger many of us are feeling and, unfortunately venting here. This is a community and when an eathquake hits--like it did recently, folks are going to have reactions. Hopefully some starlet will step out of a limo and accidentally offer the world a crotch-shot, or an NFL QB will get caught with Rohypnol...and we can all go back to giggling instead of pontificating.

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Surprising thing is we all accomplished 5 locked threads without teh Falcon!

When he was here there was no need for political talk. The board is over without him. We are going to buy his site and merge the two together.

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