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The Mediots are going TOO FAR with the CLOWN CAR...

Knix Tix

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The mediots are frustrated with the Jets because we weren't stupid enough to show them and the Bills our version of the Wildcat/read-option, etc. Like all Jets fans, I'm hoping that we're getting healthy and saving our best for when it matters. But one thing the mediots don't mention too much is that "we didn't have" 75% of our receiving corps on the field during preseason and were forced to throw an untested rookie in there as our #1 guy.

They don't want to consider that "we did have" a lineman who was as soft as tissue paper. Hunter was supposed to be protecting our QBs, but he was resposible for 3x as many sacks as Mayhem. He said he was expecting to be released since last season, and that's exactly how he played.

I have no respect for 90% of the mediots because what they have seen in preseason is the basis for their evaluation of this team. So who are the clowns here? Rex or the media? C'mon man!

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Gotta love the media - they whined about Mangini being boring and spewing cliches so when they get a colorful coach who doesn't speak in coachese what do they do? Rip him for being exactly what they were pining for when they were stuck covering Mangini's boring ass.

Herm was the perfect media coach - he spewed cliches in a colorful way. :yes:

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Gotta love the media - they whined about Mangini being boring and spewing cliches so when they get a colorful coach who doesn't speak in coachese what do they do? Rip him for being exactly what they were pining for when they were stuck covering Mangini's boring ass.

Herm was the perfect media coach - he spewed cliches in a colorful way. :yes:

What makes it even funnier is the fact that during all of Rex's time here, this has been the most quiet and reserved this team has been yet. Outside of the whole Tebow fiasco (which the Jets should have seen coming, but it's still been entirely the media's creation), there's nothing all that exciting going on. The truth is this is really just the media being pissy that the Jets are no longer creating their headlines for them. Sure the offense sucks ass, but beyond that there's not a whole lot particularly noteworthy, and talking about how much a team sucks only works for so long.

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Look, if the Jets CS and players don't like it, score some TDs and win Sunday. Nothing makes things any better than winning football games. Whether the Post uses a clown car or Mount Rushmore to portray the Jets doesn't matter on Sunday.

Truth be told, this offense looks scary bad. Willong to be proven wrong about that, but the last 8 months has done very little to change that perception. This was a bad offense with a crappy QB in 2011.

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Meh, I don't agree with the picture, but it's sorta like pandora's box, like, at first they, we all loved the "new" Jets bravado. But then, like, by season three, it was time to get down to business, and the hits kept coming but without the wins. Basically when you guarantee stuff and they don't happen, in this town, things will start to go bad fast. It's not suppose to be fair.

And although Rex's mouth sure has ignited the initial fires building up to this point of three years, I truly believe Woody doesn't get enough blame. He, imo, is an idiot.

When Rex is gone in a year or two from now I'll still follow him as my favorite NFL coach not on the Jets.

So with all that said, what's cool about all this is, they get a chance to win a bunch of games and make everyone else stfu.

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I think it's hilarious and like many others have said - if the Jets don't like it, they have a great opportunity to do something about it starting on Sunday.

They should have put Holmes's little weasel head up behind Rex's with a caption balloon saying "don't care which of these clowns is throwin - just throw it to me"

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I don't even understand the "circus" analogy they keep using. What exactly is it supposed to mean?

The team is not talking smack about anyone, no one gets in trouble off the field (legally, or otherwise), we brought in the poster boy of squeaky clean football.

So how does this "circus" thing come into play? Apparently we are the first team ever to have a WR act like a bit of a diva? As opposed to... you know, 31 other NFL teams that have never dealt with that? LOL

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I don't even understand the "circus" analogy they keep using. What exactly is it supposed to mean?

The team is not talking smack about anyone, no one gets in trouble off the field (legally, or otherwise), we brought in the poster boy of squeaky clean football.

So how does this "circus" thing come into play? Apparently we are the first team ever to have a WR act like a bit of a diva? As opposed to... you know, 31 other NFL teams that have never dealt with that? LOL

You're right sto - we have been altar boys since last season. Rex has kept his mouth shut and almost nobody went to the s-can. It's the friken Post - a small step up from the National Enquirer. This whole pre-season the media insanity with "Tebow/Sanchez controversy" has shown that the vast majority of the media (including NFL channel and ESPN paid professionals - they should start inserting laugh tracks) are far less aware of reality than many fans and their "scoops" are drivel.

That said - it is a funny pic that's based on the sentiment by many that the Jets will suck this year. All we have to do is play much better football than we've let on that we'll be able to. Hopefully that starts Sunday.

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The reality is, this is NFL Football now. Its a 24/7, 365 event. Which consequently leads to reporting on the gum sticking to the bottom of Tim Tebow's shoes. With NFLN covering the sport year round, the media needs sh*t to stir up to fill up air time. With social media and instant updates on everything, this is what happens. Every little anything is news worthy because WTF else is their to talk about?

Throw in the fact the Jets play in the largest media outlet in the world, with a boisterous HC, a team who likes to talk (whether they are now or not, perception is reality) and Tim Tebow and BOOM!!!! - you have a 24/7 media frenzy.

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Clown-car Jets can upgrade to VIP ride like Giants did

They don't much like the image they've crafted for themselves through their hijinks and their low comedy, through their coach¹s over-the-top confidence contrasted with their intramural rival's under-the-radar style.

"We are professionals," Darrelle Revis said not long ago, standing inside the Jets' locker room at their practice facility. "This isn¹t some fraternity house. We conduct serious business in here."

Revis does. Most of them do, despite the occasional bursts of buffoonery that make their way out of the locker room and onto the back page. The Jets' daily outfit of choice really does involve helmets and shoulder pads and mouth guards and cleats; it only seems to comprise of floppy shoes and red noses and funny hats and water-squirting carnations.

They want to change that perception. The good news? They have perfect role models to emulate, headquartered half an hour north of them in New Jersey, based just a few yards up the hallway at MetLife Stadium, because if any group can provide a perfect blueprint for how to alter the conversation surrounding themselves, it's the Giants

Read more: http://www.nypost.co...M#ixzz25Y0vdW7c

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Look, if the Jets CS and players don't like it, score some TDs and win Sunday. Nothing makes things any better than winning football games.

when the newspapers write great things about the JEts, they crash. Put em in a clown car, put em 23rd in the power rankings, this is all good stuff for the Jets locker room.

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Clown-car Jets can upgrade to VIP ride like Giants did

They don't much like the image they've crafted for themselves through their hijinks and their low comedy, through their coach¹s over-the-top confidence contrasted with their intramural rival's under-the-radar style.

"We are professionals," Darrelle Revis said not long ago, standing inside the Jets' locker room at their practice facility. "This isn¹t some fraternity house. We conduct serious business in here."

Revis does. Most of them do, despite the occasional bursts of buffoonery that make their way out of the locker room and onto the back page. The Jets' daily outfit of choice really does involve helmets and shoulder pads and mouth guards and cleats; it only seems to comprise of floppy shoes and red noses and funny hats and water-squirting carnations.

They want to change that perception. The good news? They have perfect role models to emulate, headquartered half an hour north of them in New Jersey, based just a few yards up the hallway at MetLife Stadium, because if any group can provide a perfect blueprint for how to alter the conversation surrounding themselves, it's the Giants

Read more: http://www.nypost.co...M#ixzz25Y0vdW7c

Perfect role models my @ss

For the first 13 weeks the Giants basically backstabbed everyone on their team (Antrel Rolle on Prince ring a bell)

Now they are supposed to be the role model ?

F' that

I really want and hope the Jets go out this year and just start leaving opponents bodies all over the field. Use all this media crap they have been throwing at them and use it to motivate you. Then when you win you tell them all to F off.

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