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My big worry: Michael Vick


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You think Vick would be backing up Smith? 



Yes, I think the Jets will bring in a vet QB who can play but who understands that he is likely (although not guaranteed) to be the backup.  Unlike the Brunells and Garrards of hte world, this guy will actually be able to play. (NOVEL concept, I know).  The question will be whether Vick, at this stage in his career, would be willing to come in with the understanding that he is likely to be a backup  I'm not quite sure about that.  He could probably find a job somewhere.  But, by all accounts, he has been a terrific mentor to Foles and could be an even greater one for Geno.  I'd be all for Vick coming here.

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Yes, I think the Jets will bring in a vet QB who can play but who understands that he is likely (although not guaranteed) to be the backup.  Unlike the Brunells and Garrards of hte world, this guy will actually be able to play. (NOVEL concept, I know).  The question will be whether Vick, at this stage in his career, would be willing to come in with the understanding that he is likely to be a backup  I'm not quite sure about that.  He could probably find a job somewhere.  But, by all accounts, he has been a terrific mentor to Foles and could be an even greater one for Geno.  I'd be all for Vick coming here.


I honestly don't think that any of the available QB's, who can still play, would consider themselves a back up to Smith.  If they don't feel they can beat out Smith, they should probably retire

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Donté Stallworth partied up one night at a hotel, then went upstairs into a room for several hours.  The next morning alcohol was still in his system when he left the hotel in his car.  On the way someone who was going for a bus across the street stepped in front of Stallworth's car.  Stallworth hit the man fatally.  An investigation said that since the guy stepped right in front of the car, chances are he would have hit the man with or without alcohol in his system, but allowed for the very very small chance that without the alcohol, Stallworth might possibly have pulled off a lifesaving maneuver.  Stalllworth lost his license forever, but didn't go to jail.


Frankly it looks to me like the guy just stepped in front of Stallworth's vehicle and the alcohol didn't make a difference,  but because someone is dead he has to get punished anyway.


The Stallworth case and the Vick case have nothing to do with each other.

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First off, it's kind of a leap to assume the Jets will sign Vick anyway. It's an even bigger leap to assume that he would start over Geno. I wouldn't mind Vick being a mentor to Geno, given that, as someone else suggested, Geno is kind of a poor man's version of Vick.


About the dog-fighting thing, I don't think it would be a distraction. Big Ben raped a woman and then won a Superbowl, and it didn't seem like much of a distraction. I'm not saying that dog-fighting is a good thing, but Vick has paid the price and everyone has seemingly forgotten about it, including me. As for Big Ben, that's an even more horrendous crime, and yet somehow Steelers fans forgave him and kept buying his jerseys. Go figure.

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I just ordered Chinese food. I'm the white Vick



I have actually eaten dog --  in three countries.  Only once, knowingly though, so deduct half a point for that. I have seen live animals beaten to death (or near enough to be cooked) before my eyes many, many times before chowing down on them.  I am the real, Ima gonna eat your children (or is it chicken?) mofo white Vick.  


Edit:  To add to my already illustrious resume, I was once the self-proclaimed "fastest white human".  Take that and shove it T0m Shame.  

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Donte Stallworth killed in a man in a drunken stupor in his Bentley and that situation didnt matter 15 mins later. Stallworth didnt even serve the time for killing dude for driving drunk. Michael Vick however kills a dog(s) serves his entire sentence, apologizes and for years have never gotten in trouble and still this is an issue. 



Ignoring the whole value of a human life vs a dogs, (although in many cases, I'd value the dog), there is a very big difference between a drunken mistake and serial torture. If Vick had run over a dog in his car and Stallworth had spent years torturing and killing dozens of humans, you think their respective fallout would be the same?

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Donté Stallworth partied up one night at a hotel, then went upstairs into a room for several hours. The next morning alcohol was still in his system when he left the hotel in his car. On the way someone who was going for a bus across the street stepped in front of Stallworth's car. Stallworth hit the man fatally. An investigation said that since the guy stepped right in front of the car, chances are he would have hit the man with or without alcohol in his system, but allowed for the very very small chance that without the alcohol, Stallworth might possibly have pulled off a lifesaving maneuver. Stalllworth lost his license forever, but didn't go to jail.

Frankly it looks to me like the guy just stepped in front of Stallworth's vehicle and the alcohol didn't make a difference, but because someone is dead he has to get punished anyway.

The Stallworth case and the Vick case have nothing to do with each other.

The victim was a road laborer...just saying.

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The victim was a road laborer...just saying.


Who was trying to catch a bus...


A Miami Beach police report said Reyes was not in a crosswalk on busy MacArthur Causeway when he was struck by the black 2005 Bentley luxury car driven by Stallworth. The construction crane operator was trying to catch a bus home after finishing his shift around 7:15 a.m.



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Hey - this is a serious question - I am not looking to turn this into a dog killing thread.  But did Vick actually do that?  Kill a dog with his own hands?  I didn't follow that case that closely but I thought it was his house, he knew it was all going on etc but I didn't think he actually killed any dogs himself.


It is terrible either way, I am just curious.


He paid his price, and paying this price therefore un-tortured and un-killed the dogs, so it's all good.  He's now on the same moral plane with people who never did anything bad in the first place.  

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he admitted to his crimes and paid the price. if you think that is not enough, then your criticsm is with the law more so than vick. plus it is a dog. i know we all love our dogs but come on.

Yes, Yes, he paid his price but by no means does that mean I would want to cheer this guy on for anything or on my team.  I would not want a convicted rapist, who served his time, on my team, or a murderer, or a dog strangler, regardless if he served his time after he got caught. 

I am sure if never got caught, he still would having dog fights to this day

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Yes, Yes, he paid his price but by no means does that mean I would want to cheer this guy on for anything or on my team.  I would not want a convicted rapist, who served his time, on my team, or a murderer, or a dog strangler, regardless if he served his time after he got caught. 

I am sure if never got caught, he still would having dog fights to this day


I would argue driving drunk and putting human lives at risk is a much more serious crime, meaning you must find it difficult to root for any NFL team

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Vick has lots of mileage - he relies heavily on his athletic abilities, and he's not a kid anymore. Forget it  - let's just hope that Geno is a young Vick, and get somebody else for insurance. And keep Simms in the mix.


This is the reason to pass on Vick.  BTW Roscoe, you gots chicken?  You gots waffles?

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I would argue driving drunk and putting human lives at risk is a much more serious crime, meaning you must find it difficult to root for any NFL team


yes, so you put anyone who's driven after having a few drinks on the same level as Vick? Stupido

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No, I think he's saying they're worse.


correct. definitely killing a dozen dogs is much less serious than putting innocent human lives--including families and children--at risk. of course i don't mean one or two beers. i'm talking about actual impaired driving.

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I would argue driving drunk and putting human lives at risk is a much more serious crime, meaning you must find it difficult to root for any NFL team

I would argue against that. To me, it's more a matter of intent. A drunk driver is looking to get himself somewhere, not hurt anyone. In fact, I'm sure their goal is to not hurt anyone, as that generally leads to getting arrested. It's dangerous and irresponsible, but it's not the same as soberly deciding to raise dogs for the sole purpose of torturing and killing them for one's amusement.

I'm not saying that Vick hasn't paid his debt to society as it were, but I think an employer certainly has the right to not have such a person be the public face of their business.

Whatever your moral judgement may be, I think the average person is more sympathetic towards a drunk driver than Michael Vick.

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I would argue against that. To me, it's more a matter of intent. A drunk driver is looking to get himself somewhere, not hurt anyone. In fact, I'm sure their goal is to not hurt anyone, as that generally leads to getting arrested. It's dangerous and irresponsible, but it's not the same as soberly deciding to raise dogs for the sole purpose of torturing and killing them for one's amusement.

I'm not saying that Vick hasn't paid his debt to society as it were, but I think an employer certainly has the right to not have such a person be the public face of their business.

Whatever your moral judgement may be, I think the average person is more sympathetic towards a drunk driver than Michael Vick.


a dog is a dog. you don't kick a kid for peeing on the rug. i'd rather kill a million dogs than take a chance with one person's life. but hey, that's just me.

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