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FireJohnIdzik.com hires another banner plane (MERGED)


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The person most responsible for the "CHEATERS LOOK UP" banner that flew over the opening day of New England Patriots training camp? Jason Koeppel – the president of NYJetsFans.com. The 35-year-old is about what you would expect from a diehard. His parents have had season tickets his entire life and he has missed only one Jets home game in the last 27 years.


Koeppel told Yahoo Sports that it cost less than $1,000 (maybe closer to $800) to make the banner happen. That and a little bit of planning was a small price to pay to needle your biggest rival.


"We kept it a secret because we knew that we couldn't trust any Boston-based company to pull it off," Koeppel said. "So we had our guy Ashley Chalmers from Jersey Shore Aerial fly up. It was not easy to pull off. He had to find a Boston area airport to allow him to land his plane and attach the banner. He had to promise that the message on it was nothing negative. … We saw reactions right away. People started tweeting the pics and Pats trolls lost their minds on all of our social media pages."


Without a doubt, it was a memorable moment in the rivalry between two of the NFL's most committed fan bases. And if Patriots faithful plan to retaliate, Koeppel said he welcomes it.



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How every Jets fan here doesn't support all of the efforts that the Fire Idzik crew has put forth is truly beyond me. The only thing that I can see it being is jealousy-that THEY didn't think of it, that THEY can't afford to do it, that some OTHER Jets fan is somehow calling all of this attention to themselves just ain't FAIR!!! They should be seen as the moral center of this group of sad but fair-playing losers-BULLSPIT! I'm sick of the way the Jets are shown from draft day and all of the attention seekers who slap their foreheads in disgust after every 1st round draft pick since forever-just to make it on ESPN or the NFLN. How many times has ESPN and the other shown Mark Sanchez smashing into fattie's fat ass and the Patriot hero running it in for a TD? How many times do we have to watch Tom Brady smiling as the confetti snows down on his cheating head that the pundits finally got right in their yearly SB predictions.

Nice guys finish last and I'm sick of being the loveable loser who is OK as long as they beat New England once a year-because WE PLAY FAIR!!! Hey Fire Idzik guys-keep on doing what you're doing you make THIS Jets fan proud and happy with your passion and hatred of the status quo.

Thanks man... As I said before, we are having a lot of fun with it. I understand that our sense of humor isn't for everyone and anyone who sticks their neck out in public is subject to ridicule. Doesn't bother me at all.

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I think it's a nice chuckle.

You guys have been more than respectful with a sense of tact that DOES NOT embarrass the majority of Jets fans. I wasn't the biggest fan of FireIdzick Billboards -not a proponent of anyone losing their livelihood, having to move their family, etc., but he did wear out his welcome amongst fans- but this Cheaters banner has been in good fun and EXPRESSING WHAT THE MAJORITY OF NFL FANS feel concerning the NEPs.

Thanks and keep up the classy work and good-spiritedness of this rivalry.

Suggestion: banner above/behind Pats bench for the home game in December would be LEGENDARY!

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I think it's a nice chuckle.

You guys have been more than respectful with a sense of tact that DOES NOT embarrass the majority of Jets fans. I wasn't the biggest fan of FireIdzick Billboards -not a proponent of anyone losing their livelihood, having to move their family, etc., but he did wear out his welcome amongst fans- but this Cheaters banner has been in good fun and EXPRESSING WHAT THE MAJORITY OF NFL FANS feel concerning the NEPs.

Thanks and keep up the classy work and good-spiritedness of this rivalry.

Suggestion: banner above/behind Pats bench for the home game in December would be LEGENDARY!

Exactly, if they didn't put the Jets signature to the banner it could have from any teams fan base

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How every Jets fan here doesn't support all of the efforts that the Fire Idzik crew has put forth is truly beyond me. The only thing that I can see it being is jealousy-that THEY didn't think of it, that THEY can't afford to do it, that some OTHER Jets fan is somehow calling all of this attention to themselves just ain't FAIR!!! They should be seen as the moral center of this group of sad but fair-playing losers-BULLSPIT! I'm sick of the way the Jets are shown from draft day and all of the attention seekers who slap their foreheads in disgust after every 1st round draft pick since forever-just to make it on ESPN or the NFLN. How many times has ESPN and the other shown Mark Sanchez smashing into fattie's fat ass and the Patriot hero running it in for a TD? How many times do we have to watch Tom Brady smiling as the confetti snows down on his cheating head that the pundits finally got right in their yearly SB predictions.


Nice guys finish last and I'm sick of being the loveable loser who is OK as long as they beat New England once a year-because WE PLAY FAIR!!! Hey Fire Idzik guys-keep on doing what you're doing you make THIS Jets fan proud and happy with your passion and hatred of the status quo.

Let me get this straight. You're sick of attention seekers, yet are supporting attention seekers?

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Thank you guys for the kind words...adding Matt Light to the conversation was an unexpected curveball. Just to clarify a few things..this whole idea was planned and completed by Jason Koeppel. I just helped support the cause a tad lol.  Also, I do not trash hotel rooms nor have I mellowed.. hahaha Hope all is well with everyone..this has the makings of a fun season.



Let me know if you need anyone kicked out of a piano bar.

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Thank you guys for the kind words...adding Matt Light to the conversation was an unexpected curveball. Just to clarify a few things..this whole idea was planned and completed by Jason Koeppel. I just helped support the cause a tad lol.  Also, I do not trash hotel rooms nor have I mellowed.. hahaha Hope all is well with everyone..this has the makings of a fun season.




You did good. Those guys tried baiting you and you didn't fall for it.

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I was on the field yesterday at TC and some really highly respected national reporters were telling me how our prank singlehandedly changed the way that NFL fans across the country view Jets fans... They said we used to be among the most hated fan bases in football but we are now seen as a fun likable bunch.

Those guys on that radio interview emailed us afterwards sayig they hated the banner but it was hard to be mad at us after Tyson was on because we were so respectful.

We said we wanted to help change the way people view our fan base. Looks like it is working.

Yes. People used to look at Jets fans as obnoxious assholes. Now they look at Jets fans as lovable assholes. Progress!

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Let me get this straight. You're sick of attention seekers, yet are supporting attention seekers?

I don't know Tee, is that what I said? I just hate that the Jets are the running joke in the sports media, even the idea of Joe Namath's contributions have become another dart that gets thrown at the team's identity because the best thing that ever happened to the Jets happened before man first walked on the moon. I like that 'we', the Jets' FANS as we're being represented by these guys with a little extra income are giving a two fisted single finger salute to the Pats and their fans, the sports pundits, and their twisted view of our history. I like it.

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The victim mentality of the entire Boston fanbase is almost embarrassing. Considering all the success their teams have had over the past decade-plus, you'd think they'd have thicker skin. 

When your team is constantly accused it becomes a defense reflex to cry 'victim'.  They are some of the biggest whiners in football and they conveniently forget  that before Brady the Pats and Jets were nearly identical franchises.

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Thank you guys for the kind words...adding Matt Light to the conversation was an unexpected curveball. Just to clarify a few things..this whole idea was planned and completed by Jason Koeppel. I just helped support the cause a tad lol.  Also, I do not trash hotel rooms nor have I mellowed.. hahaha Hope all is well with everyone..this has the makings of a fun season.




Tyson - good to see you! Next time you seen BrenJetsFan if she asks, "Do you post?" you can answer yes!  


I hope all is well man, keep up the good work.

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Thank you guys for the kind words...adding Matt Light to the conversation was an unexpected curveball. Just to clarify a few things..this whole idea was planned and completed by Jason Koeppel. I just helped support the cause a tad lol.  Also, I do not trash hotel rooms nor have I mellowed.. hahaha Hope all is well with everyone..this has the makings of a fun season.




You actually did an outstanding job on that call. 

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Their the main rivals of the Jets. It's great that a few Jets fans did this. Patriots are the true cheaters with Shady Brady and Billy Belicheat. Go Jets!


It is amazing, I know that they are the Jets main rivals but yet the Dolphins still register right up there for me on the hate chart.  Maybe it is an age thing?


BTW... Tyson is awesome!

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The victim mentality of the entire Boston fanbase is almost embarrassing. Considering all the success their teams have had over the past decade-plus, you'd think they'd have thicker skin. 

They are the chick everyone thinks is a 10 getting caught in public one day with no makeup being exposed as a 1.

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It is amazing, I know that they are the Jets main rivals but yet the Dolphins still register right up there for me on the hate chart. Maybe it is an age thing?

BTW... Tyson is awesome!

Yup..me too..I dislike dolphins more than pats. Always have. Pats is kinda like a universal dislike. It's like hating the empire in Star Wars. Dolphins always a bigger rivalry to me, too. The 80s. Effin Marino

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Wow - where have I read this all before?  Dude, you're like the interweb version of Fireman Ed.  




This is a nightmare.  With Fireman Ed, he sat a whole stadium level away and all I had to do is go to the bathroom and I wouldn't have to deal with him at all.  These endless, self-serving public gestures and this endless self-promotion in a discussion forum just simply has to stop.  It's worse than email spam.


The Fire Idzik thing was cool.  The rest is shark jumping at its finest.



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The 'fire Idzik' banner wasn't my idea and I thought it was fantastic, read my posts from a year ago.


The 'look up cheaters' banner is horrible, doesn't matter who thought it up.


You have no proper sense of perspective - you know what REALLY is horrible Sar? CHEATING AT SPORTS-cheating at SPORTS cheating at a game , a game that we teach our children that It isn't whether you win or lose it's HOW you play the game. THAT is the PROPER American expression of sports. It has gotten perverted by too many, people and teams who now espouse the Lombardi quote; Winning isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing which is justified by the Patriots and the fans of that team who claim it's all OK because it was said by the man whose name is on the latest trophy in the cheaters display case. A team whose star QB is apparently too good to even show respect for the office of the presidency because he didn't vote for him. That guy is the worst role model and one that my 6 grandsons will NEVER look up to as being anything great or anyone they'd ever try to be like. he's a punk who lets a son run around without his father-what a man. let's all send our money so we can clear his good name. 

            SoFla Jets

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This is a nightmare. With Fireman Ed, he sat a whole stadium level away and all I had to do is go to the bathroom and I wouldn't have to deal with him at all. These endless, self-serving public gestures and this endless self-promotion in a discussion forum just simply has to stop. It's worse than email spam.

The Fire Idzik thing was cool. The rest is shark jumping at its finest.


Poor Sar is gonna have to deal with us AND fireman ed this year... no gate D... Hey, at least there will be a tailgate free parking lot!

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You have no proper sense of perspective - you know what REALLY is horrible Sar? CHEATING AT SPORTS-cheating at SPORTS cheating at a game , a game that we teach our children that It isn't whether you win or lose it's HOW you play the game. THAT is the PROPER American expression of sports. It has gotten perverted by too many, people and teams who now espouse the Lombardi quote; Winning isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing which is justified by the Patriots and the fans of that team who claim it's all OK because it was said by the man whose name is on the latest trophy in the cheaters display case. A team whose star QB is apparently too good to even show respect for the office of the presidency because he didn't vote for him. That guy is the worst role model and one that my 6 grandsons will NEVER look up to as being anything great or anyone they'd ever try to be like. he's a punk who lets a son run around without his father-what a man. let's all send our money so we can clear his good name. 

            SoFla Jets


I don't agree with what Tom Brady did, if you ask me 4 games isn't enough but that's a different conversation.


Regarding the banner, I don't like it, it makes Jets fans look pathetic, it's no different than if Fireman Ed showed up at Patriots camp with a sign that said "Patriots Suck".  It's like pining away after an ex-girlfriend when she's happily married to someone else.  It's embarrassing.



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Poor Sar is gonna have to deal with us AND fireman ed this year... no gate D... Hey, at least there will be a tailgate free parking lot!


I speak for several million Jets fans when I say that we don't need anyone representing us.  We represent ourselves.  And if we wanted a mascot, we'd choose one with a foam head that can't speak. 


If you want to start up a business to make money online, try finding one that isn't in such a competitive space and isn't so seasonal.  Unlike a stadium, there isn't an opportunity to be the Fireman Ed of the internet, another failed business model by the way.



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I don't agree with what Tom Brady did, if you ask me 4 games isn't enough but that's a different conversation.


Regarding the banner, I don't like it, it makes Jets fans look pathetic, it's no different than if Fireman Ed showed up at Patriots camp with a sign that said "Patriots Suck".  It's like pining away after an ex-girlfriend when she's happily married to someone else.  It's embarrassing.




Brady has owned us for 15 years and now it comes out that he may have cheated in doing so?

Not to mention he was a smug pr*ck all the while at the same time?

I thought message on the banner hit the bullseye, all in the name of sport.

We as fans are allowed to voice our opinions, whether in the stands or out in public.

The banner did not say anything vulgar, just sent a message that Jet Nation knows what the score is.

Not your thing... I understand.  Pathetic and embarrassing is a little dramatic, no?

I know the networks loved it.  The ratings for the 2 Jets Pats games will be through the roof.

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The best thing to do is to turn it around and start beating the Pats and jumping over them in the standings. Then no need for banners


I read this and I thought you said:


The best thing to do is to turn it around and start beating the Pats and jumping over them in the stands. Then no need for banners


I thought you were proposing hand to hand combat, lol. Damn I need to get my eyes checked.  :)

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