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CIN Observations


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Not enough grief is being given to Fitzpatrick, Marshall & Decker.  Getting 5
receptions out of that trio for only 69 yards is unacceptable.  Particularly with
all of the off-season "campaigning" that went on to bring Fitzpatrick back and how
great their chemistry was.  I saw too many off target throws and too many poorly
timed routes.  When the running game generates 150 yards and the OLine gives up only
1 sack there should've been ample opportunities to attack CIN secondary.  Enunwa by 
himself had 7 catches, so they need to step up  

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14 hours ago, KRL said:

On the Green TD he was supposed to be double covered.  Revis had outside responsibility and either Gilchrist

or Williams was supposed to have inside responsibility.  Neither player dropped into the middle of the field and

Revis was "burned".  It was very evident when you re-watched the play and Phil Simms did an excellent job

breaking it down

Sure the safety blew the coverage on the play , but the ball was in the air for what seemed like an eternity, Revis had plenty of time to react to the ball and didn't effectively.  Also Green had 12 passes thrown to him with Revis covering and had 12 receptions on those plays, unacceptable for the highest paid player on the team.

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15 hours ago, CrazyCarl40 said:

In no way shape or form would I call the offensive line excellent. Better than expected? Yes. But not excellent.

Then you were not watching the game very closely.  Fitz had plenty of time to throw the ball (which he missed on many occasions BTW), and Forte and Powell had room to run.  They had one penalty all day.  What exactly do you want?

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1 hour ago, KRL said:

Not enough grief is being given to Fitzpatrick, Marshall & Decker.  Getting 5
receptions out of that trio for only 69 yards is unacceptable.  Particularly with
all of the off-season "campaigning" that went on to bring Fitzpatrick back and how
great their chemistry was.  I saw too many off target throws and too many poorly
timed routes.  When the running game generates 150 yards and the OLine gives up only
1 sack there should've been ample opportunities to attack CIN secondary.  Enunwa by 
himself had 7 catches, so they need to step up  

the 'win now' guys lost the game.  bowles needs to incorporate the younger wrs in there so defenses have to worry about speed.

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30 minutes ago, CanadaSteve said:

Then you were not watching the game very closely.  Fitz had plenty of time to throw the ball (which he missed on many occasions BTW), and Forte and Powell had room to run.  They had one penalty all day.  What exactly do you want?

I want a clean pocket. I want no batted balls because guys are in Fitz' face. I want Fitz to be able to stand back there and not have to move around in the pocket almost every single drop back. I watched the game and I watched it closely. Please.

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17 hours ago, CrazyCarl40 said:

In no way shape or form would I call the offensive line excellent. Better than expected? Yes. But not excellent.

Totally agree. They failed on 3 trips inside the 10 to score a TD, I find that very far from excellent. I think KRL is saying they were excellent because our QB did not get killed. We allowed 1 sack, that is not too bad but the RZ offense was putrid.

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16 hours ago, Ohio State NY Jets fan said:

The RB's were better then expected, Forte and Powell might be the best duo  in Jets history (if they stay healthy)

The D-line has a chance at history - scary good



Were you around for Snell and Boozer,Riggens and Boozer or Freeman and Hector?? Hell TJ and Greene lead the league in rushing in 09..

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4 hours ago, Charlie Brown said:

I agree with you on Gailey's job. But many after the game wanted Chan fired.  

Amazing but true.  

Many also think that the best way to improve over Fitz is to play the one QB on the roster we already know is worse than him.

I don't put a lot of stock in what "many" think. Since "many" is generally stupid.

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If Fitz has another dismal performance on Thursday, I would be all in for starting Hack against the Chiefs.  Mean reversion to his career stats is most likely what we are in for this season.  Hack has shown that he has a cannon for an arm, demonstrated toughness in preseason, so, if healthy, I would go for a QB that doesn't, by definition, force us play half the field and one who keeps defenses honest. Here in South Fla all the talk is about Jameis poised to make his move into the elite rung of QBs.  Some of those deep balls throws of his yesterday were incredible, the kind of throws I just wish I can one day see a Jets QB make (again) before they threw me into an old folks home and lock the key.  What do we have?  An aging journeyman who had 1 decent season his entire career but who didn't have what it took to make the playoffs the one time in his life when it was there for the taking.  I have been a Jets fan since Shea days.  I want the Jets to win so bad it hurts.  But after decades of this crap, I am sick of the excuses:  oh, it was this, that, or the other thing.  Denver and the Eagles took a chance with youngbloods at QB, and came out winners.  Time for us to put in a QB at the helm who maybe can actually stretch defenses and does not do dumb sh*t under pressure. Let's find out if Hack is that guy.  Like Al Davis used to say, just win baby.  Excuses are for losers.  We can always go back to Fitz if Hack cannot handle it.  

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There were some positives:

McLendon looks like a keeper.  He's a handful.  And that DL full strength will be a nightmare for teams.

We have a punter.  That's cool.  I guess.

Marshall had a nice return which was cool.

The negatives:

Revis sucks.  That dude is cashing it in these days.  And since BigMac didnt find it necessary to address the CB position, the secondary is ****ed.  

Fitz was erratic and his inability to attack all levels of the field absolutely cripples this offense.  3 WR's caught a pass this weekend. He averaged as many yards in the air as the RB's averaged on the ground.  He might be the easiest QB to defend in the NFL.

Todd Bowles.  Huge ? mark on him right now.  His in ability to adjust is still shining through a year later.  Literally, not a single adjustment the entire game.  Just keep lining up and hoping for the best.  Edit: throw in the personnel issues too.  He couldnt get substitutions down.  Killed them on a long play too. 


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2 minutes ago, FlaJetsFan said:

If Fitz has another dismal performance on Thursday, I would be all in for starting Hack against the Chiefs.  Mean reversion to his career stats is most likely what we are in for this season.  Hack has shown that he has a cannon for an arm, demonstrated toughness in preseason, so, if healthy, I would go for a QB that doesn't, by definition, force us play half the field and one who keeps defenses honest. Here in South Fla all the talk is about Jameis poised to make his move into the elite rung of QBs.  Some of those deep balls throws of his yesterday were incredible, the kind of throws I just wish I can one day see a Jets QB make (again) before they threw me into an old folks home and lock the key.  What do we have?  An aging journeyman who had 1 decent season his entire career but who didn't have what it took to make the playoffs the one time in his life when it was there for the taking.  I have been a Jets fan since Shea days.  I want the Jets to win so bad it hurts.  But after decades of this crap, I am sick of the excuses:  oh, it was this, that, or the other thing.  Denver and the Eagles took a chance with youngbloods at QB, and came out winners.  Time for us to put in a QB at the helm who maybe can actually stretch defenses and does not do dumb sh*t under pressure. Let's find out if Hack is that guy.  Like Al Davis used to say, just win baby.  Excuses are for losers.  We can always go back to Fitz if Hack cannot handle it.  

Marshall and Decker would riot if you tried that plus Petty would be the next guy to get a shot of the young guys who have never played in a regular season game..

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On a related note, Dalton has such a "punch me" face that it gets me sick.  Every time I see him laughing after a score, I'd like to leap into the air and plant a size 12 on his nose.  Yesterday gave me flashbacks to him yucking it up on the sidelines during that ass whipping they gave us a couple of years ago.   

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6 minutes ago, JiF said:

There were some positives:

McLendon looks like a keeper.  He's a handful.  And that DL full strength will be a nightmare for teams.

We have a punter.  That's cool.  I guess.

Marshall had a nice return which was cool.

The negatives:

Revis sucks.  That dude is cashing it in these days.  And since BigMac didnt find it necessary to address the CB position, the secondary is ****ed.  

Fitz was erratic and his inability to attack all level of the fields absolutely cripples this offense.  3 WR's caught a pass this weekend. He averaged as many yards in the air as the RB's averaged on the ground.  He might be the easier QB to defend in the NFL.

Todd Bowles.  Huge ? mark on him right now.  His in ability to adjust is still shining through a year later.  Literally, not a single adjustment the entire game.  Just keep lining up and hoping for the best.  


Agree all around, unfortunately. 

Really hope Revis doesn't suck, and he was victimized on the long TD by not getting the safety help he expected, but he's got to play better overall. Is that wrist still tender? I suspect Burris will be fast tracked into additional reps. 

Fitz is indeed very easy to defend, been saying it all off season. This won't be the last game where the Jets dominate TOP and lose. The Jets offense needs to dink, dunk, and run its way methodically down the field, and if more of those drives continue to end in more kicks and interceptions than TDs, it's gonna be a long, ugly season. Meanwhile, opposing offenses are going to be looking to quick strike against our porous secondary rather than deal with our formidable front. 

Chan changed it up in the second half with the all running drive, which was nice, but yeah, the defense needs to be able to adjust, too. That's the head coach's baby, they have a ton of talent, they need to do better. 

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15 hours ago, bostonmajet said:

The deep ball isn't going to happen with Fitz; it just isn't. Our offense is based on the play of our WRs and Fitz being savy enough to find the open receiver. But, the receivers have to make big plays too. B. Marshall didn't have a good game and Cincy is too good for us to win with our vets not making big plays.

Fitz screwed up numerous short to medium throws - 

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3 minutes ago, slats said:

Agree all around, unfortunately. 

Really hope Revis doesn't suck, and he was victimized on the long TD by not getting the safety help he expected, but he's got to play better overall. Is that wrist still tender? I suspect Burris will be fast tracked into additional reps. 

Fitz is indeed very easy to defend, been saying it all off season. This won't be the last game where the Jets dominate TOP and lose. The Jets offense needs to dink, dunk, and run its way methodically down the field, and if more of those drives continue to end in more kicks and interceptions than TDs, it's gonna be a long, ugly season. Meanwhile, opposing offenses are going to be looking to quick strike against our porous secondary rather than deal with our formidable front. 

Chan changed it up in the second half with the all running drive, which was nice, but yeah, the defense needs to be able to adjust, too. That's the head coach's baby, they have a ton of talent, they need to do better. 

Revis was abused.  He just doesnt look the same.  If it wasnt the long ball, it was Watkins Week 17 all over again.  Huge cushions at the LOS.  It's week 1.  It's not always the best indication of things to come.  Players are rusty and stuff.  I just have seen a lot of that from Revis lately.  Makes me think he's punching the clock.  Every single way he could get beat, he got beat. 

Fitz is what he is and I guess I shouldnt be surprised but man is it frustrating to watch with an offense this loaded.  Sucks.  Really missing a golden opportunity here in Jets land. He legit was scared to throw in the wind.  I saw him bring the ball down multiple times with WR's open and Gailey saw it too.  Hence an entire drive of runs. 

Honestly, I think I'm most concerned about Bowles at this point.  His in ability to adjust in game is still a thing.  You would hope he learned from last year...but no, he's pretty damn stubborn with his approach.  Couple that with the numerous substitution issues and this game has a big finger pointing at him.  They got out played and out coached. Bottom line.  And talent, is not the issue.



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17 hours ago, Lupz27 said:

KRL you make awesome posts, very informative, and accurate assessments, but unfortunately in the NFL this day in age it comes down to which QB is better, and today the simple reason why Cincy beat the Jets is Dalton>>>>Fitz.

1 made plays to win, the other didn't. 

Is Siemian better than Newton?

Is Garoppolo better than Palmer?

Is Shaun Hill better than Mariota?

Is Stafford better than Luck?

Is Smith better than Rivers?


No, it doesn't all come down to the QB. It's a multifaceted game, and yes the QB is the most important piece. But we didn't make any defensive adjustments to their bubble screen game or AJ Green torching us, the secondary didn't communicate or play well, and the kicker was terrible. Fitz was not that good but he did enough to win if the rest of the team did its job.

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2 hours ago, CrazyCarl40 said:

I want a clean pocket. I want no batted balls because guys are in Fitz' face. I want Fitz to be able to stand back there and not have to move around in the pocket almost every single drop back. I watched the game and I watched it closely. Please.

Yeah, none of the batted balls are Fitz' fault.  Its not the fact they are a top 5 defense, or to ask an offensive line to be humanely impossible.

Give it a rest Carl....this act is getting old.  There isn't a person who knows anything about football that would give anything less than an A rating for their performance yesterday.


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1 hour ago, PS17 said:

Is Siemian better than Newton?

Is Garoppolo better than Palmer?

Is Shaun Hill better than Mariota?

Is Stafford better than Luck?

Is Smith better than Rivers?


No, it doesn't all come down to the QB. It's a multifaceted game, and yes the QB is the most important piece. But we didn't make any defensive adjustments to their bubble screen game or AJ Green torching us, the secondary didn't communicate or play well, and the kicker was terrible. Fitz was not that good but he did enough to win if the rest of the team did its job.

In week 1 the answer to every single one is Yes.

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4 hours ago, peebag said:

Fitz screwed up numerous short to medium throws - 

Wasn't talking about Fitz's accuracy; was talking about the long ball - it just isn't there. My point had nothing to his passing (other than including him in the Vets that didn't play well). But, I realize that some people just want to crap all over Fitz - maybe someone will start a Fitz sucks thread you comment on....

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5 hours ago, CanadaSteve said:

Yeah, none of the batted balls are Fitz' fault.  Its not the fact they are a top 5 defense, or to ask an offensive line to be humanely impossible.

Give it a rest Carl....this act is getting old.  There isn't a person who knows anything about football that would give anything less than an A rating for their performance yesterday.


What act? You're delusional if you think the offensive line was an A yesterday. 

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On 9/11/2016 at 8:10 PM, BurnleyJet said:

The Excellent D-line is wasted with that Dog sh@t Defensive Back field. Soft coverage, and worse the Defensive Coaching staff could not adjust, to the Bengals WR screens. That they ran play after play. P@ss Poor! 

Totally agree on those screen plays......no adjustments....cost us the game.

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10 hours ago, FlaJetsFan said:

If Fitz has another dismal performance on Thursday, I would be all in for starting Hack against the Chiefs.  Mean reversion to his career stats is most likely what we are in for this season.  Hack has shown that he has a cannon for an arm, demonstrated toughness in preseason, so, if healthy, I would go for a QB that doesn't, by definition, force us play half the field and one who keeps defenses honest. Here in South Fla all the talk is about Jameis poised to make his move into the elite rung of QBs.  Some of those deep balls throws of his yesterday were incredible, the kind of throws I just wish I can one day see a Jets QB make (again) before they threw me into an old folks home and lock the key.  What do we have?  An aging journeyman who had 1 decent season his entire career but who didn't have what it took to make the playoffs the one time in his life when it was there for the taking.  I have been a Jets fan since Shea days.  I want the Jets to win so bad it hurts.  But after decades of this crap, I am sick of the excuses:  oh, it was this, that, or the other thing.  Denver and the Eagles took a chance with youngbloods at QB, and came out winners.  Time for us to put in a QB at the helm who maybe can actually stretch defenses and does not do dumb sh*t under pressure. Let's find out if Hack is that guy.  Like Al Davis used to say, just win baby.  Excuses are for losers.  We can always go back to Fitz if Hack cannot handle it.  

He went 11 for 33 against the 3rd stringers....stop it.

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11 hours ago, Savage69 said:

Were you around for Snell and Boozer,Riggens and Boozer or Freeman and Hector?? Hell TJ and Greene lead the league in rushing in 09..

I was alive but do not remember the Snell, Boozer and Riggens day but do remember McNeil who led the NFL in rushing with 786 yards...

also said maybe, looking for some positives :)

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6 hours ago, CrazyCarl40 said:

What act? You're delusional if you think the offensive line was an A yesterday. 

Put me down as delusional then.  

You run the ball down a teams throat and protect your QB against that D but complain about balls batted down?  Blaming the line? 


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3 hours ago, Jet Nut said:

Put me down as delusional then.  

You run the ball down a teams throat and protect your QB against that D but complain about balls batted down?  Blaming the line? 


Ditto. You have to wonder sometimes what kind of glasses people are wearing when they watch the games. It's all too human to engage in selection bias when watching events -- i.e., to come into a situation with an emphatic belief and then selectively notice only what supports that belief to the exclusion of contrary evidence. That's pretty much ninety percent of the discussions that rage on boards like this.

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4 hours ago, Jet Nut said:

Put me down as delusional then.  

You run the ball down a teams throat and protect your QB against that D but complain about balls batted down?  Blaming the line? 


It's interesting to me that the blocked FG attempt is blamed on the kicker, while the batted passes are blamed on the OL. 

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12 hours ago, CrazyCarl40 said:

What act? You're delusional if you think the offensive line was an A yesterday. 

Yup okay dude.  152 yards rushing, 5.1 average, 5 rushing plays 10+ yards (4 on the right side our weakest link), 1 sack. I get it, I'm delusional, and so are all the other people on this board.  Have a good one.

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3 hours ago, slats said:

It's interesting to me that the blocked FG attempt is blamed on the kicker, while the batted passes are blamed on the OL. 

It is when you look at the trajectory of the ball when kicked.  It was too low for such a short kick.  You need to kick them like you are hitting a sand wedge. 

But I hear you.  The line keeps Fitz upright, but his passes are continually knocked down. 


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I don't know about anyone else, but I swear I have watched this exact game atleast 100 times over the past 10 years or so! Play well enough to win, give up big plays and the defense can't get off of the field. Lose by a late field goal.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk

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3 minutes ago, kwortman1 said:

I don't know about anyone else, but I swear I have watched this exact game atleast 100 times over the past 10 years or so! Play well enough to win, give up big plays and the defense can't get off of the field. Lose by a late field goal.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk

That's the NFL though.  It's not just a Jet thing it's an NFL thing.

Looks around the league...Week in and week out - many of the games every week are last possession type games.

The good teams win those games, the bad ones lose them.  


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