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NFL viewership is down


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Because it's unwatchable! 

I couldn't even finish watching the 1st half of MNF. The NFL stinks right now. The only really good story is the Vikings. This is the 1st year that I'm losing interest so quickly. If you have no QB, you have ZERO CHANCE because of the pussy rules put in place.

About 1/4 of the teams have decent coaching. The TNF games are horrific. Players sit with hangnails now. There's rarely any emotion anymore, after losses guys joke around, laugh, ignore the press & pick up their checks. A huge number of players could give a sh*t! Look at Revis, the guys made more money than he could ever spend & had the chance to stay with a winner in the Pats but instead of taking less to win at this point in his career, he figures, hell, Belichick actually expects 120%, I've got a ring & why have to try that hard for less money.

Look at Bowles & his wooden Indian pose, does he talk to anyone during the game? Just put a freaking wooden Indian out there & let the fans pick the plays or calls from a remote in their seats, at least it would be interesting. I'm really starting to dislike the NFL. I actually feel sorry for season ticket holders. It definitely looks like a complete rip off & a horrible way to waste a Sunday. 

Im not talking about the tailgating, I'm talking about the complete letdown once you enter the stadium. Yuck!


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Not to mention the amount of ad's, replays, injuries, and total lack of game continuity and flow. They have tried to make this a perfect game. The game is played and officiated by human beings, but they are trying to make it robotic. The baseball playoffs were much more interesting then the dreck MNF game tonight.

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37 minutes ago, jetsons said:

STOP DISRESPECTING THE FLAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...  PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and You'll see an Increase in viewership. 

If a player says what he's doing, don't take the media's propagandized version over what came out the players own mouth. 

Just shows that people are finding ways to ignore the actual topic players are trying to shed light on by finding ways to demonize their actions...and by doing that completely changing the topic. 

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1 hour ago, Villain The Foe said:

If a player says what he's doing, don't take the media's propagandized version over what came out the players own mouth. 

Just shows that people are finding ways to ignore the actual topic players are trying to shed light on by finding ways to demonize their actions...and by doing that completely changing the topic. 

I disagree, those protesting should look into their own neighborhoods and castigate those who continue this cycle of decay before condemning those who have ZERO to do with it. 

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5 hours ago, Villain The Foe said:

If a player says what he's doing, don't take the media's propagandized version over what came out the players own mouth. 

Just shows that people are finding ways to ignore the actual topic players are trying to shed light on by finding ways to demonize their actions...and by doing that completely changing the topic. 

People turn to sports for diversion.  For entertainment.  If I had to swallow someone's political agenda every time I went to the movies...I'd stop going to the movies.  There's enough preaching and pandering posturing in the 24 hour news cycle.  It has nothing to do with the message or whether or not a person agrees with it.  It's about being forced to listen to unsolicited advice.  And its distracting at best, insulting at worst.  As for changing the topic, I thought the topic was football.  I'm not interested in anything but watching football when I'm watching football.  The other issues have their time and place.

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6 hours ago, Joe W. Namath said:

If not for fantasy football, football would be baseball.  Its an awful product.

Basically this. FF is saving the NFL. They've changed too many rules so it's turning into a passing league, players act like children, the commercial breaks are ridiculous, there's 700 other channels to watch not 5, etc. 

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7 hours ago, Obrien2Toon said:

I think the exact opposite is going to happen.

Youth baseball is booming in my area.

Having trouble fielding football teams, and fall baseball is huge

MLB will survive.  Just the TV money alone.  Networks get their money's worth with baseball because the games are so long plus pre and post game shows that's like 6 hours of content

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1 hour ago, New York Mick said:

Basically this. FF is saving the NFL. They've changed too many rules so it's turning into a passing league, players act like children, the commercial breaks are ridiculous, there's 700 other channels to watch not 5, etc. 

NFL is still the best TV product BY FAR


The night games have suffered because of the presidential debates plus some idiot 49ers fan in the NFL front office made the 49ers have almost every night game this season 


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I remember as a kid you'd watch the game with a group and the conv would be, did you see that play? Wow, what a catch, what a hit. Nowadays it's, really that's a flag? Or he didn't fumble, that's an inc pass! Etc etc. The whole game is a discussion around the refs because there's so many rules and so many calls. 

Watching Jets games is my only connection to the NFL and even that's faded.

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2 hours ago, sirlancemehlot said:

People turn to sports for diversion.  For entertainment.  If I had to swallow someone's political agenda every time I went to the movies...I'd stop going to the movies.  There's enough preaching and pandering posturing in the 24 hour news cycle.  It has nothing to do with the message or whether or not a person agrees with it.  It's about being forced to listen to unsolicited advice.  And its distracting at best, insulting at worst.  As for changing the topic, I thought the topic was football.  I'm not interested in anything but watching football when I'm watching football.  The other issues have their time and place.

Well, that sounds like a personal problem. These athletes are role models for kids. If kids see these athletes being brave enough to stand up for what they believe, hopefully they can do the same. Because you want to ignore that doesn't make it wrong. This is bigger than sports.

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The games have pretty much all become the same. Offensive shootouts with a ton of penalties. It is not about the team anymore it is now about the stars, how to market them and make money off of them. Just like the the NBA and right now the NFL is about as fun to watch as the NBA.


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College fb is still pretty exciting but I do agree the NFL is as boring as watching grass grow. All of the points made in this thread are correct but it leads to one reason why the NFL is quickly becoming unwatchable. Much like basketball, there are a few star players that make their teams contenders and everyone else is just there to fill in the gaps. When you have 32 teams, and 5 maybe 6 of those teams are the only ones who are actually good than yeah, the product sucks because the NFL doesn't have the talent to fill all 32 teams with quality players.

The emphasis on fantasy football and turning the game into big passing plays and all about scoring has made the game way too unbalanced. I find myself bored watching this crap on sundays, something I never thought I would say.



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9 hours ago, RoadFan said:

Cannot wait until baseball is no longer relevant.   Only about 15 more years or so.

Truth. The NFL is nowhere near the level of boring nothingness of your average MLB game. Was a time I would have laughed at this, but not any more. 

Problem is too much product. Nobody can watch all the games unless they're a housebound shut in with no life. When there's a game in London, you can watch football for all your waking hours,but nobody is doing that. Unless your team is playing not many people are watching the night games.  

2 clear issues, as we know too well; there aren't enough good QBs nor smart coaches to staff 32 teams. 

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8 hours ago, Villain The Foe said:

If a player says what he's doing, don't take the media's propagandized version over what came out the players own mouth. 

Just shows that people are finding ways to ignore the actual topic players are trying to shed light on by finding ways to demonize their actions...and by doing that completely changing the topic. 

I have a  couple of friends who are die-hard jets fans and police officers.   They both completely gave up the NFL this year.    Extrapolate that across the country and you have your 15% viewership decline.   

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It's been an evolution for me.  I seem to watch less and less every year...I seem to care less and less every year.

It could be I'm just so frustrated with this team that the game itself has turned me off...

I watch the Jets but can't think of a day in the past couple of years I sat down and watched both games - And I haven't watched a night game in years.  Just too late for me.

It's been one huge money grab - and it's off-putting.

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2 hours ago, HessStation said:

I can only watch Jets games now. Or  if there's a family or friend gathering and it just happens to be on TV. It's unwatchable imo. 

Same thing here.  I start watching by the fourth commercial break I switch to look at something else and don't go back.  Might check in later but not always.  Back a few years ago I would only pee during commercials afraid to miss a big play .  At this point just as happy to watch it condense on NFL replay the next day .  

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1 hour ago, NYPaperAirplanes said:

Well, that sounds like a personal problem. These athletes are role models for kids. If kids see these athletes being brave enough to stand up for what they believe, hopefully they can do the same. Because you want to ignore that doesn't make it wrong. This is bigger than sports.

Tweeting isnt taking a stand.

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1 hour ago, NYPaperAirplanes said:

Well, that sounds like a personal problem. These athletes are role models for kids. If kids see these athletes being brave enough to stand up for what they believe, hopefully they can do the same. Because you want to ignore that doesn't make it wrong. This is bigger than sports.

If it's just the same to you I prefer to be my own role model to my own kids.  Don't want my kid acting like the majority of NFL players no way no how.  They get paid to play football.  It's their job!! If they have views they want to share then do it during their own time.  Not at work.  

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1 hour ago, LionelRichie said:

I have a  couple of friends who are die-hard jets fans and police officers.   They both completely gave up the NFL this year.    Extrapolate that across the country and you have your 15% viewership decline.   

This math seems fuzzy.

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I'd offer that the decline in viewership is a generational issue fueled by the rising costs of attending games.  Younger fans are less invested because they don't have the access to go to games regularly because it's simply unaffordable.  In general, I think most of our memories of when we became Jets fans, or got invested, had something to do with going to the games.  That's not really a regular option for a lot of folks now, and so younger generations are finding other means of entertainment.

There are also a lot of other distractions in the world right now that supersede ones time for entertainment.

Lastly, the product sucks right now.  Very few good teams and very little competition.

But sure, blame it on a guy not standing for a paid advertisement at the beginning of the game.

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The NFL = the No Fun League 

Players look at another player funny they get flagged 

Great tackles made and players are being penalized and tossed from the the game 

Kickoffs on the 25 3/4 of the field 

Been watching football for many years live and on TV its getting worse every year. 


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1 hour ago, FidelioJet said:

It's been an evolution for me.  I seem to watch less and less every year...I seem to care less and less every year.

It could be I'm just so frustrated with this team that the game itself has turned me off...

I watch the Jets but can't think of a day in the past couple of years I sat down and watched both games - And I haven't watched a night game in years.  Just too late for me.

It's been one huge money grab - and it's off-putting.

I agree with all this. Maybe if I was doing fantasy football I'd be sucked back in, but no, I just don't care anymore.

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16 minutes ago, gEYno said:

I'd offer that the decline in viewership is a generational issue fueled by the rising costs of attending games.  Younger fans are less invested because they don't have the access to go to games regularly because it's simply unaffordable.  In general, I think most of our memories of when we became Jets fans, or got invested, had something to do with going to the games.  That's not really a regular option for a lot of folks now, and so younger generations are finding other means of entertainment.

There are also a lot of other distractions in the world right now that supersede ones time for entertainment.

Lastly, the product sucks right now.  Very few good teams and very little competition.

But sure, blame it on a guy not standing for a paid advertisement at the beginning of the game.

whatever, it's not the message it's the platform. and whatever it means to you or I for others it simply means respect for those who have died fighting so you can speak your message.  because whether you or I can even believe that or not, that was their intent. 

But it's still only a strong gust of wind after you've already been pushed off the ledge anyway. 

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