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In defense of Woody Johnson.

Villain The Foe

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27 minutes ago, Bugg said:

The organizational chart under Woody Johnson is a circle with him in the center. Which is why he didn't fire Ryan with Tannenbaum,why Bradway got kicked upstairs,why Ryan was inexplicably retained again after Idzik's 1st year.  and why Macc did not hire Bowles. No other franchise lacks a chain of command like this. it's completely dysfunctional by Johnson's own design. 

Problem is you cant fire the owner. So you have to live with it

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4 hours ago, Bleedin Green said:

Villain in his truest of forms.  Even when there is somewhat of a coherent argument that he's perhaps trying to make, he can't help but stop to make sure everyone hears how amazing brilliant he has declared himself to be for the things he knew the whole time, just as long as you of course ignore the countless number of things he was wrong about.  Because, you know, those don't count.

There is some validity to your point, but as usual, you pretty much throw it all away by having your top priority being to convince everyone of your brilliance.  Thanks for letting everyone know that it's not Woody's fault simply because you're the only person who could have ever foreseen it all.  I mean, who could imagine something the Jets tried to do ultimately being a failure?  Amazing stuff.

The bottom line is that, as usual amongst any fans, the reactions are generally to opposite extremes.  Either those trying to forgive or make excuses about absolutely everything, or the others desperately trying to find one single person to blame for it all.  Neither are typically based in reality as much as it is what people want to believe.





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4 hours ago, NoBowles said:

I think its a shame what happened to Geno last year, and would have loved to have seen him had the chance to improve with a far better offense, but I don't think Geno is a good QB, nor do I think he will ever be anything more than a good backup QB.

I also think that if Geno is not a starter, we are in the exact same position as we are now, a bad team with holes everywhere and no QB. So unless you think Geno is a legitimate starter, I don't see how Fitzpatrick is the biggest issue we have.

He has played terribly this year, but so has the rest of the team. Nothing done in the offseason gave me any indication they think Fitzpatrick is anything more than a one year bridge to a hopefully better QB. The problem is it does not look like they found that QB, and outside of WR, they are not in any better position they we were in when Mac and Bowles took the job.

If Geno is a legitimate starter, we have even bigger problems with Mac and Bowles for not recognizing it, and instead going after Fitzpatrick. And what hope does that give us that they have any ability to find a QB in the future?

No matter how I slice it, I always come back to Woody.

This is why I cant disagree with you. It always comes back to Woody because he's the owner. He's the "end all, be all". The common denominator. However, what im talking about is the fact that Woody this go'round did what fans wanted. It comes back to Woody because he made the decision of course, but my overall point is that this is something that fans literally requested he do. All im saying is that they have to see it through and not cut bait in less than 2 seasons. 


I could understand if these fans were unsatisfied last season. But I didnt see any Jets fans feeling sour regarding the overall direction of organization. Sure, we didnt make the playoffs, but overall Jets fans felt like winning 6 more games than the year prior, a GM of the year and a coach that was in the running for coach of the year had the fanbase feeling pretty good. So this isnt a situation that has been a recurring theme for the past year and a half, but only the past 10 weeks. And I can even say that the past 10 weeks is really stretching it. When we lost to the Bengals, no one was turning on Woody. In week 2 when we beat the Bills in their house during a primetime game guys were feeling good about the team, so its literally been the past 8 weeks that this has occurred. The fanbase is like a child acting out because they're not getting their way. You dont blow up this entire thing and have Woody sell the team because of 8 bad weeks of something that we ultimately wanted. 

As for the Geno comment, I also dont think that Geno is an above average QB based on what we've seen, but what I've seen him with isnt much and at the end of the day its not about my opinion, its about finding out whether im right or wrong. Geno never got that opportunity to show it here. 


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I just want our zombie HC gone. He doesn't know what football is. Too stubborn for his own good. 

Macc has made some critical errors in judgment that has definitely us this year and even next year, but he deserves a few more years. His drafts haven't been Idzik-esque so thats a positive.

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Every single "fire X thread," today and over the last few decades, could be alleviated if we just found a QB, period. Woody is fine. He's a rich boob who doesn't know a ton about football, but would be held in higher regards if we ever found a QB.  There's cause for concern with Mac considering how highly he rated Hack, when his most important job is to find a QB of the future, and it's obvious the kid can't play. Bowles seems in over his head as well, but all of these issues: Chan, Woody, Bowles and Mac would be instantly alleviated and then inevitably praised if we land a QB this year or for the grace of the gods Petty turns out to be the guy. There's nothing to debate, it's 1) you either have a franchise QB or 2) everyone in your organization is sh*t

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9 hours ago, NYJ37/12 said:

Blaming the owner is always a weak argument. We are an extremely impatient group of people in the Northeast. We want fast everything, especially progress from our sports teams.  If the Jets intend on building this right, it will take a few tough seasons. Look around the league at teams that are now doing well, that have struggled for several years. It takes time and some good drafts.

The buck has to stop somewhere.

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11 hours ago, Villain The Foe said:

This probably wont be popular, but it is true. 


I've been reading alot of comments in regards to Woody Johnson's incompetence when it comes to hiring GM's and HC's. Many Jets fans have blamed Woody for the outcome of this season, some even stating that it seems like he was meddling in the affairs of the GM when it came to resigning guys like Darrelle Revis and as of last season Ryan Fitzpatrick. Some fans have stated that if Woody doesnt fire Todd Bowles and/or Mike Maccagnan, then Woody doesnt have the balls to get this team going in the right direction. 


These comments imo are exactly why Owners/GM's shouldnt listen to the fanbase when making decisions whether popular/unpopular. At the end of the 2014/15 season, as soon as week 17 was done Woody Johnson fired John Idzik and Rex Ryan...something that the overwhelming majority of Jets fans wanted. Fans went as far as creating towels, buying billboards, creating websites, renting planes etc., in order to get the message to Woody that the fanbase wasnt happy with the 6 years of Rex and 2 years of Idzik. Jets fans requested that since Woody Johnson wasnt a "Football guy" that he'd hire some football guys to help him in hiring his next GM/HC. This is exactly what Woody Johnson did. In January 2015 Woody hired Charley Casserly and Ron Wolf as consultants because they were "football guys", guys who together have had success managing teams...being as successful as winning championships and being inducted into the NFL Football HOF (Ron Wolf). 


Jets fans responded immediately with acceptance and excitement while praising Woody Johnson for putting his ego to the side and allowing people who have the understanding of football and football operations help find the proper GM and HC to put this team on the right track. 


In comes Mike Maccagnan, a guy who has history with Charley Casserly back in Houston when working for the Texans. Not only is Macc coming in as a GM, but his background is as a scout, which is something that Jets fans were extremely excited about given the history of the prior GM's and their lack of recognizing talent. A few hours after the Macc hire as GM, Todd Bowles is announced as the HC of the NY Jets after Woody, Macc, Charley and Ron stop Bowles from boarding a plane to head down to Atlanta to interview for that vacancy. 

Once again Jets fans are excited, stating that though Dan Quinn was a popular name/option, the Jets couldnt continue to wait on him given that the Seahawks were still in playoff mode while not knowing for sure if he would even take the job or possibly land in Atlanta with the Falcons or Denver. Once Jets fans were reminded that Todd Bowles was a local guy, coming from NJ, attended Temple, was co-signed by Bill Parcells for being one of his coach understudies while with the Jets under Parcells tutelage as well as winning a championship with the Redskins & also being co-signed by Bruce Arians...one of the most beloved coaches in the NFL by fans that are NOT cardinal fans, Jets fans were in heaven and was once again singing all of the Woody Johnson praises that they could. We heard everything from "Woody Johnson finally gets it" to "The Jets may finally win a superbowl". Todd Bowles makes his first splash by hiring an "oldie but goodie" coach in Chan Gailey. A guy who was mediocre as a HC but always found success as an OC getting the most out of below average to mediocre QB's and finding success. Jets fans loved the move because many Fans felt like Idzik drafted a QB in Geno smith during the time he depleted all of the resources surrounding him, along with the fact that we didnt have any coaches on the team that was deemed competent to develop a young QB. Chan Gailey had a proven track record along with an offense that will stretch a defense horizontally but will also attack vertically if need be. Jets fans were pleased with what was going on...and Woody Johnson quickly seen the billboards come down, the planes stop flying over practices and the websites lose traffic. 

And then "it" happened, Mike Maccagnan turns the Jets world upside down by winning the rights to bring Darrelle Revis back home but also he trades for Brandon Marshall, a top 5/top 10 #1 WR in the league for of all things....a 5th round pick, while also gaining a 7th round pick. Once again Woody Johnson is looked at by Jets fans as a guy who listened to the fans, bought in some "Football guys" and the decision is already paying dividends. 

A day or two later Maccagnan strikes again, coming to terms on a deal to get Ryan Fitzpatrick from the Texans in a trade. This wasnt a blockbuster deal and there were some Jets fans (like myself) who didnt like the pick up, but many jets fans looked at the move as "security blanket" and a guy who had a relationship with Macc out in Texas along with being his most productive as a QB under the Jets current OC Chan Gailey. Jets fans were now feeling like they were on top of the world. They watched as Woody Johnson literally fired everyone a day after week 17 ended, watched as he signed "football guys" to get the ship back on track, watched as they signed a GM with scouting experience, watched as they then signed a HC that was a local guy and was co-signed by two of the most beloved coaches of today (Bruce) and yesteryear (Parcells), watched as we traded crumbs for a legit #1 WR in order to then put Decker back to his natural position which then gave us a legit #2 WR, watched as we picked up Fitz as a security blanket, watched as we bought Revis back "home", watched as we resigned Cro and we had the tandem back, watched as we plucked Gilcrhist and Skrine from FA....AND THEN we watched as Mike Maccagnan didnt trade out of a position but instead drafted not for need and "reaching" but for "Best player available" and drafted arguably the best player in the draft in Leo "Big Cat" Williams (Even though we had Sheldon, Mo, Snacks). Jets fans where again on top of the f'ing world of sports...and Jets fans made sure to make Woody Johnson the centerpiece of their excitement given that he did what the fans requested. 



Then we jump 1 and a half seasons later to today, and people are saying that Woody Johnson doesnt know what he's doing, he doesnt have the balls to fire Bowles and Macc, he should have known better than to Resign an aging Revis, he meddled in Macc's affairs and was probably the reason for Ryan Fitzpatrick to be resigned for 12 million etc....ALL OF THESE MOVES mind you, that many of the Jets fans praised (Consultant/GM/HC hiring's), requested to happen (resigning of Darrelle Revis and Ryan Fitzpatrick) or requested not to happen (trading of Mo Wilkerson, drafting "Best player available" in Williams and not for "need" Todd Gurley/Marcus Peters). All of this is what fans begged for, yet today these same fans are complaining about the outcome. 


Look, im not one to say that I dont complain when things dont go well with the team, but many of the moves that occurred, even before this new regime I knew was a mistake. When some of us fans were saying to "Pay Revis" because in his prime he's a "once in a generation-type talent", fans were busy calling him "Mevi$" because he's taking care of business the way a business man should while stating that we should trade him because of him being a good business man. The result? We havent seen the playoffs since we traded him. 


Some of us said to trade Wilkerson years ago during the Idzik era. Many fans were saying that "we need to stop trading away or letting our home grown talent get away", though for some reason that didnt matter with Revis. The result? Mo gets paid and now it comes out that he hasnt been the guy portrayed and is now in "IDGAF" mode now that we've given him JJ Watt money. 

Some of us said that The Panthers had the easiest schedule in the league last year and converted that into a SB appearance and an MVP winner. The Jets had the 2nd easiest schedule in the league last year and converted it to the 20th pick in the NFL draft.....DO NOT RESIGN RYAN FITZPATRICK AND FALL FOR FITZMAGIC. Many fans were saying that "He broke a record and we won 10 games" sign this beast. Result? Jets are 3-7 and Ryan Fitzpatrick was the worst starter in the league before being benched twice while getting paid 12 million. 


Now Fans are blaming Woody Johnson for what essentially fans truly wanted. How does that work exactly? How is it that Woody is always wrong (Not saying he wasnt wrong in the past) but when fans praise his moves and say that Woody is "finally doing what fans wanted him to do all along" and fans are getting the feeling that even this isnt working, how is Woody suddenly clueless again? 


Jets fans, you asked for this. You cant go firing guys for a bad season, just like you shouldnt be resigning Ryan Fitzpatrick to 12 million dollars for a good season. Both situations tend not to work out well for the team who does it. How about we let Macc/Bowles go through the bumps and bruises of still being relatively new to the positions and allow them time to figure things out and gain experience on the job? How do we fire a GM who was GM of the year just a year ago? Should the Panthers fire Ron Rivera today after taking them to the superbowl last year? 


Jets fans need to stop pointing the finger so much and allow things to take its course. Rome wasnt built in a day and neither will this team. Let Maccagnan do his thing, let Bowles figure things out and leave Woody alone because after all...he did EXACTLY what fans who purchased PSL's and spent thousands of dollars on season tickets, planes, towels, websites and billboards wanted him to do. 

My thumb hurts from all that scrolling...but good post.

Too many Jet fans are too impatient with this franchise. How can you not be. We have the Patriots a division rival winning like always, and then there's big blue pulling 2 superbowls out of their assess. So there's an inferiority complex that's kicked in which creates a highly emotional and dare I say neurotic fan base ( not all, I know!)

I heard Francessa mention today that if you look at the Giants vs Jets last 20 years, the winning season % was almost dead even. Still, it seems as if this team is always stuck in neutral.

Now is not the time to get rid of Bowles. He's learning on the job but he'll improve. Everyone in the league says that he's a good coach they can't know more than all us armchair GM's, now can they? This franchise has finally transitioned from  "win now"  to a "rebuild". As a very long time sufferring Jets fan, I hope that this front office is given enough time to try and re build this team from the ground up. 



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17 hours ago, Jetdawgg said:

The reason for Mo and Sheldon regressing is the team configuration. They are 3/4 DE's now playing in a 4/3. A 3/4 DE is closer to a DT than a 4/3 DE. They are both used to being closer to the QB when lining up. Thus they get more sacks. They are both too big in size to be playing 4/3 DL. Many teams could live with one of them in a 4/3 and I think the Jets could also.


I think there's also a personality element, that is a hang over from the Rex Ryan era. Rex let his guys away with a lot, and Mo / Sheldon got used to that (Mo in particular, due to his longer tenure); now under Bowles things are different and these two guys haven't fully bought in to the new guy. Leo - drafted under this regime - has no such issues, and is showing the vet guys how to behave and perform.

Things might turn around with Mo; not so sure on Sheldon.

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16 hours ago, Villain The Foe said:

This is why I cant disagree with you. It always comes back to Woody because he's the owner. He's the "end all, be all". The common denominator. However, what im talking about is the fact that Woody this go'round did what fans wanted. It comes back to Woody because he made the decision of course, but my overall point is that this is something that fans literally requested he do. All im saying is that they have to see it through and not cut bait in less than 2 seasons. 


I could understand if these fans were unsatisfied last season. But I didnt see any Jets fans feeling sour regarding the overall direction of organization. Sure, we didnt make the playoffs, but overall Jets fans felt like winning 6 more games than the year prior, a GM of the year and a coach that was in the running for coach of the year had the fanbase feeling pretty good. So this isnt a situation that has been a recurring theme for the past year and a half, but only the past 10 weeks. And I can even say that the past 10 weeks is really stretching it. When we lost to the Bengals, no one was turning on Woody. In week 2 when we beat the Bills in their house during a primetime game guys were feeling good about the team, so its literally been the past 8 weeks that this has occurred. The fanbase is like a child acting out because they're not getting their way. You dont blow up this entire thing and have Woody sell the team because of 8 bad weeks of something that we ultimately wanted. 

As for the Geno comment, I also dont think that Geno is an above average QB based on what we've seen, but what I've seen him with isnt much and at the end of the day its not about my opinion, its about finding out whether im right or wrong. Geno never got that opportunity to show it here. 


Hiring the wrong guy happens to the best of owners, and I don't blame him one bit for hiring the wrong guy. I do blame him for 2 things post Idzik/Rex that I think are a big part of the problem we have now.

First, he is the ultimate football power, since the GM and the HC report directly to him, and not one reporting to the other. He has zero business being in that role whatsoever. If he wants a GM and a HC reporting to one person, it should be some czar of football ops, not him. He does this because he likes to meddle quietly, and not take the blame when things go wrong, and then he can fire who he chooses.

Second, he either directed, or bought into the notion of being competitive while rebuilding at the same time. You can do this when you have a QB, you cannot do it when you don't have a QB. You have to pick one direction or the other. Drafting Lee was clearly a move to be competitive sooner rather than later, as was signing Revis, Cro, Forte, and others. He signed them all to relatively manageable deals, BUT, those guys want to win, so do the other vets. So you placate them and do things you would not otherwise do if playing for the future. In addition, the fan base sees it as a win now team, and dammit they are going to get pissed when you suck. As impatient as our fans are, I really believe if it was a complete tear down and they saw progress, and saw young players developing and a plan, they would be much, much less hostile then they are now.

I don't really want to get into what Geno had or did not have, anything short of him being a legitimate starting QB does not change one thing about where we are today short of $12m in cap space that could fill a hole or two, but does not solve the much bigger issue. In addition, we are learning more and more about our HC who had his guy, and still played scared football. He would have played scared football with Geno too, but then would have been given excuses.

Woody is a bad owner, and he will dabble with minor success at times because he will spend money to make a splash, but he has yet to do it the right way since taking over this team. Its been a pattern where the new HC comes in and has some surprising success with the old teams regime, they spend some money, don't get it done, and then need to rebuild, but only rebuild half assed. I blame Woody for the current state of this team, and IK and Geno, Fitz, are all meaningless in the big picture. 

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On 11/15/2016 at 8:31 AM, Villain The Foe said:

Jets fans requested that since Woody Johnson wasnt a "Football guy" that he'd hire some football guys to help him in hiring his next GM/HC. This is exactly what Woody Johnson did. In January 2015 Woody hired Charley Casserly and Ron Wolf as consultants because they were "football guys", guys who together have had success managing teams...being as successful as winning championships and being inducted into the NFL Football HOF (Ron Wolf).

Jets fans responded immediately with acceptance and excitement while praising Woody Johnson for putting his ego to the side and allowing people who have the understanding of football and football operations help find the proper GM and HC to put this team on the right track.

Jets fans, you asked for this. You cant go firing guys for a bad season, just like you shouldnt be resigning Ryan Fitzpatrick to 12 million dollars for a good season. Both situations tend not to work out well for the team who does it. How about we let Macc/Bowles go through the bumps and bruises of still being relatively new to the positions and allow them time to figure things out and gain experience on the job? How do we fire a GM who was GM of the year just a year ago? Should the Panthers fire Ron Rivera today after taking them to the superbowl last year?

Outstanding post.

If Maccagnan and Bowles were able to patch together the burning ashes of the Ryan/Idzik trainwreck and create a 10 win team out of it, they look to be capable of taking us forward to competitiveness when Belichick/Brady retire a few years from now.

This year, we are victims of our schedule, injuries, and age. 

Next year, we play the AFC West and the NFC South, the schedule isn't getting any easier, we are looking at a similar result next year as well, no need to thrust a new coaching staff in.

Home Away
Kansas City Chiefs Denver Broncos
San Diego Chargers Oakland Raiders
Atlanta Falcons New Orleans Saints
Carolina Panthers Tampa Bay Buccaneers 
AFC South Same Place Finisher AFC North Same Place Finisher
New England Patriots (Div.) New England Patriots (Div.)
Miami Dolphins (Div.) Miami Dolphins (Div.)
Buffalo Bills (Div.) Buffalo Bills (Div.)


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Woody is very much behind a large portion of the decisions the Jets make.  He is not scouting players, and he does not know scouting.l   That is Macc's job, and his record there is mixed (as with anyone doing that).  

But because the Jets do not have a passable QB (franchise would be good, but a Dalton, Bradford, Foles, etc. type would be ok), the Jets need to find one.  That needs to be the priority, and they should not be spending too much for veterans do to that.  This is what I would do:

1)  Woody announces that the team is building for the future, and generally there will be no quick fixes.  I strongly support bringing in a football czar to supervise Macc and Bowles/HC to act as a buffer.   Same names as down below (Parcells, Gruden, Cowher), or Coughlin, Shanahan.  

2)  They continue a search for a QB,.  Glennon could be an option, Romo at $25mm should not.

3)  We have a stable of young WRs.  The only position they should be spending money in FA is the OL.  This way we can actually give a QB a chance to develop and have a running game to help them.  Start with a youth movement on D.  

4)  Macc will now get another chance to truly build a roster from the bottom up and be evaluated fairly.   That is generally BPA, except DL.  He need to communicate with Bowles to figure out scheme, etc.

5)  Bowles needs to do a much better job in the next 6 games.   This is not a disciplined, well coached team.  That is on the coach.  I am strongly, strongly opposed to giving up on the coach too early, but sometimes you need to cut your losses.  Bowles is really looking like a HC heading to failure.  He needs to turn it around, and the Jets should bring in someone to help him-it is not good a variety of reasons to let him fail.  Parcells, Gruden, Cowher-a coach for the coach.

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On 11/15/2016 at 10:10 AM, NoBowles said:

Woody needs to realize sooner rather than later that he needs to hire the best guy for the job, one guy, I don't care if its a President of football ops, a powerful GM, or a powerful HC, and let this guy do his thing for a few years with zero direction from Woody, and Woody needs to stay out of every decision and sign checks. If after 3-4 years its clear this new guy is not the guy, start over. But Woody will never do that, because he is an awful, awful owner.

I still give Mac the benefit of the doubt. I agree the Jets need someone over Mac and between him and Johnson in order to have a "chain of command" on the team which is absent right now. Both the HC and the GM each report directly to Woody, which is assinine in it's conception. Woody knows zero about football and I am sure both Bowles and Mac have some idoloigical differences that are sure to grow larger as the team falters. To me Bowles is in completely over his head and should be replaced immediately after the season. Mac should then be given the power to hire the next HC and that HC will report to Mac. Get Woody out of the equation altogether and let Mac rebuild this team. It is really not far away. A few OLinemen, a shutdown CB and the development of a QB and the Jets are back. 

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so woody won't let big macc have his balls back, lol


Rich CiminiESPN Staff Writer 

Under the Jets' organizational structure, GM Mike Maccagnan doesn't have the power to fire Todd Bowles. Asked about Bowles' performance, he said, "I think very highly of Todd. I have complete respect for him and the job he's doing. ... He's going to be a very good coach in this league." What about now? "I think Todd's going to be a very good head coach in this league and I think he's doing a good job right now." The Jets are 3-7.

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22 hours ago, BroadwayJoe12 said:

Every single "fire X thread," today and over the last few decades, could be alleviated if we just found a QB, period. Woody is fine. He's a rich boob who doesn't know a ton about football, but would be held in higher regards if we ever found a QB.  There's cause for concern with Mac considering how highly he rated Hack, when his most important job is to find a QB of the future, and it's obvious the kid can't play. Bowles seems in over his head as well, but all of these issues: Chan, Woody, Bowles and Mac would be instantly alleviated and then inevitably praised if we land a QB this year or for the grace of the gods Petty turns out to be the guy. There's nothing to debate, it's 1) you either have a franchise QB or 2) everyone in your organization is sh*t

Pure speculation at this point.  Hack may truly be a bust or with proper coaching and fundamentals he may be the QB we are hoping for, at this point its a crapshoot  but to say unequivocally he can't play at this point is absurd.

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7 hours ago, SAR I said:

Outstanding post.

If Maccagnan and Bowles were able to patch together the burning ashes of the Ryan/Idzik trainwreck and create a 10 win team out of it, they look to be capable of taking us forward to competitiveness when Belichick/Brady retire a few years from now.

This year, we are victims of our schedule, injuries, and age. 

Next year, we play the AFC West and the NFC South, the schedule isn't getting any easier, we are looking at a similar result next year as well, no need to thrust a new coaching staff in.

Home Away
Kansas City Chiefs Denver Broncos
San Diego Chargers Oakland Raiders
Atlanta Falcons New Orleans Saints
Carolina Panthers Tampa Bay Buccaneers 
AFC South Same Place Finisher AFC North Same Place Finisher
New England Patriots (Div.) New England Patriots (Div.)
Miami Dolphins (Div.) Miami Dolphins (Div.)
Buffalo Bills (Div.) Buffalo Bills (Div.)


Thanks SAR. That schedule is looking pretty crazy. We need more than a QB though. For the most part I like what Macc has done, especially with the WR position. However we still have quite a few holes that we need to fill and we have more coming such as the Oline. Mangold is an old man at this point and our LT situation is looking suspect. 

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Just now, Villain The Foe said:

Thanks SAR. That schedule is looking pretty crazy. We need more than a QB though. For the most part I like what Macc has done, especially with the WR position. However we still have quite a few holes that we need to fill and we have more coming such as the Oline. Mangold is an old man at this point and our LT situation is looking suspect. 

Holes to fill QB,OL,RB,TE,CB,S,LB ........

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19 hours ago, varjet said:

Woody is very much behind a large portion of the decisions the Jets make.  He is not scouting players, and he does not know scouting.l   That is Macc's job, and his record there is mixed (as with anyone doing that).  

But because the Jets do not have a passable QB (franchise would be good, but a Dalton, Bradford, Foles, etc. type would be ok), the Jets need to find one.  That needs to be the priority, and they should not be spending too much for veterans do to that.  This is what I would do:

1)  Woody announces that the team is building for the future, and generally there will be no quick fixes.  I strongly support bringing in a football czar to supervise Macc and Bowles/HC to act as a buffer.   Same names as down below (Parcells, Gruden, Cowher), or Coughlin, Shanahan.  

2)  They continue a search for a QB,.  Glennon could be an option, Romo at $25mm should not.

3)  We have a stable of young WRs.  The only position they should be spending money in FA is the OL.  This way we can actually give a QB a chance to develop and have a running game to help them.  Start with a youth movement on D.  

4)  Macc will now get another chance to truly build a roster from the bottom up and be evaluated fairly.   That is generally BPA, except DL.  He need to communicate with Bowles to figure out scheme, etc.

5)  Bowles needs to do a much better job in the next 6 games.   This is not a disciplined, well coached team.  That is on the coach.  I am strongly, strongly opposed to giving up on the coach too early, but sometimes you need to cut your losses.  Bowles is really looking like a HC heading to failure.  He needs to turn it around, and the Jets should bring in someone to help him-it is not good a variety of reasons to let him fail.  Parcells, Gruden, Cowher-a coach for the coach.

Romo is $14M not $25M. 

Bringing in a HC to help him may sound great, but entering his 3rd season it'd make him look really bad. And weak (ok, weaker).  JMO.

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Since Woody Johnson bought this franchise, the Jets are 130-146. When this season is over, barring a miracle they will have made the playoffs 6 times of the 17 seasons that he has owned the team. They are 4-6 within those 6 times and made a Super Bowl not once. The team has gone through 4 GMs, 5 head coaches, and god knows how many quarterbacks and coordinators. The franchise has gone through more publically embarrassing bizarre sh*t than I can even recall, from Brett Favre's dick to Santonio Holmes' dick to Geno Smith's dick to Sal Alossi to the Buttfumble to Rex's idiocy to the bizarre pressers of Herm and Chad to Mangini and Pete Kendall to the Gate D spirals fiasco to IK to Sanchez's ******* braids and holy crap I have to stop. 

In defense of. You gotta be kidding me with this sh*t. **** Woody Johnson and his incompetence and the complete culture of schmucktitude he has brought on my life with the fire of a thousand suns.

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1 hour ago, RutgersJetFan said:

Since Woody Johnson bought this franchise, the Jets are 130-146. When this season is over, barring a miracle they will have made the playoffs 6 times of the 17 seasons that he has owned the team. They are 4-6 within those 6 times and made a Super Bowl not once. The team has gone through 4 GMs, 5 head coaches, and god knows how many quarterbacks and coordinators. The franchise has gone through more publically embarrassing bizarre sh*t than I can even recall, from Brett Favre's dick to Santonio Holmes' dick to Geno Smith's dick to Sal Alossi to the Buttfumble to Rex's idiocy to the bizarre pressers of Herm and Chad to Mangini and Pete Kendall to the Gate D spirals fiasco to IK to Sanchez's ******* braids and holy crap I have to stop. 

In defense of. You gotta be kidding me with this sh*t. **** Woody Johnson and his incompetence and the complete culture of schmucktitude he has brought on my life with the fire of a thousand suns.

Can't argue with any of this.  Especially the dick part.

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4 hours ago, RutgersJetFan said:

Since Woody Johnson bought this franchise, the Jets are 130-146. When this season is over, barring a miracle they will have made the playoffs 6 times of the 17 seasons that he has owned the team. They are 4-6 within those 6 times and made a Super Bowl not once. The team has gone through 4 GMs, 5 head coaches, and god knows how many quarterbacks and coordinators. The franchise has gone through more publically embarrassing bizarre sh*t than I can even recall, from Brett Favre's dick to Santonio Holmes' dick to Geno Smith's dick to Sal Alossi to the Buttfumble to Rex's idiocy to the bizarre pressers of Herm and Chad to Mangini and Pete Kendall to the Gate D spirals fiasco to IK to Sanchez's ******* braids and holy crap I have to stop. 

In defense of. You gotta be kidding me with this sh*t. **** Woody Johnson and his incompetence and the complete culture of schmucktitude he has brought on my life with the fire of a thousand suns.

Ummmmmm, YUP!!!!!

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5 hours ago, RutgersJetFan said:

Since Woody Johnson bought this franchise, the Jets are 130-146. When this season is over, barring a miracle they will have made the playoffs 6 times of the 17 seasons that he has owned the team. They are 4-6 within those 6 times and made a Super Bowl not once. The team has gone through 4 GMs, 5 head coaches, and god knows how many quarterbacks and coordinators. The franchise has gone through more publically embarrassing bizarre sh*t than I can even recall, from Brett Favre's dick to Santonio Holmes' dick to Geno Smith's dick to Sal Alossi to the Buttfumble to Rex's idiocy to the bizarre pressers of Herm and Chad to Mangini and Pete Kendall to the Gate D spirals fiasco to IK to Sanchez's ******* braids and holy crap I have to stop. 

In defense of. You gotta be kidding me with this sh*t. **** Woody Johnson and his incompetence and the complete culture of schmucktitude he has brought on my life with the fire of a thousand suns.

I have to borrow that sometime....Great word...

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7 hours ago, RutgersJetFan said:

Since Woody Johnson bought this franchise, the Jets are 130-146. When this season is over, barring a miracle they will have made the playoffs 6 times of the 17 seasons that he has owned the team. They are 4-6 within those 6 times and made a Super Bowl not once. The team has gone through 4 GMs, 5 head coaches, and god knows how many quarterbacks and coordinators. The franchise has gone through more publically embarrassing bizarre sh*t than I can even recall, from Brett Favre's dick to Santonio Holmes' dick to Geno Smith's dick to Sal Alossi to the Buttfumble to Rex's idiocy to the bizarre pressers of Herm and Chad to Mangini and Pete Kendall to the Gate D spirals fiasco to IK to Sanchez's ******* braids and holy crap I have to stop. 

In defense of. You gotta be kidding me with this sh*t. **** Woody Johnson and his incompetence and the complete culture of schmucktitude he has brought on my life with the fire of a thousand suns.

I remember seeing a similar post 4 years ago when the Jets overall record and playoff appearance record was much more favorable.  4 barren years, going on 5, have really brought that record down.

The Jets need to add football brains to their operation.  Does not need to be a full time person per se.    

They also need a rebuilding year.  They cannot try and insert a FA veteran QB into this mess.  Look at the Broncos.  They had a base and rented Peyton for a few years.   The Jets need a better base before they do that.  They can try and find a QB, like the Broncos did (Tebow, etc.), but build the base first.

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