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Looks like Mixon isn't even on our Draft Board....


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"We take [domestic violence] very seriously," Maccagnan said. "I have no problem whatsoever taking a guy off our board from that standpoint." 

Talent wise, Mixon's among the best in the draft; an elite-level running back capable of doing it all. But there is one very, very negative blemish on an otherwise stellar resume: Back in 2014 -- as captured by security cameras -- Mixon was involved in an ugly domestic violence incident with a fellow Oklahoma student, Amelia Molitor.

As video showed, Mixon walked in to a sandwich restaurant where Molitor was seated at a table. The two exchanged what looked like unpleasant words before Mixon turned away. Molitor then stood up and pushed Mixon, who lunged at her. Molitor then shoved Mixon a second time. Mixon proceeded to punch Molitor, which caused her face to slam into a table. Mixon then walked out of the restaurant. 

Mixon was charged with a misdemeanor, and suspended the entire 2014 season. He was reinstated by the team the following year. In 2016, he ran for 1,274 yards and scored 10 touchdowns. He caught another 37 passes for 538 yards and another five scores. 

Had it not been for Mixon's punch, he'd be an unquestioned first-round pick, and possibly a top-10 selection. Now, some teams have him off their board entirely. Maccagnan wouldn't publicly comment where Mixon falls with the Jets -- he doesn't want to tip his hand to opposing teams. 

He did attempt to explain how the Jets approach situations like this, and how they determine if a player is worth giving a second chance. 

"Part of this is you're investing in people," Maccagnan said, while noting his comments were not related to Mixon's situation directly. "Part of investing in people is knowing these guys are going to be a good part of your team, locker room and, ideally, good members of the community. You want them to reflect positively on your team and organization in that aspect.... Personal character is very important to me. 

"You go through and gather information... You do your due diligence and do an investigation... You try to be fair, and make sure you don't miss anything ... But there are some things that are extremely egregious that, obviously, you have a very hard time with -- violence, in particular. That is something very serious.

Maccagnan and his wife Betty have a legitimate connection to domestic violence -- the two lost a close friend to it back in 2010. It inspired both to get involved in One Love, which works with young people across the country to raise awareness about the warning signs of abuse and activate communities to change the statistics around relationship violence.

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5 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

I bet that if Mixon was the 6th best player in this draft, it'd be a different story.

Not sure about that. He is a 1st round talent. I could see teams waiting until the 2nd because of potential suspensions down the road if he has "issues." But to completely take him off your board, which Macc may have done, is flat out stupid. Andy Reid took Tyreke Hill and won games because of it. We shouldn't act like we are better than an organization like the Chiefs IMO. 

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First off let me preface everything below with I do not support what Joe Mixon did nor do I think Mac has him on the board due to character concerns.  But this is in response to the article itself trying to connect Mixon's incident with Mac's connection with One Love.  

I didn't think that Mixon knew the person very well that he had an altercation with.  By definition from Google, domestic violence - violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner.  Mixon still shouldn't have done what he did, but not sure why this article is trying to connect Mac's connection with One Love and domestic violence with Mixon which was not a domestic violence incident but an assault incident.

"What also separates domestic violence from other crimes is that it's marked by a relationship between individuals that involves trust -- such violence necessitates an ongoing or past intimate or close relationship between individuals, such as spouses, family members or romantic partners. In fact, it's the intimacy of the relationship between an abuser and victim that helps enable the crime to go on without detection, often behind closed doors.

When abuse comes to light, the law tries to preserve such trust-based relationships through counseling and rehabilitation, recognizing that maintaining families and intimate ties help advance society and stability within communities. This was the approach taken by Ray Rice and his wife Janay.

But when it comes to general crimes against women, the victim and assailant don't have the same trust-based ties as in domestic abuse cases. Take Mixon's situation. The 6-foot-1, 227-pound running back wasn't familiar with 20-year-old Amelia Molitor before they fought in a cafe near campus. She shoved and slapped him, and he broke her jaw, eye socket and cheekbone. The fight was an isolated incident between two relative strangers, without trust or concealment. For that reason, the court didn't order Mixon to attend counseling so that his interaction with Molitor would be healthier in the future; rather, it was in hopes that the running back's interaction with all of society would be better moving forward.

The fact remains that punching a woman alone does not make Mixon guilty of domestic violence. It also doesn't undermine the Lions' or Quinn's anti-domestic violence stance. Whether Mixon's behavior will be different in the future is unknown. The Lions franchise and at least three other teams privately interviewed Mixon since the combine concluded, hopefully getting a gauge on whether the 20-year-old has become a changed man since the assault.  

There is no question that domestic abuse and an act of violence against a woman are both offensive, demoralizing and unacceptable. But the offenses are not the same. Neither are the victims they impact, nor the approaches we take to eradicate them." - http://www.espn.com/espnw/voices/article/18836719/when-comes-joe-mixon-confuse-domestic-violence-assault

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He's settled out of court, he will find a Team. if he's actually a good Running Back, and keeps his nose clean, then it will all be forgotten.

I've seen the video, it's totally thug life stuff, he's was young and very stupid, but he's paid his dues. I'd give him a job based on he can play football,

I don't see the Jets signing him, Mrs Macc is involved in some Domestic Violence organisation, so it's moot, he's not coming here.

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People have covered this already, but what Mixon did was not domestic violence.  It was stranger violence, after being provoked.  

very stupid move by him that cost him millions.  

So the Jets would need to worry about a player that they drafted doing something stupid like this again.

I am worried more about Foster and Cook than about Mixon.

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If a team selects Mixon and then down the road, he gets into an altercation...it would be a PR nightmare.  I would think there would be some kind of contract rider that would be heavily tied to cash back to the team if any type trouble should occur.

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1 minute ago, Gastineau Lives said:


Recently reported that the father of a girl Mixon went to HS with says his daughter was assaulted by Mixon and it was swept under the rug.

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the liability of Joe Mixon is that his sins are on video tape.

Whoever drafts this guy they will show that tape in their local media market a million billion times

there are probably people in this draft who are worse human beings and certainly there's players in the league who are bastards too 

but this is an entertainment business

What kind of father is going to buy a Joe Mixon jersey for their kid? 

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9 minutes ago, Gastineau Lives said:

Okay, so we have one instance where he reacted to being slapped and another thing that allegedly happened.

The first one makes the second one more believable and the "alleged" incident, from what I read anyway, was reported to the school at the time, so it is (or was) documented at some point.

Looking at the other 400ish prospects, how many of them have a confirmed incident of hitting a woman and an earlier reported incident of hitting a woman?

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I could care less if he is off the board. 

A- there are a number of better RB prospects in this draft

B- there are a ton of good RB prospects in this drafts

C- the Jets top need is not RB, not right now. I'd be totally fine if they don;t draft a RB this year, maybe sign an UDFA. I know this is a deep draft for RBs, which would suggest we should take one. But there are always a number of great RB prospects. I'd be fine with taking one next year. 

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A year or two ago, that kind Collins fro LSU fell in the draft because a woman he knew was murdered.  He didn't do it.  He wasn't a suspect.  He just knew her, and that was enough for teams to let a first round talent go undrafted IIRC.

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1 minute ago, AFJF said:

The first one makes the second one more believable and the "alleged" incident, from what I read anyway, was reported to the school at the time, so it is (or was) documented at some point.

Looking at the other 400ish prospects, how many of them have a confirmed incident of hitting a woman and an earlier reported incident of hitting a woman?

Again, the woman hit him, so her vagina does not make it worse because it's a vagina.

The other thing was not proven and has just surfaced before the draft so grain of salt. You can't stack two half things on top of each other and make them a whole thing.

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6 minutes ago, Gastineau Lives said:

Again, the woman hit him, so her vagina does not make it worse because it's a vagina.

The other thing was not proven and has just surfaced before the draft so grain of salt. You can't stack two half things on top of each other and make them a whole thing.

There are many different levels of acceptance for men beating up women.

SInce Mac's wife is involved in a group that has little tolerance for men beating up women, I'm not surprised by this news.

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24 minutes ago, AFJF said:

Recently reported that the father of a girl Mixon went to HS with says his daughter was assaulted by Mixon and it was swept under the rug.

I believe that the report was recanted.  Maybe it was "swept under the rug" by Mixon's people but not sure with all the millions he won't be making.


“My daughter went to Freedom High School with Joe, and they have been friends for much of their lives. Once, when they were in school together, my daughter had a minor disagreement with some of her classmates that got blown out of proportion. Like any father would, I reacted emotionally. Unfortunately, I did so before I had all the facts. Now, having talked to my daughter and investigated the whole story, I realize that I was mistaken about Joe’s involvement. I definitely overreacted, and I regret that my words might have given some people the wrong impression about Joe. I know that Joe did not hurt my daughter, did not intend to, and would not do so.

“Joe and my daughter are still good friends. Joe is a great kid with a bright future in front of him, and he is welcome in my home anytime.

“My family and I value our privacy. I hope that my statement puts this matter to rest. We will not respond to further media inquiries about this.”

Blake Johnson also told PFT that he “spoke to multiple administrative officials at Freedom High School who assured me that no such incident ever took place there,” and that Mixon’s disciplinary record from high school reveals no such incident.

“Norman Police also ran Joe’s juvenile record with law enforcement in California and they had no record of any such report or incident (or any other criminal incident on part of Joe),” Johnson said via email. “I’m fairly confident that the incident described in Mr. Hernandez’s original [Facebook] post did not happen.”

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1 minute ago, nyjbuddy said:

I believe that the report was recanted.  Maybe it was "swept under the rug" by Mixon's people but not sure with all the millions he won't be making.


“My daughter went to Freedom High School with Joe, and they have been friends for much of their lives. Once, when they were in school together, my daughter had a minor disagreement with some of her classmates that got blown out of proportion. Like any father would, I reacted emotionally. Unfortunately, I did so before I had all the facts. Now, having talked to my daughter and investigated the whole story, I realize that I was mistaken about Joe’s involvement. I definitely overreacted, and I regret that my words might have given some people the wrong impression about Joe. I know that Joe did not hurt my daughter, did not intend to, and would not do so.

“Joe and my daughter are still good friends. Joe is a great kid with a bright future in front of him, and he is welcome in my home anytime.

“My family and I value our privacy. I hope that my statement puts this matter to rest. We will not respond to further media inquiries about this.”

Blake Johnson also told PFT that he “spoke to multiple administrative officials at Freedom High School who assured me that no such incident ever took place there,” and that Mixon’s disciplinary record from high school reveals no such incident.

“Norman Police also ran Joe’s juvenile record with law enforcement in California and they had no record of any such report or incident (or any other criminal incident on part of Joe),” Johnson said via email. “I’m fairly confident that the incident described in Mr. Hernandez’s original [Facebook] post did not happen.”

Shady situation no matter how you look at it.

Jets aren't drafting him.

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8 minutes ago, AFJF said:

Shady situation no matter how you look at it.

Jets aren't drafting him.

Agreed that this hurts him being drafted, but all these allegations (not just the ones around Mixon) are so perfectly timed, it makes you think what is the real motivation behind the allegations?  Is it to get justice via the player's draft stock getting hurt or career becoming in jeopardy?  I would think that regardless if the player is going to be in the NFL draft you would want the truth about these guys to come to light so that justice can be served and the victims can get help.

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I can honestly say that if Mixon is there when we are picking in the 2nd round and we DON'T pick him that I would be a little pissed.  And whoever the pick is he better be a gamer because I'm sure Mixon will be.  And while it isn't a top top priority we definitely need another running back.

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Might not be a popularity opinion but if the kid can play we should go get him. We need playmakers bad, he sat out the 2014 season served his punishment. He's a solid rb and we need one. Not condoning what he did at all but He's a very talented running back 

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3 hours ago, Beerfish said:

I can understand his view point however this situation is not 'domestic violence' in my books.  (Unless of course the more recent rumor about mixon is true)

yeah, domestic violence is between spouses or significant others or parents/kids.  what mixon did was uncalled for but the girl was obviously pushing some buttons.

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The Jets should draft Joe Mixon but they probably won't. Someone will and they will get a great player. No matter what he did someone will pick him because of his ability. My money is on the Raiders or Eagles and I bet they do it in the 1st.

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