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25 minutes ago, JetFreak89 said:

Sorry but you're wrong. The Rams have been making moves to cut salary this offseason because they need space to sign Aaron Donald, you know the first DT to win NFL DPOY since 1999. They COULDN'T pay Johnson and then had to trade for Peters (who is still cheap on a rookie contract) so they wouldn't lose so much talent at CB. 

Sorry, but you're wrong.  The Rams have 31 mill in cap space.  They could have signed Johnson easily, if they wanted too.


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5 minutes ago, dbatesman said:

INT. A shadowy mountain lair. An enormous room with vaulted ceilings. The floor is littered with Starbucks cups. Filling one wall is a large fireplace containing a raging blaze. An armchair faces it. Pan to reveal MIKE MACCAGNAN draped in a hooded cloak. His face is nearly invisible within the hood. He stares vacantly into the flames. His eyes are like mirrors, reflecting the flames but revealing nothing within.

BRIAN HEIMERDINGER enters the room quietly, so as not to disturb him. He silently moves across the cavernous space until he stands behind the chair. Though he has made no sound, MACCAGNAN seems to sense his presence.


HEIMERDINGER: Sir, Austin-Sefarian Jenkins has refused our latest offer.

MACCAGNAN sighs deeply and closes his eyes. Though his physical position has not changed, he appears smaller, meeker, diminished somehow, as if the news were a heavy load placed upon his back. He opens his eyes. They are the eyes of a man much older than his years.

MACCAGNAN: I knew this day would come.

Silence descends over the room. It goes on--thirty seconds, sixty, ninety. Whole minutes pass. It grows awkward, then uncomfortable, then agonizing. The space seems to shrink around them. Finally, HEIMERDINGER, swallowing hard, speaks.

HEIMERDINGER: Sir, we need a decision.

MACCAGNAN sighs deeply and closes his eyes once more. When he opens them, they are filled with a strange combination of sorrow and purpose, as though he had come to a fateful decision not entirely of his own making. His voice, when it comes, is barely audible over the crackle of the flames.

MACCAGNAN: Release the cupcakes.

I was really hoping that a framed "Executive of the Year - 2015" would be in there somewhere but still BRAVO!

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8 minutes ago, pointman said:

This thread is too long to follow. Anyone got a summary?

wah wah we suck!

awesome move!

Macc is awful!

Great signing!


Get the Honey Badger!

We don't need the Honey Badger!

Trumaine is the worst corner in the NFL!

Trumaine is awesome!

Long sucks!

Long is versatile!

We have the worst roster in the NFL!

over and over and over again...

EDIT - also about 160 "jokes" involving safeties where the poster thinks they're being creative 

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3 minutes ago, Pac said:

wah wah we suck!

awesome move!

Macc is awful!

Great signing!


Get the Honey Badger!

Trumaine is the worst corner in the NFL!

Trumaine is awesome!

Long sucks!

Long is versatile!

We have the worst roster in the NFL!

over and over and over again...

EDIT - also about 160 "jokes" involving safeties where the poster thinks they're being creative 

Woah, Pac with the spot on summary. Some one give this guy some credit!

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15 minutes ago, JiF said:

31 mil in cap space, brah.  They could afford both.  Easily. 

C'mon dog. You are using their current number which obviously doesn't include Johnson. Add him in and the fact they need to re-up Donald's contract and what would they have left? 

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33 minutes ago, Warfish said:

My new Defensive System

The 4-1-1-5

4 Defensive Tackles up front

1 Hybrid speed Middle Linebacker

1 dedicated #1 CB to cover the opponents #1 WR in man

5 Safeties to Play Zone/Range Around Behind the Big Line and Hammer Everyone


When this defense inevitably makes it's huge splash, name it after me.  The Warfish Defense!

You joke, but we have actually played defensive personnel groupings very very similar to that in games, just subtract 1 safety and add a QB and we pretty much have done that.

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40 minutes ago, Warfish said:

My new Defensive System

The 4-1-1-5

4 Defensive Tackles up front

1 Hybrid speed Middle Linebacker

1 dedicated #1 CB to cover the opponents #1 WR in man

5 Safeties to Play Zone/Range Around Behind the Big Line and Hammer Everyone


When this defense inevitably makes it's huge splash, name it after me.  The Warfish Defense!


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2 minutes ago, JetFreak89 said:

C'mon dog. You are using their current number which obviously doesn't include Johnson. Add him in and the fact they need to re-up Donald's contract and what would they have left? 

Plenty with a new higher cap number next year.   Their cap space is fine and they could easily afforded them both, especially with some easy decisions next year. 



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3 minutes ago, JetFreak89 said:

C'mon dog. You are using their current number which obviously doesn't include Johnson. Add him in and the fact they need to re-up Donald's contract and what would they have left? 

JIF once again fails to get the BIG picture. He’s stuck finding “Waldo” at the zoo

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2 minutes ago, JoJoTownsell1 said:


If I had to guess, their sources are reading the same tweets we all can see. Just about every Jets beat writer is saying we won't be interested. 

I don't get that, Skrine sucks, Honey Badger with the LSU and Bowles connection almost makes too much sense for the Jets

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24 minutes ago, Patriot Killa said:

Mayfield is the guy I want, but I just have this gut feel that this is the second 1983. I think all of the Top 4 turn out to be exceptional pros, and a couple of the lesser QBs turn out to be franchise guys as well.

But we will pick a safety. He will be announced as a "cornerback" though.


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Just now, johnnysd said:

Mayfield is the guy I want, but I just have this gut feel that this is the second 1983. I think all of the Top 4 turn out to be exceptional pros, and a couple of the lesser QBs turn out to be franchise guys as well.

But we will pick a safety. He will be announced as a "cornerback" though.




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Just now, Sully80 said:

I don't get that, Skrine sucks, Honey Badger with the LSU and Bowles connection almost makes too much sense for the Jets

Sign the Honey Badger and trade Adams he is probably still a mid first round value. Yes, I am serious.

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7 minutes ago, SenorGato said:

I probably need to be walked through this. That still comes up short on Norwell’s salary alone IIRC. 

He is saying that if you add the $10M to the offers that they signed for then they may have chosen the Jets instead. The extra $3M per player may have made a difference. 

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8 minutes ago, Patriot Killa said:

Beat writers are assuming we won’t be. Not saying. Most aren’t seeing the point in him.

That just shows how out of touch they are with actually watching the team they cover.  Just

like too many of the "fans" on the board

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