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I was told that nobody on this board wants Macc to fail. 

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Nobody wants him to fail but how are we supposed to be excited about another DT? When we had Allen (A perfect fit for a need we've had for over 10 years) sitting right there?! We had a chance there to fill a need (Edge) without having to reach for it yet we selected a defensive tackle... again. This guy is a constant let down in almost every draft he's done his draft record is criminal and it just goes to show how little the Johnsons care about winning. I like Quinnen but don't think he was the right pick for us this year

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Well if Macc fails the Jets fail so I doubt anyone wants him to fail. Maybe what they want is for Macc to take a chance and do the unexpected for a change? Maybe roll the dice and take a chance instead of doing the safe thing? Fortune favors the bold or so they say and so far Macc hasn't been too bold.

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5 minutes ago, SR24 said:

Nobody wanted him to fail but how are we supposed to be excited about another DT? When we had Allen (A perfect fit for a need we've had for over 10 years) sitting right there?! We had a chance there to fill a need (Edge) without having to reach for it yet we selected a defensive tackle... again. This guy is a constant let down in almost every draft he's done his draft record is criminal and it just goes to show how little the Johnsons care about winning. I like Quinnen but don't think he was the right pick for us this year

The thread is about people wanting Macc to fail, not why he is failing. 

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9 minutes ago, TheNuuFaaolaExperience said:

Just two examples, but that is two more than nobody. Macc Derangement Syndrome is apparently a real thing. #NotMyGM #CoffeeManBad #MacCDraftSafety #BestCoffeeAvailable


I don't want him to fail. I want him to succeed.  But that's impossible because he is really stupid and really a coward.  I want him fired.  

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16 minutes ago, TheNuuFaaolaExperience said:

Just two examples, but that is two more than nobody. Macc Derangement Syndrome is apparently a real thing. #NotMyGM #CoffeeManBad #MacCDraftSafety #BestCoffeeAvailable


Just because he is failing doesn’t mean anyone wanted him to and wrong for pointing it  out when he does . Good heavens 

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2 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

Ah. Ye olde “WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA” defense. Nice

Yeah... gotta love the desperation stench of those defending our doofus GM.  So now the distortion is that "we want Mac to fail"  .  LOL LOL LOL.  People will say anything stupid to defend this doofus.  

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13 minutes ago, TheNuuFaaolaExperience said:

Just two examples, but that is two more than nobody. Macc Derangement Syndrome is apparently a real thing. #NotMyGM #CoffeeManBad #MacCDraftSafety #BestCoffeeAvailable


He's already failed. Now it's just about the Owner finally realizing it.

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1 minute ago, Dcat said:

Yeah... gotta love the desperation stench of those defending our doofus GM.  So now the distortion is that "we want Mac to fail"  .  LOL LOL LOL.  People will say anything stupid to defend this doofus.  

LOL LOL LOL. I wasn't defending him. LOL LOL LOL. I was pointing out that people want him to fail. LOL LOL LOL.

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Just now, TeddEY said:

I'm sorry, did I need to define nuance for you?

No thanks. The whole nuance thing is my schtick. It's possible to point out that people want Macc to fail, AND recognize that he has to do a better job. Oh snap. Maybe you don't understand nuance. Would you like me to define nuance for you?

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I was waiting for this draft to decide if he was improving. 

All the talk of trading down gave me hope. 

I shut off everything when we picked another BPA DT at 3. 

It only made things worse to wake up to see Burns and Sweat went 16 and 26, and to find Taylor, Greedy, and Metcalf left in the 2nd. 

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1 minute ago, TheNuuFaaolaExperience said:

No thanks. The whole nuance thing is my schtick. It's possible to point out that people want Macc to fail, AND recognize that he has to do a better job. Oh snap. Maybe you don't understand nuance. Would you like me to define nuance for you?

where did i say I want him to fail?  I just want him fired.  totally different

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To be honest, I seriously wonder about people who think Mac is doing a good job. Like what does he actually need to do for everyone to realize that he's really really bad at this?

I mean, he's done some good things (Teddy Bridgewater for a 3rd, getting Sam last year, ) but that doesn't absolve the overwhelmingly poor drafts, free agents, roster construction and lack of results.

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