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Aaron Rodgers to the Jets rumor: Merged

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51 minutes ago, Alka said:

Every time I see one of your posts, I see the quote you have from Kurt Vonnegot.  I must tell you, that I did work for his wife, and all I can say is:  "Wow!"  And not in a good sense of the word "wow".  Perhaps if we ever meet at a Jets game, I will tell you the story of my interaction with her.  I do not want to write it here for all to see.  

Actually not interested in hearing it. 

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1 hour ago, ptisme said:

Rodgers retiring would be no different than him being traded regarding the cap.  And he won’t retire and miss out on 60 million.   Go outside and take a walk and think about reality 

You need to take that walk 

You spent how many days now trying to convince us a team with 0 leverage has all the leverage?

Bro look in the freaking mirror ??

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42 minutes ago, oatmeal said:

2 dudes here with 0% interest in this situation both agree packers have NO leverage:



Packers look bad for how they're handling the exit of the former face of their franchise. Only part I disagree with Unc, is I wouldn't be so quick to give the Packers any of our 2nd round picks in this year's draft. I'd like the Jets first three picks in the upcoming draft to be for the Rodgers run we are about to go on.

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2 hours ago, Alka said:

Every time I see one of your posts, I see the quote you have from Kurt Vonnegot.  I must tell you, that I did work for his wife, and all I can say is:  "Wow!"  And not in a good sense of the word "wow".  Perhaps if we ever meet at a Jets game, I will tell you the story of my interaction with her.  I do not want to write it here for all to see.  

My quote is also from KV i assume you mean his second wife Jill K

his first wife died in 86


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2 hours ago, Alka said:

Every time I see one of your posts, I see the quote you have from Kurt Vonnegot.  I must tell you, that I did work for his wife, and all I can say is:  "Wow!"  And not in a good sense of the word "wow".  Perhaps if we ever meet at a Jets game, I will tell you the story of my interaction with her.  I do not want to write it here for all to see.  

Which one?

Anyway, you can tell us.

They're both dead.

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The pursuit of Rodgers was a mistake.  We got Nathan Hacket and Tim Boyle to appease the mercurial QB.  Too much BS for this QB. We should have got Carr.

Open up the dictionary and thumb your way to the word "mediocre." You'll see a picture of Derek Carr.
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2 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

You have 408 posts in this thread.  80 more than anyone else.

Projection much?

Please tell me there is a way to see that automatically and that you haven't been keeping records independently.

Always Sunny Reaction GIF

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Its very simple.  Its a 3rd this year and that is it.  Rodgers 40 years old and was average at best last year.   Brett Favre was better at this stage of his career.

Favre's last season as a packer he threw 28tds and 4,200 yards

Rodgers last year threw 26 tds and 3,700 yards

The game has changed too so put favre in a 2022 offense and he probably throws 35 tds and 4800 yards his last year in GB.

The Packers will take a 3rd round pick and like it.  That is what Favre went for 15 years ago  Anything more and Joe D is a fool.

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16 minutes ago, jgb said:

Wish we had gotten Minshew to at least imply we have an option if GB doesn’t deal.


why would minshew come here to appear as window dressing and bargaining leverage, when indy offered him a chance to start (or at least compete for the starting job vs. whatever other QBs they have on the roster including a draft pick), as well as reunited him with his OC in philly?

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53 minutes ago, ptisme said:

When someone gets so upset about football that they start dropping f bombs they should break away.  Just sayin’

That is just Jets NY/NJ magic!!!  :)

Honestly let me take your side for a minute........

Here is what you should be saying the Jets and the Packers had a deal. 

A DEAL!!!!!!

They had a deal in principle and in particular, Green Bay graciously permitted the Jets to speak to Aaron Rogers.  Then Rogers says on a talk show that he was thinking that he might retire next year and the Jets, Woody Johnson, says we are taking our offer OFF THE TABLE because he Rogers, might retire and they were in effect blindsided by this...

Well didn't the Jets ask him how long he was going play when they had a private meeting with him? I mean if this was such a big deal you mean Woody Johnson didn't ask?

No, this is Green Bay's fault??????

Well, Woody Johnson and the Jets are full of nonsense here...

First, and foremost a player who is 40 years old might retire in two years, that is not crazy; and Aaron Rogers in particular has said CONSISTENTLY that he was going to retire literally THREE YEARS AGO, so for the Jets to act like they had "no idea" Rogers might retire is disingenuous at best and double-dealing potentially at worst!

There is your answer... 

The Jets and the Packers had a deal, that both sides agreed to and it was the Jets Owner who undid it 

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37 minutes ago, jetblue95 said:


why would minshew come here to appear as window dressing and bargaining leverage, when indy offered him a chance to start (or at least compete for the starting job vs. whatever other QBs they have on the roster including a draft pick), as well as reunited him with his OC in philly?

Not necessarily Minshew. But Jets have yet again ignored QB2.

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1 hour ago, Jetsfan80 said:

When a Packers fan creates an account on a Jets message board and posts more than anyone else whilst there, perhaps one should take his own advice.

And I use f bombs like the word "the".  I'm a Jets fan from New Jersey.  It's what we do.  Time to grow up if it offends your fragile self.

Have you ever been to Wisconsin? Cut the guy some slack. I don't think they can help how they are. Pretty sure the toughest course in their high schools out there is AP Dodgeball.

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21 hours ago, JETS SB said:

It’s funny how Packers fans and even some Jets fans are saying the Packers can just keep Aaron Rodgers and his contract and keep him on the bench. Do they not realize that this would be literally spitting in the face of one of their all time greatest players, who you plan on retiring their number and going into the hall of fame with your jersey on. Rodgers is the type of guy who would just go in as a Jet, if that happens. They respect Rodgers more than that, which is why this “keep him” theory is all horsesh*t. In the end, they will trade him for 2 2nds and it will be done. No one is in a rush other than moronic fans of both franchises. 

Cool story, but you don’t go into the HOF as a member of any team when you go in as a player… no jersey.

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19 minutes ago, JetPotato said:

Have you ever been to Wisconsin? Cut the guy some slack. I don't think they can help how they are. Pretty sure the toughest course in their high schools out there is AP Dodgeball.

Hey man, this is a fun place to live!

We have cheese and farms and sh*t out here

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