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Jets vs Commanders - The Game Thread


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CBS featuring a snippet about NFL's program to hire women assistant coaches. Words fail me here. 

Look, have no problem with people living alternate lifestyles; live and let live. Heck, recently had a wonderful evening at a relative's lesbian wedding. Had some questionable taste in music, but I digress. Kind of a big hint that based on the video, a certain orientation of women are so attracted. Said relative played college hoops at a high level, which she would readily tell you is mostly lesbians. Had a girlfriend way back who played high school hoops but opted not to play in college because of that. 

Players are behind the backs of these women laughing at them. It's a joke. 

But dog&pony shows to pretend the NFL is some kind of unending box-checking social experiment,  that's nonsense. And it won't end well. Goodell can't help himself. Why don't you take all that time, money and energy wasted on that and straighten out the total disaster each week that is the refs? 

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20 minutes ago, Bugg said:

CBS featuring a snippet about NFL's program to hire women assistant coaches. Words fail me here. 

Look, have no problem with people living alternate lifestyles; live and let live. Heck, recently had a wonderful evening at a relative's lesbian wedding. Had some questionable taste in music, but I digress. Kind of a big hint that based on the video, a certain orientation of women are so attracted. Said relative played college hoops at a high level, which she would readily tell you is mostly lesbians. Had a girlfriend way back who played high school hoops but opted not to play in college because of that. 

Players are behind the backs of these women laughing at them. It's a joke. 

But dog&pony shows to pretend the NFL is some kind of unending box-checking social experiment,  that's nonsense. And it won't end well. Goodell can't help himself. Why don't you take all that time, money and energy wasted on that and straighten out the total disaster each week that is the refs? 

It’s 2023 @Bugg and I’m going to guess you’re about the same age I am.

You (we) need to know when and where our opinions are need or wanted. When you talk about things like this, you do so at your own peril. Every corporation and or sports league is bending over backwards to appear woke.  How sincere they are, i don’t know. It’s the times we live in.



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3 minutes ago, Lith said:

I absolutely f**king hate that they have done this to us yet again.  Another season and here we are watching a game in December thinking about wins vs draft position.  It sucks. 

I am so tired of this sh!t.

Go Jets?  Go Commanders?  I don't really care.

Merry Christmas, fellas.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Announcerless_game#:~:text=Announcerless game 1 Background Don Ohlmeyer%2C then executive,ratings than it probably otherwise would have.   Crazy though. The famous 'announcerless" game victory over the Dolphins in 1980 was the difference between drafting Freeman McNeil (a really good player) and Lawrence Taylor. And recall the mess that left the Jets drafting Zach Wilson rather than Trevor Lawrence. Can't ever root for them to lose, but.....

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