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“ Do you want me to throw the podium on the floor?”


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25 minutes ago, bitonti said:

The idea that a pro Head coach making 3 mil a year can yell at a grown man making double, triple that and that yelling it will have any effect on the team is some old school Vince Lombardi level bullsh*t. 

yes the Jets suck. Yelling a Trevor Siemien or Mekhi Becton won't make them play better. Sorry to burst everyone's bubble these are professionals and tearing the room apart is not going to win friends or influence people. It's thinking like this that got Pete Carroll fired here and that thinking was outdated 30 years ago when it happened  

it's not college. It's not high school - many of these players have contracts way larger than Salehs - they have guys like Joe Douglas betting their career on this draft pick, they have 31 other teams that want them - some of them even have billionaire uncles - they don't have anything to fear from a coach that lives in like a hotel room with 5 kids (or wherever Saleh makes his home these days)  

and the ones that would respond to that? bums. 

The NBA'ification of the NFL.  Nice.

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5 minutes ago, sourceworx said:

The only thing I'll give JD credit for is that unlike Mac he understands the concept of position value in the draft. After drafting his QB, his next few picks were on the O-Line (AVT), WR (Elijah Moore), and RB (Michael Carter). The players he picked may have been the wrong ones, but the positions he focused on were correct.

Mac on the other hand, took a Division 2 project DT immediately after trading up for Darnold. He did nothing to try to help his QB.

He was also then drafting himself a new #5 DE instead of a new #3 DT with a high first.  They're basically just the same guy if you swap out the coffee for cups of melted butter or whatever it is JD drinks.

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23 minutes ago, CanadienJetsFan said:

No doubt throwing the podium would have been childish but Saleh once again, lost the opportunity to speak directly to us the fans.

he could have simply said, “just because I don’t look pissed, it doesn’t mean that I’m not angry. I know that our fans deserve better, performance-wise, and my job is to fix it.”

Cimini is a troll and doesn't speak for fans. He has an agenda. His question was relevant only in establishing a narrative for a story. 

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28 minutes ago, bitonti said:

The idea that a pro Head coach making 3 mil a year can yell at a grown man making double, triple that and that yelling it will have any effect on the team is some old school Vince Lombardi level bullsh*t. 

yes the Jets suck. Yelling a Trevor Siemien or Mekhi Becton won't make them play better. Sorry to burst everyone's bubble these are professionals and tearing the room apart is not going to win friends or influence people. It's thinking like this that got Pete Carroll fired here and that thinking was outdated 30 years ago when it happened  

it's not college. It's not high school - many of these players have contracts way larger than Salehs - they have guys like Joe Douglas betting their career on this draft pick, they have 31 other teams that want them - some of them even have billionaire uncles - they don't have anything to fear from a coach that lives in like a hotel room with 5 kids (or wherever Saleh makes his home these days)  

and the ones that would respond to that? bums. 

1).  This is honestly one of the worst takes on this subject I’ve read.  

2.) You don’t have to be Bob Knight and berate people and do it constantly for little reason.  That said, to say professional athletes don’t respond to an occasional ass-chewing is asinine.

3.). The ones that do respond to that are bums?  That’s also ridiculous.  Again, it’s a tool in the tool bag.  When used properly, it certainly can bring desired actions.


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39 minutes ago, bitonti said:

The idea that a pro Head coach making 3 mil a year can yell at a grown man making double, triple that and that yelling it will have any effect on the team is some old school Vince Lombardi level bullsh*t. 

yes the Jets suck. Yelling a Trevor Siemien or Mekhi Becton won't make them play better. Sorry to burst everyone's bubble these are professionals and tearing the room apart is not going to win friends or influence people. It's thinking like this that got Pete Carroll fired here and that thinking was outdated 30 years ago when it happened  

it's not college. It's not high school - many of these players have contracts way larger than Salehs - they have guys like Joe Douglas betting their career on this draft pick, they have 31 other teams that want them - some of them even have billionaire uncles - they don't have anything to fear from a coach that lives in like a hotel room with 5 kids (or wherever Saleh makes his home these days)  

and the ones that would respond to that? bums. 

Mekhi is in a contract year so Saleh's words should hold a lot of influence.  Every bit of bad publicity will hurt Mekhi's bottom line. 

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44 minutes ago, bitonti said:

The idea that a pro Head coach making 3 mil a year can yell at a grown man making double, triple that and that yelling it will have any effect on the team is some old school Vince Lombardi level bullsh*t. 

yes the Jets suck. Yelling a Trevor Siemien or Mekhi Becton won't make them play better. Sorry to burst everyone's bubble these are professionals and tearing the room apart is not going to win friends or influence people. It's thinking like this that got Pete Carroll fired here and that thinking was outdated 30 years ago when it happened  

it's not college. It's not high school - many of these players have contracts way larger than Salehs - they have guys like Joe Douglas betting their career on this draft pick, they have 31 other teams that want them - some of them even have billionaire uncles - they don't have anything to fear from a coach that lives in like a hotel room with 5 kids (or wherever Saleh makes his home these days)  

and the ones that would respond to that? bums. 

Ok, so I guess all 31 other coaches have this exact same problem? Or is it unique to the Jets and only the Jets 

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3 minutes ago, Bleedin Green said:

He was also then drafting himself a new #5 DE instead of a new #3 DT with a high first.  They're basically just the same guy if you swap out the coffee for cups of melted butter or whatever it is JD drinks.

JD seems to factor team needs in his decisions more than Mac, who strictly went best available player on the board.

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33 minutes ago, CanadienJetsFan said:

No doubt throwing the podium would have been childish but Saleh once again, lost the opportunity to speak directly to us the fans.

he could have simply said, “just because I don’t look pissed, it doesn’t mean that I’m not angry. I know that our fans deserve better, performance-wise, and my job is to fix it.”

Saleh is a man who does not take accountability. The NY Media has been way too soft on him. The minute that one asks a very valid question (finally a reporter conveying the feelings of the fans). he takes it out on the reporter rather than answer a fair question. He is as guilty of this disaster as Joe Douglas.

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2 hours ago, Rob Moore said:

Bowles used to take a lot of heat for being too emotionless on the sidelines.  I remember him saying it’s the coaches job to maintain composure, but in the locker room I remember Bowles was known to flip out.  My point is none of us know what’s going on behind the scenes.

I kinda wish Saleh would throw a podium at about 75% of this board.  I thought the end of the Darnold era and missing out on Lawrence was the low point here but you have all proven me wrong.

The fact that EVERY SINGLE THREAD (no matter its subject matter) derails into bashing the team, coach, gm or just a childish stream of insults and stupid clown emojis, or weirdo conspiracy theories  is nauseating.  It’s making the board unreadable. 

I don't need to see coaches yelling at players on the sidelines. Honestly, if that's the difference in player performance, it speaks to a lack of focusing and preparing the team before the game. 

My issue with Bowles and Saleh standing blankly through the game isn't that they maintain composure, it's that it doesn't look like they contribute anything during the game. Could be wrong, but it doesn't seem like Saleh talks to anybody, gives any direction, or participates in any other way. Seems to me the head coach should be doing something especially when the team is failing. It's infuriating to see him look as mad and dejected as fans during games when he's empowered to do something about what he sees. We're not.

There's a lot of over the top nonsense posted here, but every team's board is full of negativity when the team is lousy. This isn't us or the Jets. 

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2 minutes ago, Xtina said:

Something besides his defense 

that's a separate question. The question was about Cimini's self-serving and oh-so-pious prayer for Saleh to "share his feelings." IMO that's just some next level cringe. I'm not defending Saleh's performance. I've simply been saying Cimini is a clown for asking such a stupid question 

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12 hours ago, Darnold Schwarzenegger said:

Saleh only shows emotion after a win or when things are going well. 

when things don’t go well, ( which is majority of the time) he shows no emotion like Bowles.

in his post game pressers when they lose he sounds defeated, says the same bs cliches and stares at the floor like he’s embarrassed.




That is actually a good thing.  

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2 hours ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

To be honest, I never questioned that Bowles likely laid into the team when it was called for. 

Saleh, otoh, is such a players' coach that I think he bends over backwards for them, even behind the scenes.

And given how much of an undisciplined mess this team has been, consistently, it doesn’t seem like they do much in practice, either.  

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52 minutes ago, rex-n-effect said:

My issue with Bowles and Saleh standing blankly through the game isn't that they maintain composure, it's that it doesn't look like they contribute anything during the game.

It's like steering the titanic it takes months to change the fate of any team 

The Jets in December are suffering from the decisions made in March and April not just 23 but all the way back. The decision to sign Aaron Rodgers. The decision to draft Zach. That's what moves the needle or not 

Time outs, challenges, and maybe substitutes there's not much these guys can do on GameDay to change their fates. There is no super secret trick play that will save the day. 

The refs can see the Jets strip a guy the video backs it up and ny rules he's down. Even well coached operations are at the whims of the refs and the league storylines

It's not any given Sunday. Saleh can't be Pacino give his life is a game of inches speech and everyone plays plus 5 attributes 

Fact is half these players don't even like football they do it because it's a job, it's very well paid and they have the ability to do it. They don't live and die with these wins and losses like us 

It's actually a sacrifice to play this game literally you're sacrificing time, freedom, current comfort and later health 

And when it's over about half of them won't watch another game again 

There are coaches who chew out players at the assist level but it's not something that these guys respond to and it's not how you want the hc to act. Even if by some miracle they respond once it's not going to stay fresh over a 5 year contract. 

I relate to you reaches these kids more than eat it you maggot 

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41 minutes ago, Saul Goodman said:

Cimini has been way too soft with Saleh, Douglas and Zach. He’s barely criticized any of them in his articles, particularly this season, when scathing criticism is very much warranted. 

I feel like cimini is like the rest of us 20 and 30 year plus fans he's dead inside and frankly my dear doesn't give a damn 


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6 minutes ago, bitonti said:

It's like steering the titanic it takes months to change the fate of any team 

The Jets in December are suffering from the decisions made in March and April not just 23 but all the way back. The decision to sign Aaron Rodgers. The decision to draft Zach. That's what moves the needle or not 

Time outs, challenges, and maybe substitutes there's not much these guys can do on GameDay to change their fates. There is no super secret trick play that will save the day. 

The refs can see the Jets strip a guy the video backs it up and ny rules he's down. Even well coached operations are at the whims of the refs and the league storylines

It's not any given Sunday. Saleh can't be Pacino give his life is a game of inches speech and everyone plays plus 5 attributes 

Fact is half these players don't even like football they do it because it's a job, it's very well paid and they have the ability to do it. They don't live and die with these wins and losses like us 

It's actually a sacrifice to play this game literally you're sacrificing time, freedom, current comfort and later health 

And when it's over about half of them won't watch another game again 

There are coaches who chew out players at the assist level but it's not something that these guys respond to and it's not how you want the hc to act. Even if by some miracle they respond once it's not going to stay fresh over a 5 year contract. 

I relate to you reaches these kids more than eat it you maggot 

I think saleh is burnt out from this team and in particular, dealing with all the nonsense with wilson.  Not defending him as a coach but he shouldn’t have had this whole woody/team wilson to deal with in addition to trying to win games with this franchise

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1 hour ago, HawkeyeJet said:

This is honestly one of the worst takes on this subject I’ve read.

Since we are judging each other's takes yours is reactionary 

It's not the 1950s dude these guys are corporations on two legs. They literally don't have to put up with jack squat or they publicl shoot their way out of town like Adams or Moore 

The Jets by the way put Becton in the doghouse, turned down his option, made him 4th string, challenged him in public and probably were harder on him than any lineman in three decades. Who knows what Keith Carter says to Becton behind closed doors 

none of it added up to a hill of beans 

It's the decision to draft a Becton that screws the team. not the decision to yell at him more or less on any particular day. These players need to be self starters motivate themselves because nfl coaches in 2023 can't just chew these guys out anymore 

Some guys like Zach they wear kid gloves. Had any coach ever yelled at Zach? He deserves it. Maybe milf did and he's in LA now the team backs their contract with Zach more than the contract with the coach.

But overall he's too fragile so is Aaron frankly and it would break these players to be chewed out in public. They take their ball and go home. that's where we are as a society. Don't shoot the messenger I don't make the rules I just report em 

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4 minutes ago, bitonti said:

Since we are judging each other's takes yours is reactionary 

It's not the 1950s dude these guys are corporations on two legs. They literally don't have to put up with jack squat or they publicl shoot their way out of town like Adams or Moore 

The Jets by the way put Becton in the doghouse, turned down his option, made him 4th string, challenged him in public and probably were harder on him than any lineman in three decades. Who knows what Keith Carter says to Becton behind closed doors 

none of it added up to a hill of beans 

It's the decision to draft a Becton that screws the team. not the decision to yell at him more or less on any particular day. These players need to be self starters motivate themselves because nfl coaches in 2023 can't just chew these guys out anymore 

Some guys like Zach they wear kid gloves. Had any coach ever yelled at Zach? He deserves it. Maybe milf did and he's in LA now the team backs their contract with Zach more than the contract with the coach.

But overall he's too fragile so is Aaron frankly and it would break these players to be chewed out in public. They take their ball and go home. that's where we are as a society. Don't shoot the messenger I don't make the rules I just report em 

I agree that ultimately they have to be self motivated or it just won’t work.  They had to beg becton to lose weight, so he could earn even more money than he got in his rookie deal.  Drafting wilson and all that came with that decision, and drafting becton, these 2 decisions have killed the team.  You can’t coach becton b/c he doesn’t want to be coached.  You can’t coach wilson b/c he is not an nfl qb.  All the other nice personnel additions don’t translate to wins b/c you can’t whiff on LT and qb in round 1.  That gets you fired and that’s what’s going to happen 

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1 hour ago, sourceworx said:

JD seems to factor team needs in his decisions more than Mac, who strictly went best available player on the board.

Are CBs, DEs, and RBs really a team need every single year? Because it sure seems to be the same exact thing. It's just slightly different positions that he's taking in every draft while simultaneously investing FA contracts.

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2 hours ago, Augustiniak said:

Drafting wilson and all that came with that decision, and drafting becton, these 2 decisions have killed the team.  

If the coach is yelling he should chew out Aaron Rodgers 

Think about it. No one has more invested in him than Rodgers and no one let down his teammates more 

But we all know that's ludicrous. Rodgers has 100 million and multiple years behind his contract and Saleh is a lame duck making 30x less 

If you can't chew out Rodgers or Zach then who can you chew out? Thomas Hennessy? Who cares 

Better to just treat them all with respect 

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3 hours ago, bitonti said:

It's like steering the titanic it takes months to change the fate of any team 

The Jets in December are suffering from the decisions made in March and April not just 23 but all the way back. The decision to sign Aaron Rodgers. The decision to draft Zach. That's what moves the needle or not 

Time outs, challenges, and maybe substitutes there's not much these guys can do on GameDay to change their fates. There is no super secret trick play that will save the day. 

The refs can see the Jets strip a guy the video backs it up and ny rules he's down. Even well coached operations are at the whims of the refs and the league storylines

It's not any given Sunday. Saleh can't be Pacino give his life is a game of inches speech and everyone plays plus 5 attributes 

Fact is half these players don't even like football they do it because it's a job, it's very well paid and they have the ability to do it. They don't live and die with these wins and losses like us 

It's actually a sacrifice to play this game literally you're sacrificing time, freedom, current comfort and later health 

And when it's over about half of them won't watch another game again 

There are coaches who chew out players at the assist level but it's not something that these guys respond to and it's not how you want the hc to act. Even if by some miracle they respond once it's not going to stay fresh over a 5 year contract. 

I relate to you reaches these kids more than eat it you maggot 

I get your point and agree that game day is about executing months of planning and decisions. I'm not looking for coaches to yell at players or give uplifting speeches. 

If true that head coaches are helpless bystanders during games, you have to explain away why other head coaches seem involved doing something during games, even the head coaches that don't call plays. I don't see him all game, but I can't remember the last time the camera showed him talking to anybody other than a ref. 

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I'm not usually too bent out of shape about pressers but you cant deny Saleh is seemingly unaffected by losing and doesnt seem to have an sense of urgency to turn it around.  In contrast, look at Mike Tomlin.  The buzz was out, people questioning his ability, if he still has it.  He came out, shoulder all the blame, said he needed to look in the mirror make changes and his team comes out after firing his OC w/ his 3rd string QB and curb stomped the surging Bengals (who were surging w/ a back up).  The Jets just gave up after 4 plays.  That type of behavior doesnt strike me as being an ultra competitive, win at all costs, type attitude Saleh likes to give off.  That's what the great have, unrivaled competitive spirit.  Saleh clearly lacks that component. 


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5 hours ago, Saul Goodman said:

Cimini has been way too soft with Saleh, Douglas and Zach. He’s barely criticized any of them in his articles, particularly this season, when scathing criticism is very much warranted. 

Which is ironic given that Dickie went after Bowles and Gase like a rabid dog attacking a rabbit.

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Saleh standing on the sidelines with a thumb up his arse while the referees robbed the Jets of a touchdown last night on the fumble recovery is emblematic of Saleh's coaching career.

A half decent coach who gives a sh*t would have been up in the grill of the closest referee tearing them a new one, if nothing else but to show the players on the sidelines that he has their back. Saleh just stood there and copped it.

Tomlin and John Harbaugh are but two current NFL coaches who would have been furious at that play ending up the way it did. Saleh did nothing to express any displeasure with the call.

Of course, the Jets wasted their opportunity from the turnover. Just the way it goes with this coaching staff and roster.

He used to be the guy on the 49ers sideline that would whoop and holler with the best of them. Now it's Mikey McDaniel that shows the emotion you'd expect from Saleh.

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12 hours ago, Matt39 said:

Asking why a coach isn’t angry isn’t a cheap shot. It’s football. Football coaches typically get angry when the same mistakes are made over and over. The positivity vibes nonsense hasn’t manifested into any winning so it’s a total valid question.

And he is not angry because he isnt berating players in public? Grow up.

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11 hours ago, kevinc855 said:

How was that a cheap shot? He’s a reporter?

It’s a cheap shot because it’s a question that has no acceptable answer. It’s a question that is being asked for the specific purpose of getting an inflammatory sound bite (minutes after a loss). Why don’t you tell me how you would answer Kevin…

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9 hours ago, Vader said:

How he feels? And why he doesn't do psychotic Rex-style clown shows? That's the most honest question he's ever been asked? Really?

The question was clear, basically the reporter questioned the state of emotions of Saleh, and when Saleh pretended not to understand the reporter was forced to put it in child like terms. It's more than a fair question: when he was hired , we were sold this intense guy who was all about putting it all on the line. All Gas, no brakes". That seems a far cry from a guy who punted on the op 45 yard line, correct me if I'm wrong, when losing the game last night.

The only way the question feels wrong is if one falls for the trap setup by PR Saleh by exaggerating the answer.

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