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No You Can't Make this Up -- The Jets Are Nuts!

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8 minutes ago, BornJetsFan1983 said:

Saleh if course would be scooped up, with even bottom barrel off he's a play off coach.

Joe Douglas also is better half gm for sure. He would be hired on the spot.

We just haven't got a decent off staff because of apparently woody


You can count on the fingers of one hand how many good free agent signings Douglas has managed. Teams will notice how much money he has wasted on chumps like Tomlinson. 

His draft record is equally as abysmal. He caught lightning in a bottle with his 2022 draft but overall he has spent a lot of draft capital for not much result.

The Jets record under his watch approaches the level of Matt Millen but over a longer time period.

His ceiling post-Jets is a special assistant to the GM type role, like what Idzik managed with the Jaguars for a few years. Unless the Jets turn it around in a hurry next season.

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54 minutes ago, SomebodytoAnybody47 said:

First of all, thank you for last weeks news. 

Second, they wanted him to be able to keep practicing and be around the team. It was well know he was never actually playing. And Bawden was still locked in. Got his money. And surprise, was active and played this week. 

Soooo what are we crying about exactly? Oh right just anything and everything. Good grief. 

Your take is not just wrong, it's negligent of the obvious.  They flagrantly planted a false hope (one that most of us knew was bullcrap) but some out there probably kept their hopes up and bought tickets or bent over backwards and paid the Jets 2 months earlier just because they asked us to.  Please.  That was the only reason.

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3 minutes ago, CanadaSteve said:

But a bunch of posters said this is all Saleh and JD's fault?  That Woody had nothing to do with the decision.  So hard to know the truth.  

Dogass and Salad are irrelevant. The only reason those two are peter principled into their executive positions is because Woody is a weirdo.

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3 hours ago, Charlie Brown said:

Cliff Notes Version: Rogers Begged the Jets to put him on IR and the Jets refused the Request!

I am only posting this because I didn't see this posted anywhere else except in a post I wrote.

According to Rogers (see below), Rogers asked to be put on IR because he wouldn't be ready before the end of the season but the JETS DENIED THE REQUEST!

Let that sink in, a player recovering from a significant injury says to the Jets that he will not be ready before the end of the season but the Team says no!

And get this, the Team, The Jets, pretend that they are waiting for Rogers to return.  That is they are gaslighting everyone!

Hmmmm.......... again think there is only one reason why you would do this, and that is to mislead the fans and the press into believing something that they knew wouldn't happen. 

This is a NON-FOOTBALL DECISION...Period!!

And IMO this has Woody's fingerprints all over it! 

Neither Saleh nor JD would go out on a week-to-week basis and pretend like a player who said that he wouldn't be ready to perform is in fact progressing before the end of the season!

This is a JOKE!!


Oh and here is the proof..


Good Grief! :( 

Karon Rodgers loves drama, he came up with this all on his own.  His hand is literally up Woody’s a$$.

Better than Jeff Dunham.

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8 minutes ago, Dcat said:

Your take is not just wrong, it's negligent of the obvious.  They flagrantly planted a false hope (one that most of us knew was bullcrap) but some out there probably kept their hopes up and bought tickets or bent over backwards and paid the Jets 2 months earlier just because they asked us to.  Please.  That was the only reason.

What false hope? It’s nobody’s fault but your own if you believed he was coming back, let alone went out and bought tickets. Lol. Gimme a break. 

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4 hours ago, Charlie Brown said:

Cliff Notes Version: Rogers Begged the Jets to put him on IR and the Jets refused the Request!

I am only posting this because I didn't see this posted anywhere else except in a post I wrote.

According to Rogers (see below), Rogers asked to be put on IR because he wouldn't be ready before the end of the season but the JETS DENIED THE REQUEST!

Let that sink in, a player recovering from a significant injury says to the Jets that he will not be ready before the end of the season but the Team says no!

And get this, the Team, The Jets, pretend that they are waiting for Rogers to return.  That is they are gaslighting everyone!

Hmmmm.......... again think there is only one reason why you would do this, and that is to mislead the fans and the press into believing something that they knew wouldn't happen. 

This is a NON-FOOTBALL DECISION...Period!!

And IMO this has Woody's fingerprints all over it! 

Neither Saleh nor JD would go out on a week-to-week basis and pretend like a player who said that he wouldn't be ready to perform is in fact progressing before the end of the season!

This is a JOKE!!


Oh and here is the proof..


Good Grief! :( 

Pretty sure AR was the one claiming from the getgo he wasn't done and will be ready to come back. Even cleared medically too now. But doesn’t want to come back just cuz Jets are out of playoff contention. 

Why beg for IR now? Jets have paid heavily for him and I don’t blame them to try to get their money’s worth back. 

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Every single person on this site flamed me for saying Rodgers would not recover any faster than anyone else with this injury has + that all of this defiance of modern medicine was Rodgers being Rodgers and Woody being a car salesman.

I don’t fell bad for any one of you that defied evidence and logic, in favor of trusting two of the shadiest dudes in sports.

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9 hours ago, bitonti said:

I'm not exactly a woody supporter but why would anyone believe anything Rodgers says at this point 

He's a compulsive liar who says anything he can think of to keep the attention on himself 


As Jets fans we are so used to completely destroying our knuckle dragging, idiotic front office we forget about the all stuff that lead to the fans in GB hating Rodgers 

I hate Colin Cowherd but he made a excellent point regarding the Jets and Rodgers  Friday when he said this:

It’s easy to support Saleh from the sidelines when it’s not you talking those losses with him and we all know how Aaron is, wait until he starts losing with Saleh, this will not end good


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10 hours ago, Ron Rico said:

Look, let's get the whole "gaslighting" term, straightened out. I get it, it was a movie about a guy who was trying to convince his wife was insane. 

In ever evolving vernacular, it has come to describe people trying to wind other people up. OK? Stop acting like you are some brilliant linguist. 

When I say someone is "gaslighting me" it means that they really don't mean what they say, they are only saying it because they know it's going to push my buttons. 

Are we clear, now? 

This looks like a conversation for me, considering it is completely unclear who you are talking  with the lack of quoting @Charlie Brown  and thus looks like you have wandered into my section of of our little insane asylum and are coversing with the wall about definitions of words... incorrectly.

Soooo....  welcome to the west wing ... we call it that because @Jetsfan80thinks he's president here, stay out of that corner thats were @FidelioJet Looks at stillshots of Zach Wilsons pro day, fondles, and cries thinking of what should have been.  Stay out of that one too, that corner over there is where @TomShanewrites needlessly edgey poetry while pretending to write his "novel" it's a hack mixture of Dostoevsky and Sam Rami. We do not know where he keeps getting pencils.


So yeah the wall doesnt know anything about gaslighting.

Merely pushing someones buttons isn't gaslighting its just instigating.

Gaslighting is the intentional reframing of key facts or whole incidents in order to get an individual to question their perception of that fact or incident to your own machiavellian benefit. If your really good at it eventually you can get someone to question their entire reality.(see: The Lodge, 2019 crappy b horror flick about gaslighting an already crazy person and how fun that can be)

So any whoooo... gaslighting by definition needs to be an attempt to dlstort someones reality through psychological manipulation.... not um ...pushing  buttons.

The walls name is Danny you can freel free to keep talking to him... he is the nicest person in this place.

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11 hours ago, bitonti said:

This is true but didn't they have to cut a practice squad guy to make room for bawden? 



Good point.  I suppose they did. Even so the big todo was over demoting a guy on the active roster and in that respect it wasn’t that big of a deal.  I don’t agree with it simply because there was zero chance Rodgers was going to play so there was no point.

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1 hour ago, Lurker89 said:


Gaslighting is the intentional reframing of key facts or whole incidents in order to get an individual to question their perception of that fact or incident to your own machiavellian benefit. If your really good at it eventually you can get someone to question their entire reality.(see: The Lodge, 2019 crappy b horror flick about gaslighting an already crazy person and how fun that can be)

So any whoooo... gaslighting by definition needs to be an attempt to dlstort someones reality through psychological manipulation.... not um ...pushing  buttons.


"Gaslighting" is a strategy, "pushing buttons" is a tactic. It's all psychological warfare. It's all the same means to an end. Gaining total control of the dissemination of information is an unrealistic objective, therefore the power of persuasion, employed with coercion and peer pressure, is very effective in the subversion and demoralization of the masses. People inevitably choose the lie over the truth, because it becomes convenient to do so. Life is easier when one goes along to get along. Stop thinking. Stop analyzing. Fit in. Or else. 

Every generation has it's Solzhenitsyn, Some brave Apollo, a light in the darkness. 

However the scale of the propaganda against us is so effective, breaking the mental/cognitive barrier is almost impossible. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

Solzhenitsyn and his ilk are disappeared to Gulags in Siberia. 

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12 hours ago, SomebodytoAnybody47 said:

What false hope? It’s nobody’s fault but your own if you believed he was coming back, let alone went out and bought tickets. Lol. Gimme a break. 

You are so wrong here, I just can't understand.  The whole "Rodgers might come back this season" was a flat out LIE, and Saleh & co. knew it.  I'll bet the Jets PR department loved it.  It was designed to give the "regular" fan base (not us who know better) a false hope and keep tickets selling for this year but to especially keep demand high for next year.  All without a guaranty that Rodgers would come back next year, they demanded that STH start paying two months earlier than every previous year.  Obvious.   

Face it.  The New York Jets organization habitually lies to the fan base since Woody has been owner.  Not the first time.  No different here.  This organization is run like clown show and the owner has ZERO regard for the fan base. All he cares about is getting my money earlier this year.

P.S.  I did not and will not pay them anything until January, just like past years.  I have like 50 messages from the sales team, stressing out over my non payment.  Hey, I told them that I would start paying in January like every other year whether they liked it or not. What are they going to do, sell my seats to someone else?  LOL.  Good luck with that.  This team's management from the owner straight down to their juvenile PR department (consisting mainly of college interns or recent college grads --  you know cheap salaries that the Jets like), is wretched, dishonest and greedy.  Zero regard for the fan base.  They contsantly lie about stuff and Rodgers is a perfect example.  

The Jets management is frankly disgraceful.  


p.s.s.  it was the NY Jets PR team that creat4d the Adam Gase burner account.  This I know for a fact and I can't say how I know, but it came from someone inside at the time.  The slime in that building has no boundaries.


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15 hours ago, Ron Rico said:

AR is, and always has been, a PR stunt of Woody's. Same motive as Tebow, just a hella more expensive. Woody doesn't care about the product or wins and losses, he only cares about cheap Vaudeville theatre. He's the PT Barnum of the NFL. He's a deranged fool with alot of money. 

Disagree.  Woody really believed Tebow was the real deal as both another Brad Smith and as a potential replacement for Mark Sanchez.  

im not disagreeing with you that Woody is gigantic moron - just disagreeing on the philosophy of his stupidity 


Aaron Rodgers was the obvious move and it made sense from an X’s and O’s standpoint.  The problem was not fixing the OL and keeping Zach as the backup/understudy 

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1 hour ago, Ron Rico said:

"Gaslighting" is a strategy, "pushing buttons" is a tactic. It's all psychological warfare. It's all the same means to an end. Gaining total control of the dissemination of information is an unrealistic objective, therefore the power of persuasion, employed with coercion and peer pressure, is very effective in the subversion and demoralization of the masses. People inevitably choose the lie over the truth, because it becomes convenient to do so. Life is easier when one goes along to get along. Stop thinking. Stop analyzing. Fit in. Or else. 

Every generation has it's Solzhenitsyn, Some brave Apollo, a light in the darkness. 

However the scale of the propaganda against us is so effective, breaking the mental/cognitive barrier is almost impossible. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

Solzhenitsyn and his ilk are disappeared to Gulags in Siberia. 

Upvoted for Solzhenitsyn! 


But you should have thrown in Archipelago as well. That is a beautiful word.... Archipelago....

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15 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Those who still refuse to blame Woody as the main culprit:  What explanation do you have for why there NEVER seems to be an adult in the room with this franchise?

I think pretty much everyone agrees that Jets ownership is probably the worst in sports. 

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2 hours ago, Ron Rico said:

"Gaslighting" is a strategy, "pushing buttons" is a tactic. It's all psychological warfare. It's all the same means to an end. Gaining total control of the dissemination of information is an unrealistic objective, therefore the power of persuasion, employed with coercion and peer pressure, is very effective in the subversion and demoralization of the masses. People inevitably choose the lie over the truth, because it becomes convenient to do so. Life is easier when one goes along to get along. Stop thinking. Stop analyzing. Fit in. Or else. 

Every generation has it's Solzhenitsyn, Some brave Apollo, a light in the darkness. 

However the scale of the propaganda against us is so effective, breaking the mental/cognitive barrier is almost impossible. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

Solzhenitsyn and his ilk are disappeared to Gulags in Siberia. 

So many words just to tell us you still have no idea what gaslighting means.

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The way Rodgers tells the story is bizarre and intended to stir up drama.

It's no story at all that the coaches decided to activate him so he could practice and the rest of the offense could practice with a QB who can throw an accurate pass more than five yards. Bawden was moved down as a procedural move which had no impact on his pay, performance, or position with the team. 

The way Rodgers says it is he didn't want to sacrifice another player on the roster but surely if he said something internally, somebody explained to him it had no consequence to anybody. So why even bring this up? Highlighting the Bawden move only raised questions about Bawden's position with the team and made him have to answer questions that didn't need to be asked. Rodgers is the only person who caused problems for the FB.

The way Rodgers has stirred it up all season is really worse than anything Moore did as a malcontent that got him moved off the team. For all his supposed leadership in training camp, he's been the exact opposite during the season.

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17 hours ago, LIJetsFan said:

I can't tell the real from the BS any more with this franchise. :( It's getting so I can't have an opinion anymore since I'm a facts based guy. 

Go read the article from Ben Solak on Aaron Rodgers and his falling out with Green Bay and his manipulation and spreading FUD. It's not a coincidence that it's gotten so much worse. You have Saleh and his ridiculous BS combined with Rodgers then you have JD who won't speak publicly about anything. It's the perfect recipe for a sh*t stew.

10 minutes ago, rex-n-effect said:

The way Rodgers tells the story is bizarre and intended to stir up drama.

It's no story at all that the coaches decided to activate him so he could practice and the rest of the offense could practice with a QB who can throw an accurate pass more than five yards. Bawden was moved down as a procedural move which had no impact on his pay, performance, or position with the team. 

The way Rodgers says it is he didn't want to sacrifice another player on the roster but surely if he said something internally, somebody explained to him it had no consequence to anybody. So why even bring this up? Highlighting the Bawden move only raised questions about Bawden's position with the team and made him have to answer questions that didn't need to be asked. Rodgers is the only person who caused problems for the FB.

The way Rodgers has stirred it up all season is really worse than anything Moore did as a malcontent that got him moved off the team. For all his supposed leadership in training camp, he's been the exact opposite during the season.

Also, see the article from Ben Solak. Rodgers goes to great lengths to be seen the way he wants to be seen. He didn't like the whole "Bawden lost his job because Rodgers got activated" so he ran to McAfee who lets him spin whatever ridiculous tale he wants without being challenged.

Rodgers could have been an adult and said, that the they talked about it and the team wanted him back on the practice field with the the rest of the guys and he hates that someone had to be moved off the roster, but it's life in the NFL. Everyone recognized that these moves happen every single week.

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Especially Saleh, who tells the team “ to make sure you have the pen when they write your life story.” Right now, the pen is in the hands of the biggest idiot on the planet, Woody.
This is news to you? The adolescent attention grab wearing the garishly disgusting bling necklace didn't do it for you? The guy is a clown and because of that .. I say **** it bring in Rex, Bring back Tebow as an assistant, keep Salesman Saleh, bring back Tannenclown, bring Gase back as OC, dig up Holtz and make his skeleton the head of football ops Beetlejuice style... Sign money manziel as the QB, bring back Jamal , .. .. ... ... actual pro football does not exist at 1 Jets Drive

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

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