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Will Aaron Rodgers Fix The Offense?

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6 hours ago, Prodigal Syndicate said:

But he wasn't a top 10 qb his last year with the Packers. And the Packers got better without him.

This is a ridiculous post lol 

If you ask any Packers fan, they would immediately point to the front office and the complete lack of help they gave him. Even then, outside of last year Green Bay was winning 13 games a year. It was obvious as hell what the problems were in Green Bay last year, and it was not Rodgers. 

The Packers are an average team now, at best. Love has looked decent as of late, but no one knows what he will look like long term. 


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Just now, redlichtie said:

Really?…how did that go on the 4th play of the season?

Oh that's a genius response! 

Let's ignore a HOF qbs ability to control the line of scrimmage and the offense and point to a freak injury 

I swear, being around Jets fans sometimes... Lol I need a break 

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11 hours ago, Warfish said:

Excellent QB play and production would certainly improve the team we saw in 2023 by a wide margin. 

We were the worst offense in the NFL (ranked 29th in points, 32nd in yards) in 2023, on the back of league-worst QB play.  And yet we still finished 7-10.

Improve those metrics, and QB production, materially and it's hard not to see that having an effect on the W/L columns.

But it would all depend on how much improvement we see.  If Rodgers is somewhere in the 20's for QB metrics, we likely don't improve much.

If he's a top 5 or top 10 QB, and the D is anything close to what it was much of this season, it would seem hard to see that team not competing for a post-season berth, and perhaps a good berth at that.

But it all comes down to Rodgers, his health, and the quality of his play.  Which, as of now, remains entirely speculative and TBD.

And worse, Rodgers himself may come down to what the Oline looks like come 2024.  As of now....that doesn't engender optimism IMO.

Agree here, I think people are kidding themselves thinking we are just a QB away but the lack of talent on offense is fixable, we need to hit some big home runs in free agency and the draft, though our lack of a 2nd rounder hurts those chances.
There’s obviously the alarming OL situation that needs fairly major attention and we are sorely in need of another elite WR or two and I’m of the view that you can’t just ignore the defense entirely, it can still be improved upon……keep your strength a strength etc
It’s a huge off-season ahead and an awful lot has to start going right for us where so much has gone wrong and of course there will be injuries next year, to someone. Joe Douglas has to pull some rabbits out of hats.
What’s become apparent is that people are now pinning everything on No 8 and if he doesn’t come out throwing 5 TD 400myard games it’s going to be ugly and early 

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12 minutes ago, Falco21 said:

Oh that's a genius response! 

Let's ignore a HOF qbs ability to control the line of scrimmage and the offense and point to a freak injury 

I swear, being around Jets fans sometimes... Lol I need a break 

Well, if you leave an open goal

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11 hours ago, Pac said:

He's been saying this since last April.  Not sure why half the board still acts like he's done after next year.

Because he was done his last year in GB.  There is no reason to think he would have been good this year and even less a year removed from an ACL. 

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13 hours ago, football guy said:

He’s starting to get more specific on duration though. I don’t recall him ever saying he would be here for 4 years this past summer. So the way I heard it, he’s basically chalking up 2023 as a lost season and maintaining that he’ll be playing for 2-3 years, while being open to longer if he can still play

I hope father time doesn't have different plans. 

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12 hours ago, Prodigal Syndicate said:

But he wasn't a top 10 qb his last year with the Packers. And the Packers got better without him.

The IF in my post is a big if. He could have had a down year not far removed from back from back to back MVPs. We dont really know what Rodgers is any more. If he is a top 10 QB, he fixes a lot. If not, it’s going to be messy.

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17 hours ago, football guy said:

A lot of people were caught headline chasing today, but for those who actually listened to Rodgers’ spot on McAfee caught some important points regarding his standing with the Jets: 

Aaron said he sees himself playing here for 2-to-3 then reevaluating after that. He didn’t rule out playing more, and he basically said the only way he would play less if the Jets didn’t want him back. He did allude to having a working relationship with Woody and Christopher as well. All of these factors are pretty significant and could indicate that Rodgers will be here for a while no matter what happens in the 2024 season

I think he is honestly willing and wants to play that long. I hope he does.  So long as he does not suffer any more serious injuries, he will be instrumental in elevating the offense.  And, with offensive production, the defense wont get frustrated.  They will feed off of it and play like rabid animals. 

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Rodgers is going to have some free time coming up, at least:

There will be a lot of people who are happy with that, myself included to be honest with you,” McAfee said. “The way it ended, it got really loud. I am happy that he’s not going to be in my mentions going forward, which is great news.”



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2 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

Rodgers is going to have some free time coming up, at least:

There will be a lot of people who are happy with that, myself included to be honest with you,” McAfee said. “The way it ended, it got really loud. I am happy that he’s not going to be in my mentions going forward, which is great news.”




Wow.  I wonder whose call that was.  Probably not McAfee's directly but I'm sure he's not crying over it.  If he needs to fill a douchebag quota he can just get Dave Portnoy or something.

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31 minutes ago, nj meadowlands said:


Wow.  I wonder whose call that was.  Probably not McAfee's directly but I'm sure he's not crying over it.  If he needs to fill a douchebag quota he can just get Dave Portnoy or something.

People are jumping to conclusions without doing their homework. Rodgers last show of this season was yesterday, which they briefly, but not specifically, mentioned at the beginning of yesterday's show. For those who watched the entire broadcast McAfee left it talking about them doing it again in 2024.

Of course the media is caught once again doing what they do...

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1 minute ago, Jetkwondo said:

People are jumping to conclusions without doing their homework. Rodgers last show of this season was yesterday, which they briefly, but not specifically, mentioned at the beginning of yesterday's show. For those who watched the entire broadcast McAfee left it talking about them doing it again in 2024.

Of course the media is caught once again doing what they do...

yea the MEDIAAAAA !!!!

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8 hours ago, Falco21 said:

This is a ridiculous post lol 

If you ask any Packers fan, they would immediately point to the front office and the complete lack of help they gave him. Even then, outside of last year Green Bay was winning 13 games a year. It was obvious as hell what the problems were in Green Bay last year, and it was not Rodgers. 

The Packers are an average team now, at best. Love has looked decent as of late, but no one knows what he will look like long term. 


95% of the Packers fans on another forum were ready to get rid of him and are very happy with the results so far. They said he wasn’t getting help from the FO but were on the FOs side. But practically all of them wanted him gone. And now they are what? The youngest team to ever make the playoffs. Loves first year starting stats are nearly identical to Rodgers first year. 

Those of you that think he’s going to look like 2021 Rodgers next year are going to be very disappointed.

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35 minutes ago, Jetkwondo said:

People are jumping to conclusions without doing their homework. Rodgers last show of this season was yesterday, which they briefly, but not specifically, mentioned at the beginning of yesterday's show. For those who watched the entire broadcast McAfee left it talking about them doing it again in 2024.

Of course the media is caught once again doing what they do...



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14 hours ago, peekskill68 said:

If he has a working relationship with Woody, and it was clear to ownership that Rodgers was looking to commit to another 2-3 YEARS before re-evaluating, WTF was Wilson doing on the roster this year?  Was our "braintrust" legitimately looking to pay Wilson to sit around for potentially 5 years waiting for his chance vs. trading him with a few years left on his rookie deal?   Something doesn't pass the sniff test here...

Rodgers has said it wasn't the plan coming in, but plans change. The Jets went into it expecting 1-2 years of Rodgers (which isn't just "inside" information for the trolls out there- everyone has acknowledged this). Before the season started, Rodgers himself made clear he figured that he'd play 1-2 years then hand it back over to Zach. Saleh has even recently said that the plan/hope was we can win it all and let Rodgers go into the sunset after 1 or 2 years. So I think the Jets figured that yes, Wilson would improve with a year or 2 behind Rodgers, learning the system, showing improvement in practices, etc. Then, once Rodgers were to hang it up, they could have a competition between Wilson and another player (whether it be a veteran or a rookie), and go from there. I don't know this to be fact, but I'm sure they looked at Rodgers' own situation (where he sat for 3 years and the team drafted Brian Brohm as an insurance policy the year he became starter) as an approach they could take with Wilson. It would only make sense. 

Either way, it didn't work. Those hopes and plans for Wilson were blown to shreds on September 11th regardless whether Rodgers sought to play for 1-2 years or 3+. Hopefully the Jets can piece this thing back together and find a potential successor to groom behind Rodgers in the coming years, because that's the closest this organization will come to finding sustainable success at the QB position (IMO) 

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Look he slandered someone who had publicly made fun of him on national TV and then went on TV and lied saying he never accused the guy of being on Epstein's list when he had. Just listen to the original tape. Not the first time he publicly lied either. He's coming from the league's smallest market to its biggest market. Making things up about people and slandering them while popular in some circles doesn't wash with most of us. You can make a joke about Kimmel or call him a jerkoff etc but it's over the line even for McAfee. 

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2 minutes ago, Rangers9 said:

Look he slandered someone who had publicly made fun of him on national TV and then went on TV and lied saying he never accused the guy of being on Epstein's list when he had. Just listen to the original tape. Not the first time he publicly lied either. He's coming from the league's smallest market to its biggest market. Making things up about people and slandering them while popular in some circles doesn't wash with most of us. You can make a joke about Kimmel or call him a jerkoff etc but it's over the line even for McAfee. 

He said "a lot of people including jimmy kimmel are hoping that doesn't come out" referring to the epstein client list.

He did not accuse Kimmel of being on the list. That is a lie.

The reason he said that is that Kimmel previously mocked Rodgers for wanting the list to come out. 

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1 hour ago, football guy said:

Rodgers has said it wasn't the plan coming in, but plans change. The Jets went into it expecting 1-2 years of Rodgers (which isn't just "inside" information for the trolls out there- everyone has acknowledged this). Before the season started, Rodgers himself made clear he figured that he'd play 1-2 years then hand it back over to Zach. Saleh has even recently said that the plan/hope was we can win it all and let Rodgers go into the sunset after 1 or 2 years. So I think the Jets figured that yes, Wilson would improve with a year or 2 behind Rodgers, learning the system, showing improvement in practices, etc. Then, once Rodgers were to hang it up, they could have a competition between Wilson and another player (whether it be a veteran or a rookie), and go from there. I don't know this to be fact, but I'm sure they looked at Rodgers' own situation (where he sat for 3 years and the team drafted Brian Brohm as an insurance policy the year he became starter) as an approach they could take with Wilson. It would only make sense. 

Either way, it didn't work. Those hopes and plans for Wilson were blown to shreds on September 11th regardless whether Rodgers sought to play for 1-2 years or 3+. Hopefully the Jets can piece this thing back together and find a potential successor to groom behind Rodgers in the coming years, because that's the closest this organization will come to finding sustainable success at the QB position (IMO) 

Jordan Travis in the 4th ! 

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4 hours ago, Barry McCockinner said:

He said "a lot of people including jimmy kimmel are hoping that doesn't come out" referring to the epstein client list.

He did not accuse Kimmel of being on the list. That is a lie.

The reason he said that is that Kimmel previously mocked Rodgers for wanting the list to come out. 


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5 hours ago, football guy said:

Rodgers has said it wasn't the plan coming in, but plans change. The Jets went into it expecting 1-2 years of Rodgers (which isn't just "inside" information for the trolls out there- everyone has acknowledged this). Before the season started, Rodgers himself made clear he figured that he'd play 1-2 years then hand it back over to Zach. Saleh has even recently said that the plan/hope was we can win it all and let Rodgers go into the sunset after 1 or 2 years. So I think the Jets figured that yes, Wilson would improve with a year or 2 behind Rodgers, learning the system, showing improvement in practices, etc. Then, once Rodgers were to hang it up, they could have a competition between Wilson and another player (whether it be a veteran or a rookie), and go from there. I don't know this to be fact, but I'm sure they looked at Rodgers' own situation (where he sat for 3 years and the team drafted Brian Brohm as an insurance policy the year he became starter) as an approach they could take with Wilson. It would only make sense. 

Either way, it didn't work. Those hopes and plans for Wilson were blown to shreds on September 11th regardless whether Rodgers sought to play for 1-2 years or 3+. Hopefully the Jets can piece this thing back together and find a potential successor to groom behind Rodgers in the coming years, because that's the closest this organization will come to finding sustainable success at the QB position (IMO) 

Appreciate your response.  Thanks.  I find this unnerving.  What I see from Joe Douglas is a pathological aversion to contingency planning.  Whether it's Kalil, or Duane Brown, or Becton, or Corey Davis, or Rodgers, there is no easy Plan B with this guy.  It's like this high wire act where everything has to go right or it rolls right into a dumpster fire, with him surfing the waiver wire to field a team...   

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1 hour ago, peekskill68 said:

Appreciate your response.  Thanks.  I find this unnerving.  What I see from Joe Douglas is a pathological aversion to contingency planning.  Whether it's Kalil, or Duane Brown, or Becton, or Corey Davis, or Rodgers, there is no easy Plan B with this guy.  It's like this high wire act where everything has to go right or it rolls right into a dumpster fire, with him surfing the waiver wire to field a team...   

I agree with you. I think the Jets had the right idea, but like the phrase you used to describe them: high wire act. They have these “bright” ideas that make sense on paper, but it never goes according to plan. I don’t think Zach Wilson as a #2 QB was all that problematic personally; I don’t mind that they balanced the desire to develop him with the need for a backup, and I don’t think any other backup would’ve done much better in this program, with this coaching, behind this line, and with these receivers. But at the very least they could’ve scouted their options better and brought in a superior #3 option when you consider how many teams are using their 3rd/4th/5th options at QB and are in the playoffs right now. Having been said, their biggest problems: not reinforcing the OL properly—a fireable offense in my opinion—and not finding a way to replace Corey Davis. Yeah I get it we didn’t expect him to retire, but why was he coming back on a $10.5 million unguaranteed contract in the first place? He missed 10 games in 2 seasons and had a pretty rough year in 2022. They could’ve easily upgraded on him well before camp started.

They’re saying the right things now, but they did last year too. I need to see it to believe it. Last year I was led to believe that Wes Schweitzer was adequate line reinforcement and Mecole Hardman was an explosive weapon. Need more than that for me to buy in what they claim they’re trying to build. 

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30 minutes ago, football guy said:

I don’t think Zach Wilson as a #2 QB was all that problematic personally; I don’t mind that they balanced the desire to develop him with the need for a backup, and I don’t think any other backup would’ve done much better in this program, with this coaching, behind this line, and with these receivers.

I mean, we literally just saw Semian do better, and he was basically the 4th QB to start.

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