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lets not be fair to joe d

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1 hour ago, kmnj said:

I know I know another Joe D thread .... but I see threads that evaluate components of the job Joe has down-but we need to be fair to Joe break it down in totality. 


when we evaluate/judge Joe D- lets be fair and give credit where credit is due-we need to look at all aspects of his "accomplishments" not just one aspect of his "performance"

-He drafted two of the biggest busts in NY jet history-not an easy task-Becton and Wilson-should be fired for these picks alone

-He went through an extensive coaching search and settled on Saleh-one of the worst head coaches in the league if not the worst-not just by the  eye test but the actual  record he has "earned"-every time you say wow our coach is awful remember who brought him in. 

-his actual record at a GM-going to go down as the worst record in history of the Jets 


Thanks Joe

to the fanboys I know I know he needs time to get his  plan executed it is not fair to judge him now....





Well you can distill Douglas’ failures down to one thing, hiring saleh.  Saleh was supposed to be one of the up and comers on the niners staff and was selected on the basis of well the last few saleh coached defenses did.  Plus he also checks the Rooney hire box.  He probably talked a good game to woody during his interview.  And he was given latitude in the assistant coaches.  Bowles at least brought in a well respected oc in gailey and Rex had to keep schitty.

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  • Ultimately a GM is judged by his record.
  • I think the conservative approach would be to assume that JD really was almost fully responsible until last off season. I think last off season Woody grabbed the wheel and made things much worse.  
  • I think Saleh has been weak at spots, but he was also dealt a bad team by his GM.  Defense was rostered well.  Offense terribly.  Yes-he did find Breece and Garrett, but also drafted Becton, Wilson, Mims and Moore.   There was not enough done to replace the guy who was killed.  I think if DeMeco Ryans can have success so could Saleh.   Saleh gets another chance. 
  • The Jets were a 9-10 win team this year if we had a better backup QB.   He could have gotten that QB early in the season-it did not need to be preseason.  I think this year the Jets go with a similar approach re QB and see what happens.  
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Don't count the fact that he traded for a HOF QB and only gave up two number two's.
Or the fact that he snagged Quincy Williams from the scrap heap and developed him into a pro bowl LB. Not to mention JFM, Bryce Huff, and Tony Adams all excellent waiver or UDFA pick ups.
Plus he had one of the best drafts in history with Sauce Wilson Johnson and Breece.
And also rebuilt a bottom tier no talent team with major cap issues in three years.
Yes only focus on the few negatives. GOD its sooooooo easy to be miserable. 
Almost every other GM or coach goes through the same critiques from no nothing fans who just revel in negativity. We can go through the endless list.... Belichick was considered a bad coach until he was able to implement his system and players in NE. Shanahan's first few years with the niners were suspect and well as Lynch's. Matt Lafleur was under some heat last year. I can go on and on.
No GM or coach is perfect and gets it right all of the time. Its simply not realistic.
The CONSTANT Negative Undertone on this sight from no nothing fans is depressing. 
Douglas is a well respected GM in this league. He has done a lot of good things and made a lot of good moves. Not perfect but good. Endlessly writing thread after thread about him and Saleh is just whining like a spoiled child.
For me, I'm looking ahead with some optimism. 

Few negatives

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Don't count the fact that he traded for a HOF QB and only gave up two number two's.
Or the fact that he snagged Quincy Williams from the scrap heap and developed him into a pro bowl LB. Not to mention JFM, Bryce Huff, and Tony Adams all excellent waiver or UDFA pick ups.
Plus he had one of the best drafts in history with Sauce Wilson Johnson and Breece.
And also rebuilt a bottom tier no talent team with major cap issues in three years.
Yes only focus on the few negatives. GOD its sooooooo easy to be miserable. 
Almost every other GM or coach goes through the same critiques from no nothing fans who just revel in negativity. We can go through the endless list.... Belichick was considered a bad coach until he was able to implement his system and players in NE. Shanahan's first few years with the niners were suspect and well as Lynch's. Matt Lafleur was under some heat last year. I can go on and on.
No GM or coach is perfect and gets it right all of the time. Its simply not realistic.
The CONSTANT Negative Undertone on this sight from no nothing fans is depressing. 
Douglas is a well respected GM in this league. He has done a lot of good things and made a lot of good moves. Not perfect but good. Endlessly writing thread after thread about him and Saleh is just whining like a spoiled child.
For me, I'm looking ahead with some optimism. 

Not to mention suckering the Seahawks out of draft picks for a locker room cancer

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The only thing he's done right is the 2022 draft. But picking Sauce, Garrett Wilson and Breece Hall wasn't exactly a stroke of genius. Those guys were at the top of every draft ranking on the internet. When you look at the rest of his draft history, it's pretty dismal, especially on the second and third days of the draft. The team has gotten very little out of rounds 3-7 in his tenure. That's a sign of bad scouting and bad talent evaluation. He also obsessively trades up in the draft to make big bets and rarely trades down. 

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Douglas has been very good at about 1/2 the things you need from a GM and terrible on the other half.

As with most GMs in the end you draft well or you don't and that defines you long term.

The thing that surprised me about him and not in a good way was the whole Rodgers affair botch up.   He handled that a bad as a GM could handle it.

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44 minutes ago, Jetfuel66 said:


Don't count the fact that he traded for a HOF QB and only gave up two number two's.

Or the fact that he snagged Quincy Williams from the scrap heap and developed him into a pro bowl LB. Not to mention JFM, Bryce Huff, and Tony Adams all excellent waiver or UDFA pick ups.

Plus he had one of the best drafts in history with Sauce Wilson Johnson and Breece.

And also rebuilt a bottom tier no talent team with major cap issues in three years.

Yes only focus on the few negatives. GOD its sooooooo easy to be miserable. 

Almost every other GM or coach goes through the same critiques from no nothing fans who just revel in negativity. We can go through the endless list.... Belichick was considered a bad coach until he was able to implement his system and players in NE. Shanahan's first few years with the niners were suspect and well as Lynch's. Matt Lafleur was under some heat last year. I can go on and on.

No GM or coach is perfect and gets it right all of the time. Its simply not realistic.

The CONSTANT Negative Undertone on this sight from no nothing fans is depressing. 

Douglas is a well respected GM in this league. He has done a lot of good things and made a lot of good moves. Not perfect but good. Endlessly writing thread after thread about him and Saleh is just whining like a spoiled child.

For me, I'm looking ahead with some optimism. 

ok I knew there had to still be one fan boy left

his record is deplorable as a gm-wins and losses prove it




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22 minutes ago, CanadaSteve said:

Yeah....kinda stopped reading right there.  That is definitely a SOJ - Homerish - Slanted to one side kinda perspective.  To even mention Becton as one of biggest busts in Jets history is an insult to some of the biggest busts in Jets history.  And there have been a lot of them.  

when you consider the becton pick iself along with the fact he passed on Wirfs a pro bowl player when TONS of causal fans knew it was a terrible move....

It reminds me of the Kyle Brady pick over Warren Sapp(although different positions) fans knew what our gm did not



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Don't count the fact that he traded for a HOF QB and only gave up two number two's.
Or the fact that he snagged Quincy Williams from the scrap heap and developed him into a pro bowl LB. Not to mention JFM, Bryce Huff, and Tony Adams all excellent waiver or UDFA pick ups.
Plus he had one of the best drafts in history with Sauce Wilson Johnson and Breece.
And also rebuilt a bottom tier no talent team with major cap issues in three years.
Yes only focus on the few negatives. GOD its sooooooo easy to be miserable. 
Almost every other GM or coach goes through the same critiques from no nothing fans who just revel in negativity. We can go through the endless list.... Belichick was considered a bad coach until he was able to implement his system and players in NE. Shanahan's first few years with the niners were suspect and well as Lynch's. Matt Lafleur was under some heat last year. I can go on and on.
No GM or coach is perfect and gets it right all of the time. Its simply not realistic.
The CONSTANT Negative Undertone on this sight from no nothing fans is depressing. 
Douglas is a well respected GM in this league. He has done a lot of good things and made a lot of good moves. Not perfect but good. Endlessly writing thread after thread about him and Saleh is just whining like a spoiled child.
For me, I'm looking ahead with some optimism. 
I don't see it working yet. Maybe it's just depression lingering from the season.

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He's done a lot of good, but missing so hard on the QB makes it tough to credit him. Just like having a really great QB can mask a sh!t-ton of warts on your roster and coaching staff (looking at you the last 24 years, Patsies), having a really bad QB can make the rest of your roster and coaching staff look a lot worse than they really are.


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25 minutes ago, Claymation said:

He has found quite a few contributors however: Huff; Davis; Clemons; Warren; Ruckert; and Gipson.

Hardly anything of note there besides Huff as UDFA ( and likely won’t be back). You need guys who can start. Anyone can pick Garrett Wilson at 10 or Breece Hall at the top of the second. 

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16 minutes ago, JetsMetsRangers said:

How many other GM's would still have a job after 5 years of this slop and coming back for a 6th and NO changes at all to the coaching staff that has **** the bed for 3 years........Only the JETS!

None. He’d already be fired if the Rodgers trade didn’t happen.

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1 hour ago, Matt39 said:

Douglas has drafted 1 starter from the 3rd round on over 4 drafts. A slot corner. Almost impossibly bad.


1 hour ago, Guilhermezmc said:



1 hour ago, JohnnyLV said:

Actually the trade for Rodgers is one of the hugest red flags. We literally did this same move wit Favre except Favre came without a crippling contract and GB was no where near as leveraged as they were with Rodgers. The compensation should have been LESS than Favre, yet it was far more AND  came with built in cap hell. Not to mention all the stoogies we had to hire. One of the worst moves by any team ever.


19 minutes ago, JetsMetsRangers said:

How many other GM's would still have a job after 5 years of this slop and coming back for a 6th and NO changes at all to the coaching staff that has **** the bed for 3 years........Only the JETS!

His record speaks volumes.  Becton is a bust, Zach a bust, has missed on so many FA signings.   He is a below average GM.  





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7 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

I can still hear the Jet faithful at RCMH screaming "Sapp" "Sapp" "Sapp" Unreal. 

I was there in person all these years later the jets still make these kinds of mistakes

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1 hour ago, JohnnyLV said:

Actually the trade for Rodgers is one of the hugest red flags. We literally did this same move wit Favre except Favre came without a crippling contract and GB was no where near as leveraged as they were with Rodgers. The compensation should have been LESS than Favre, yet it was far more AND came with built in cap hell. Not to mention all the stoogies we had to hire. One of the worst moves by any team ever.

How's the contract crippling? 

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5 minutes ago, southparkcpa said:




His record speaks volumes.  Becton is a bust, Zach a bust, has missed on so many FA signings.   He is a below average GM.  





his wr moves outside of g wilson who a ten year old could have picked a few of them

Mimms-not sure what was worse the pick of the guys defending it for 2 years

Periman -brought in to be our number one to replace Robby-...

C Davis big deal with big locked in money -he was such a bust he quit football

Lazzard-he sucks but Joe listened to his boss arod

Cobb-even worse he was washed up years ago


Moore-here today gone tomorrow



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2 hours ago, Jetfuel66 said:


Don't count the fact that he traded for a HOF QB and only gave up two number two's.

Or the fact that he snagged Quincy Williams from the scrap heap and developed him into a pro bowl LB. Not to mention JFM, Bryce Huff, and Tony Adams all excellent waiver or UDFA pick ups.

Plus he had one of the best drafts in history with Sauce Wilson Johnson and Breece.

And also rebuilt a bottom tier no talent team with major cap issues in three years.

Yes only focus on the few negatives. GOD its sooooooo easy to be miserable. 

Almost every other GM or coach goes through the same critiques from no nothing fans who just revel in negativity. We can go through the endless list.... Belichick was considered a bad coach until he was able to implement his system and players in NE. Shanahan's first few years with the niners were suspect and well as Lynch's. Matt Lafleur was under some heat last year. I can go on and on.

No GM or coach is perfect and gets it right all of the time. Its simply not realistic.

The CONSTANT Negative Undertone on this sight from no nothing fans is depressing. 

Douglas is a well respected GM in this league. He has done a lot of good things and made a lot of good moves. Not perfect but good. Endlessly writing thread after thread about him and Saleh is just whining like a spoiled child.

For me, I'm looking ahead with some optimism. 

And yet it hasn’t added up!

Some way somehow he’s made enough bad decisions the Jets have sucked s—t during his tenure.

Most egregiously at the most important position of all: QB. Zach has sucked the past 3 seasons and JD didn’t have a good back up if Rodgers went down. If the Jets had a better back up maybe they stay in contention and Rodgers rides in to a Wild Card rescue.

In addition to saying “you are what your record says you are” Parcells also said something like “the NFL is the most cut and dry industry in the world.” Meaning your wins and losses record.

What is JD’s win-loss record? Awful. Thus the judgment on Joe D is accurately severe.


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