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Woody Johnson Opens up on Frustrations With Jets Struggles

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10 hours ago, Maxman said:

Going from memory I thought it was a 4th.

I remember a conf call and hearing that Woody voiced displeasure to the point where it was obvious the Jets had no leverage.

You're right it was a 4th. It was the pick that we used to draft Kerry Rhodes.

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1 minute ago, Augustiniak said:

Just watched part of the interview with woody.  About saleh he said ‘you can’t just do one thing.  Next year it’s going to be all about offense.  Offense. Offense. Offense.  ‘

He should go hire Ben Johnson if he wants a HC that focuses on offense.


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Just now, oatmeal said:

He should go hire Ben Johnson if he wants a HC that’s focuses on offense.


But, given that he’s keeping saleh, and woody appeared genuine in his feelings, you get the strong impression that this offseason is going to have a big skew towards fixing the offense.  OL and qb I imagine, then wr.  

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5 minutes ago, Augustiniak said:

But, given that he’s keeping saleh, and woody appeared genuine in his feelings, you get the strong impression that this offseason is going to have a big skew towards fixing the offense.  OL and qb I imagine, then wr.  

He’s been listening to too much Jake Asman, it’s literally like he’s parroting all of jakes current talking points 


What these idiots do with this years resources as long as it doesn’t effect the future. 

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1 hour ago, hawk said:

This is Woody saying we didn't have a backup QB to Zach Wilson.  IMO.

Woody is responsible for us even having Zach Wilson.

Probably but he’s just not smart enough to articulate that properly. Now he’s making headlines for throwing them all under the bus. 

For anyone who thinks Woody pushes for players or anything like that, it’s just dumb. Listen to him. He follows whatever is told to him. 

Hes 100% just feeding back what Saleh and Douglas told them. “Woody we tried to salvage our #2 pick but what we really need is a good veteran back up qb so this won’t happen again. We didn’t have that. Plus I’ll focus more on the offense. Let brich handle the D.”


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Think Zach Wilson is an utterly worthless asset. Jets will be lucky to get a round 7 pick. But having your owner say that, badmouthing a player you are trying to trade for anything of value, handcuffs his GM. Again, this moron of an owner can't help himself. Again, proof Robert Wood Johnson Roman Numerals is a Richie Rich spoiled brat who could not run a paper route spare his Lucky Sperm Club status. He doesn't get it and he never will. 

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1 hour ago, rangerous said:

Except for Lazard, I don’t see where any of the players Rodgers wanted was expected to play a large role during the season.  Cobb and Turner were both back ups.  Cobb was reasonable if only because he knew Rodgers system.  Turner was a backup but had to thrust in as a starter when others were injured.  Cook?  I’m not sure how much influence Rodgers had.  I think cook chose the jets because of Rodgers and not the other way around.  Consider too, that at the time, hall was coming off a serious injury and wasn’t going to be used much early on.

i'm with you here and even give Lazard a bit of a break.

Rodgers going down changed everything  - it all went into the toilet.

Lazard, Cobb and Rodgers have a chemistry that no other QB on the Jet roster was going to be able to replicate. Whether it is a look, gesture or Rodgers identifying where they are in a pattern, once he went down that was lost.

Im not saying those guys are the greatest talents on the team, but you have to consider their production without Rodgers. 

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Our owner is a doofus dumbf**k and you’re choosing to defend him?  Have fun with that.
Who's defending him? You don't need to pearl clutch at the tiniest infraction when there are other things that are much bigger with him.

As the poster boy for the Zach Hate Train, I figured you'd be in ecstasy over Woody basically saying he's gone. But instead you will cry about losing a potential 7th round pick swap. You are the consummate insufferable Jets fan.
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25 minutes ago, oatmeal said:

Maybe out LT problems are solved? 😅😅😅

Chiefs’ Donovan Smith has ‘dream’ to sign with Jets after Super Bowl 2024


I think this would be best case scenario for us in free agency given what's out there. We should be so lucky to sign him.

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3 minutes ago, Trotter said:

i'm with you here and even give Lazard a bit of a break.

Rodgers going down changed everything  - it all went into the toilet.

It shouldn't change effort though. These guys are supposed to be professionals and I can overlook poor play and execution given the OL+OC+QB+HC but I can't overlook effort.

Lazard got in Saleh's dog house. You have to be pretty lazy and putrid at all time levels to get thrown out of Camp Cupcake.

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13 hours ago, Mogglez said:

Woody is hitting Leon Hess “I’m gonna die soon” levels.

Leon Hess actually earned his money and was hands off.  When he got involved he put together one of the greatest football management teams in NFL history.  

Hess neglected the Jets but he was a brilliant man.  Woody has his fingerprints all over the Jets failure.

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Because mostly everyone here knew he couldn’t play. The only report we got last year was that it was Woody who wanted him back. Wentz could have been signed for nothing. 
I must have missed that report of Woody saying he wanted him to be back. It's the JetBlue connection, right? Oh, any chance you know what Zach had for breakfast or did he close his curtains on you?
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11 hours ago, T0mShane said:

I would imagine Saleh desperately wants to get out of here, but would take the money if Rodgers was somehow able to carry the team to the playoffs next year. Otherwise, he won’t shed a tear when he escapes this goon-led sh*thole franchise. 

Douglas, on the other hand, is never going to sniff another GM gig and he’s not cut out for TV work. 

There are many lovely country clubs in New Jersey, so not so fast. Where else will an owner put up with a head coach running off to get in 18 holes regularly like a 21st century Kotite? Every other coach is a workaholic mainlining coffee 24/7 year round  and lucky to jam in 30 minutes on an elliptical in the training facility. Bobby Salad has a good gig here. 

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Except for Lazard, I don’t see where any of the players Rodgers wanted was expected to play a large role during the season.  Cobb and Turner were both back ups.  Cobb was reasonable if only because he knew Rodgers system.  Turner was a backup but had to thrust in as a starter when others were injured.  Cook?  I’m not sure how much influence Rodgers had.  I think cook chose the jets because of Rodgers and not the other way around.  Consider too, that at the time, hall was coming off a serious injury and wasn’t going to be used much early on.
Lazard was signed because he was considered the best FA receiver in a sh*tty FA receiver market. He was coming whether Rodgers was here or not. I'm not saying you said otherwise but I wanted to make that point.
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So Woody says we need a OG and a couple of OTs (to go with AVT and Tippmann and his glorious head of hair) and a WR yet he's scapegoating ZW?!  And AVT was out most of last year too so he's admitting we only had 1 OL last year.
How many wide open receivers did Wilson not see last year? A ton. You could give him 10 minutes to throw and he still wouldn't see the open guy if it wasn't his first read. Just stop defending him. He wasn't the only problem but he was the biggest.
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1 hour ago, rangerous said:

Except for Lazard, I don’t see where any of the players Rodgers wanted was expected to play a large role during the season.  Cobb and Turner were both back ups.  Cobb was reasonable if only because he knew Rodgers system.  Turner was a backup but had to thrust in as a starter when others were injured.  Cook?  I’m not sure how much influence Rodgers had.  I think cook chose the jets because of Rodgers and not the other way around.  Consider too, that at the time, hall was coming off a serious injury and wasn’t going to be used much early on.

They took up roster spots and cap space in exchange for nothing.  They were net negatives brought on board to make Rodgers happy.  And we all saw Rodgers yukking it up with Dalvin Cook when the Jets were wooing him.

Here's a guy who was a free agent for months and not a single whisper of interest from the Jets (as there shouldn't have been).  A gross overpay for the corpse of a former quality player to come in and be a backup isn't something we've ever seen out of JD.  Rodgers spent years watching Cook dominate in his own division and clearly wanted him on the team.  I cringed when I saw those fans chanting his name a 1JD and begging him to sign.  Ugh.

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12 minutes ago, Biggs said:

Leon Hess actually earned his money and was hands off.  When he got involved he put together one of the greatest football management teams in NFL history.  

Hess neglected the Jets but he was a brilliant man.  Woody has his fingerprints all over the Jets failure.

Hess was the one who fired PC after 1 season to hire is BFF Kotite.

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Leon Hess actually earned his money and was hands off.  When he got involved he put together one of the greatest football management teams in NFL history.  
Hess neglected the Jets but he was a brilliant man.  Woody has his fingerprints all over the Jets failure.
This is called recency bias. Hess sucked as an owner. He didn't even have a GM for a number of years. Then he hired guys like Dick Steinberg and coaches like Bruce Coslet. He fired Pete Carroll after one year so he could rush to hire the recently run out of Philly Rich Kotite. He hired Parcells and we got to an AFC Championship game. Woody's teams made 2 back to back. Woody sucks but Hess was worse, regardless of how me made his fortune.
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8 minutes ago, bicketybam said:
1 hour ago, TuscanyTile2 said:
So Woody says we need a OG and a couple of OTs (to go with AVT and Tippmann and his glorious head of hair) and a WR yet he's scapegoating ZW?!  And AVT was out most of last year too so he's admitting we only had 1 OL last year.

How many wide open receivers did Wilson not see last year? A ton. You could give him 10 minutes to throw and he still wouldn't see the open guy if it wasn't his first read. Just stop defending him. He wasn't the only problem but he was the biggest.

Yeah, I don't buy this.  When you only have 1 WR, how many open WRs were there?  Our one legit WR had 95 receptions last year.  If ZW had more time and weapinzz, he would've done a lot better.  




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Yeah, I don't buy this.  When you only have 1 WR, how many open WRs were there?  Our one legit WR had 95 receptions last year.  If ZW had more time and weapinzz, he would've done a lot better.  
You are going to pretend you haven't seen the tape breakdowns of open receivers that Zach never saw? Just stop. Zach Wilson sucks and will never be a starter in the NFL. His goal should be to work his ass off and see if he can become a backup like Darnold. Highly doubtful though.
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2 hours ago, Warfish said:

More like blame Zach Wilson (100% correct) and serve notice to the guy who picked him (JD), and didn't sign a backup (JD) when Rodgers went down, that he's on the hot-seat for the final year of his contract.  

Lets be honest, there is nothing he could have said, apart from "I am selling the team" that would have placated us all right now.  He's a bad owner, whose made consistently bad decisions with his management structure, and management teams, and the results speak for themselves. 

He should hire a President of Operations to oversee the actual day to day of the team in his place, and let that guy start making the hiring/firing Owner-level decisions, and he can just be a fan.  The more layers between Woody and decision making that effects the product, the better IMO. 

My objection to it is that I’d like to know exactly when Woody had the revelation that Zach Wilson was inviable because we know it wasn’t in preseason, where the ink wasn’t yet dried on Rodgers’ contract before the whole org mobilized to inform the world that Zach Wilson was still the future post-Rodgers, and it wasn’t by Week Two when they refused to add a QB2 when Rodgers went down, and it wasn’t at the trade deadline when they they were coming off the Eagles win at 4-3 despite Zach Wilson being statistically the QB28 in the league. Woody can’t pretend that he’s a casual hands-off observer who parachuted in at the end of the year to find out his QB sucked. 

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2 hours ago, AFJF said:

This would be fine if not for the range of talent levels a player may or may not have.  Some players are good and some are not very good at all.  Every player Aaron asked for was garbage.

You don't see a problem with that?

This is a tough question simply based on the fact that many of his guys were financed by his give back of $30 million.  If Rodgers just keeps the money, they don't come but JD has a lot less money to work with...

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27 minutes ago, bicketybam said:
30 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:
Yeah, I don't buy this.  When you only have 1 WR, how many open WRs were there?  Our one legit WR had 95 receptions last year.  If ZW had more time and weapinzz, he would've done a lot better.  

You are going to pretend you haven't seen the tape breakdowns of open receivers that Zach never saw? Just stop. Zach Wilson sucks and will never be a starter in the NFL. His goal should be to work his ass off and see if he can become a backup like Darnold. Highly doubtful though.

He was so bad that our one good WR had only 95 receptions last year.  And he was also so bad that we still need to completely overhaul the OL plus bring in WRs in order for our HOF QB to succeed next year.

It's really "outrageousthat ZW couldn't succeed with a punt returner as his WR2 last year.  And this was despite having the luxury of having 1/5 of an OL!  Can you believe he couldn't make it work?! 

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1 hour ago, Adoni Beast said:

It's about time....haven't made the playoffs since 2010 + haven't had a winning record since 2015. 

I just hope that a wild card birth and bounce isn't a barometer of "success." 10 wins and no playoff wins isn't successful.

Saleh/JD regime gone with a 10 win WC birth and loss......Divisional game apperance at minumun seems to be the consensus around the smart people who follow this team closely. 

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47 minutes ago, Bugg said:

Think Zach Wilson is an utterly worthless asset. Jets will be lucky to get a round 7 pick. But having your owner say that, badmouthing a player you are trying to trade for anything of value, handcuffs his GM. Again, this moron of an owner can't help himself. Again, proof Robert Wood Johnson Roman Numerals is a Richie Rich spoiled brat who could not run a paper route spare his Lucky Sperm Club status. He doesn't get it and he never will. 

It was nice of Woody to come out and put to rest the idea that Rosenblatt and Russini might be lying or exaggerating about the dysfunction in the building, however. 

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2 hours ago, Augustiniak said:

I think too much is being read into the statement.  He said they didn’t have a backup qb.  This is true.  I believe the entire statement, if he had no filter, would have been, ‘we thought we had a decent backup qb but it turns out that we didn’t.’  I think woody thought wilson could be a backup qb.  Some here also thought so.  Maybe.  But in the end, woody is right, they had no backup qb.  He implied that he yelled at the gm and hc, ok, great.  I don’t know what the point of yelling at saleh is.  He is who he is, he can coach a defense and can win games if you give him a qb who doesn’t suck.  

Does this mean they’re going to throw a lot of money at a meh backup qb?  Quite possibly.  Does it mean they’re going to trade back and maybe take a qb on day 2.  Also a possibility.  

One thing we do know is that woody is influenced by the media and public perceptions of him and his staff.  So if he thinks they need another qb, that could mean they go overboard in getting more qbs. 

Agree, and it is a chronic problem that rests with Douglas.  He constantly gambles on players staying upright and shops for backups at the Dollar Store.  Duane Brown this season and Becton the prior year are two other examples where he figured they'd be healthy and produce.  He gambled big time on Rodgers playing the whole season and Wilson never seeing the field.

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