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Pure Speculation: McCarthy will be IN CAMP by next weekend


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Expect McCarthy announcement this week. Word here is that McCarthy wants to draft Jonah Williams (6’ 5” 300  - OT, ALABAMA) and Sign O Line Free Agents. Christopher Johnson has given MCCARTHY his full support. Maccagnan’s looking for strong edge rusher and wants to Draft  Josh Allen (6’ 5” 260 - Linebacker, KENTUCKY). McCarthy has final say - DID ANYONE WATCH THE COLTS O LINE DOMINATE THE HOUSTON TEXANS?  Jadevean who?  J.J. who?

 The Johnsons will keep Maccagnan on the payroll, but he’s going to have to stay out of McCarthy’s way going forward. It’s McCarthy’s team now. The NFL Draft is the lifeblood of any successful organization in the league. Most good players get re-signed before they hit free agency. If you want to find quality, you’d better be good at drafting. Since Mike Maccagnan took over, the Jets have been the worst team in the league at finding players good enough to be on an NFL roster

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Expect the announcement soon! Elon Musk WILL be riding the Falcon Heavy rocket Slim Pickens style to Mars and he plans to set up a Potato Farm Mark Watney style to survive and begin the Colonization.



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55 minutes ago, The_Jet_Nation said:

Word here is that McCarthy wants to draft Jonah Williams (6’ 5” 300  - OT, ALABAMA) and Sign O Line Free Agents. Christopher Johnson has given MCCARTHY his full support. Maccagnan’s looking for strong edge rusher and wants to Draft  Josh Allen (6’ 5” 260 - Linebacker, KENTUCKY). McCarthy has final say

If you wanna post stuff like this as fact, you need to back it up with something other than an opinion article from two weeks ago about Mike Maccagnan (@Sperm Edwards has written better Mac hate pieces). 

Post an article, a tweet -something!- that backs up Chris Johnson giving McCarthy full support and final say on the roster. If you can't do that, and continue to post your hopes and dreams as done deals, I will give the rest of the board what they want and ban you. 

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