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Zach’s “Injury” is a Farce

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I'm not sure there was any advantage to lie about an injury, especially using a concussion (the most controversial injury in the NFL) as the excuse. There is literally no upside, and only risk the league coming down on the team as a result.

Hopefully ZW2 is physically okay but they shut him down for the rest of the season to help the tank efforts.

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29 minutes ago, BeaconJet said:

You can argue and name call all day long about dehydration vs concussion, the Jets lying or not, misdiagnosing or not, but at the end of the day, its simple.  IF Wilson is in the Concussion Protocol, it will become obvious this week because an independent neurological consultant will have to clear him to play.

Personally, it wouldn't shock me if the Jets crack staff misdiagnosed this from the get-go. Does anyone currently collecting a paycheck from the Jets really engender feelings of competence?

Remember Dr Yes ? This franchise lol

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3 hours ago, FidelioJet said:


I'll try and help you with an explanation of what Toxic means.  I think #2 below best describes what it means in this circumstance.

The Jets have the single most Toxic fan base in all of sports.  There isn't a close second.


The Jets fan base hasn't done any damage to the team or players.  It's nonsense.  

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2 hours ago, Biggs said:

The Jets fan base hasn't done any damage to the team or players.  It's nonsense.  

It absolutely affects the team and players...

But in the Jets case, most importantly is ownership.  Woody, more than any owner, of any team I've seen, seems to make decision with PR being the primary motivation and W/L's much further down the road.  Public perception is driven by the fan base and Woody is making decisions based on that.

So the Toxicity from the fan base is making football moves....it's an awful cycle.  

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9 hours ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

I've been saying this entire time that the Jets, the 3rd Party Independent Neurologists, or the Coaching staff were either incompetent, someone is lying, or a combination of both. 


Someone has those symptoms anywhere else and calls 911, first question is, "Have you hit your head or suffered any trauma in the last 24 hours?". If the answer is YES, you're getting a direct transport to a facility with a CT. Period. I think Wilson would qualify, yes?


Where the hell did these clowns pull "dehydration" out of? 


That's my issue. You're conflating what I'm saying now with other arguments.  Have a great one. Have to go to the VA for pre-CT blood work (not kidding). I have symptoms that could be general gastritis all the way to Pancreatic Cancer. But before I'm given a diagnosis, I need a full work up, exam, and imaging. That's how medicine actually works.



WTF is wrong with some of you...honestly.  Watch someone get their ass kicked, and then question a later diagnosis of a concussion which probably progressed over time while questioning their wanting to continue to play.  It's a TV game, he's not on the field and everyone is asking why?  WTF do you want the Jets to say?  Dehydration ?  WTF cares?

Your 'ISSUE' is wanting an adequate or proper explanation why he isn't playing?  LOL.

BTW, good luck with your medical concerns, I hope/pray it's not serious.

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12 hours ago, greenwave81 said:

WTF is wrong with some of you...honestly.  Watch someone get their ass kicked, and then question a later diagnosis of a concussion which probably progressed over time while questioning their wanting to continue to play.  It's a TV game, he's not on the field and everyone is asking why?  WTF do you want the Jets to say?  Dehydration ?  WTF cares?

Your 'ISSUE' is wanting an adequate or proper explanation why he isn't playing?  LOL.

BTW, good luck with your medical concerns, I hope/pray it's not serious.

Thank you first and foremost.. 


My issue here is if he was slammed to the ground, complained of concussion like symptoms,  and the Jets put him back on the field and said he was "dehydrated", that is a massive problem. 


I'm over Zach, but now the Jets have possibly opened themselves up to a whole new set of issues. The handling of this in game and PR wise is just nonsensical. 


And trust me, if they mishandled this, it will come out. Mrs. Wilson has not been shy about voicing her opinions on SM.

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12 minutes ago, Warfish said:

How do you know?

Because it's regularly understood...Why does home field advantage matter?  Why do people say "it's hard to play in NY", why are some players constantly fighting with fans on Twitter?  Of course it gets to them and ultimately affect their play.  

14 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Just because you could be soft/distracted enough to let a fan forum you don't read, and news media you shouldn't be listening to, effect your play, doesn't mean real pros do, or should. 

I never said it was a good thing that it gets to people or even that it get to EVERYONE.  But it does happen.  

15 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Or that paying fans getting this product should care if it hurts their feelings.  They already got their participation trophy in the form of their unearned paychecks, I don't own them another one.

No is saying you should care - as no one should say you shouldn't care.   Fans can do what they want.  Doesn't mean I have to agree with everything everyone says or does - and on a Fan Forum expressing those opinions is what we do. 


16 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Also, your constant hatred (you like that, lol, you guys love calling any criticism "hate") of the Jets Fandom is just deflection because of how colossally wrong you were about Zach Wilson.  You backed the wrong horse, and did it loudly.  Now you want to make the topic anything but horribly wrong you were.  But we remember.

Nah.  The fan base is Toxic.  Yes, I was wrong about Zach (we all get them wrong on occasion) but I was completely right about this off-season.  I screamed three things - Rodgers was a bad idea, the OL situation was incredibly mismanaged and we were a WR short.  I can't count how many times I repeated those three things.  

But I'm not here attacking Joe Douglas's mom, claiming nepotism is the only reason he's in the league, mocking his religion, calling him a quitter, making fun of his bald head, refusing to acknowledge the few good things he did and so on... 

26 minutes ago, Warfish said:

t's also not accurate, as you'd know if you ever lived in another team's market.  Fans are fans, all the world around.  NY'ers might inherently be a bit more schmucky, true, but not by a huge margin.

I'm not saying there aren't bad fans on other teams, nor am I claiming NY fans as a whole are bad.  I am saying the NY Jets fans base is the most toxic in sports.  And I don't think there's a close second. 

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1 hour ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

Thank you first and foremost.. 


My issue here is if he was slammed to the ground, complained of concussion like symptoms,  and the Jets put him back on the field and said he was "dehydrated", that is a massive problem. 


I'm over Zach, but now the Jets have possibly opened themselves up to a whole new set of issues. The handling of this in game and PR wise is just nonsensical. 


And trust me, if they mishandled this, it will come out. Mrs. Wilson has not been shy about voicing her opinions on SM.

He was cleared by the sideline 3rd party doctor. 

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17 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

Because it's regularly understood...Why does home field advantage matter?

Mostly noise at the right times, at least in smart sports cities.

Weather acclimatization as well.

17 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

Why do people say "it's hard to play in NY"

Lol, who says that?  Buffalo, Chicago, Green Bay, Miami in Week 1, sure, NY?  Lol no.

17 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

, why are some players constantly fighting with fans on Twitter?

Millennials gonna millennial. 

We're better off without the Bectons and Zach Moms of social media, they're mostly hot air.  

17 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

I never said it was a good thing that it gets to people or even that it get to EVERYONE.  But it does happen.  

And if it does, those players should be gone.  Soft, easily distracted, overly sensitives players aren't what we want. 

Especially if they need their Mommy to talk for them.

17 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

Nah.  The fan base is Toxic.

Like every fanbase when the team sucks for 13 years.  Get out of your bubble mate.

17 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

Yes, I was wrong about Zach

Yes.  We know.  Now you have to live with it, like Bitonti lives with DRob, and I live with Ramsey, etc.

17 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

But I'm not here attacking Joe Douglas's mom

I was unaware she was defending JD on social media.  Link?

17 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

claiming nepotism is the only reason he's in the league

Matt's gonna Matt.

17 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

, calling him a quitter

Players who suck get called quitter.  Some rightfully, some wrongfully.

Why do you feel such a need to simp in my question?

17 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

, making fun of his bald head,

OMG, the tears.

17 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

refusing to acknowledge the few good things he did and so on... 

When you're 98% suck, 2% sub-par-decent, you're gonna get that.

Again, why the overwhelming need to simp for him?

17 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

I'm not saying there aren't bad fans on other teams, nor am I claiming NY fans as a whole are bad.  I am saying the NY Jets fans base is the most toxic in sports.  And I don't think there's a close second. 

You're simply wrong.  But you'd have to live and breathe another market for a while to know it I guess.

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On 12/19/2023 at 11:49 AM, Jet_Engine1 said:

Thank you first and foremost.. 


My issue here is if he was slammed to the ground, complained of concussion like symptoms,  and the Jets put him back on the field and said he was "dehydrated", that is a massive problem. 


I'm over Zach, but now the Jets have possibly opened themselves up to a whole new set of issues. The handling of this in game and PR wise is just nonsensical. 


And trust me, if they mishandled this, it will come out. Mrs. Wilson has not been shy about voicing her opinions on SM.

sadism and masochism?

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On 12/19/2023 at 12:50 PM, FidelioJet said:

I am saying the NY Jets fans base is the most toxic in sports.  And I don't think there's a close second. 

try Philly for a while.


But I'm not here attacking Joe Douglas's mom, claiming nepotism is the only reason he's in the league, mocking his religion, calling him a quitter, making fun of his bald head, refusing to acknowledge the few good things he did and so on... 

yes, you're a regular choir boy. :rolleyes:

this snip is borderline pathetic.

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Wilson's mother, Lisa Wilson, shared details about the concussion on social media. She said her son left the game "when he started having problems with blurred vision and his depth perception." She said he had been experiencing symptoms throughout the game because of some "really, really big hits" but didn't inform anyone on the sideline because he wanted to keep playing. He was evaluated and cleared early in the game by a neurologist, according to the CBS telecast.

Saleh said Wilson ultimately was removed by the independent neurologist at the game.

"Sometimes we don't always catch it right, and that's why we have the NFL spotters to spot things up top and all that stuff," Saleh said. "But players do not want to come off the field, too, and you always encourage them to communicate.

"Credit to Zach; he will fight," Saleh added. "That's one thing I'll say about that young man is he's always gotten up. No matter how many hits he's taken, how many times he's running for his life, he's always come back to the huddle. And so I have a great appreciation for him, but at the same time, thank goodness that it was spotted up top and we were able to get him the care he needs."



case closed. 

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17 hours ago, FidelioJet said:

Love the personal attacks. Good for you.   Hope it makes you feel better. 

"Choir boy" = personal attack?  In what life?  

Your post was PATHETIC.  That is not a "personal" attack.  It's an attack on your STUPID post.

There was no personal attack. Grow up.  @Maxman can look and see.  
You need to understand the difference between 'personal' attack and the dissembling of an illogical, dumb post.

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