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Russini and Rosenblatt: 2023 Jets a dysfunctional mess; Saleh paranoid, Hackett lazy, Zach a tittybaby

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9 minutes ago, UntouchableCrew said:


The only subject for debate is whether it's credible. I see no reason to believe it isn't, and frankly, the Rex Hogan departure (and overall lack of criticism of the front office in the article) makes a very strong impression on me.



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6 hours ago, Matt39 said:

It doesn’t matter though. Zach’s presence on the roster is what mattered the most.  The season was a waste- because Rodgers got hurt, and then Zach was elected QB by Woody. Everything else is noise. If Hackets playbook was too complex for Wilson, another reason to get him out. 

Hackets playbook was too complex for Russell Wilson.  Around the league Hacketts system is widely known to be top secret.   Only Aaron Rodgers has the cipher. 

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3 minutes ago, football guy said:

Another one of you, ******* shot. Get on google and look up "cooler heads". Idiot 

This place really is mind blowing sometimes. I'm out. The NFL Draft section is a lot less ridiculous 

Zach is not an NFL player and doing this when the kid has proven to be a lazy sh*thead who’s getting cover by his delusional family makes you look silly defending him at this point 

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4 minutes ago, football guy said:

Another one of you, ******* shot. Get on google and look up "cooler heads". Idiot 

This place really is mind blowing sometimes. I'm out. The NFL Draft section is a lot less ridiculous 

I think he was insulting the jets, not you

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13 minutes ago, rangerous said:

He article said woody approved the benching of uzomah and Lazard. To me it’s beyond just keeping him informed.  It’s more like they asked permission.  If this is the case then woody is the main issue and he needs to butt out of football related decisions.

It was always clear to me that Woody felt "ownership" of their large contracts and insisted that early draft picks (including QBs who should have learned) and high priced FAs played, regardless if they did not play well.

Remember when the Seahawks paid Matt Flynn all that money to play QB and this third round QB named Russell Wilson lit things up.  Pete Carroll played Wilson and went to a couple of Super Bowls.  Woody Johnson leaves Matt Flynn in, because of what he was being paid, not the player he was.  

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5 minutes ago, Warfish said:

You're clearly claiming and posting as one.  

Might want to look at this thread and see which of us is being emotionally traumatized, lol. 

Well that much is obvious.  You're succeeding wonderfully, I might add.

Naaa, I'll keep on doing what I want.  Thanks tho. 

Looking forward to seeing that Zach text message btw.   

These breakdowns and over-analysis of what people say are exactly why your wife cheats on you. Get a grip 

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23 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Honest question to you Jimmy, do you see the JD-built teams we saw the last few years, but with Rodgers at QB, as a team that would blast through KC, Baltimore or the other top teams in the playoffs to win it all? 

Is Rodgers at 41 and post-injury going to have a golden resurgence, and be the Rodgers of 2020, not the Rodgers of 2022-2023?

Feels like a long shot all around.  And doubling and trippling down on that longshot (via keeping the front-office/staff, drafting and FA'ing short term win-now over long-term team-building competitiveness) feels like a recipe for crippling the next regime in advance.

Is a championship the only acceptable result of a fun, exciting, and REWARDING season?  Only one team wins it all.  

I see people calling for the Bill's head coach's job and personally, I'd kill for a 11-6 or 12-5, but lose to KC season every year.   They're sooo close to having one or two of those seasons. 

Our season ends in September EVERY year. 

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58 minutes ago, football guy said:

Again, I'm not saying Russini doesn't. I made that much clear. But she has a history of spinning and twisting stories. Both at ESPN and now at the Athletic. Look, her job is to get clicks and traction. I get it. But when you cross that line over to sensationism, fabrication, and twisting info I take issue with it. They wrote this article for one purpose: paint Rodgers, Saleh, and Hackett in a negative light. Hackett is not a great coordinator and Saleh isn't a great coach, but the things they insinuate and accuse them both of being in this article are either fabricated or false. Make no mistake: she's out to get blood. A lot of time has passed since the pre-season, and a lot of relationships have been severed (specifically after the Wilson article)

It's very easy to say a professional jurnalists job is to get clicks and lie.  The problem you have is your shilling for Woody, JD and Saleh.  The Jets fan base is actually fimiliar with these 3 people.  She is way more credible than anyone on the inside feeding you BS or you feeding the fan base BS in order to be worthy of being fed BS by the organization.

She may not be getting paid to get clicks.  She may be getting paid to cover the Jets which gets her clicks.  We know Woody, JD and Saleh get paid to sell tickets at the highest prices possible to Jets fans.  

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4 hours ago, football guy said:

Creepy and disturbing? You have a grateful dead/pink floyd avatar and a fish in your bio. You also don't have a life lol. Move along gramps 

Whoah! What's wrong with Pink Floyd?!

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4 hours ago, football guy said:

All it does is validate my beliefs that you sit in your mother's basement, waiting at the opportunity to start arguments over the internet no less lol. Mind your business, go for a run, touch some grass. Maybe get a job (p.s. I can afford to be on here; I own my own company. What do you do?) 

You ARE aware of the incredible Hypocrisy and lack of awareness this post contains, yes?

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9 minutes ago, jetswinbaby! said:

Outliving Woody is the only hope for seeing a turnaround...

Woody and I are the same age...

I have a 50-50 shot...

He has the money and resources.... I'll mourn you tho if you promise to do the same for me when I overdose. 

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8 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

No offense intended.  There is some truth to what you write, but if the bolded is true you are just a douchebag.

I apologize if I misunderstood what you said to be about me; there seems to be a lot of mudslingging today. Fact is I don’t know who any of you are; don’t know who is looking to be friendly or fishing for an argument on here, and yes I can be a douche because of it. I don’t wear being on a message board as a badge of honor as some of you do. I don’t look at people on here as my friends. It’s merely an escape for me to talk ball with other fanatics. That’s it. 

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"When the Jets called Zach Wilson to officially select him on Thursday night, head coach Robert Saleh told the young QB, “This organization is going to lift you, not the other way around.”

Being the latest Jets draftee attempting to become a franchise quarterback comes with a unique set of pressures. But during his introductory press conference on Friday, Wilson said what Saleh told him helped to alleviate some of them."


Saleh = fraud

Douglas =  far worse gm than I thought

Woody = yes man that bows to saleh and douglas.

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I’m not sure if anyone in this thread has directly said it but I’d like to say thanks to both @football guy   and @Mogglez for bringing some credible and inside (not insider 😆) info rather than over the top sensationalism and fabrications.

It’s strange that no other reporters or beat writers are reporting this stuff, just like none corroborated the Zach quitting on the team stories.  It’s just fishy to me that these are the only ones that have had these details reported to them. 

I don’t know why many have such issues with you guys sharing info, especially since the mods and the boss have vetted your guys sources.  Maybe what you report doesn’t fit their ideas/agenda (I remember when you reported how the team really was considering keeping Darnold, many freaked bc they hated Darnold and loved Wilson or Fields….now everyone hates Wilson and we shoulda kept Darnold….ironic).  Maybe there’s personal issues, I dunno I don’t follow everyone’s rivalries that closely and I would never assume ir speak for anyone.

Please don’t go getting banned over these arguments, the off-season is coming and it’s your guys time to shine!

I and many others appreciate any scoops nuggets of info that you provide.

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5 hours ago, Warfish said:

"Internet Forum Insiders", lol.

Thanks for saying what I was dying to, exactly the way I was going to say it. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

At least FG isn’t claiming to have “vetted this article with his guy(s) inside the building” though. I’ll give him that.

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14 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

You ARE aware of the incredible Hypocrisy and lack of awareness this post contains, yes?

I don’t see the hypocrisy or lack of awareness. I’m not seeking out people, making petty comments about them unsolicited. I shared some perspective and people attacked me. They started it I finish it. Unlike @Warfish I’m sitting in my office waiting to go to dinner. He’s still in his basement while his wife gets plowed out by the neighbor 

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