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Kellen Clemens to start for the Rams


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Can't help but wish him luck, but I must admit I am surprised.

Once considered the heir apparent when drafted, over several years he worked his way down to the point where the Jets considered him not even worthy as a backup. Luckily, he grabs a gig where he gets a chance to compete against a washed-up, (Grossman) and a never-was, (Beck). The ideal situation if you are trying to prove you are an NFL starter. Kellen bombs out and gets cut.

Surprisingly, he gets picked up by a Houston team whose QB's keep getting hurt, but he can't do anything there either and gets sent packing.

Somehow, miraculously, in the same season he gets picked up by yet another NFL team and gets to start! Don't ask me how he managed this, but if ever there was a time for Kellen to show that he has anything, this is it.

Good luck, kid.

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Good for Clemens. He was a good soldier on the Jets. Always kept his mouth shut and did his job. When he thought he was gonna get a chance to compete to start in 2008, we traded for Brett Favre. When he thought he was gonna get a chance to compete to start the year after, we drafted Mark Sanchez. I think the way he handled himself on camera when Tannenbaum basically forced him to take the minimum was indicative of how he carried himself on the Jets.

Go get em Kellen!

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