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NFL's hires first full-time female ref

Sperm Edwards

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Sideline reporters are pointless weather they are male or female.

I could not agree more.


"so coach it seemed like you couldn't defend the pass in the first half. What are you going to try and work on at half time?"


" Yeah we're going to try and work on defending the pass better in the second half"


" Thanks coach.   Back to you John."


Sooooooo insightful and necessary. 


The female ref thing is a sh*t storm waiting to happen. Let it fly let it fly let it flyyyyyyy

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I think this is AMAZING news that a woman will now be able to be a ref in an NFL game.  Women have come so far and should not be looked at differently.  They are true equals and deserve every opportunity that a man would get.  I'm sure she will do a better job than half of the current men that are refs now.  I am truly fortunate to be alive and see this wonderful moment in sports.


Please note that my beautiful, amazing and intelligent wife is NOT sitting right next to me with her arms folded and eyebrows raised watching me type anything in these forums.  She is such a great wife and I love her so much.



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The big story will be when the first female plays in a game----NOT.  Why must they officiate when they do not, or can not,  participate?


All calculated by the NFL. This is not happening by accident.

I would estimate it is an effort by the NFL to get more female fans interested and watching.

Or specifically more of the male T&A fan segment.

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This would not be news without the potential for front page news and/or humor, what was Jack's line from a few good men?  


Can't wait for the fan backlash on the first bad call that impacts a game, hope it's against the Eagles - they threw batteries at Santa, what would they do (or say) to a female ref  :fan:


Have to admit it has some potential for great comedy, death threats could pale in comparison

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I think this is AMAZING news that a woman will now be able to be a ref in an NFL game.  Women have come so far and should not be looked at differently.  They are true equals and deserve every opportunity that a man would get.  I'm sure she will do a better job than half of the current men that are refs now.  I am truly fortunate to be alive and see this wonderful moment in sports.


Please note that my beautiful, amazing and intelligent wife is NOT sitting right next to me with her arms folded and eyebrows raised watching me type anything in these forums.  She is such a great wife and I love her so much.




You almost had me.

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That was you? You effing Donkey! Man oh man do I regret responding to that thread. My panties weren't in a bunch...just thought Id shed some light on how some feel about the word.

As far as the female ref is concerned...This reeks of the NFL playing CYA with the court of public opinion. "Hey, look at us, we support womens workplace equality. Now excuse us while we approve this Greg Hardy contract for our cash-cow-Cowboys."

"Ha ha! Remember when domestic violence was a thing?"

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This is a thread about the first female official in the NFL.  You might not believe this but we still don;t allow religious talk or political talk here.  If you can;t discuss this without over stepping the rules then go to another thread.  Thanks.  


Thanks Crush!

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This would not be news without the potential for front page news and/or humor, what was Jack's line from a few good men?

Can't wait for the fan backlash on the first bad call that impacts a game, hope it's against the Eagles - they threw batteries at Santa, what would they do (or say) to a female ref :fan:

Have to admit it has some potential for great comedy, death threats could pale in comparison

I know, can you imagine if she makes a bad game changing call the type of shlt that will be said on social media, message boards, etc? Lol its gonna be brutal

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

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