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The Jets are fine, so it's okay to stop Panicking


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4 hours ago, Tinstar said:

When the schedule came out, I took a good look and decided for myself that the Jets would go 0-6 and finish the season 9-7 with an outside shot at making the playoffs as long as the starting QB stayed the starting QB . With Decker going down for the year, I will revise that to say 7-8 or 8-8  and no playoffs yet again . With week 6 around the corner, the Jets have a chance to be ahead of schedule having already won 1 of the 6 games I expected them to lose and still with the opportunity to win yet another with a the Cardinals up next and also struggling .

Should we go out to Arizona and came away with the win (in a very winnable Game) we would have won 2 games I didn't think we would win when I 1st saw the schedule .  Looking forward, because I'm a fan and can do that, the schedule has 2 games after Monday where the Jets will be decided underdogs and that's both Patriot games . The Rams defense will present a challenge and then what . We win this game, and we will have weathered the Storm that the NFL threw us into to start the year . We have sustain 1 major injury navigating this schedule storm, and it's not unto death .  The Jets are fine, Todd Bowles is fine and the organization is still behind schedule but only because of the QB situation .

It's all in how you see a thing .

That is all .

 I kind of agree and I have been saying this all along. The coaching mistakes have me a bit more skeptical. But I really don't understand why people thought we would breeze through these first 6 games when everyone knew this was the most brutal stretch of games for ANY NFL team. I mean, honestly, I was optimistic and believed we could go 4-2 in this stretch, but kind of expected 3-3 at best. If we somehow win this game in Arizona and end up going 2-4 in this 6 game stretch its really not that bad, all things considering.

The schedule eases up considerably. I mean, people on here are talking about winning 6 games at best. So the Jets will LOSE 6 out of 11 games? To who? Let's say they lose the Cards game. That's one. Let's say they lose both Pats games. That's three. Let's say they lose the Bills game. That's 4. Let's say they lose to the Rams. That's 5. So on top of losing ALL of these games they are also going to lose to either the Dolphins, the Browns, the Colts or the Niners??? I mean, talk about DOOM AND GLOOM. And all of this IF Fitz gets back to playing like a starting QB??? Sheesh, talk about glass half empty, Browns fans are less pessimistic.

The Jets can very well win in Arizona. Having Palmer back makes this a much tougher game though. 

But then they play 5 out of the next 8 games at home, with the worst teams (Browns, Dolphins, Niners) on the road. None of the teams they face in this stretch are very good except for the Pats. The Jets play the Pats at home, they always play them tough and they will be coming off a bye, giving them extra time to prepare and heal up. As INSANE as it may sound to most Jet fans, they Jets could win ALL of these games. They probably won't, but it's not absurd to think they will- IMO.     

Whether or not they get into the playoffs as a wild card will ALSO depend on how other teams fair. Its way too early to even predict playoff positioning with any kind of accuracy- IMO. I mean, you can assume certain teams will win their divisions, but its a lot tougher to call the wildcard teams. Jets are 2 games out of a Wild Card spot if you want to look at it right now, although it makes no sense to do that. 

That is all. 

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3 hours ago, Maxman said:

Get Petty a long look as the starter. End this year knowing exactly what you have in him. If needed, get Hack playing time as well. Yeah yeah yeah he wasn't going to have to play this year.

But unfortunately this year quickly became about next year. Which is what it should have been all along, minus the bad move in bringing Fitz back.

This. Everyone's reasoning for Petty being the #2 QB this year was that he had never played in a live game against #1's. Let's change that so next year we won't have to use the same excuse to justify why he can't be the backup. We should have a 5+ game sample of his play so we know where we stand as an organization. I wouldn't mind Hackenberg getting a start or two, either. 

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52 minutes ago, PepPep said:

 I kind of agree and I have been saying this all along. The coaching mistakes have me a bit more skeptical. But I really don't understand why people thought we would breeze through these first 6 games when everyone knew this was the most brutal stretch of games for ANY NFL team. I mean, honestly, I was optimistic and believed we could go 4-2 in this stretch, but kind of expected 3-3 at best. If we somehow win this game in Arizona and end up going 2-4 in this 6 game stretch its really not that bad, all things considering.

The schedule eases up considerably. I mean, people on here are talking about winning 6 games at best. So the Jets will LOSE 6 out of 11 games? To who? Let's say they lose the Cards game. That's one. Let's say they lose both Pats games. That's three. Let's say they lose the Bills game. That's 4. Let's say they lose to the Rams. That's 5. So on top of losing ALL of these games they are also going to lose to either the Dolphins, the Browns, the Colts or the Niners??? I mean, talk about DOOM AND GLOOM. And all of this IF Fitz gets back to playing like a starting QB??? Sheesh, talk about glass half empty, Browns fans are less pessimistic.

The Jets can very well win in Arizona. Having Palmer back makes this a much tougher game though. 

But then they play 5 out of the next 8 games at home, with the worst teams (Browns, Dolphins, Niners) on the road. None of the teams they face in this stretch are very good except for the Pats. The Jets play the Pats at home, they always play them tough and they will be coming off a bye, giving them extra time to prepare and heal up. As INSANE as it may sound to most Jet fans, they Jets could win ALL of these games. They probably won't, but it's not absurd to think they will- IMO.     

Whether or not they get into the playoffs as a wild card will ALSO depend on how other teams fair. Its way too early to even predict playoff positioning with any kind of accuracy- IMO. I mean, you can assume certain teams will win their divisions, but its a lot tougher to call the wildcard teams. Jets are 2 games out of a Wild Card spot if you want to look at it right now, although it makes no sense to do that. 

That is all. 

Good post but the only thing I would add is your playoff chances.   Losing to the Bengals, Chiefs, and Steelers  have severely hurt their chances.( lose every tie breaker with those potential playoff teams). 

The Game against the Ravens is more a must win than Arizona .( can't lose to another potential playoff Afc team) .

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3 hours ago, SAR I said:

I do, and it's really fascinating stuff, so much goes on with the quarterback position.

But there is nothing I learn there that I did not know already.  If Ryan Fitzpatrick didn't lock on to receivers, if he didn't throw the ball off target, if he didn't have a weak arm, if he was a master at progressions, if he had high accuracy, if he had a rocket launcher of an arm....he wouldn't be on the team.  He'd be someone's franchise quarterback, a beloved all pro for one of the 5 teams he played for in his first 10 seasons.

You cannot blame a band aid with severe limitations for playing up to his ability.  What I'm seeing in Ryan Fitzpatrick is what I saw last year, what we've all seen when we played against him since 2005.  So when someone complains about his interceptions or his misreads I just shrug my shoulders and say to myself "yeah, what exactly did you expect, genius?"

If the secondary and defense and running backs played to the level they are capable of, played up to the ability God gave them, we'd be 4-1 right now.  This quarterback witch hunt which has gone on since the Rex Ryan myth of 2011 just has to stop.  It's been long enough.  The real bad guys on this team are here, go after these pathetic underachievers before you go after our 34 year old journeyman:

Darrelle Revis
David Harris
Muhammed Wilkerson
Sheldon Richardson
Calvin Pryor
Marcus Gilchrist
Matt Forte
Brian Winters
Billal Powell
Kacy Rodgers
Chan Gailey
Todd Bowles

Spend an equal amount of time ripping these 12 Jets to pieces, then you can focus on Ryan Fitzpatrick.



Nice post, but why'd you leave Marcus Williams off the list?  He's tops on my list, and don't forget how last year's second round pick can't stay healthy and the third rounder shows no improvement.

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Beloved, this has been great, but now I have to go to work >
"This is the day the Lord has made, so let us rejoice and be glad in it "  .
I have some of you on Ignore, but know this beloved, I love you all with the love of the Lord .

Dammit we've lost another!!!!

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I don't know if the Jets are fine.  In fact, I'm pretty sure they're not fine.

But who cares?  The important thing is we're fine now.  As in "we" the fans.  We don't have to watch them lose Sunday.  

We can spend the day with family and friends, or even just spend the day watching games without being let down and feeling disgusted.  Looking forward to Sunday.


You hear that Fitz?  You can't ruin this weekend for us!  Only Monday.  And Mondays suck anyway.

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19 minutes ago, CaliforniaJet said:

Our defense is ranked in the bottom of almost every category, this team is not fine. Oh, and we dont have a QB. 

With a defensive-minded Head Coach no less.  Whose weakest unit right now is an expensive secondary.  Despite his background as a DB coach.

But other than all that, Mrs. Lincoln.....how was the play?

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Here's your best case scenario. Jets win Monday night (chances are slim but not crazy talk), and get to 2-4. Then Fitz plays just good enough to win the next 2 to even us up at 4-4.

Best case scenario for all of us Jet fans is that Fitz hurts his shoulder in that 8th game BUT WE WIN.

4-4 & Bryce Petty gets his chance playing with the starters vs an easy schedule other than the Pats. He gets to build his confidence, maybe Devin Smith comes back, now you have a QB with the arm to get the ball out ahead of speedsters like Smith, Anderson & Peake. That gives more space for Forte & Powell to work. 

We find out THIS YEAR if Petty can play. That is our best case scenario of not WASTING ANOTHER ENTIRE YEAR without learning something else about our roster.

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6 minutes ago, Jetster said:

Here's your best case scenario. Jets win Monday night (chances are slim but not crazy talk), and get to 2-4. Then Fitz plays just good enough to win the next 2 to even us up at 4-4.

Best case scenario for all of us Jet fans is that Fitz hurts his shoulder in that 8th game BUT WE WIN.

4-4 & Bryce Petty gets his chance playing with the starters vs an easy schedule other than the Pats. He gets to build his confidence, maybe Devin Smith comes back, now you have a QB with the arm to get the ball out ahead of speedsters like Smith, Anderson & Peake. That gives more space for Forte & Powell to work. 

We find out THIS YEAR if Petty can play. That is our best case scenario of not WASTING ANOTHER ENTIRE YEAR without learning something else about our roster.

Best case scenario is Fitzpatrick winds up on the bench someway some how and we move on with someone else its the only way to move forward from this mess. 

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If there was something you could hang your hat on (The Defense is fine, The offense is scoring) then yeah I could see that. Right now though no one is playing well.

If this were the Chargers who basically with a bounce of the football here or there could be 5-1 then yeah I could see it.

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I don't believe we are 1-4 b/c of the schedule.  the sched has not been easy but we have played poorly.  we didn't play the '85 Bears where we would have no chance, we played some good teams and we played poorly in pretty much every game. if we play to our capabilities I am confident the season can be turned around but I'd like to see flashes of that ability before I get excited.

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36 minutes ago, joewilly12 said:

Best case scenario is Fitzpatrick winds up on the bench someway some how and we move on with someone else its the only way to move forward from this mess. 

That's why I said Fitz needs to get injured (nothing catastrophic) bad shoulder, high ankle Sprain, otherwise there is no way Toilet Bowles will sit him. We'll go 8-8,7-9 and still have NO CLUE whether or not Petty can play. Injuries force peoples hands. Deckers out, youngsters get a chance, problem is that our QB is playing badly & has zero arm strength to take advantage of our young WRs speed. CUNUNDRUM.

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4 hours ago, Augustiniak said:

i would be more patient with mccags' approach to developing qbs maybe 10 years ago.  it just sucks week after week, year after year, to watch other teams find qbs and watch highlights of them throwing multiple td passes and not have to draft qbs year after year after year.  i get it, hack needs a year.  he does.  that doesn't mean the product the jets are putting out there is watchable.  again.

For the past 15 years we have been trying to win on the strength of a dominating defense and a power rushing game.  And every time we think we may have found a quarterback just decent enough to make a go of it, the defense and the RB sh*t the bed.  We are actually not trying to find a franchise quarterback.  Perhaps that's why we never do.


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7 hours ago, Tinstar said:

When the schedule came out, I took a good look and decided for myself that the Jets would go 0-6 and finish the season 9-7 with an outside shot at making the playoffs as long as the starting QB stayed the starting QB . With Decker going down for the year, I will revise that to say 7-8 or 8-8  and no playoffs yet again . With week 6 around the corner, the Jets have a chance to be ahead of schedule having already won 1 of the 6 games I expected them to lose and still with the opportunity to win yet another with a the Cardinals up next and also struggling .

Should we go out to Arizona and came away with the win (in a very winnable Game) we would have won 2 games I didn't think we would win when I 1st saw the schedule .  Looking forward, because I'm a fan and can do that, the schedule has 2 games after Monday where the Jets will be decided underdogs and that's both Patriot games . The Rams defense will present a challenge and then what . We win this game, and we will have weathered the Storm that the NFL threw us into to start the year . We have sustain 1 major injury navigating this schedule storm, and it's not unto death .  The Jets are fine, Todd Bowles is fine and the organization is still behind schedule but only because of the QB situation .

It's all in how you see a thing .

That is all .


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8 hours ago, Tinstar said:

When the schedule came out, I took a good look and decided for myself that the Jets would go 0-6 and finish the season 9-7 with an outside shot at making the playoffs as long as the starting QB stayed the starting QB . With Decker going down for the year, I will revise that to say 7-8 or 8-8  and no playoffs yet again . With week 6 around the corner, the Jets have a chance to be ahead of schedule having already won 1 of the 6 games I expected them to lose and still with the opportunity to win yet another with a the Cardinals up next and also struggling .

Should we go out to Arizona and came away with the win (in a very winnable Game) we would have won 2 games I didn't think we would win when I 1st saw the schedule .  Looking forward, because I'm a fan and can do that, the schedule has 2 games after Monday where the Jets will be decided underdogs and that's both Patriot games . The Rams defense will present a challenge and then what . We win this game, and we will have weathered the Storm that the NFL threw us into to start the year . We have sustain 1 major injury navigating this schedule storm, and it's not unto death .  The Jets are fine, Todd Bowles is fine and the organization is still behind schedule but only because of the QB situation .

It's all in how you see a thing .

That is all .

Easy for you to say . I'm tired of wasting money on a lousy team !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2 hours ago, nyjunc said:

I don't believe we are 1-4 b/c of the schedule.  the sched has not been easy but we have played poorly.  we didn't play the '85 Bears where we would have no chance, we played some good teams and we played poorly in pretty much every game. if we play to our capabilities I am confident the season can be turned around but I'd like to see flashes of that ability before I get excited.

Wouldn't the '85 bears all be in their 50s and 60's now? Surely we'd have had a chance if we were playing them? I'm not saying we'd have won but to write us off totally is pessimistic in the extreme 

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10 hours ago, PatsFanTX said:


Other than delusional homerism, how is Arizona a "very winnable" game?

The Jets are 8 point underdogs and Fitz has such a great record playing good teams on the road.


Arizona's D is still very good. But their offense is a wounded animal with Palmer struggling even before injury and a decimated Oline. If the Jets can limit David Anderson they have a shot in this game. 

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4 minutes ago, 56mehl56 said:

Arizona's D is still very good. But their offense is a wounded animal with Palmer struggling even before injury and a decimated Oline. If the Jets can limit David Anderson they have a shot in this game. 

We need to score points every visit to the red zone and stay ahead we cannot play come from behind football in this game. 

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2 minutes ago, joewilly12 said:

We need to score points every visit to the red zone and stay ahead we cannot play come from behind football in this game. 

With Fitz that's the situation every week  regardless of opponent. When Fitz has to beat you through the air and run a hurry up offense its not usually pretty. 

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11 hours ago, Tinstar said:

So you're certain we won't win this game ? Are  you going to watch a game you know your team has no chance to win, and if so why ?

For the first time in years, I did something other than watch football last Sunday.  I went fishing in Upstate NY and it was the best Sunday I've had in a long time caught some delicious trout.  Now I'm not Doom and Gloom about the FO and Coach like most here, but we are the furthest thing from the definition of fine right now. 

I have us, at MOST, winning 7 games.

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5 hours ago, SAR I said:


For the past 15 years we have been trying to win on the strength of a dominating defense and a power rushing game.  And every time we think we may have found a quarterback just decent enough to make a go of it, the defense and the RB sh*t the bed.  We are actually not trying to find a franchise quarterback.  Perhaps that's why we never do.


We were not a power run football team last year.  You don't have 2 1,000 yard Recievers on a power run football team.  

Rex Ryan?  That's a power run offense. 

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I had the Jets starting 2-4, starting the season 2-0 and losing 4 straight. I then had them being 9-6 heading into the last game of the year with the playoffs on the line again vs Buffalo and I left that game unpredicted. They win Monday night and they are 2-4. They do that, and they'll be 9-6 heading into the last game of the year. Book it. 

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Based on the schedule I also saw a rough start followed by an easier stretch, and if we played like last year we could be in with a shout, and at least play meaningful football into December. In fact I recall posting in SAR's 2-0 start thread about why we could still succeed if we started 1-1 (which we did).

But since then we've become less competitive as the weeks have gone on, and that's my main disappointment. Last year we scored just over 24 points a game and conceded just under 20. This year we've scored just under 18.5 per game, and have given up over 27. That's a 12.5 point swing in the wrong direction. Sure, we can probably pad our numbers in a couple of games to come, but I expected to see some competitiveness against the bigger teams this year, regardless of the outcome. I've not seen much at all.

And I fear it's affecting the team's psyche, both coaches and players. Bowles basically laid down in the 4th quarter last week, no fight in him at all. Two punts on 4th and short when we needed two scores, and hadn't stopped Pitt all day. Gutless. If you're going to lose, at least put up a fight.

So yes, we may still go on a decent run, but I don't feel we are a better team this year than last year. Or even about as good. And that's depressing.


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23 hours ago, Tinstar said:

When the schedule came out, I took a good look and decided for myself that the Jets would go 0-6 and finish the season 9-7 with an outside shot at making the playoffs as long as the starting QB stayed the starting QB . With Decker going down for the year, I will revise that to say 7-8 or 8-8  and no playoffs yet again . With week 6 around the corner, the Jets have a chance to be ahead of schedule having already won 1 of the 6 games I expected them to lose and still with the opportunity to win yet another with a the Cardinals up next and also struggling .

Should we go out to Arizona and came away with the win (in a very winnable Game) we would have won 2 games I didn't think we would win when I 1st saw the schedule .  Looking forward, because I'm a fan and can do that, the schedule has 2 games after Monday where the Jets will be decided underdogs and that's both Patriot games . The Rams defense will present a challenge and then what . We win this game, and we will have weathered the Storm that the NFL threw us into to start the year . We have sustain 1 major injury navigating this schedule storm, and it's not unto death .  The Jets are fine, Todd Bowles is fine and the organization is still behind schedule but only because of the QB situation .

It's all in how you see a thing .

That is all .



It's not that they're losing.  

It's how they're losing.  

I thought 1-6 was a real probability with 3-4 being realisticly hopeful.

However, I never thought our defense would be the reason we're losing and that our coach would seem to  be in over his head.

Less face it, if they weren't handing out 100+ qb ratings to everyone they face, the public would probably have a different opinion of the coaching staff.




*edit- posted after reading OP.  Just realized half the board already said this.

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Let's be real here, the Jets schedule is brutal and we're playing like one of the worst teams in the league. 5-11 is very likely with this schedule, hopefully we can out tank the Browns and get the 1st pick of the draft. Will also have some stiff competition in Miami. Honestly us and the Dolphins are probably picking in the top 5 of the draft. The Bills dropping a game to us might come back and bite them, along with us cause based off how much we're sucking, we need every loss we can get to finally get a bonafide starter here, not another project qb.

But then again, knowing our ******* team we'd probably draft Myles Garret to add to our d-line.

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On 10/14/2016 at 8:34 AM, Tinstar said:

When the schedule came out, I took a good look and decided for myself that the Jets would go 0-6 and finish the season 9-7 with an outside shot at making the playoffs as long as the starting QB stayed the starting QB . With Decker going down for the year, I will revise that to say 7-8 or 8-8  and no playoffs yet again . With week 6 around the corner, the Jets have a chance to be ahead of schedule having already won 1 of the 6 games I expected them to lose and still with the opportunity to win yet another with a the Cardinals up next and also struggling .

Should we go out to Arizona and came away with the win (in a very winnable Game) we would have won 2 games I didn't think we would win when I 1st saw the schedule .  Looking forward, because I'm a fan and can do that, the schedule has 2 games after Monday where the Jets will be decided underdogs and that's both Patriot games . The Rams defense will present a challenge and then what . We win this game, and we will have weathered the Storm that the NFL threw us into to start the year . We have sustain 1 major injury navigating this schedule storm, and it's not unto death .  The Jets are fine, Todd Bowles is fine and the organization is still behind schedule but only because of the QB situation .

It's all in how you see a thing .

That is all .

Is it ok that I see your post as the Jets receiving another mediocre 1st round pick? 

I'd rather they lose out the rest of the way. The QB isn't that good, the coach isn't that good and the defense isn't that good.

I guess Mags wanted to compete a little bit for a year, maybe 2, while rebuilding, but I say lets just get the rebuild on now. 


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4 minutes ago, thebuzzardman said:

Is it ok that I see your post as the Jets receiving another mediocre 1st round pick? 

I'd rather they lose out the rest of the way. The QB isn't that good, the coach isn't that good and the defense isn't that good.

I guess Mags wanted to compete a little bit for a year, maybe 2, while rebuilding, but I say lets just get the rebuild on now. 


As you wish, It's all according to your faith . 

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