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Woody Johnson is a lot of bad things.....


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I think Woody does want to win and has opened the wallet to do so.  He just has not set up an org below him to get those results.   He really needs to hire a vet football guy in between ownership and the GM and the coaches should answer to the GM.


Sooner or later I guess we'll find out about little brother when Woody takes the London gig.

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8 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

I think Woody does want to win and has opened the wallet to do so.  He just has not set up an org below him to get those results.   He really needs to hire a vet football guy in between ownership and the GM and the coaches should answer to the GM.


Sooner or later I guess we'll find out about little brother when Woody takes the London gig.

I think this is an accurate assessment.

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Woody is nowhere near as bad as many on here think.  he's been up against the impossible since he started and that's the Brady dynasty in NE but w/ that we have had more success under him than we did the previous 40 years before he took over. we suck right now, he made a bad decision when hiring idzik which set us back but he's not a bad owner.  those that think he is bad clearly do not remember Leon hess.

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49 minutes ago, UnitedWhofans said:

But he is clearly not the worst owner in New York. James Dolan has embarrassed the Knicks for years. You never see Woody having to ban a player from the stadium or being attacked by a former player. Combine that with the fact that the Jets have had more success than the Knicks and there's no question.

I was thinking the same thing. Watching that Oakley thing unfold. Wow, just wow.

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21 minutes ago, jetscrazey said:

let's be thankful.  Woody may be clueless but Dolan is a bad person.

Inept, yes.  Bad person?  No

And you have to give him credit admitting his deficient BB IQ by hiring Phil Jackson, who at the time was the greatest BB mind around.

Not a bad move at the time.

Although now it seems like Phil has some dementia kicking in.

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2 minutes ago, Flushing Roots said:

Inept, yes.  Bad person?  No

And you have to give him credit admitting his deficient BB IQ by hiring Phil Jackson, who at the time was the greatest BB mind around.

Not a bad move at the time.

Although now it seems like Phil has some dementia kicking in.

I'm betting you never met him. 

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56 minutes ago, Flushing Roots said:

Inept, yes.  Bad person?  No

And you have to give him credit admitting his deficient BB IQ by hiring Phil Jackson, who at the time was the greatest BB mind around.

Not a bad move at the time.

Although now it seems like Phil has some dementia kicking in.

uhh NO.  I've seen enough evidence over the years to see that Dolan is a straight up bad person.  I don't care about Phil Jackson, who clearly is just collecting a paycheck and mailing it in.

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2 hours ago, jetscrazey said:

Woody is just incompetent.

Dolan is much worse that that.  He is incompetent plus insecure to the max and a truly malicious person.  He thinks Gestapo-like tactics will actually work to his advantage.

i'm no dolan fan but in all fairness it sounds like oak was calling out dolan and being verbally abusive.  there is a difference betewwen the nba and nfl in that woody sits in his skybox well above the fray whereas dolan was sitting behind the team. i doubt if this was the first time he's been heckled by former players or even oak.

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28 minutes ago, rangerous said:

i'm no dolan fan but in all fairness it sounds like oak was calling out dolan and being verbally abusive.  there is a difference betewwen the nba and nfl in that woody sits in his skybox well above the fray whereas dolan was sitting behind the team. i doubt if this was the first time he's been heckled by former players or even oak.

Dolan deserved it and worse 

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2 hours ago, Flushing Roots said:


The treatment of Marv Albert, for one.  Anyone who says anything remotely critical of the team automatically becomes persona non grata.  It's like the gestapo of the NBA.  He has an indestructable brand name in the Knicks and yet he can't handle ANY criticism?  The man clearly has deep insecurity issues. He also is a spoiled brat who never has had to work for anything in his life.

Woody was born into wealth too, but at least he treats people with some dignity and can handle criticism with class.  Honestly if you are not aware of this stuff about Dolan you must not have lived in NY in recent years because it's been everywhere.

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8 hours ago, Flushing Roots said:

Inept, yes.  Bad person?  No

And you have to give him credit admitting his deficient BB IQ by hiring Phil Jackson, who at the time was the greatest BB mind around.

Not a bad move at the time.

Although now it seems like Phil has some dementia kicking in.

Doland not a bad person? 

Sexual harrassement cases, abusing office staff, mean spirited comments, there's a long list that says he is a horrible person. 

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8 hours ago, jetscrazey said:

The treatment of Marv Albert, for one.  Anyone who says anything remotely critical of the team automatically becomes persona non grata.  It's like the gestapo of the NBA.  He has an indestructable brand name in the Knicks and yet he can't handle ANY criticism?  The man clearly has deep insecurity issues. He also is a spoiled brat who never has had to work for anything in his life.

Woody was born into wealth too, but at least he treats people with some dignity and can handle criticism with class.  Honestly if you are not aware of this stuff about Dolan you must not have lived in NY in recent years because it's been everywhere.

Can't handle criticism? Yes

Deep insecurity issues? Yes

Spoiled brat? Yes

Could handle himself with more dignity and class? Yes

I'll even throw in "No basketball acumen", "Lousy owner" and "Counter puncher".

He's like a child.

If all that makes you a bad person, then yeah, Dolan's a bad person.

I'd argue he's more inept and stupid than a bad person.  He doesn't know any better.  Made a lot of bad decisions - no doubt.

The best thing that could ever happen is for him to sell the Knicks and get out because he is totally clueless.

I am not a fan of his and nothing would make me happier.


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12 hours ago, UnitedWhofans said:

But he is clearly not the worst owner in New York. James Dolan has embarrassed the Knicks for years. You never see Woody having to ban a player from the stadium or being attacked by a former player. Combine that with the fact that the Jets have had more success than the Knicks and there's no question.

And that matters...how?

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16 hours ago, UnitedWhofans said:

But he is clearly not the worst owner in New York. James Dolan has embarrassed the Knicks for years. You never see Woody having to ban a player from the stadium or being attacked by a former player. Combine that with the fact that the Jets have had more success than the Knicks and there's no question.

Dolan also owns the Rangers

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Let's forget the Rangers exist.  Is Woody really a more successful owner?


Last 16 years (since Woody owned the jets):

Jet playoff appearances: 6

Knicks playoff appearances: 5

Championships either team: 0


Both teams have more than doubled in value.


Other than two AFCG appearances, courtesy of the blowhard coach everyone bashes now, Woody and Dolan have the same record

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