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Is Jamal Adams expected to be the leader of this defense as a rookie?

Lil Woody

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I don't see how you any reasonable person can put that on him in his 1st year.  But I'm afraid that is exactly what the media/fanbase will do though. Because he was taken 6 overall, and because he was touted as such a great leader and those qualities were part of what made him viable at 6 overall, and because this team is such a dumpster fire due to zero leadership on the roster and coaching staff....I think he's going to be pressured to step up as a leader of professional athletes before he even knows what being a professional athlete is all about.  Hopefully Leo can take that pressure off of him and let him be a rookie and let it happen naturally.

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Jets DL Leonard Williamsicon-article-link.gif has clear statistical goals for 2017, but his primary focus is on being a team leader.

“With a lot of older guys being gone, I get to step into my role now and I’m excited about it,” he said. “So far throughout this offseason training, it’s been great. I’ve been stepping up and saying stuff and the guys have been responding well.”

Williams established himself as a cornerstone of the defense in 2016, leading the Green & White in sacks (7.0) and quarterback hits (25) while earning team MVP honors. Despite only being in his third-year, the 22-year-old is a key part of a unit that is holding each other accountable.

“You have to lead by example because if you’re telling people what to do and you’re not, you’re just a hypocrite,” Williams said. “We learned something this offseason that leading by example is just doing your job. We have to take it past that where we’re taking guys and leading them with us. If we see somebody struggling or not stepping to the line, we get on that guy. Not to call him out, but because it’s in his and the team’s best interest. We’re finishing now. It’s just the little things like staying on top of guys.”

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From everything I've read, being a leader just seems to come naturally to Adams. I don't think he will feel "pressured" that he has to step into that role.

It appears to be something he's embraced, and thrived on, throughout his football days.

Leo and David Harris will be great role models in adjusting to life as a professional athlete.


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I don't think it's a matter of Adams absolutely having to be the leader out of the gate, but he seems like the type of guy who both he and the team will looking for him to develop as a leader over the course of the year and take it from there.  But the first priority is still going to be getting him comfortable with this defense and in his role on the field.  As already mentioned, it's pretty clear that Williams has already established himself as a serious presence among his teammates, and looks to be embracing that going forward, so that on its own helps to avoid a situation where the D feels like they have no one.

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3 minutes ago, Happy Clouds said:

From everything I've read, being a leader just seems to come naturally to Adams. I don't think he will feel "pressured" that he has to step into that role.

It appears to be something he's embraced, and thrived on, throughout his football days.

Leo and David Harris will be great role models in adjusting to life as a professional athlete.


First Freshman captain in the history of the LSU program.  Agreed, I don think he will feel the pressure, its just what he does naturally.  

The Jets still have Harris, Leo is stepping up, apparently Lee is a vocal leader.  Addition by subtraction too.  They got rid of the bad apples.  Should help for the good ones to step up. 

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Once Adams starts producing on the field and making plays that get everyone's attention he will easily fill the role of leader IMHO but hes not going to do it right off the bat. it's a role hes going to have to grow into whether he's a natural or not. To be a leader you need confidence a practice what your preach kind of confidence and that can happen quickly if Adams is as great as people are saying.  

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The team is having a youth movement. He's a natural for the New order, and Adams to be the face of this.

High price none performing vets are now on notice (Mo).

Since we are rebuilding no one is safe, tow the line or go!

In two years, I think we may have one of the top Safeties combos in the NFL. 

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1 hour ago, Lil Woody said:

I don't see how you any reasonable person can put that on him in his 1st year.  But I'm afraid that is exactly what the media/fanbase will do though. Because he was taken 6 overall, and because he was touted as such a great leader and those qualities were part of what made him viable at 6 overall, and because this team is such a dumpster fire due to zero leadership on the roster and coaching staff....I think he's going to be pressured to step up as a leader of professional athletes before he even knows what being a professional athlete is all about.  Hopefully Leo can take that pressure off of him and let him be a rookie and let it happen naturally.

Huh? Leonard Williams will be the leader. Maybe MO if he wakes up from a one year hibernation. 

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