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1 hour ago, Untouchable said:

I grew up a comic nerd and I’ve been tired of this sh*t for multiple years now.

Pretty much the same with Star Wars. I always really liked the original trilogy, but everything since is sh*t outside of a good, but not great, Mandalorian show.

Disney is a giant, money grubbing slut that won’t stop until they’ve milked everything you used to love completely bone dry. And then they’ll milk it some more.

Mandalorian and Andor/Rouge One were great, better than the prequels or sequels. I’m very happy they exist.

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1 minute ago, Warfish said:

Mandalorian and Andor/Rouge One were great, better than the prequels or sequels. I’m very happy they exist.

Mandalorian is fine, but it's crazy-slow, like they could cut more than half the footage and it wouldn't take much (if anything) away from it. 

Andor & Rogue One were both fantastic, though. Andor iirc had one really slow/unnecessary episode, but was otherwise very, very solid. 

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5 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Mandalorian and Andor/Rouge One were great, better than the prequels or sequels. I’m very happy they exist.

Mandalorian was good in relation to everything sh*t that came after the original series.

Rogue One was fan fiction without a single character worthy of taking up a portion of my brain to memorize. The ending was supposed to be some tear jerking moment while I couldn’t have cared less about everyone in that movie being turned to vapor.

Haven’t watched Andor, even though I’ve heard good things. I just don’t care anymore.

Get back to making interesting, original films.

Not just relying on smoothbrains who will eat up any and everything with a Star Wars or Marvel/DC logo slapped onto it.

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5 minutes ago, Untouchable said:

Mandalorian was good in relation to everything sh*t that came after the original series.

Rogue One was fan fiction without a single character worthy of taking up a portion of my brain to memorize. The ending was supposed to be some tear jerking moment while I couldn’t have cared less about everyone in that movie being turned to vapor.

Haven’t watched Andor, even though I’ve heard good things. I just don’t care anymore.

Get back to making interesting, original films.

Not just relying on smoothbrains who will eat up any and everything with a Star Wars or Marvel/DC logo slapped onto it.

To each their own. You remind me of many old whiners who won’t accept anything but the original trilogy. We’ll, new stuff clearly isn’t for you then, so stop watching it and those of us it was made for enjoy it is peace.

As if there was something wrong with fan service. It’s Star Wars not War and Peace, lol.

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2 minutes ago, Warfish said:

To each their own. You remind me of many old whiners who won’t accept anything but the original trilogy. We’ll, new stuff clearly isn’t for you then, so stop watching it and those of us it was made for enjoy it is peace.

As if there was something wrong with fan service. It’s Star Wars not War and Peace, lol.

By all means, continue to watch these turd movies/TV shows and pretend that you like them out of some sense of “nostalgia”.

I won’t stop you. Clearly you’re in the majority.

And no one is pretending like Star Wars is War and Peace except for the silly sad sacks who show up to conventions dressed as Darth Vader and have little hope of a woman ever touching them.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting more from your entertainment. These are fictional characters, in fictional universes surrounded by fictional circumstance.

The possibilities are literally endless. Be more creative.

Don’t repackage the original Star Wars movie with a “strong”, female lead and tell me that it’s “groundbreaking”.

Don’t give me the 23rd installment within the last 15 years of a formulaic superhero franchise and tell me that it’s a “masterpiece”.

This stuff is popcorn/jujube fodder that all follows the same path to the very end.

Why do I give a sh*t about Thanos wiping out half of the universes population when it’s clear as day from the get-go that the Avengers will set things right in the very next movie?

All of these things have imaginary stakes with no real consequences and a couple of pithy quips thrown in.

That’s the entire summary of Star Wars and Marvel post 1983.

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3 hours ago, Untouchable said:

Harrison Ford could shatter his hip just by bending over and feeding his dog at this point.

The dude is literally in his f*cking 80’s and they’re going to have him once again brawling nazi’s before he passes the baton to some weird looking British chick at the end whose big claim to fame is voicing a robot in the one Star Wars movie that lost money…

Why the hell do people even go to the movies anymore?

Star Wars movie that lost money? 

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14 hours ago, Darnold Schwarzenegger said:

Who watches commercials? When a commercial comes on I go to the kitchen to pour a shot or get a fresh beer

That's a lot of alcohol, sir. Good on you.


Ad Meter panelists were tasked with voting on all 51 commercials from Super Bowl Sunday, rating them on a scale from 1 to 10.


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