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Aaron Rodgers to the Jets rumor: Merged

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8 hours ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Thank you Joe Douglas!  Thank you!!

Ok, if you didn't  lose all credibility  when you were losing it over Zachs preseason injury saying he was done for the year,  you certainly  lost it now. What happened to JD staying the course, not taking the shortcuts, and building a long term winner through the draft mantra you have been spouting. If this isn't  a shortcut, I don't know what is.

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6 minutes ago, playtowinthegame said:

He looks like he's enjoying himself, and has a strong buzz, but I wouldn't say he's smashed and embarrassing himself. 


Yeah, I don't think it's a disaster or anything and he's an adult who is certainly allowed to have a good time. But booze, work, and recording equipment are a scary mix. 

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57 minutes ago, varjet said:

JD’s statements do not help the Jets bargaining position.  If I am the Packers I am saying to pay our asking price since you already think you traded Rodgers. 

This is a colossal screwup. 

Oh because you know the details of the conversations that have been had and/or the agreements that are already in place? 

Sounds exactly like every other sports reporter who has been spewing stuff for the best month without knowing a damn thing. 

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3 hours ago, kevinc855 said:

He’s clearly sauced up here. Not sure if the packers react to this nicely or the nfl thinks tampering. Prob an unnecessary statement that JD did not make up to this point till two entertainment goons got him liquored up and cornered at a charity event ?‍♂️


GM is sauced and the Coach is juiced.

It's been a good off-season. 

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To me it’s clear the deal is done and not yet announced for some reason or another.  
The Jets GM is in front of a bunch of rabid Jets fans being interviewed by a Long Island native and former Jet himself.   For all we know they addressed in advance if the question could be asked.   He chose the time to share some good news he’s been holding tight to the vest.   There will be no ramifications or tampering charges from GB because they already have a deal.  Having said all that if all this turns out to be wrong and he made an announcement without a deal in place then it is professional malpractice which I just can’t believe he would commit. 
No tampering because GB granted permission to speak to him. Since that point in time .. no tampering.

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

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2 hours ago, Dcat said:

Walt Michaels drinking and otherwise flipping out calling other team owners/staff during the game, Rex Ryan taping his role-play foot come on to his own wife.   I'm fine with the pretzel man

Isn't there a story about some bar owner calling into the Jets' locker room during one of the big playoff games in the early 80's?  I think it might've been in the Jets/Raiders playoff game in like 1982.  He pretended he was the owner or something like that.



The hilarity of the episode can’t be understated.  It was a playoff game in January 1983.  The New York Jets were on the road playing the Los Angeles Raiders.  A phone call came through to the Jets locker room at halftime.

Jets head coach Walt Michaels was handed the phone.  The voice on the other end claimed to be Jets owner Leon Hess.  What followed was a tirade, making Michaels feel the heat for his Jets underperforming.

Michaels knew it was a prank, but his anger bubbled over.

"I'm gonna have something special to say about this damn Raider organization," he promised after the call.

Obviously, Walt thought the prank was the work of the Raiders. What he did not know was that the prank was from a New York bartender.

Well, unfortunately for Raiders fans, the Jets beat the Raiders 17-14 that game. Afterwards, Walt Michaels said, "I just want to say that whatever member of the Raider organization called me on the phone at halftime and said my owner wanted to talk to me is a sick SOB. It's a sick, rotten way to try to disrupt our team. His initials are A.D. and I don't care if he knows it or not."

Comedy gold.

So how did a bartender manage to make a phone call and catch an NFL head coach in the locker room to begin with?

The security guy who initially answered the call said later,

"The guy said he was Leon Hess, the Jets' owner, and he had to talk to Walt Michaels.  He sounded quite normal.  When Joe Namath was here you'd get a lot of crazies calling, but Carroll Rosenbloom (then the owner of the LA Rams) used to call down a lot at halftime, too, so how was I to know?  Anyway, Walt just happened to be in the hall at the time, so I gave him the call.  I feel like a fool now."

More comedy gold.

It turned out the bartender came clean, though, and told the press.

“The conversation lasted about 30 seconds.  I told Coach Michaels to tell his team to fight harder in the second half, to go out and kick hell out of the Raiders, and to make (defensive end) Mark Gastineau stop doing his sack dance because he looked like a real jerk.


"The coach kept saying, 'Yeah, yeah, yeah.'


"I heard that Al Davis was getting blamed for it and I didn't want it laid on Al so I called the press to give my side of it."

The Jets and the Raiders, two original American Football League teams, have been playing each other since 1960. The rivalry came on strong in the late ’60s.  The Raiders’ Ike Lassiter broke Joe Namath’s cheekbone in 1967.  The following season, on their way to winning Super Bowl III, the Jets beat the Raiders in the AFL championship game at Shea Stadium as Namath threw three touchdown passes.

Earlier that season, the Jets and the Raiders played in the famous Heidi game.  The Jets took a 32-29 lead with 65 seconds remaining when, at 7pm on the east coast, NBC cut to the start of Heidi, the television movie scheduled to begin at that time.  Viewers missed witnessing two stunning touchdowns by the Raiders, who won, 43-32.

Michaels is a man who remembers it all.  Including those trips to Oakland to play Al's Raiders when Michaels was Jets head coach Weeb Ewbank's defensive assistant.  

He remembers that Al Davis fired him as a Raiders assistant before he joined Weeb's staff.  Needless to say he remained aware of the enlarged photograph at Raiders' HQ of Ben Davidson knocking Joe Namath's helmet off.

Walt remembers Al Davis causally coming into the Jets' hotel to talk shop with Namath on the eve of a game.  He remembers Al’s paranoia that the Raiders locker room was bugged at Shea Stadium and the supposed retaliation in Oakland when the tarps were mysteriously unrolled on the field in 1968 where the Jets were to practice.

Walt remembers the league fine the Jets absorbed when Michaels stormed the referees locker room after a loss at the Oakland Coliseum as he hammered the door with his fists trying to get the last word in with the refs.

Yes, Walt remembers. Maybe winning that playoff game in 1983 was some measure of consolation for him.

One thing is certain: the Jets-Raiders rivalry is no longer that intense.

The 1983 playoff game was in front of 90,000 fans in the LA Coliseum, a game with 10 turnovers.  Two offsetting personal foul penalties had been called in the first quarter.  Raiders defensive end Lyle Alzado had ripped off the helmet of Jets tackle Chris Ward and flung it at him. The game-ending quarterback kneel down at the very end by the Jets Richard Todd was marked by a flurry of fists.

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21 minutes ago, Falco21 said:

Oh because you know the details of the conversations that have been had and/or the agreements that are already in place? 

Sounds exactly like every other sports reporter who has been spewing stuff for the best month without knowing a damn thing. 

Let’s pretend, for one second, that the theory that the deal is completely done and they’re just keeping it under wraps, is true (it’s not).  

I don’t think that the Packers GM woke up today completely thrilled with finding out that that JD was talking about the trade, while making a drunken ass of himself, with a sh*t faced Boomer Esiason.  

I’d say that I’m surprised that I see Jets fans defending this, but I’m not.

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59 minutes ago, bicketybam said:

What a beaten down, broken and miserable fanbase. You guys must be a blast to watch a game with.

Actually if you were ever here for the game day threads the fan base here is very good to 'watch a game with'.

The sunshine squad that nut sucks every move this team makes are the ones that are crap fans, not the ones that blast them when they do dumb things and heap credit on them when they do good things.

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16 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

Let’s pretend, for one second, that the theory that the deal is completely done and they’re just keeping it under wraps, is true (it’s not).  

I don’t think that the Packers GM woke up today completely thrilled with finding out that that JD was talking about the trade, while making a drunken ass of himself, with a sh*t faced Boomer Esiason.  

I’d say that I’m surprised that I see Jets fans defending this, but I’m not.

A VERY Un-Joe Douglas- like maneuver.

Unless something changed over the last 48-72 hours, that you haven’t gotten wind of yet, negotiations are still at a standstill.

If things have changed, and all parties are in agreement and NFL signed off, that would explain JD taking the night off, have some fun and celebrate a negotiation where he feels he got the win!


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4 hours ago, Cut Jet Penalty Makers said:

As the top executive of the organization, is it too much to ask for JD to at least dress a bit better? I know it's a fun event but there's no need to appear slovenly. There's such a thing as smart casual and this is not it. Losing a few pounds and taking better care of his health is beneficial to himself, his family and longevity in the position. He needs an intervention and looks like a major health issue is in his immediate future.

Ya jinks us  some more not like we need any help.

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11 minutes ago, 32EBoozer said:

A VERY Un-Joe Douglas- like maneuver.

Unless something changed over the last 48-72 hours, that you haven’t gotten wind of yet, negotiations are still at a standstill.

If things have changed, and all parties are in agreement and NFL signed off, that would explain JD taking the night off, have some fun and celebrate a negotiation where he feels he got the win!


I haven’t heard anything that indicates that something has changed.  Unfortunately, I think that this is just JD getting sh*tfaced and opening his mouth when he really shouldn’t have.

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Actually if you were ever here for the game day threads the fan base here is very good to 'watch a game with'.
The sunshine squad that nut sucks every move this team makes are the ones that are crap fans, not the ones that blast them when they do dumb things and heap credit on them when they do good things.
Jets fans are that guy you sit next to at a bar and ask "How ya doing?" Then you immediately regret you asked. Or sat down next to him.
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35 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

I haven’t heard anything that indicates that something has changed.  Unfortunately, I think that this is just JD getting sh*tfaced and opening his mouth when he really shouldn’t have.

The packers are far ahead of JD with letting the cat out of the bag regarding this trade so  how mad can anyone really be ? 

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15 minutes ago, bicketybam said:
1 hour ago, Beerfish said:
Actually if you were ever here for the game day threads the fan base here is very good to 'watch a game with'.
The sunshine squad that nut sucks every move this team makes are the ones that are crap fans, not the ones that blast them when they do dumb things and heap credit on them when they do good things.

Jets fans are that guy you sit next to at a bar and ask "How ya doing?" Then you immediately regret you asked. Or sat down next to him.

Only if you lack a sense of humor.  Particularly gallows humor.  

first time GIF

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11 minutes ago, Tranquilo said:

I think fans overthink these things and people working these trades don’t care about sh*t like this

I also think it’s worth pointing out that he said “he’s gonna be here” and not “the trade is done” or “Aaron Rodgers is a Jet.” Those are different things. 

Really nothing to sound the alarm over, IMO

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11 minutes ago, Pac said:

Dude JD is the boss or bosses boss of whoever you know.  I know you're legit but if JD is saying it's done it's done.  This wasn't a great look but he's hardly smashed. He's having a little fun..  Don't care. 

Morgan Freeman Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

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38 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

Every invested party is operating like the trade is done: Rodgers is working out with Lazard, the Packers are talking up Love, the Jets are building around Rodgers. The only place where the trade is still hanging on the razor’s edge is Packers Twitter.


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39 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

I also think it’s worth pointing out that he said “he’s gonna be here” and not “the trade is done” or “Aaron Rodgers is a Jet.” Those are different things. 

Really nothing to sound the alarm over, IMO


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4 hours ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

I don't get the idea that trading our #1 this year is a non-starter but we might trade a #1 next year.

What's not to get? The Jets want the #1 this year to build up the team, but if through some grace of god the Jets win the SB next year's pick becomes a 1 which doesn't hurt so much since at that point the team is already obviously good. I'd rather not trade a #1 either year. but at least if the escalator is something grand than I guess it's worth it.

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Yeah, I don't think it's a disaster or anything and he's an adult who is certainly allowed to have a good time. But booze, work, and recording equipment are a scary mix. 
It's like he was sh*t faced drunk on national TV trying to kiss a sideline reporter. Oh wait.
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