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Cimini: Locker room is grumbling about Wilson, team is close to imploding


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6 minutes ago, OtherwiseHappyinLife said:

5. Saleh was forced to make a change to get Tippmann into the starting lineup & AVT moved to RT?  Shows his decision making cannot be trusted.  Meaning he gets no pass with Zach, he absolutely has influence

I think this is more of an indictment on JD, than Saleh. Like, if your best swing tackle is one of your starting guards, you might have done something wrong. Why even have Billy Turner on this roster?

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11 minutes ago, Ron Rico said:

Even if I am in the house, I will not turn the tv on. I'll read a book. No way I will watch another Zach Wilson sh*t show. And I'm not blaming the kid, I'm blaming the three assholes responsible: Woody, JD and Salad

Im 60….  When my kids were young in the 90s, i had the game on while I did other stuff, id pop in for a score, unfortunately saw the Dennis Byrd tragedy etc. In 98, during that miraculous run, my kids were like…”Dad, youre gonna watch football????” “You like the Jets????”   The 90s was tough but this is unfukking bearable. 

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15 minutes ago, OtherwiseHappyinLife said:

A few more thoughts :

1. Losing the locker room 2 years in a row because of a coddled God awful QB is grounds for firing

2. Joe Namath voicing his strong negative opinion was likely helpful

3. Woody might be a creepy clown but creepy clowns still want to win and not be embarrassed.  This is not all on Woody

4. We should all keep the pressure up.  Paper bags on our heads at the game .. whatever

5. Saleh was forced to make a change to get Tippmann into the starting lineup & AVT moved to RT?  Shows his decision making cannot be trusted.  Meaning he gets no pass with Zach, he absolutely has influence

6. Back to the locker room, these are competitive athletes who not only want to win but who are playing for their next contracts.  Zach is costing them money


I seriously love everything in this post 

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The game hasn't happened yet but I'm tempted to put up a poll asking where this game ranks on all-time Jet embarrassments.

Playing the Super Bowl champs on national TV in front of a home crowd that is ready to sink its teeth into ZW is a recipe for an all-time epic disaster.  And even if they do bench Zach, I could see the fans unleashing bile on Saleh and the rest of the team.

I'm not sure our defense is going to be able to shut down the Chiefs' offense.  This could get ugly on all sides.  And there's no Mike White to save us anymore.

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3 minutes ago, Spoot-Face said:

I think this is more of an indictment on JD, than Saleh. Like, if your best swing tackle is one of your starting guards, you might have done something wrong. Why even have Billy Turner on this roster?

Oh I agree it’s an indictment on JD.

But Saleh had failed to put the best 5 on the field.  Instead he trotted out a 39 year old Brown who clearly wasn’t ready and now is apparently injured.

Ruckert is another example.  The guy brings a killer mentality that can be contagious.  Plus he’s actually a really really good blocker which is important with Wilson behind Center.

I’m disgusted with the whole lot from our Owner to GM to Coach to OC to OLine coach who had a 6 foot 8 RT and 39 year old LT cut block on Rodger’s first series.

What is weird is Zach is lower on my list.  He’s just not good despite trying.  But yet the powers that be keep trotting him on the field because of office politics and attachment issues.  

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17 minutes ago, derp said:

Boat anchor in the he’ll win them games in a lost season way, or in a he’s so bad they’ll play over their heads once he’s benched way?

Guessing the latter. Eight is still a stretch IMO. The offense looks horrific when being dragged down by him but the overall talent level is still largely one that needs to be elevated by a quarterback.

If they can still get a reset of leadership and the young players look good I wouldn’t be too upset about the wins.

I agree this is a good team with a top tier QB and low level team with anything else 

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22 minutes ago, OtherwiseHappyinLife said:

A few more thoughts :

1. Losing the locker room 2 years in a row because of a coddled God awful QB is grounds for firing

2. Joe Namath voicing his strong negative opinion was likely helpful

3. Woody might be a creepy clown but creepy clowns still want to win and not be embarrassed.  This is not all on Woody

4. We should all keep the pressure up.  Paper bags on our heads at the game .. whatever

5. Saleh was forced to make a change to get Tippmann into the starting lineup & AVT moved to RT?  Shows his decision making cannot be trusted.  Meaning he gets no pass with Zach, he absolutely has influence

6. Back to the locker room, these are competitive athletes who not only want to win but who are playing for their next contracts.  Zach is costing them money


#5 is just wrong.  That was was the best OL combination.  What did you want, Billy Turn(style)er at LT?  

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1 minute ago, oatmeal said:

I agree this is a good team with a top tier QB and low level team with anything else 

Kirk Cousins is throwing to three first round pass catchers. This franchise has used those assets on the DL. It is what it is, but the plan was to fast forward the progress of the offense with high level QB play.

Especially until Hall gets his juice back. What’s the counter punch to a defense that makes an effort to take away Garrett Wilson?

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12 minutes ago, southparkcpa said:

Im 60….  When my kids were young in the 90s, i had the game on while I did other stuff, id pop in for a score, unfortunately saw the Dennis Byrd tragedy etc. In 98, during that miraculous run, my kids were like…”Dad, youre gonna watch football????” “You like the Jets????”   The 90s was tough but this is unfukking bearable. 

Yeah, it was tough. The Coslett years. LOL Oh, it's all been an absolute trainwreck. I went a few seasons without watching, I'm about to take another siesta. **** YOU WOODY YOU PIECE OF sh*t.

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dbatesman’s Law Of Jet Occurrences holds that in any given situation involving the Jets, the stupidest possible outcome is most likely.

I think I’m gonna plant my flag now: Saleh convinces Woody everything is Douglas’s fault, Douglas gets fired, Rodgers (with minor assistance from Saleh) picks the next GM.

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52 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

So we have 14 games left and it sounds like the following is on the menu:


Zach benched

More infighting when the team realizes that Siemian and Boyle are both far worse than Zach.

A complete tire fire when the defense eventually gives up and the Dolphins put up 73 on us. 

GW and Breece both demand trades.

The fans call for JD and Saleh's heads.

Caleb Williams announces he's staying at USC for his senior year

Aaron Rodgers realizes that even he is in over his head with trying to pick up the pieces of this godforsaken franchise and retires.

Adam Gase rehired.

I agree with all of this except one. There is NOBODY far worse than Zach Wilson. 

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5 minutes ago, Joe Willie White Shoes said:

#5 is just wrong.  That was was the best OL combination.  What did you want, Billy Turn(style)er at LT?  

I wanted the lineup at NE from the start.  Brown didn’t deserve / wasn’t ready to start and it showed.

LT Becton (getting better)

LG Tomlinson (short leash)

C McGovern (for now)

RG Tippmann  (or flip with McGovern)


Does that clear things up?  I don’t even want Turner on the team.  

I also wanted the Jets to get a real NFL backup and to draft a QB in the middle rounds.  

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33 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

The Jets could easily erase any speculation and put it all to bed by just signing Wentz to an incentive laden deal. He’s had success, has won games. It’s not perfect but it’s how you solve the current problem. Yet theyre turning down his calls. It makes no sense unless there’s things at play beyond what Saleh and JD can control. No one thinks Simien is better than Wentz.

They don’t want a qb who is clearly better than Zach. It’s hard work to find 1 who isn’t. JD is taking a page out of former jets front office playbook. Remember sanchez ? Sign the worst possible backups, old mark brunell , Tim Tebow. So no one can call for sanchez to be benched. Ground hog day all over again. But Zach makes sanchez look like Tom Brady.

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3 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

I just can’t reconcile the idea that a team with this defense, in a league this watered-down, can’t cobble together eight wins. Especially a team that beat the sh*t out of the Bills already. It is my belief that the shock of losing Rodgers and the sadness of replacing him with an encumbrance like Zach Wilson is infecting the team, and if they can just get some bare bones QB play, they have enough on offense to muddle by. 

I think the Bills game was a sort of lucky series of events.  Josh Allen played far too reckless.  And it was opening week so they weren't as sharp as they could have been.  If we played them again now, they'd beat us.

I would be very surprised if we get 8 wins.  I'm thinking 4-5 wins right now.  And don't discount the idea that if we start 1-7 (which is possible) that the defense will lose motivation and the team will underperform the rest of the way.

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56 minutes ago, oatmeal said:


it’s like the most jetes thing ever 

Does that rhyme with testes?

46 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

I do think they get to eight wins regardless. Wilson is a boat anchor around this team’s neck. 

I think it is obvious that they are looking to give the new guy a chance to succeed.  I think we see Zach this week and then maybe they new guy against the Broncos.  Then it will be one tough game before the bye.

45 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

That was sarcasm.

It shouldn't be.  Siemian is no stud, but he is significantly better than Zack.

43 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

I agree that his accuracy is a lot better than last year.  I haven't see the bouncing or air mailing throws.  He's able to hit short passes too.

The biggest problems from what I can see are his decision making (atrocious!) and lack of confidence.  I do question if some of the decision making issues are due to the CS telling him to play it extra close to the vest.  Someone on here said they were coaching him to look "short to long".  I have no idea if that's true but it seems feasible.  I can't imagine that will be the case against the high-powered KC though.  I would think they're going to have to let him really throw the ball this week. 

This will likely be his last chance to prove anything as a Jet.  And barring a miracle, it's probably already too late for him.

If he was looking short to long what took so ******* much time to get the ball out?

43 minutes ago, derp said:

Boat anchor in the he’ll win them games in a lost season way, or in a he’s so bad they’ll play over their heads once he’s benched way?

Guessing the latter. Eight is still a stretch IMO. The offense looks horrific when being dragged down by him but the overall talent level is still largely one that needs to be elevated by a quarterback.

If they can still get a reset of leadership and the young players look good I wouldn’t be too upset about the wins.

I don't think they need that much at QB.  I think they can do well enough with Hall carrying them, like last year.  The O line was getting some push and most teams are not the Pats, Cowboys or Bills.  When they went run on every down the Pats D line started dropping.  Borderline competent QB play gets them to the early Sanchez years.

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1 hour ago, T0mShane said:

Spicy Cimini podcast report from an off-day locker room. Opens up with Namath’s comments, but goes into (unnamed) Jets player discontent about Saleh fluffing Zach Wilson and continuing to start him. Says he knows “for a fact” that players are ready to pop off. Defensive players annoyed about having to answer for one coverage bust when they gave up a mere 13 points. Cimini puts it all in Douglas’ lap for keeping Wilson at QB2 with no safety net. 

Juiciest bits:

1. Cimini says Wilson is “done” in New York, but will play until Siemian or Boyle is ready to start. 

2. Says Saleh’s job security will be challenged if/when the locker room grumbling bubbles over and becomes public. Seems to indicate that time is closer than some think.

—However—Says it’s the bed Jets made, Cousins trade is a remote possibility and probably wouldn’t happen until the Jets season is already destroyed. Predicts the rest of the way will be a mix of Wilson, Boyle, and Siemian starts. 



So we are going to trade for Cousins with Rogers under contract? Is Cousins backing up Rogers or thebother way around? Comedy Central What GIF

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10 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

I just can’t reconcile the idea that a team with this defense, in a league this watered-down, can’t cobble together eight wins. Especially a team that beat the sh*t out of the Bills already. It is my belief that the shock of losing Rodgers and the sadness of replacing him with an encumbrance like Zach Wilson is infecting the team, and if they can just get some bare bones QB play, they have enough on offense to muddle by. 

They’ve lost 9 out of the last 10 games with this defense going back to last year. They’re not getting 8 wins no way. 5 is probably the ceiling.

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