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Our All World Elite defense is so overrated....


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5 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

15th in yards per game

31st in run defense

18th on points allowed

26th in 3rd down defense

Tied for 20th in sacks

Tied for the league lead in roughing the passer penalties

(Wail!) Oh but it is not their fault that our offense is poor!!!!!

'Elite' defenses over come poor offenses, get off the field on 3rd down, stop the run and do not take endless awful penalties.

This is not close to an elite defense, a good defense?   Only at some things, pass defense is pretty good, red zone D is pretty good.

Cleveland has an 'elite' defense and we sure as hell are not in their league.

Come at me bros!  I shall bathe in all of your thumbs down votes as I bathe in the souls of my enemies!


Not many arguments from me.  I do think a better offense will help but that won’t help all of the stupid defensive penalties they’ve been getting.  And I’m not so sure this nine wide scheme is any better than a three four or four three.  The only thing saleh does more different is to rotate players more.  And the dline is pretty light so the oline players can push right through them at times.

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3 minutes ago, Chewy and the Jets said:

I would bet we are first in time of possession though

Jets are 2nd worst in time of possession stats as fully expected.

Which has no effect on our crappy 26th in 3rd down defense, our O cannot stay on the field, our defense cannot get off the field.

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Just now, Beerfish said:

EVERYONE has said they were all wold, and elite. the national media still says it, most jets fans are softening now that they see they are anything but elite.   DJ Reed said we were the 85 bears or the Ravens.   LOL

How about give them a lead and a rest every now and then.  You should watch with your eyes open 😂


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Just now, Larz said:

How about give them a lead and a rest every now and then.  You should watch with your eyes open 😂


As expected all the woes of the D are put on the offense.  Thus proving they are mediocre.   The O punts, the D can't get off the field by being run on, failing on third down or taking monumentally stupid penalties.

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Our defense is great.

We're virtually tied for 3rd in yards/play with Dallas and SF.   Bal and Cle are 1 and 2.

However, our stats are helped by never being in shootouts and never conceding meaningless yards at the end of games with a big lead..

[edit] but then again, we concede meaningless yards when we give up hope in the 4th quarter.  :-)

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4 minutes ago, Jimmy 2 Times said:

Not looking at the stats, I bet that most of the top defenses have offenses that are near the top for time of possession.  


I'm not sure it's possible for defenses to dominate anymore without having a top 15 offense too. 

Cleveland... He already refuted this. 

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Two things can be true at the same time:

1. Our Defense is clearly over-rated.  It's a mid-tier unit with upper tier potential.

2. Playing D for the literally the worst Offense in the NFL doesn't help our Defense look good.

To be doubly controversial, I think both QW and Sauce as over-rated too.  They're good.  They're not elite.

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All defense is over-rated. The whole concept to me changed when the NFL decided to ramp up scoring. The defense is trash if it doesn’t generate turnovers. They exist for 1 reason, giving our offense extra possessions.

Since we have no offense, who cares really?

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  • Sheldon Rankins is having a great year this year.   We could have used a good run stuffer. 
  • I think the defense was structured to be complementary with an offense and to protect a lead.  So much for that.  
  • Losing Chuck Clark was not helpful.  
  • Carl Lawson tailed off after getting some of 2023 guaranteed.  I think he is done now.  
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15 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

The defense is very good unit and would be among the vey best in football, statistically, with a competent offense. 

They have kept this team in 8 of 11 games and actually managed to win 4 of them, with a historically inept offense. 

A Jets fan complaining about this defense is like a Titanic survivor complaining about the food service. 

No the jets fans giving the defense  a free pass for not being as good as they should be becasue we have a lousy offense is the illogical part.

What are you supposed to be vs what are you?

The Jets O is supposed to stink after the hero QB went down and Douglas had no plan B and they do indeed stink.

The Jets D is supposed to be elite, one of the top 5 in the league, our head coach is D centric we have put vast resources into the D.

Go back and look at the stats I posted in post one of this thread and excuse them all or refute them all.

26th in the league in 3rd down D sucks.   Near last in run defense sucks.

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53 minutes ago, jbt said:

this is from earlier in the year:

If the Jets scored the league average of 23 points over the last 18 games they would be 15-3.

If the offense scored more, opponents wouldn't be able to play as conservatively. In the few games where the offense has scored even close to the average, the defense often can't hold the lead. 

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