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New York Jets, Haason Reddick Contract Saga No Longer About Fines. Game checks are now on the line, to the tune of $852,941 for each game missed.

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1 hour ago, Sperm Edwards said:

It seems thus far he's been fined or missed out on:

  • $250K didn't collect his workout bonus (he didn't show up to anything in the spring)
  • ~$50K for missing two mandatory camp days this summer (the same ones Rodgers missed)
  • $700K training camp holdout (at $50K/day)
  • $2.5MM+ for missing all 3 preseason games (his game check amount of $838K x 3)

The total he's forfeited is in the $3.5MM range.

  • The $250K the Jets should be getting back as a cap credit, since it's bonus he didn't earn/get, and not a fine per se. 
  • The rest of it is penalty-level fines of about $3.3MM. That comes off the Jets' salary cap if he shows up this season (it is a fine that the player has to pay).

Even if Reddick was willing to admit defeat and just show up now, rather than repeat this whole exercise again next season, here's where it gets a little sticky imo:

The player pays the fine, but just to make sure it gets paid, the team probably withholds it like any employer garnishing wages. The team doesn't keep it, but they basically pay the fine to the league (who then distributes it to the charity). In terms of net payments it's the same thing whether it goes NYJ to NFL or NYJ to Reddick to NFL. The way it plays out - the sticky part - is this:

If it's withheld like wage-garnishing, then the $3.3MM in fines has to get paid first (to ensure the player actually pays it). So if his game checks are $838K apiece, then:

  1. First game back he'd receive $0 ($838K of the fine is paid)
  2. Second game back he'd receive $0 ($1.676MM of the fine is paid)
  3. Third game back he'd receive $0 ($2.514MM of the fine is paid)
  4. Fourth game back he'd receive a check for ~$50K (the full $3.3MM in fines has now been paid of the $3.35MM for his first 4 game checks)
  5. Fifth game back = Reddick gets his first full game check of $838K

If he was unhappy playing under $14.25MM - enough to stage this holdout - he's going to like it that much less playing for just under $11MM, and to boot he won't even get paid one of those $838K game checks until week 5 even if he ends his holdout and plays the first 4 games.

He really f**ked up the team's ability to give him a bump by holding out and accruing so many millions in fines. The team would have to give him a $3.5MM raise - and have it come off the cap - just to bring him to back to where things were when he began his holdout. 

If he sits out the season, then the whole thing would be wiped out and they start this whole thing all over again in the spring of 2025, of course.

Why did he not do a hold in?

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4 hours ago, Gaffneycatch81 said:

I hear you this, and it matches what I believed to be the case too about injuries. However, I keep reading that as a conciliatory offer the Jets were willing to guarantee his $14.5M for this year (if he had shown up) — that’s what Cimini and other beat writers keep saying, and earlier in the hold out it was widely predicted that that is how the situation would be resolve. But if he couldn’t have lost his 2024 salary due to an injury, that makes this supposed goodwill gesture by the Jets pretty empty, doesn’t it?

It meant they couldn't cut him for skill or fit - if he came in and looked terrible, or was an a$$hole to everyone on the team, he'd still be there no matter what. It's effectively a guaranteed roster spot. Of course, they weren't going to cut him anyway, so yeah, a pretty meaningless thing.

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1 minute ago, Green Ghost said:

Agreed on Cimini 100%, I think he’s talking out of his a** here about Reddick reporting tomorrow though, but we’ll see. It would be great if he did.

Agreed, as I don’t think he’s coming back tomorrow either.  I think Rich is saying that if Reddick would really run the risk he’s in for big consequences and, personally, he doesn’t think it’s smart.

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9 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

Agreed, as I don’t think he’s coming back tomorrow either.  I think Rich is saying that if Reddick would really run the risk he’s in for big consequences and, personally, he doesn’t think it’s smart.

At this point, Reddick is likely to be out a few weeks in hopes that one of the Jets starters gets hurt and that flips the leverage back to him (gotta wonder how those guys will feel knowing that's essentially what he's hoping for now, but if they catch it at all I think they'll just blame the agent and assume Haason's not actively thinking that). I'd look for him to show up somewhere around week 4, to ensure he's on the active roster by week 6 (which is when he needs to be to get his year of service and not have the contract toll)

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8 hours ago, Mogglez said:

I mean, yeah, if you throw out every single thing I just said, which puts the blame squarely on Haason for being a misguided malcontent, clearly outlines why he’s not getting the illogical contract he wants from the Jets, or any other team for that matter, and completely forget that the defense was already elite without Reddick last year, sure, that could be your opinion.

- JFM and Huff

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6 hours ago, batman10023 said:

I’d be surprised if he has more than 10mm in the bank. 

After earning $50mil, and being aligned with one of the best agencies out there?
With what has happened in the stock market and with real estate pricing during the tenure of his career, you think that’s his entire net worth?


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14 hours ago, MykePM said:

Except, in every tangible way, Reddick is not on the team.  He's not on the active roster.  He never has been.  And the Jets haven't spent one penny or draft pick on him at this point.  And that's kind of Joe D's stance on all of this.  How can he tear up an existing contract and break the bank for someone who hasn't dropped one bead of sweat for this team?

Ironically, there have been multiple posters who have essentially said "if there was no deal in place, Douglas should just not have made the trade".  In all measurable ways, it's like the trade never was made.

And assuming Reddick shows up at some point to prevent his contract from tolling to next season, it will be like adding a new "best pass rusher" in a mid-season trade, presumably in time to bolster a playoff push, in exchange for a lousy 3rd round pick two years from now - which doesn't sound too bad.

Are you sure about this?  I thought the draft pick was a gonner no matter what.  

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13 minutes ago, LIJetsFan said:

Are you sure about this?  I thought the draft pick was a gonner no matter what.  

He's referring to that the draft pick we traded for him is a 2026 draft pick. That right now is a 3rd rounder and only turned into a 2nd rounder if he BOTH got 10 sacks and got over 67.5% of defensive snaps.

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14 minutes ago, Sperm Edwards said:

It's one of the great mysteries of the universe, lol.

Maybe/probably he felt it sent a stronger message on his resolve to fully hold out than hold in, I guess. On paper it seems that's really stupid unless the player is totally irreplaceable, has the team by the short hairs, has a low base salary so the fines don't add up nearly as much, and that in the end he is 95% likely to not just get a bump, but enough of a bump to make the holdout-fine millions look like a rounding error. Also it can be argued it's an even bigger every-day distraction/reminder if he's standing there and not participating than if he's totally absent.

Either that or he thought Douglas was bluffing and arguing from a weaker point - after trading away JFM - when he said he's not doing crap with his deal until he's with the team. Everyone can see Reddick's elite sack-stats, but even at his obvious talent and production level he's bounced around from team to team and his prior playoff/super bowl team was willing to replace him with a guy who wasn't even a starter on a Jets team that already was without their planned starter (Lawson), so it's not unreasonable to see if Reddick's just an elite pass rushing douche, who has personality issues that'll surface in the clubhouse, and who ignores instructions from the DC so he can get his sacks in because that's what gets him his pro bowl votes and stats-incentive bonuses.

If I'm a GM I want to see that firsthand (or have the coach tell me about it) before locking myself into the guy for 2-3 years when it's this kind of money and when I know I've got 4-5 long-term young starters - ones I've drafted with my high picks, which is always a bigger reflection on my job as GM (in particular with the Becton/Zach whiffs) - whose contracts will start to need addressing between the following spring and the end of the season in Sauce, Wilson, JJII, Breece, and AVT. Then in addition to them, I have to make decisions on one of 2024's opening day starters at tackle in T.Smith and Moses; Reed and/or MCII, Kinlaw, Mike Williams, Conklin, and my top 3 safeties Davis/Clark/Adams are all UFAs next year, too. Then there's the other thing he's surely crossing his fingers over, which is that his own '23 first rounder makes everyone shrug off losing Huff and never coming to terms with Reddick.

Everyone wants Reddick with the team and playing hard. Everyone. Want doesn't equal need, though. They have a zillion healthy and hungry first rounders on the DL without him, and a distant-future 3rd round pick the team could still yet recoup or easily replace isn't going to make any GM flinch. 

Agree with all of this.

If he doesn't report today or in the next day or 2 it's clear he's in essence hoping we struggle without him to where he thinks we might revise our offer.

He's hoping we suffer an injury at DE to where we need him more (which is big time messed up, but it clear he doesn't care about teammates).

If neither of those happen. I see him not reporting until the very latest he can for this season to count for him. Which is just dumb on his part IMO.

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11 hours ago, T0mShane said:

I guess, but the dude is a veteran player with a million snaps on tape. The Jets shouldn’t need to have him in the building to know what he brings. Just seems like a weird hill to die on. Ultimately, it’s a who-cares thing because the Jets have enough at edge (presuming McDonald is good). It’s just a weird, unforced error. 

we dont know the full story, by all accounts Reddick reneged on some agreement they had...so who knows.

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20 minutes ago, Sperm Edwards said:

Sauce, Wilson, JJII, Breece, and AVT. Then in addition to them, I have to make decisions on one of 2024's opening day starters at tackle in T.Smith and Moses; Reed and/or MCII, Kinlaw, Mike Williams, Conklin, and my top 3 safeties Davis/Clark/Adams are all UFAs next year, too.

Are we counting on Rodgers playing next year as well? Who is our future QB?  We need to trade one of these players for draft assets. I suggest trading Sauce for two 1st rounders.  How in the world are we paying top notch money to Sauce and Wilson?  AVT is a goner in my opinion, and maybe Hall as well.  

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3 minutes ago, Bobby816 said:

Agree with all of this.

If he doesn't report today or in the next day or 2 it's clear he's in essence hoping we struggle without him to where he thinks we might revise our offer.

He's hoping we suffer an injury at DE to where we need him more (which is big time messed up, but it clear he doesn't care about teammates).

If neither of those happen. I see him not reporting until the very latest he can for this season to count for him. Which is just dumb on his part IMO.

He's relegated to hoping for injuries or poor play from JJII on one side or the McDonald/Clemons duo on the other, and further that McKinley doesn't just look like a nice camp-surprise who quickly reverts to his previously-disappointing career level.

Absent that, he's really got no leverage and by myopically staging a full holdout the fines that have mounted already have made it twice as difficult to find some middle ground because now most of any middle ground ceded by the team would just get Reddick back where he started in Feb/Mar with the Eagles in terms of what he'd actually take home for the '24 season.

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15 minutes ago, Bronx said:

Are we counting on Rodgers playing next year as well? Who is our future QB?  We need to trade one of these players for draft assets. I suggest trading Sauce for two 1st rounders.  How in the world are we paying top notch money to Sauce and Wilson?  AVT is a goner in my opinion, and maybe Hall as well.  

This is a game to game, year to year kind of league, son.

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1 hour ago, Green Ghost said:

After earning $50mil, and being aligned with one of the best agencies out there?
With what has happened in the stock market and with real estate pricing during the tenure of his career, you think that’s his entire net worth?


Unlike a lot of NFL players Reddick actually has a college degree.  He was a walk on in college and turned it into a first round pick based on an absolutely sick combine performance.  After he got his big contract he didn't dog it he had his best year in the NFL after getting paid.

I suspect he has at least 25 million in stocks, bonds and real estate.  He could absolutely walk away today if that's what he wanted to do.  

His position seems like he has made a decision to play NFL football for what he percieves his worth is.  How much less than his perseption of that worth to play football he will play for is probably what's driving his position.  I suspect he's going to show up at some point if he wants to get paid either by the Jets or someone else by showcassing his play at some point this year.  

He clearly can do whatever he wants to do.  There's nothing wrong with him not playing football and the Jets not paying for him not to play.  There is no obligation by either party.

The 49ers had the same leverage over 2 of their players and paid them after a holdout.  While the Jets have a lot of leverage, Reddick's leverage comes from the Jets perception that he gives them the best chance of winning right now.  Everyone seems to be discounting that leverage.  He's leverage could also become greater if there is an injury on the DL in the first couple of weeks.

In life we often go from King Kong to Zippy the Chimp quickly because percieved leverage can be just as important as rules based leverage changes and sometimes very fast.  The Jets leverage could change once games and injuries happen.  If the D plays great without him the pressure mounts on him.  If they lose because they don't get pressure off the edge he's leverage goes up.  It's not static based on rules that favor the Jets.  This is why the 49ers completely caved to two of their best players.  Reddick is probably one of the Jets best players right now despite the fact that he hasn't played a down for the Jets yet.

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14 minutes ago, Bronx said:

Are we counting on Rodgers playing next year as well? Who is our future QB?  We need to trade one of these players for draft assets. I suggest trading Sauce for two 1st rounders.  How in the world are we paying top notch money to Sauce and Wilson?  AVT is a goner in my opinion, and maybe Hall as well.  

Need? No, they don't need to do that. Way too early to tell with Rodgers. He could call it quits after this season, or he could play for 2-3 more like Brady.

As far as AVT, you're not as invested in him as the GM. On paper there are sunk costs, but in perception, when so few 1st rounders drafted are still with the team it affects job security. 

AVT already has his 5th year option exercised for 2025, and that 5th year option sure isn't free, so the team doesn't see him as a goner. 

You already have it that - with the Becton and Zach debacles behind him - he should also be dumping the next two 1st rounders he drafted in AVT and Sauce, plus also "maybe Hall as well"?

It seems extremely unlikely that this is how things will unfold.

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21 minutes ago, Bronx said:

Are we counting on Rodgers playing next year as well? Who is our future QB?  We need to trade one of these players for draft assets. I suggest trading Sauce for two 1st rounders.  How in the world are we paying top notch money to Sauce and Wilson?  AVT is a goner in my opinion, and maybe Hall as well.  

With a giant smile on our faces and no hesitation. Why do you ask?

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1 minute ago, Biggs said:

I suspect he has at least 25 million in stocks, bonds and real estate.  He could absolutely walk away today if that's what he wanted to do.  

His position seems like he has made a decision to play NFL football for what he percieves his worth is.  How much less than his perseption of that worth to play football he will play for is probably what's driving his position.  I suspect he's going to show up at some point if he wants to get paid either by the Jets or someone else by showcassing his play at some point this year.  

$$$ is a funny thing. I see families of 4 living on one salary of $50-$70K and they are content, generous and happy. I see others making big $ and they complain about never being paid enough and are cheap and always looking at what they don't have and others do. I hope you're right about him.... but probabilities show otherwise. 


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11 hours ago, Green Ghost said:

The guy has already been fined $3 mil. They think he’s going to cave now over another $800k when him not being there actually matters to the team?

I don’t buy it.

I'm not sold on this myself, just posting what's out there.

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28 minutes ago, Bronx said:

Are we counting on Rodgers playing next year as well? Who is our future QB?  We need to trade one of these players for draft assets. I suggest trading Sauce for two 1st rounders.  How in the world are we paying top notch money to Sauce and Wilson?  AVT is a goner in my opinion, and maybe Hall as well.  

Let’s worry about winning games first. Contracts right now are the least of the Jets concerns.

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3 minutes ago, 32EBoozer said:

$$$ is a funny thing. I see families of 4 living on one salary of $50-$70K and they are content, generous and happy. I see others making big $ and they complain about never being paid enough and are cheap and always looking at what they don't have and others do. I hope you're right about him.... but probabilities show otherwise. 


No question about it.  Our work value is established by what someone will pay us and what we will accept.  On one level it's pretty easy to figure out in a world where almost all information is public.  On another level it's highly emotional and personal.   One persons big payday is an insult to another person doing the same job.

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4 hours ago, Doggin94it said:

With a giant smile on our faces and no hesitation. Why do you ask?

Seriously, teams are about to enter the $60MM/year range on QBs next year -- a $60MM QB the Jets do not and will not have anytime soon, unless by some miracle they decide to replace Rodgers with Dak Prescott in March. Rodgers is in the $30MM range, leaving room for an extra $30MM starter. 

That's all aside from the reality which is they all keep pushing it for years into the future anyway (ffs look what they did with Rodgers alone). Even if they extend all four of their top '22 picks AND Vera-Tucker over the 2025-2026 off-seasons, their cap hits won't really kick in until 2027 or 2028, by which time the salary cap is going to be in the $310-340MM range.

Lmao that they "NEED" to trade Sauce for two 1st rounders. If it happens it happens, but that's hardly a need. For starters, the first of those first rounders will just get used on drafting another corner who may be an outright bust or take 2-3 seasons to come into his own (leaving only 1-2 cheap years before the same situation arises). On top of that, if just one of them is a top 10 pick then kiss goodbye 1/3 of the cap savings, and a year later it may be an extra pick at #26.

If Rodgers hangs it up after this year and they're in a position to get a premiere pick QB for Sauce, then any GM would consider that move. They're nowhere near that place now. Sauce is a premium player where team need and draft position line up to draft one less than once per decade (and even then there's a bust-factor roll of the dice). You don't throw that away for some cap room to sign the next March-prize-October-regret. 

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4 minutes ago, Sperm Edwards said:

Seriously, teams are about to enter the $60MM/year range on QBs next year -- a $60MM QB the Jets do not and will not have anytime soon, unless by some miracle they decide to replace Rodgers with Dak Prescott in March. Rodgers is in the $30MM range, leaving room for an extra $30MM starter. 

That's all aside from the reality which is they all keep pushing it for years into the future anyway (ffs look what they did with Rodgers alone). Even if they extend all four of their top '22 picks AND Vera-Tucker over the 2025-2026 off-seasons, their cap hits won't really kick in until 2027 or 2028, by which time the salary cap is going to be in the $310-340MM range.

Lmao that they "NEED" to trade Sauce for two 1st rounders. If it happens it happens, but that's hardly a need. For starters, the first of those first rounders will just get used on drafting another corner who may be an outright bust or take 2-3 seasons to come into his own (leaving only 1-2 cheap years before the same situation arises). On top of that, if just one of them is a top 10 pick then kiss goodbye 1/3 of the cap savings, and a year later it may be an extra pick at #26.

If Rodgers hangs it up after this year and they're in a position to get a premiere pick QB for Sauce, then any GM would consider that move. They're nowhere near that place now. Sauce is a premium player where team need and draft position line up to draft less than once per decade. You don't throw that away for some cap room to sign the next March-prize-October-regret. 

But have you considered they can use those picks to draft other players that they can later trade for picks?

People don't seem to get that the point of cap space is to use it to pay the best possible combination of players. If you've got those guys on your roster already, and know they'll play to an elite level in your system and media market, you pay them. You don't let them walk to try to save money to spend on outside FAs - unless you've got so many of those guys that you literally cannot pay them all and need to prioritize.

And even if that were the Jets' situation (and it's not, we've got the space for all our key young stars), the ones you keep are the guys who play premium positions (QB, LT, WR, CB, DE, and to a lesser extent RT). The last thing you do is let either Sauce or Wilson go because you're afraid to pay them

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12 hours ago, T0mShane said:

McDonald’s win rate has always been good which, with more opportunities, should result in more sack production. If he can fill the Huff role, it’s a win

Right.  It's not like Huff has always been some fountain of sacks.  Prior to last year, people were touting him based solely on win rate.  They had a pretty good D in 2022 without Huff getting many sacks.  

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18 minutes ago, Doggin94it said:

But have you considered they can use those picks to draft other players that they can later trade for picks?

People don't seem to get that the point of cap space is to use it to pay the best possible combination of players. If you've got those guys on your roster already, and know they'll play to an elite level in your system and media market, you pay them. You don't let them walk to try to save money to spend on outside FAs - unless you've got so many of those guys that you literally cannot pay them all and need to prioritize.

And even if that were the Jets' situation (and it's not, we've got the space for all our key young stars), the ones you keep are the guys who play premium positions (QB, LT, WR, CB, DE, and to a lesser extent RT). The last thing you do is let either Sauce or Wilson go because you're afraid to pay them

I'm guessing that both Wilson and Sauce will be looking for 4 year deals around 140 million each with roughly 100 plus guaranteed.  We probably will also need another starting QB.  Could get interesting.   

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52 minutes ago, 32EBoozer said:

$$$ is a funny thing. I see families of 4 living on one salary of $50-$70K and they are content, generous and happy. I see others making big $ and they complain about never being paid enough and are cheap and always looking at what they don't have and others do. I hope you're right about him.... but probabilities show otherwise. 


thats right. I used to sport iphone se and 6s. older phones. 

for some crazy reason i got this urge " why the f cant i have a premium cell for once/" so i went out and got an iphon 15 max pro.


now i am miserable. my bill almost tripled and all i do is stress out about losing this stupid thing.


wait why am i saying this

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9 hours ago, Mogglez said:

Agreed, as I don’t think he’s coming back tomorrow either.  I think Rich is saying that if Reddick would really run the risk he’s in for big consequences and, personally, he doesn’t think it’s smart.

Nobody thinks this is smart, even Reddick. I guarantee he is regretting this decision. In theory, if he holds out as long as possible and then comes back and looks underwhelming or even just good, the likelihood of securing a contract in the 15m range over 3 years is low. 20-25m, never happening. Hes hurting himself both short term and long term. I’d imagine some teams won’t even consider him based on this situation next year.

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