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Mark Sanchez Is What He Is, (and that's all that he is)


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Sanchez will post pro bowl numbers this year and will never look back. I'll check back in January. Tickets for the train are selling out fast, though. It's gonna be an a$$ kicking green and white train with a 24 hour party going, ice cold corona, tequilla shots, a live salsa band......it's gonna be great........lol

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he also throws TDs that most pros cant throw.

so its a wash. sometimes he's rock bottom, sometimes he is a rockstar.

same with jets fans. some of us say it sucks. rest say he rocks.

its a microcosm-macrocosm situation.

2 for 11 in first downs is most disturbing. The two ints were terrible but keep moving the chains Mr. Sanchez.

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I think it's time to close the books on Sanchez's alleged potential to be an elite QB. He is what he is--a streaky, inaccurate, tough little dude. That's it. No QB in the league has a more comfortable situation to play in--an elite defense and special teams guaranteeing him great field position and opportunities, to go along with a good OL and high-end receiving corps. And, yet, the offense is a consistent ****fest. We can blame Scottenheimer, sure, but it's Sanchez out there still throwing INT's that rookies shouldn't even be throwing and missing receivers that rookies shouldn't miss, in Year Three.

This is not to say that Sanchez isn't a good QB. Obviously, you can win with him. But, we have to stop deluding ourselves into believing that there's some great, as-yet untapped pool of talent under the surface here. He's not, nor will he ever be, a top-10 QB. He's basically the reincarnation of Steve Beurlein.

So true. But, as you can see by your responses already, it's not gonna fly here.

Really? Here's Big Ben's third year: http://www.nfl.com/p...ogs?season=2006

how bout Drew Brees: http://www.nfl.com/p...ogs?season=2003

How is Phillip Rivers doing right now? Not better than Sanchez that's for sure. How bout the new hot commodity Josh Freeman? Meh. Thats it. If these two post are serious than you two are ******* nuts. Stop with these ridiculous threads. Please. It's WEEK 2 with half an off-season. Relax.

Last year weeks 2-4 you would've thought Canton was preparing his bust already w/ the way some people were talking about him.

to go along with a good OL

What game did you watch??? :-k

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Jets fans are pathetic.

Well, no..but they seem to think, because they only see guys from other teams on ESPN highlights, that nobody else makes any mistakes, he's the only guy to throw a pick or an incomplete pass. What gets me is that Jet fans, out of anybody, should recognize an anemic offense or a QB that has hit his wall due to physical limitations, and I'm telling you, this ain't one of them. I remember some painful showings by an offense in times past that would make this look like the greatest show on the planet. For once we have a QB that doesn't have either stone feet or a rag arm or is too short or blah blah. And on top of that, the dude IS smart, high iq, he's a leader, the team respects him, and I've heard plenty of his interviews now, and he says all the right things.....so far.

He's excited. He's a competitor. They say he's boring. His model "friends" say all he cares about is football. These are all pluses in the world of Ryan Leaf, who was a nightmare out of college, or Kyle Orton who has more embarrassing photos out there than some fraternity pledge, Jay "cant smile" Cutler, Ben "the pervert" Rothlesberger, Brett "the pervert" favre, the twitter-junkies like TO and OC..............He has every reason to go running around NY with a Tom Brady haircut,banging Lady Gaga or something, shooting Mangold in a nightclub on accident........

There is only one thing, besides injury of course (knock on wood, no jinx), that can ruin this kid's inevitable rise to the elite, and that is the NY fans and the NY media sucking his spirit dry. Let this kid do what he does.....win football games, and if he trips a couple of times doing it....so what.

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The premise of this entire thread has so many holes it isn't funny. Mark is 24, played one year of college ball and has continued to gradually improve. He has come up big in important spots and has proven that he can win in the playoffs. Pass protection has been horrid this season... maybe that is contributing a bit towards the way Sanchez has looked?

He has his flaws and he makes his mistakes, but he has more upside than most people give him any credit for.

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If Sanchez is what he is... I guess he's a winner.

Career record of 26-14, which includes a 4-2 road playoff record, where Sanchez has gone 95/157, 1,155 yards, 9 TD's/3 INT's with an average QB rating of 97.45 after 6 career playoff games. Yeah, you nay-saying "experts" are 100% correct, Sanchez will "never" become a top 10 QB.

He's also shown "zero improvement" this season, even though after only two games, he's gone 43/66, 517 yards, 4 TD's/3 INT's with a QB rating of 87.25.

After only two games, he's on pace for a 344/528, 4,136 yards, 32 TD's/24 INT's type of season. He'll continue to get better with time, just like he's done from his rookie to sophmore season and it's no secret that he's improved during his 3rd year when compared to his 2nd season last year. Keep in mind, he's done all of this, this season... With an offensive line that's been awful. But not as awful as some of you fans.

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Sad but true.

I think we should have a Tomshane memorial fund. A long time ago, the guy was really fumy. Sadly he has passed on.

The new Tom shane is little more then a wet fart

he took a page out of fatcessa's playbook. and yes, that is a low blow

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I dont think Sanchez is worthy of where he was picked and may have hit his ceiling but if Eli Manning can win a ring.............

What's up Kleckineau -- I'm sorry, man, but I simply can NOT understand how anyone could possibly think that this kid has hit any type of ceiling. Statistically, after only two games, he has improve by about 100 percent, and if the season stayed even keel he would have pro-bowl numbers. Year three is traditionally a breakout year for guys, and remember he only played one year in college. He has earned the respect of his staff, who gave them a C on his shirt plus free-range to audible at will. Basically, for the first time, he is playing without handcuffs of any kind. He has ALL of the TOOLS. Unlike Pennington (picked #16 overall) or Clemens (early 2nd), he has an arm and can make every throw. Unlike Vinny, he could move, as we saw today. He is, and has been since jump, great on the move and especially on the move in the red zone. He is in year two with Santonio, with whom he has grown accustomed and now has Plax...both guys who have an "edge" on others when it comes to the endzone, as we saw with today Santonios ability to put on the jets and get separation (vertical or horizontal lol) He is from a big spot light college. He knows big game pressure and he's won. We see he has the heart and the guts. That's no question. We have seen his leadership abilities, his "mini-camp west" that they ALL lines up for.....on and on, man. sh*t, we even heard it right from Mark Brunnell last year on hardknocks..he said, "yup, he's gonna be a good one...." lol

Yeah, I'm gonna play this tune all year. He was not a stretch at #5 (and at the time I did NOT like the pick at all. I thought he wasnt ready. I thought it was a catastrophe waiting. I was wrong.)

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What some of you fail to realize or accept is that he has, up to this year, been a starter for only one year in college and two years as a pro not the typical four to six years of starting plus a year or two of sitting and learning as a pro. He is still a baby as far as experience goes. Has anyone else, with his limited experienve won four playoff games? He has improved and has shown "clutch" tendencies to have hope for the future.

He is not a finished product yet but has shown me enough to believe he can be a SB winning QB.

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Well, no..but they seem to think, because they only see guys from other teams on ESPN highlights, that nobody else makes any mistakes, he's the only guy to throw a pick or an incomplete pass. What gets me is that Jet fans, out of anybody, should recognize an anemic offense or a QB that has hit his wall due to physical limitations, and I'm telling you, this ain't one of them. I remember some painful showings by an offense in times past that would make this look like the greatest show on the planet. For once we have a QB that doesn't have either stone feet or a rag arm or is too short or blah blah. And on top of that, the dude IS smart, high iq, he's a leader, the team respects him, and I've heard plenty of his interviews now, and he says all the right things.....so far.

He's excited. He's a competitor. They say he's boring. His model "friends" say all he cares about is football. These are all pluses in the world of Ryan Leaf, who was a nightmare out of college, or Kyle Orton who has more embarrassing photos out there than some fraternity pledge, Jay "cant smile" Cutler, Ben "the pervert" Rothlesberger, Brett "the pervert" favre, the twitter-junkies like TO and OC..............He has every reason to go running around NY with a Tom Brady haircut,banging Lady Gaga or something, shooting Mangold in a nightclub on accident........

There is only one thing, besides injury of course (knock on wood, no jinx), that can ruin this kid's inevitable rise to the elite, and that is the NY fans and the NY media sucking his spirit dry. Let this kid do what he does.....win football games, and if he trips a couple of times doing it....so what.

This is really the best thread I have read. On the money and intelligent even! Great job .

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I think Beurlein is a rough comparison. Beurlein was a never was, while Sanchez makes throws that are really top of the line passes. There is just no consistency to his game. He was great on drive 1 and had a real nice TD to Keller later on, but more or less stunk in between. I personally think the ship sailed on him being an Elway type last year when he didnt improve a ton, but there is nothing wrong with being Bernie Kosar or Eli Manning provided the team acknowledges that that is his upside and surrounds him with talent accordingly. The problem occurs when they give him a 15M a year contract and entrust him to carry the offense on his own.

Thanks for the (as always) well-reasoned rebuttal, Jason. Beurlein was probably a little harsh. Agree with everything you've said here. I can't imagine Tannenbaum not being painted into a corner with Sanchez's contract when it comes due, can you? He's going to be the entrenched starter on a very good team, so it's not like the Jets can't pay him, but at the same time, can they give him Kolb/Vick money if he's still playing at this level? Could be interesting.

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he also throws TDs that most pros cant throw.

so its a wash. sometimes he's rock bottom, sometimes he is a rockstar.

same with jets fans. some of us say it sucks. rest say he rocks.

its a microcosm-macrocosm situation.

I like his arm. But even I can see the way he locks down on a single receiver in big spots. That could change.

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Hope he gets better this year. Someone mentioned the "pace" he's on as though it was a good thing. 24 interceptions and 16 fumbles, without playing a defense with a decent secondary yet, is not a good pace to be on.

He'll be fine. He's just damn frustrating sometimes. Like when your woman, who you love to death, every now and then blurts out to your parents how small their son's penis is. The good definitely outweighs the bad, but I hate when that happens.

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Hope he gets better this year. Someone mentioned the "pace" he's on as though it was a good thing. 24 interceptions and 16 fumbles, without playing a defense with a decent secondary yet, is not a good pace to be on.

He'll be fine. He's just damn frustrating sometimes. Like when your woman, who you love to death, every now and then blurts out to your parents how small their son's penis is. The good definitely outweighs the bad, but I hate when that happens.

Is this a frequent occurence in your house?

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sitting in my endzone seat I have a pretty good view of what he is seeing when he drops back to pass. He has about 1.5 seconds to find a wr and get rid of the ball unless he buys some time with his feet. 1.5 seconds compared to the avg. of 3 and tom brady's 4-5.

another problem not mentioned is the pass routes in shotty's system. nobody is ever open. I mean never. that guy has to squeaze almost ever ball into the tighest of spots its crazy to watch. you dont get that perspective from watching on tv.

of course the play calls are and always will be piss poor with shotty. burress, who runs about a 5.0 40 is lined up outside all day long running 9 routes. why? put that big body inside and let him box up for some easy slant passes and chain movers. where is the logic in this offense. you have a line that cannot block and you are still running routes over 15 yards? stupid.

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sitting in my endzone seat I have a pretty good view of what he is seeing when he drops back to pass. He has about 1.5 seconds to find a wr and get rid of the ball unless he buys some time with his feet. 1.5 seconds compared to the avg. of 3 and tom brady's 4-5.

another problem not mentioned is the pass routes in shotty's system. nobody is ever open. I mean never. that guy has to squeaze almost ever ball into the tighest of spots its crazy to watch. you dont get that perspective from watching on tv.

of course the play calls are and always will be piss poor with shotty. burress, who runs about a 5.0 40 is lined up outside all day long running 9 routes. why? put that big body inside and let him box up for some easy slant passes and chain movers. where is the logic in this offense. you have a line that cannot block and you are still running routes over 15 yards? stupid.

Plax was open for what would have been a 50 yard TD down the sideline. Sanchez saw him but opted to run for a sure 10 years. It was a 3rd down and he took the 1st down that was sitting in front of him.

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