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Merged: The Wayne Hunter Thread


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wayne hunter was bad but Mark had perfect protection on his pick 6 int

He did, but why do you think he threw the ball when he did?

He had plenty of time to let the play develop more, there is 1 of 2 reasons for this IMO.

1. Sanchez has been hit way to many times since last season to feel comfortable in a clean pocket, IE poor pocket presence.

2. (My vote) his internal shot clock created by the Jets coaching staff to throw the ball made him just look to the shortest easiest throw for him, IE check down option, regardless if he is open, or not, due to these poor coaching techniques IMO, Sanchez in years 1, and 2 would have rolled left where the pocket was clean, and outside the pocket had a ton of space, and directed a WR to an open area, the Jets put the kibosh on this last season, and this preseason.

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He did, but why do you think he threw the ball when he did?

He had plenty of time to let the play develop more, there is 1 of 2 reasons for this IMO.

1. Sanchez has been hit way to many times since last season to feel comfortable in a clean pocket, IE poor pocket presence.

2. (My vote) his internal shot clock created by the Jets coaching staff to throw the ball made him just look to the shortest easiest throw for him, IE check down option, regardless if he is open, or not, due to these poor coaching techniques IMO, Sanchez in years 1, and 2 would have rolled left where the pocket was clean, and outside the pocket had a ton of space, and directed a WR to an open area, the Jets put the kibosh on this last season, and this preseason.

That ****ing throw was late, not early. He threw behind. Hunter was fairly bad, but on one sack Sanchez held it too long and on another he stepped up when Hunter had JPP lined up okay. The thing I am seeing with Mark in 2011 and 2012 that I didn't see before is that he and the line don't seem to have a pocket down. There are a decent amount of times when I guy who is blocked ends up making the play because the QB gets forced into stepping up or back. Sure that is what happens on a lot of sacks, but the past two years it seems to be an inordinate amount. Maybe it's Hunter having bad balance and not being able to alter where he is initially pushing the guy. In any event Hunter isn't the worst T in football right now, because those 2nd stringers were trying to get Tebow killed.

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That ****ing throw was late, not early. He threw behind. Hunter was fairly bad, but on one sack Sanchez held it too long and on another he stepped up when Hunter had JPP lined up okay. The thing I am seeing with Mark in 2011 and 2012 that I didn't see before is that he and the line don't seem to have a pocket down. There are a decent amount of times when I guy who is blocked ends up making the play because the QB gets forced into stepping up or back. Sure that is what happens on a lot of sacks, but the past two years it seems to be an inordinate amount. Maybe it's Hunter having bad balance and not being able to alter where he is initially pushing the guy. In any event Hunter isn't the worst T in football right now, because those 2nd stringers were trying to get Tebow killed.

The throw was late, and behind him, but I'm assuming on that play he is supposed to be the safest check down option, and Sanchez never even looked to see if he was open, he checked his first read wasn't there,mand boom internal clock throw to check down option, Mark is brutal at checking down he doesn't check to see if it's even open he just goes, and throws it there because that's what he is coached to do, plain and simple Mark has to do a better job recognizing his open targets, and the Jets need to stop training Sanchez to be a safe robot.

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The throw was late, and behind him, but I'm assuming on that play he is supposed to be the safest check down option, and Sanchez never even looked to see if he was open, he checked his first read wasn't there,mand boom internal clock throw to check down option, Mark is brutal at checking down he doesn't check to see if it's even open he just goes, and throws it there because that's what he is coached to do, plain and simple Mark has to do a better job recognizing his open targets, and the Jets need to stop training Sanchez to be a safe robot.

I didn't see him look anywhere else. They can't stop training him because he isn't learning. It's the easiest thing in the world. He's a robot, but he's not safe. Now let's get this thread back where it belongs. Bashing Wayne Hunter!

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Oh man wayne sucks...you guys see what he said? he was like yeah you know I go out there and work and if the job isnt done they will find some one who will...This guys doesnt even care he's lettting our QB killed...hes like Im paid who cares.....

if he stats this year he makes the other guys bad, Sanchez wont make it to week 4, he will be on the IR

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I didn't see him look anywhere else. They can't stop training him because he isn't learning. It's the easiest thing in the world. He's a robot, but he's not safe. Now let's get this thread back where it belongs. Bashing Wayne Hunter!

I can't bash Wayne Hunter, what else is there to say EVERYONE knows he stinks including Wayne Hunter end thread!

We should be bashing the front office, and coaches for allowing Wayne Hunter to prove he stinks in a starting role, most are doing that in this thread, and others.

How there isn't oozing hate, and distain for Sparano's offense baffles me thou? I mean nothing is different from what the Dolphins were doing the last 3 years, and they stunk, and that was one of the few offensive systems I actually was glad to have Schotty's over, and the Phins had better personal on that O then we have this year, it's gonna get real ugly around here real quick, forget will Tebow be the starter, it might get to the point where McElroy is the starter at some point at the rate of fail I think this O will achieve run by this Dolphin retread we all laughed at over the past 3 years.

The circus has yet to even begin! Now that is a bold statement I know, but I believe it to be true!

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The offensive line didn’t make a positive statement on the field in the preseason match-up against the NY Giants.  The Jets QBs were under pressure all night long. D’Brickashaw Ferguson was asked in the Giants defensive line was trying anything tricky.  He said:

I think they’re just a great team, they have some good athletes on the (defensive) line.  Preseason or not, those guys are very good, but we are going to continue to do what we know, and work on our techniques, and continue to execute, and hopefully matriculate down the field.

Wayne Hunter had some interesting comments for the media after the game was over.

On his individual performance…
It was tough sledding.  The Giants have a good defensive front.  They have a lot of good guys to go up against for my first preseason game. Like I’ve been telling you guys, it is going to get better from here, there is nothing else I can do.

On if his starting job is on the line…
It has always been on the line.  I have to perform or they will find someone else who is better.  My main focus is to watch the tape and seeing if I can get better.

On if there are techniques he can improve…
There are a lot of things I can work on.  There are a lot of things I need to work on. It was a good first live action for me.

On the health of his back…
It’s ok.  I will not use it as an excuse.

Wayne Hunter did get an endorsement from Mark Sanchez:

I know Wayne (Hunter) can do it. That’s the thing, I’ve seen him play really well. He’s a big strong guy. He’s smart. He’s going to study and work hard. We have all the faith in the world in him. (It was) just not his best tonight.



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Adrien Clarke 2.0

Really, I think he's worse, Clarke was a guard, Hunter is a RT.

The damage Hunter is inflicting on the team by starting is making me think 6 Wins is a reach. Feck a Touchdown drive is a reach.

You win in the trenches and this line has slipped so far in two years it's not funny. This line will get our Q.B killed, Im a very unhappy Jet at the moment.

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Good thing we drafted yet another Dlineman with our top draft pick this year. Taking Wilkerson and Ellis with our top two picks last year just wasn't enough. Not with the poor depth on our Dlineman like pouha teveasu devito Richardson and Marcus Dixon. Tannenbaum is the problem. I don't understand how most still defend him.

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That ****ing throw was late, not early. He threw behind. Hunter was fairly bad, but on one sack Sanchez held it too long and on another he stepped up when Hunter had JPP lined up okay. The thing I am seeing with Mark in 2011 and 2012 that I didn't see before is that he and the line don't seem to have a pocket down. There are a decent amount of times when I guy who is blocked ends up making the play because the QB gets forced into stepping up or back. Sure that is what happens on a lot of sacks, but the past two years it seems to be an inordinate amount. Maybe it's Hunter having bad balance and not being able to alter where he is initially pushing the guy. In any event Hunter isn't the worst T in football right now, because those 2nd stringers were trying to get Tebow killed.

The throw was late, and behind him, but I'm assuming on that play he is supposed to be the safest check down option, and Sanchez never even looked to see if he was open, he checked his first read wasn't there,mand boom internal clock throw to check down option, Mark is brutal at checking down he doesn't check to see if it's even open he just goes, and throws it there because that's what he is coached to do, plain and simple Mark has to do a better job recognizing his open targets, and the Jets need to stop training Sanchez to be a safe robot.

No and no it was a 3 step drop and throw . It was nothing more than a bad throw and the CB simply jumped the route most likely read the play. In a sitution like that the play is designed to go to tat particular player quickly if hes not open simply throw the ball away. Sanchez tried to fit it in and paid the Price for it.

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I can't bash Wayne Hunter, what else is there to say EVERYONE knows he stinks including Wayne Hunter end thread!

We should be bashing the front office, and coaches for allowing Wayne Hunter to prove he stinks in a starting role, most are doing that in this thread, and others.

How there isn't oozing hate, and distain for Sparano's offense baffles me thou? I mean nothing is different from what the Dolphins were doing the last 3 years, and they stunk, and that was one of the few offensive systems I actually was glad to have Schotty's over, and the Phins had better personal on that O then we have this year, it's gonna get real ugly around here real quick, forget will Tebow be the starter, it might get to the point where McElroy is the starter at some point at the rate of fail I think this O will achieve run by this Dolphin retread we all laughed at over the past 3 years.

The circus has yet to even begin! Now that is a bold statement I know, but I believe it to be true!


Not only wa Hunter bad in pass protection he wiffed of a few run blocks as well he looked like Vlad Ducasse out there.

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Hill was so open because the Giants knew Teblow couldn't hit him. Every team wants him to TRY and throw. His presence hurts Sanchez.

As for the O-Line? WTF? The run blocking was decent but Marino and Montana would have problems behind those bums.

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Conley was amazing. Shanking two punts in a row, a gift.

Will never understand why Weatherford wasn't re-signed.Another example (like Turner this offseason)of Tannebaum dumping a serviceable pro for no sensible reason.
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wayne hunter was bad but Mark had perfect protection on his pick 6 int

you really cant be serious?

when you have a Qb who is being bombarded from his right side the entire game he will get jumpy and make quick rash decisions, it doesnt take a brain surgeon to see where the problem stems from, its that waste of space who cant even slow down a defender. Hunter needs to be replaced on that right side there is no question in my mind.

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Will never understand why Weatherford wasn't re-signed.Another example (like Turner this offseason)of Tannebaum dumping a serviceable pro for no sensible reason.

That one was on westy. After his abysmal playoff performance the cord was cut. Right call or wrong, that one was on the coaches not Tanny.

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It's ridiculous that we still have this guy starting... With 2.5 already promised I doubt the Jets are going to move a finger.

But even if you guys want Sanchez replaced... Tebow, Mc Elroy, and none of our RB's are going to be able to put points on that chartbecause this guy isn't doing sh*t to protect our men. .

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Also, why was there an open competition for slauson's job and not one for hunter? The hell did he do to be annointed starter again this year?

I think there is an open competition at RT, there's just less options. Who's the competition? Austin Howard? Whoopdeedoo.

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I think there is an open competition at RT, there's just less options. Who's the competition? Austin Howard? Whoopdeedoo.

anyone has to be better than hunter, can u imagine hunter facing mario williams twice a year? i cringe at the thought

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