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Why the Patriots are given favorable treatment


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I used to live in New England for 15 years, so I hope I have a special insight here.

We're all frustrated with the favorable treatment the Patriots get - would you like to know one reason why?...they are the only NFL team that serves FOUR states (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Connecticut). All of these states are "New England".

So let's looks at the other states that have NFL teams:

New York - three: The Jets, Giants and Bills...can't favor one of these (although I could make a case that the Giants get favorable treatment).

Pennsylvania - two: the Eagles and Steelers...can't favor one of these unless you want to put your life on the line.

Maryland/DC (virtually the same) - two: Ravens and Washington (being PC here).

Florida - three: Jags, Bucs and the Fins...most of these fans are from elsewhere anyway (retirement state).

Texas - two: The Boys and the Texans...the lines are divided and you don't want to cross them in this state!

Ohio: - two: Browns and the Bengals....well at least the Bengals are fielding a team from time to time.

Missouri - two: Chiefs (wanted to spell it the Chefs) and the Rams.

California - three: Da Raidas, 49ers and the Chargers...most people in CA are too laid back and if their team loses...OMG!,,,like, fer sure!

The remaining teams that have one are: Green Bay, Lions, Cards, Broncos, Vikings, Seahawks, Saints, Titans, Falcons, Bears and Panthers....but these serve single state fans.

We all know fans for teams are everywhere these days so this is a generalization.

But I submit that the Patriot get favorable treatment because they serve four states and not any other NFL team can say that...and the sad thing is there is not a thing we can do about it, unless someone brings a team into the region - which does not look like anytime soon.


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No, it's because Kraft put Goodell in his job, and lines the pockets of all the right people. Don't think for one second that anything about this has changed because of Deflategate... that sh*t was nothing more than diversion and reality TV. 

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No, it's because Kraft put Goodell in his job, and lines the pockets of all the right people. Don't think for one second that anything about this has changed because of Deflategate... that sh*t was nothing more than diversion and reality TV. 

I agree this is another reason... makes me sick to think about how this game is no longer a level playing field. 

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Excellent insight.  Imagine what would happen if Massachusetts and Rhode Island were part of New England? Then there would be SIX states represented by the Patriots.  So the Patriots would be getting treatment that is SIX TIMES as favorable as all those teams that serve only one state!

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Excellent insight.  Imagine what would happen if Massachusetts and Rhode Island were part of New England? Then there would be SIX states represented by the Patriots.  So the Patriots would be getting treatment that is SIX TIMES as favorable as all those teams that serve only one state!

:D Where do these people come from?

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Excellent insight.  Imagine what would happen if Massachusetts and Rhode Island were part of New England? Then there would be SIX states represented by the Patriots.  So the Patriots would be getting treatment that is SIX TIMES as favorable as all those teams that serve only one state!

Ya know....I didn't count Mass and RI...so you're right SIX freaking states!!!!!


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Excellent insight.  Imagine what would happen if Massachusetts and Rhode Island were part of New England? Then there would be SIX states represented by the Patriots.  So the Patriots would be getting treatment that is SIX TIMES as favorable as all those teams that serve only one state!

I know you're a worthless troll POS but this was funny as hell.

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This is a GREAT map...so Alaska is mostly a Green Bay and Steelers state?,,,,how dat happen????

This is Deadspin's pic, so take it for what it's worth. GB and Pitt are pretty big teams nationally. Not a lot of people in Alaska are from there. My ex's parents lived in Fairbanks for 10 years. Lots of people go there for work. Dallas has a huge reach too. Pitt is #1 in South Carolina apparently. 


I'm also assuming that all those Phins fans in Florida is a plurality and not a majority. When I lived there from 03-06 there were a ton of Jets, Giants, Steelers and Pats fans. Maybe they are holdovers from the 70s. All I know is Florida is a sh*tty Pro Sports state. 



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California - three: Da Raidas, 49ers and the Chargers...most people in CA are too laid back and if their team loses...OMG!,,,like, fer sure!



This is simply not true.  Also, this stereotype is like 30 years old.  lol.................

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I don't think the Refs bias is a planned thing, it just kind of happens. Its like the scene in The Right Stuff where Yaeger decides he's gonna take out the new, experimental XF-104 and " take it for a but (anattempt at the ground to altitude record) without any proper clearance or plan. The control tower guys get him on the radio and 'ol Yaeger tells them, "I'm just gonna wring 'er out a bit". Dudes are perplexed and look around for clearance...guy says, " well, its YAEGER! Hes got to have clearance.... Right? It's gotta be here somewhere! ".


The Refs, out if human error give the same kind of deference to Brady and Bellicheck. They have multiple championships and are considered some of the best ever, so they get that deference and expectation of doing things they're way.


And if you don't know the Right Stuff reference and haven't seen the movie, then that's a YOU problem..

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So let me get this straight.  Favorable calls are divvied up like senate seats, 2 per state, which gives the pats between 8 and 12 favorable calls per game, depending on Massachusetts.  (Can someone from up there tell me who they cheer for?  They seem to talk about Indy a lot, so maybe they're Colts fans?)  The Jets, Bills, and Giants are totally screwed, because NY has to divide its 2 favorable calls between 3 teams (I guess NJ was in the bathroom when they were handing out calls).

I think you're on to something!  Though I have one big question - what happens to the calls that Hawaii and Alaska get?  Can we send Cuomo or someone out there to lobby for their calls?

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Not buying it. Look, 3 of those states are like oversized counties or boroughs to us. And 60% of even that population aren't watching football. They're making syrup, ships, or trapping lobsters. So those are non-TV, non-internet people. When you really break it down you're talking about like 3 or 4 dozen NFL fans outside Massachusetts. 

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When I was a kid, most people I knew rooted for the Jets and Joe Namath to win the Superbowl.  This was partly an AFC/NFC thing and partly a Joe Namath thing (I still LOVE Namath). For most of the time between Superbowl III and the eruption of the Border Wars, I don't think the rivalry was much more than that of two crappy teams that play each other a lot.  Things heated up beginning with the seduction of Parcells then Curtis Martin.  Then the greatest head coach in the history of sports left the Meadowlands for Foxboro.  And there is Revis.  During this Border War, the Pats have dominated by most measurements, but the games between the two teams have been close enough that each game is nationally anticipated.  

As a Red Sox fan, I totally get the 'cheatriots' line of attack.  Until the Sox won the World Series in 2004, our 'reason' for coming up short always involved the Yankees.  They bought Ruth, every great player since, and all of those championships.  

It's not just a Boston-NY thing.  Boston-Montreal was probably just as heated.  

New York - three: The Jets, Giants and Bills...Out of division rivalries are less common; Bills and Jets are a rivalry, but have a bigger enemy in NE

Pennsylvania - two: the Eagles and Steelers...Out of conference rivalries are even more rare

Maryland/DC (virtually the same) - two: Ravens and Washington...Skins/Cowboys/Gints are the historic rivalry; again conference

Florida - three: Jags, Bucs and the Fins...Out of division, out of conference, and too much suck to get excited about

Texas - two: The Boys and the Texans...Out of conference

Ohio: - two: Browns and the Bengals...Bigger enemy in the Steelers; the whole Indy-Balt-Cleveland thing probably conjures more hurt feelings

Missouri - two: Chiefs (wanted to spell it the Chefs) and the Rams...Out of conference; who roots for the Rams?  

California - three: Da Raidas, 49ers and the Chargers...are practically in different time zones...


NY Jets and Boston Patriots have history, proximity, competitiveness, and familiarity that is uncommon in pro sports.

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I used to live in New England for 15 years, so I hope I have a special insight here.

We're all frustrated with the favorable treatment the Patriots get - would you like to know one reason why?...they are the only NFL team that serves FOUR states (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Connecticut). All of these states are "New England".

So let's looks at the other states that have NFL teams:

New York - three: The Jets, Giants and Bills...can't favor one of these (although I could make a case that the Giants get favorable treatment).

Pennsylvania - two: the Eagles and Steelers...can't favor one of these unless you want to put your life on the line.

Maryland/DC (virtually the same) - two: Ravens and Washington (being PC here).

Florida - three: Jags, Bucs and the Fins...most of these fans are from elsewhere anyway (retirement state).

Texas - two: The Boys and the Texans...the lines are divided and you don't want to cross them in this state!

Ohio: - two: Browns and the Bengals....well at least the Bengals are fielding a team from time to time.

Missouri - two: Chiefs (wanted to spell it the Chefs) and the Rams.

California - three: Da Raidas, 49ers and the Chargers...most people in CA are too laid back and if their team loses...OMG!,,,like, fer sure!

The remaining teams that have one are: Green Bay, Lions, Cards, Broncos, Vikings, Seahawks, Saints, Titans, Falcons, Bears and Panthers....but these serve single state fans.

We all know fans for teams are everywhere these days so this is a generalization.

But I submit that the Patriot get favorable treatment because they serve four states and not any other NFL team can say that...and the sad thing is there is not a thing we can do about it, unless someone brings a team into the region - which does not look like anytime soon.


Yes, Goodell loves the Pats because they own that elusive Vermont market.

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they aren't given favorable treatment. They are cheaters, flat out, and their misdeeds are swept under the rug for the good of the league. 

The Pats have been caught cheating twice, and we are supposed to believe NOW they are clean? Why? Because of happiness and rainbows? 


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same reason jordan got special treatment, you want stars in the big game if you make your money selling beer on TV to men sitting on a couch for hours at a time

I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but I do think there's something to be said for league wanting to keep their stars upright.  I'm pretty confident the refs have been told to do what they can to keep their stars from being hurt.  Brady's o-line, I'm sure gets the benefit of the doubt when it comes to holding, as does Rodgers, Manning..etc...

Naturally, if you're a ref and the commissioner is going to decide if you're coming back next year, or doing a playoff game...and if you're responsible for calling so many holding penalties against the Pats that it ultimately resulted in him breaking his leg - you're going to give his line the benefit of the doubt.

But it's not a league wide conspiracy, no one is out there saying "be sure the Pats win" 

Bottom line, the league isn't fixed..but its stars are afforded protections others don't receive.

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