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Aaron Rodgers to the Jets rumor: Merged

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21 minutes ago, johnnysd said:

It's madness. Potentially franchise killing madness. I will be ill if we trade that much.

This cant be a serious post 

Giving up a second for Rodgers for a year and maybe a 1 if he plays 2 years and the team has certain levels of success is "franchise killing" ? 

Lmfao WTF Jet fans 

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12 hours ago, undertow said:

This fanbase is hysterical the Packers wanted two 1sts then the 13th but one 2nd this year and a low 2nd next year is them robbing us? lmao Bunch of clowns around here.

One whining that next years two could become a 1.  If we win a SB.  Let’s bitch.  Hope we don’t win one, then we’ll have to pay up.  It’s like the fools who worry about how much you’ll have to pay in taxes if you win the lottery for a couple of hundred million $.

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5 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

One whining that next years two could become a 1.  If we win a SB.  Let’s bitch.  Hope we don’t win one, then we’ll have to pay up.  

At least 10 pages on why losing the SB and preserving the pick in 2024 will be the right move.

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So the jets are willing to give up 2 2nd rounders to rent Rodgers for one year, with the 2 provisos that 1) if the jets win the super bowl the 2024 2nd rounder goes to a first, and 2) if he only plays one more year the packers have to throw back a pick next year.

sounds like an expensive price to pay for a potential one year rental

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My only concern about this deal is not the amount of compensation, but the fact that it seems like Woody and the FO did not get a firm commitment from Rodgers to play in 2024.  My thought was that was a big reason why they all went out to meet him in Cali and that they got that commitment from him then.  If they did, would they really be holding this deal up on the idea that they should get something back if he retires after 2023?

I'm not a fan of the move to Rodgers if he's not committed to 2024 as well.  Woody and the FO went from a "rebuild to create sustainable success" to an all in push on a one year shot?

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2 hours ago, JiF said:

lmfao they're doing all this, for 1 shot at glory. 

Oh Jets, never change.


nah, we should give up two 1sts and a fully guaranteed $250 million contract for a guy with a 1-3 career playoff record, who in 4 playoff games combined has thrown for 3 TDs and 5 Ints

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7 hours ago, Maxman said:

I'd rather just start Wilson lol.

no you wouldn't.... not a single jets fan wants to see Wilson dirting balls to rb's 8 yds away or tossing easy INT's on the sidelines/over the middle with no WR in area. not to mention the hesitation to take easy yds with his legs.


no one wants this.

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2 minutes ago, IndianaJet said:

My only concern about this deal is not the amount of compensation, but the fact that it seems like Woody and the FO did not get a firm commitment from Rodgers to play in 2024.  My thought was that was a big reason why they all went out to meet him in Cali and that they got that commitment from him then.  If they did, would they really be holding this deal up on the idea that they should get something back if he retires after 2023?

I'm not a fan of the move to Rodgers if he's not committed to 2024 as well.  Woody and the FO went from a "rebuild to create sustainable success" to an all in push on a one year shot?

I agree, although, I'm not sure how much a verbal commitment from Rodgers is really worth. He can change his mind at anytime. I'd still probably be trying to get something back from GB. 

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1 hour ago, More Cowbell said:

This seems ok but honestly, I would be ok just giving them the first this year and be done with it except for protection if he doesn't  play in 2024. We aren't  getting studs in this draft. At best we get someone who helps. Everyone is overvalueing this pick. 


the jets got garrett wilson at 10 last year.  i'm not giving up 13 this year.  much rather give up a 2nd this year and next, with the possibility the 2nd becomes a late 1st next if the jets have a great year and meet the conditionality of the upgrade.

sure, i'd rather give up less.  but no way this year's #1 is the better alternative than what is being laid out here.

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Just now, Tranquilo said:

If Rodgers retires, and we suck again, there's no way I'd be giving up a top half pick in 2024. The more I think about it, the more I think it's too much. 

2nd round + conditional 4th rounder next year (if he retires, they send us a 4th in 2025)

A 2nd and 4th next year is still too much for a one year rental

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Just now, dbatesman said:

No one. That’s my point—you can say the same about 13, so we should just give them that pick too

Not sure this argument makes any sense. 

A first round pick is still worth a lot more than a second round pick and you probably have a better chance of getting an impact player at 13 overall than at 42 overall. People are OK giving up a second for Rodgers, but don't want to give up a first. It's a judgement call. Maybe you don't agree, but there is nothing illogical about that point of view and being willing to "throw away" (silly terminology, IMO) a second round pick doesn't mean you are willing to "throw away" a first round pick. 

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1 hour ago, RutgersJetFan said:

Throwing away second rounders for one all-in year for a team that didn’t make the playoffs last year? I’m sure this is gonna turn out great. 

A second rounder next year is worth a third this year.  That’s how much the draft experts discount future picks .. by 1 round.  

So a 2023 mid second and for now let’s call it an equivalent 2023 ‘mid’ third rounder for Aaron Rodgers for 2 years.

I’m not losing sleep over that if there’s corresponding protection should Rodgers not play a 2nd year..  

But in return the Jets get important cap protection …. GB eats some of the bonus money and/or Rodgers restructures his contract to be more Jets friendly for a smoother transition post Rodgers.

Any condition for a first would have to mean a very successful ‘team’ season and therefore translate to a low first round pick (25-32 range).  In today’s draft value, that is worth a late 2nd round pick.


Here’s the breakdown of what the Jets give up in today’s draft values (2024 pick discounted by 1 full round)

1 year Rodgers run but falls short of performance trigger:  2023 mid 2nd rounder + equivalent 2023 mid 3rd rounder - (TBD GB pick for early retirement)

1 year Rodgers run but achieves performance trigger:  2023 mid 2nd rounder + equivalent 2023 late 2nd rounder - (TBD GB pick for early retirement)

2 year Rodgers run; falls short of 2023 performance trigger:  2023 mid 2nd rounder + equivalent 2023 mid 3rd rounder

2 year Rodgers run; achieves 2023 performance trigger:  2023 mid 2nd rounder + equivalent 2023 late 2nd rounder

According to the (Rich Hill) trade value chart (converting the 2 2nd round picks above), the Jets would be trading the equivalent of a late 2023 first rounder pick = roughly #22 pick for a 2 year Aaron Rodgers run with the first year achieving whatever performance trigger they agree to.   Let’s call it a Home Divisional Playoff game..

Considering what the Broncos, Browns, and Carolina just gave up (all for risky bets in their own right), I’d call that SMART football by JD.  Yes, they own the rights to their new QB for more years which is why they paid more, …. But that is risky in its own right if things don’t turnaround in Denver / Cleveland or Carolina doesn’t hit the heads or tails probability coin flip at the top of the draft. 


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7 hours ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

I said this at the outset:

They should be paying the Jets to take him off their hands.

He’s a depreciating asset whose value drops below zero to negative when he retires in 9 months and leaves you with a load of dead money on your books.

The Jets have been bad for 50+ years.

One more year of losing won’t make the fans stop going to games and paying for merch and that’s all Woody really cares about.


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1 hour ago, JiF said:

The issue is, the Jets are scared out of their wazooo, he wont play another season or at least that's what this report is sharing.

And when was the the last time Aaron Rodgers went on a "deep playoff run"?   In the NFC nonetheless...


the pack missed the playoffs in 2022 and lost their 1st round game in 2021.  the 5 times they made the playoffs before that, they won at least 1 game, including making the nfc championship game in in 2020, 2019, 2016 and 2014.

you want a guy that has 1 playoff win in his 5 year career and you are mocking a guy that has won a super bowl and made 4 other conference title games???

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4 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

Not sure this argument makes any sense. 

A first round pick is still worth a lot more than a second round pick and you probably have a better chance of getting an impact player at 13 overall than at 42 overall. People are OK giving up a second for Rodgers, but don't want to give up a first. It's a judgement call. Maybe you don't agree, but there is nothing illogical about that point of view and being willing to "throw away" (silly terminology, IMO) a second round pick doesn't mean you are willing to "throw away" a first round pick. 

sounds like somebody would rather have the next Dee Milliner than a HOF quarterback

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9 minutes ago, dbatesman said:

No one. That’s my point—you can say the same about 13, so we should just give them that pick too

So I guess what you are getting at here is that you are unhappy with the proposed (supposedly) compensation. What do you feel is fair and equal compensation for the Jets to give for one Aaron Rodgers?

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12 hours ago, FidelioJet said:

He literally and I mean this literally - that said that he has a plan.  And is happy with his plan.  With respect, did you listen to it?

I got the sense, surely they're all in on Rodgers but that he does, in fact, have a plan if this falls through.

The reality is - he knows it, GB knows it and Rodgers knows it - that Rodgers will be a Jet it's just a matter of when GB is going to suck it up and take what's on the table.  

They don't have a choice.

absolutely... he said he has a plan and he/they feel good about the plan.

it doesn't do JD any benefit to explain the plan that may contain, oh I don't know.... other options. lol


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