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Rodgers to the Jets - Support it, or Oppose it?

Do you support the Jets Possible/Pending Acquisition of Aaron Rodgers?  

260 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the Jets Possible/Pending Acquisition of Aaron Rodgers?

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1 minute ago, Copernicus said:

Listened to the entire Macafee interview and liked the way Rogers spoke after previously thinking that he was not the best teammate. Loved how he stood up for himself to the media and the way Green Bay treated him. He was articulate and professional. Loved how he cleared up his (lack of) demands for “his” players. Most impressive how he defendended Hackett for those that thought the only reason the Jets hired him was to land Rogers. His words were (paraphrasing) “It does a total injustice to Hackett’s coaching ability thinking that he was hired to land me.” Love how he defended him and his respect for Lazard (who is obviously significantly younger than him.  Liked Rogers much more after the interview 

There definitely has been a paradigm shift in terms of management at Green Bay over the past 19 years. It's the current staff he loathes, and they hate him right back. I'm on his side.

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12 minutes ago, bonkertons said:

Like anything else it depends on the price, but I think the only way I don't support it is if it costs multiple 1sts, or some sort of absurd player package.  I'm honestly expecting it to not cost any 1st rounders, so yes I support it BIGLY. 

I guarantee that is not happening with Joe Douglas negotiating on the Jets behalf. The Packers are not getting our 1st round pick (13th overall) this year, and they'll be hard pressed to even get the Jets 2nd round pick (43rd overall) this year. You think Rodgers wants his new team giving away assets that could help him get another ring? He'll just wait this out with the Jets and get traded eventually for the price Joe Douglas is offering. Packers won't win this game of chicken. 

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I support it. While it obviously can blow up in Jets face, in a very jetsy way. There is no question, the 2023 version of Aaron Rodgers is likely better than any QB the Jets have every had. I also like the possibility that this will light a fire under Rodgers to prove once and for all that he was correct in his beliefs that GB did not adequately support him. Plus, I love the idea that Zach can watch an learn from a master.

The over/under for Rodgers career as a Jet should be 2 SBs. 

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9 minutes ago, playtowinthegame said:

I guarantee that is not happening with Joe Douglas negotiating on the Jets behalf. The Packers are not getting our 1st round pick (13th overall) this year, and they'll be hard pressed to even get the Jets 2nd round pick (43rd overall) this year. You think Rodgers wants his new team giving away assets that could help him get another ring? He'll just wait this out with the Jets and get traded eventually for the price Joe Douglas is offering. Packers won't win this game of chicken. 

In theory, if JD was patient enough, that's how it should go down.  It would suck to wait a long time for this to happen, even post-draft, but if it plays out that way I don't blame Joe.  Why not hold out, especially since GB has to pull the trigger at some point.  There's really no scenario where they can just be like "nah I think we'll keep him".  Rodgers has already publicly stated his intention to play for us....it would be an absolute sh*tshow for GB if he ends up coming back.  Not to mention for Love.  


I'm assuming he's offering something reasonable right now, whether it's our 2nd or 3rd this year, plus whatever else next year.  I highly doubt he's saying "it's our 7th rounder next year or nothing".  I get why GB would try to wait him out regardless, but I think you're right in that JD isn't gonna budge.  I hope not, at least. 


At some point though, GB will just want this to be over.  I'm hoping that is sooner rather than later.  



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18 minutes ago, playtowinthegame said:

I guarantee that is not happening with Joe Douglas negotiating on the Jets behalf. The Packers are not getting our 1st round pick (13th overall) this year, and they'll be hard pressed to even get the Jets 2nd round pick (43rd overall) this year. You think Rodgers wants his new team giving away assets that could help him get another ring? He'll just wait this out with the Jets and get traded eventually for the price Joe Douglas is offering. Packers won't win this game of chicken. 

What I can see happening is JD trading #13 this year in order to create resources to give up. Such as getting back 2 seconds round picks or a 2 &  late 1 next year.

But that could possibly mean waiting until the draft to acquire Rodger’s which would drag tf on.

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7 minutes ago, hotrodcharlie said:

To those that support it, how do you see it ending?

It was the best of a bunch of bad options after the Wilson disaster. I'm on board with it but there is basically zero chance it ends well. You hope to get a deep playoff run (at the least) out of it but the only way it doesn't end in a trash fire is Rodgers retiring after winning superbowl MVP in 11 months. 

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6 minutes ago, Asymmetrical said:

It was the best of a bunch of bad options after the Wilson disaster. I'm on board with it but there is basically zero chance it ends well. You hope to get a deep playoff run (at the least) out of it but the only way it doesn't end in a trash fire is Rodgers retiring after winning superbowl MVP in 11 months. 

If we make the playoffs with AR, and draft a QB in 24, I still think it can end okay.  Find a guy next year to sit a season behind AR.  Hopefully he will be ready to take over in '25.  The one thing I would not want to see, is bring Rodgers aboard now, then draft a guy in 2025 who gets thrown into the fire day 1. In which case, all we will have accomplished is kicking the can down the road two years.  Which would only be worth it if we make a SB run with Rodgers, and given the strength of the AFC, that is a lot to expect.

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Just now, Lith said:

If we make the playoffs with AR, and draft a QB in 24, I still think it can end okay.  Find a guy next year to sit a season behind AR.  Hopefully he will be ready to take over in '25.  The one thing I would not want to see, is bring Rodgers aboard now, then draft a guy in 2025 who gets thrown into the fire day 1. In which case, all we will have accomplished is kicking the can down the road two years.  Which would only be worth it if we make a SB run with Rodgers, and given the strength of the AFC, that is a lot to expect.

Agreed but the one potential problem with this, is that if the jets make a good playoff run in 2023 they’re not going to have all their picks in 2024.  So you could be looking at a 2nd or 3rd round qb.  But still, find one for a change.

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23 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

Those opposed, who would you rather have?  What’s you better option?  

Derek Carr at Florham park right now working out learning the offense and the jets being solid for 4 years at QB instead of twisting in the wind for potentially weeks or longer waiting on a trade that we have already assumed would happen by now.

(Predictable response:  "Oh but carr never intended to go to the jets he was always going to new orleans!"  Which I do not for a moment believe.)

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1 minute ago, Beerfish said:

Derek Carr at Florham park right now working out learning the offense and the jets being solid for 4 years at QB instead of twisting in the wind for potentially weeks or longer waiting on a trade that we have already assumed would happen by now.

(Predictable response:  "Oh but carr never intended to go to the jets he was always going to new orleans!"  Which I do not for a moment believe.)

With what options remain, Rodgers is basically all that’s left 

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5 minutes ago, Augustiniak said:

Agreed but the one potential problem with this, is that if the jets make a good playoff run in 2023 they’re not going to have all their picks in 2024.  So you could be looking at a 2nd or 3rd round qb.  But still, find one for a change.

Which is one of the reasons why I am hoping the deal gets done soon and invovles 2023 picks.  Only way they should be parting with a 2024 1 is if it is conditioned on a Super Bowl run.  Which would make it all worthwhile anyway.  

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3 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Derek Carr at Florham park right now working out learning the offense and the jets being solid for 4 years at QB instead of twisting in the wind for potentially weeks or longer waiting on a trade that we have already assumed would happen by now.

(Predictable response:  "Oh but carr never intended to go to the jets he was always going to new orleans!"  Which I do not for a moment believe.)

Can be in camp practicing a new offense but I get Carr.  Just to me as much as I liked Carr as an alternative is the upside is nowhere near AR.  One is a HOF QB still capable of playing at a top level, especially with Hackett while Carr is, at this point, a QB we make excuses for his lack of success.  
I’m not playing Carr never intended to come to the Jets game.  I take the opposite take, he wanted the Jets but saw the writing on the wall.  
And could care less how long the Rodgers trade takes.  As I said before you’re not allowed to practice at this point 

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8 minutes ago, jgb said:

With what options remain, Rodgers is basically all that’s left 

Correct and this is why the Jets are twisting in the wind.  I keep hearing people voice this totally hollow bluff re the packers, "oh we will just tell them to stuff it and if we have to we will go with zac! or some other scrub who is available! We have all the leverage!  lol no we don't.  At this point it is Rodgers or bust for the Jets no chance it ends up any other way. 

And if we do overpay to get him the narrative will not be the jets blew this, it will be "oh well you gotta pay for a hall of famer!"

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29 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

Those opposed, who would you rather have?  What’s you better option?  

To be honest I don't think that is a reasonable question. If Rodgers was a FA that would be a different conversation. 

But the reality is that just from a contract standpoint you are essentially paying Rodgers $75 million for a single season, He is likely to only pay one so you face gigantic dead cap in either 2024 or 2024 and 2025.

I am not in favor of crippling our team just for a likely misguided notion that he is going to duplicate what Manning and Brady did and win us a super bowl.

We are not that type of team and right now we have already lost enough on the roster that we are a worse team than we were last year.

Then you want to also trade picks and players, further hurting this team in future years.

The Jets do not have fantastic options right now at QB. But IMO the answer does not become a desperation move to wring a single winning season and possibly wreck the team going forward.

Even if the Jets get Rodgers, we essentially have no QB for 2024. So Zach needs to develop and realize his potential, or we are in the same situation in one year time, only with fewer draft picks, lesser players and a wrecked cap

We need to continue the development of this team through the draft and smart free agency. We should sign a vet (though with our pursuit of Rodgers they all but gone) and draft a QB in 2023 and a QB in 2024. We need to do whatever we can with a new staff to develop Zach.

A one year drug fix with Rodgers is just not the way to go unless you truly only care about a run in 2023 and are OK with yet another rebuild after that.

Also, make no mistake if we get Rodgers and don't make a big playoff push, the in 2024 we will absolutely be facing a completely new rebuild new GM new head coach and be set back 5 years as a franchise.

Just because there are no great moves we can see right now does not make this one a good one.

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16 minutes ago, johnnysd said:

To be honest I don't think that is a reasonable question. If Rodgers was a FA that would be a different conversation. 

But the reality is that just from a contract standpoint you are essentially paying Rodgers $75 million for a single season, He is likely to only pay one so you face gigantic dead cap in either 2024 or 2024 and 2025.

I am not in favor of crippling our team just for a likely misguided notion that he is going to duplicate what Manning and Brady did and win us a super bowl.

We are not that type of team and right now we have already lost enough on the roster that we are a worse team than we were last year.

Then you want to also trade picks and players, further hurting this team in future years.

The Jets do not have fantastic options right now at QB. But IMO the answer does not become a desperation move to wring a single winning season and possibly wreck the team going forward.

Even if the Jets get Rodgers, we essentially have no QB for 2024. So Zach needs to develop and realize his potential, or we are in the same situation in one year time, only with fewer draft picks, lesser players and a wrecked cap

We need to continue the development of this team through the draft and smart free agency. We should sign a vet (though with our pursuit of Rodgers they all but gone) and draft a QB in 2023 and a QB in 2024. We need to do whatever we can with a new staff to develop Zach.

A one year drug fix with Rodgers is just not the way to go unless you truly only care about a run in 2023 and are OK with yet another rebuild after that.

Also, make no mistake if we get Rodgers and don't make a big playoff push, the in 2024 we will absolutely be facing a completely new rebuild new GM new head coach and be set back 5 years as a franchise.

Just because there are no great moves we can see right now does not make this one a good one.

Well said.

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1 minute ago, David Harris said:



This is why.  Adding a possible 5-6 wins.  That is astounding.  


Sure you can argue with Frelund's metrics but my eyes told me the same thing last year.  Competent QB play would have won us 4-6 additional games last year. 


That was last year.  This is now.

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12 minutes ago, johnnysd said:

To be honest I don't think that is a reasonable question. If Rodgers was a FA that would be a different conversation. 

But the reality is that just from a contract standpoint you are essentially paying Rodgers $75 million for a single season, He is likely to only pay one so you face gigantic dead cap in either 2024 or 2024 and 2025.

I am not in favor of crippling our team just for a likely misguided notion that he is going to duplicate what Manning and Brady did and win us a super bowl.

We are not that type of team and right now we have already lost enough on the roster that we are a worse team than we were last year.

Then you want to also trade picks and players, further hurting this team in future years.

The Jets do not have fantastic options right now at QB. But IMO the answer does not become a desperation move to wring a single winning season and possibly wreck the team going forward.

Even if the Jets get Rodgers, we essentially have no QB for 2024. So Zach needs to develop and realize his potential, or we are in the same situation in one year time, only with fewer draft picks, lesser players and a wrecked cap

We need to continue the development of this team through the draft and smart free agency. We should sign a vet (though with our pursuit of Rodgers they all but gone) and draft a QB in 2023 and a QB in 2024. We need to do whatever we can with a new staff to develop Zach.

A one year drug fix with Rodgers is just not the way to go unless you truly only care about a run in 2023 and are OK with yet another rebuild after that.

Also, make no mistake if we get Rodgers and don't make a big playoff push, the in 2024 we will absolutely be facing a completely new rebuild new GM new head coach and be set back 5 years as a franchise.

Just because there are no great moves we can see right now does not make this one a good one.

You’re not paying $75M for one season.  And you don’t know he’s only playing one season.  I don’t get how we’re crippling the team.  You don’t even know what the compensation will be and we’ve crippled the team.  
Mostly, we needed a vet moving forward and were getting a HOF capable of playing like one of the best in the NFL.  Has nothing to do with Manning or Brady.  Are we better with or without AR?  Are we better with AR or one of the other QB who were available today?  Who gives the Jets the best chance of winning?  

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2 minutes ago, David Harris said:



This is why.  Adding a possible 5-6 wins.  That is astounding.  


Sure you can argue with Frelund's metrics but my eyes told me the same thing last year.  Competent QB play would have won us 4-6 additional games last year. 


Nothing any of us did not already know.  t changes nothing in the whole Jets qb thing, we knew the moment White flopped that the jets were going after a QB this year.  It does nothing to change the fact that the Jets handled it very poorly.

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1 hour ago, ND Jets12 said:

This is gonna cost us big time now. Running his mouth yesterday only helps the Packers and their leverage. They will definitely wait til after June 1 now and we are gonna have to give up some sh*t now. He’s talented no doubt but he is SO arrogant in his own weird way that he almost makes me say NO but we did need to make a splash- I just hope we can Swim and now drown??

Couldn't disagree more.

It's not ideal for us to get Rodgers after 6/1, but as long as we get him we're better than we ever could be without him (next year).  If GB wants that hanging over their organization, that's their choice, but in no way do they now have "more leverage" than they would have if Rodgers didn't make it ABUNDANTLY clear he's not going back to GB.

And for those who are worried about draft compensation, please point to the transaction JD completed in the past that makes you feel that way?  I know only time will tell, but IMO it's foolish/shortsighted to just assume JD will throw pics at GB based on his history here so far . . .


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"Wreck the team going forward" is not only a bigger unknown than what will happen short term, but what does it actually mean? That the Jets will just be the Jets again? Aren't we all adjusted to that kind of suckage by now? Where do you guys get this fantasy about a bright future if we just "stay the course"? What course? The one we've been on since ******* 1969? 

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2 hours ago, Warfish said:

198 to 17, we don't often see that level of near-universal support for a move the Jets make/might make.

In fairness to the brave 17, there are several reasons to be cynical/skeptical of the deal, possible cost (still TBD), effectiveness, cost (in terms of future development/"building it right"), personal dislike (for some folks) to the personality of Rodgers, etc.

But it is sorta nice to see the majority supportive of something to this degree, because honestly, it's pretty rare in my experience.

Thanks all for participating.

198-0 after the bannings get processed.  

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25 minutes ago, David Harris said:



This is why.  Adding a possible 5-6 wins.  That is astounding.  


Sure you can argue with Frelund's metrics but my eyes told me the same thing last year.  Competent QB play would have won us 4-6 additional games last year. 



So last year's team wins 12-13 with Rodgers per the analysis.

For context, the Jets have only had one 12-win season and zero 13-win seasons in the franchise's entire existence.  

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55 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

Can be in camp practicing a new offense but I get Carr.  Just to me as much as I liked Carr as an alternative is the upside is nowhere near AR.  One is a HOF QB still capable of playing at a top level, especially with Hackett while Carr is, at this point, a QB we make excuses for his lack of success.  
I’m not playing Carr never intended to come to the Jets game.  I take the opposite take, he wanted the Jets but saw the writing on the wall.  
And could care less how long the Rodgers trade takes.  As I said before you’re not allowed to practice at this point 

There is no upside with Rodgers just a single roll of the roulette wheel with all of our money on 12

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