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The Blame Game


Where do you place the blame if the team come out Flat ...  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. If the Jets come out flat against the GMen ... who do you blame ?

    • Robert Saleh ... He is the Head Coach and responsible for getting the team ready to play.
    • Joe Douglas ... the talent level on this team is severely inflated in this forum.
    • Jets Defense ... Daniel Jones | Tyrod Taylor ... really ?
    • The Salmon ... It had to be the Salmon
    • Its Zach Wilson ... Saleh's a pimp I knew all along it was Zach ...
    • Jamal Adams, Geno Smith or Elijah Moore

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  • Poll closed on 10/29/2023 at 04:00 AM

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Some really good choices here and I could think of about 20 more good ones

this thread could have some legs and be entertaining 

my pick is Hackett. Saleh is obvious but his role appears to be delegate off to his coaches

hackett must have a viable game plan for Zach to counter gints defense which is most likely blitz the hell out of him

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Why are you combining Zach Wilson with Robert Saleh ? I think a lot of the Jets Problems scoring are on Zach but that does not mean I think Saleh is a pimp.

My choice is all the Jets Woes are as follows 

1. Zach Wilson He got guys open he needs to start scoring points before I fully say he's improving .... Just because he's improved on throwing a 5-10 yard pass does not mean much of anything

2. The OL got off to a bad start I think we have good players but they have not really had a chance to mesh together due to constant Injuries. 

3. Coaching staff needs to figure out a way to get this team rolling early in games. Playing from behind in every single game you play is NOT sustainable.

4. this poll ... how can you blame something on a team when the game has not been played yet ? This poll can only point directly at one person and that's the QB because he's the only player who is consistently not making it happen 

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7 minutes ago, Smashmouth said:

Why are you combining Zach Wilson with Robert Saleh ? I think a lot of the Jets Problems scoring are on Zach but that does not mean I think Saleh is a pimp.

My choice is all the Jets Woes are as follows 

1. Zach Wilson He got guys open he needs to start scoring points before I fully say he's improving .... Just because he's improved on throwing a 5-10 yard pass does not mean much of anything

2. The OL got off to a bad start I think we have good players but they have not really had a chance to mesh together due to constant Injuries. 

3. Coaching staff needs to figure out a way to get this team rolling early in games. Playing from behind in every single game you play is NOT sustainable.W

4. this poll ... how can you blame something on a team when the game has not been played yet ? This poll can only point directly at one person and that's the QB because he's the only player who is consistently not making it happen 

Saleh is electing to go with Zach. The one constant above all other constants ... the Head Coach.

Edited by Dunnie
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3 minutes ago, Dunnie said:

Saleh is electing to go with Zach. The one constant above all other constants ... the Head Coach.

Of course he electing to go with Zach what's the other choices ? Semen  and Boyle ? What's so confusing the Jets have made it a point for 3 freaking years now that they are not giving up on Zach however stupid that may be.

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Saleh and Zach.  Saleh teams have been awful coming out of the bye and another one this week would most certainly establish a pattern if the team looks terrible again.

Meanwhile since Zach gets "credited" by some here for 3 wins this season then its only fair he gets credited with an L if they lose this week, regardless of how it happens, no?

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1 hour ago, Rhg1084 said:

Lol so we’re trying to figure out who’s to blame if we lose? How bout we watch the game first and see what happens 

When we come out and win the game emphatically, who deserves the most credit?

Maybe I should start a counter-poll. :D 

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1 hour ago, Rhg1084 said:

Lol so we’re trying to figure out who’s to blame if we lose? How bout we watch the game first and see what happens 

7 minutes ago, Larz said:

You for speaking into existence 

Good idea and point ... the disease is strong amongst these parts.

Edited by Dunnie
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Didn't vote, the options are silly.  EDIT:  I lied, I voted The Salmon.  That's a good one.

Speaking specifically to the Giants game, rather than the more broad Jets franchise, ultimately, the energy level of the team is on the Head Coach.

The sad fact is that the Jets seemingly always suck or/or play without energy or passion after bye weeks.  "Same ol' Jets" is stronger than any one player or Coach it seems.

With all that said, I'd rather analyze their individual play after they do it to assign responsibility, rather get make pre-emptive excuse or cast pre-emptive aspersions.


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Just now, slimjasi said:

Wouldn't we have to see how they actually fail against the Giants to answer this question? 

Obviously, if the the entire team is flat, you start with the head coach. 

It's Dunnie, he's attempting to pre-emptively excuse any possible poor play by Zach.  

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1 minute ago, dbatesman said:

Yeah, the "if" is interesting. We're 100% going to be down 10-0 in the middle of the 2nd quarter like we always are

I think Cimini posted that we are only the second team in modern history to be 0.500 or better in our first 6 games after trailing every game at halftime. That obviously has to change or we are going nowhere. 

The interesting thing about this game is that, before the Washington game, the Giants had not scored a first half TD and trailed every game at half time. 


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