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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>We&#39;ve tendered RFA Damon Harrison (2nd round) &amp; Jaiquawn Jarrett (original).</p>&mdash; New York Jets (@nyjets) <a href=" ">March 9, 2015</a></blockquote>
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I disagree.

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I'm liking what I'm hearing here. Despite not knowing this until now, I look forward to complaining about not getting him tomorrow.


I'm in the process of blaming the front office for not making the East Coast west enough in order to sign Iupati, I'm not sure if I'm going to have enough time to complain about this tomorrow. I'm putting most of my eggs in the east coast basket now, too much on my plate to join you.

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I guess this is the best worst news we could have gotten. Can't blame him for trying to see if he can get a starting job, he's stuck here behind Snacks. Good news is there's plenty interest, so he'll sign a decent contract and maybe net us a 5th round pick next year.


You have to sign fewer free agents than you lose to get a comp pick, unlikely the Jets would be in that position.

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I was hoping Mac's familiarity with Reed would lead to a signing. I'd like that move. We need ILB help, Brooks has transitioned inside quite well, but still offers some versatility in case we need him to push outside for a bit, plus he's only just turned 28.

Reed playing ILB well is huge, basically means he's a LB and this team needs that. He goes from meh to interesting.

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