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10 minutes ago, nycdan said:

Texans fans can't wait either...

...for Round 3 to start

We will have picked four times before they get to pick once.

Wow they fooked that franchise over in record time. Remember when they had JJ Watt, a top 5 QB and the best receiver in football.

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9 hours ago, BurnleyJet said:

Wow they fooked that franchise over in record time. Remember when they had JJ Watt, a top 5 QB and the best receiver in football.

In comparison to the Texans...Jets look like a sanely run operation.  The Johnsons...at least for now...have zipped up their flies and allowed real football people to run the operation for a change. 

No...please spare me the complaints about the mistakes and imperfections.  Cause IMO it was needed to take a step backwards to rid this team of Gase.  Macc picks and overpaid/no show FA's.  Don't know about Maye.  But Mosely and Herndon will be gone by no later then football year's end.  From FA and the draft...fresh blood is being infused into this roster and team.

So...there's more then a reset of the QB position happening here.  It's also a resetting of Jets fortunes too.  A new team with a collective vision.  GM-HC are truly working in unison like never seen since maybe the Parcell years.  

Do yourselves a favor...get rid of the past and all the pain that it encompasses.   Stop dwelling there for gods sakes.  Yea...we're going to have a bumpy road.  Nobody comes out of the womb not kicking and crying.  This team isn't going to improve without its ups and downs.   It shouldn't be just all about feeling good cause it's draft time.  It's should be more of a  foundational feeling then that.  

This team is much more solid right now then you think.  Texans  had a bright future with Watson and Hopkins...look at them now.  49ers recently went to the Supe.  Now they're frantically moving up for a new FQB by trading away a ton of their future picks.  For Mac Jones?   Chiefs spend a ridiculous $80+ mil for a guard?  They had to right?  If Jets do those things fans heads here would explode.  Like it was Macc doing it.  

It's not.  JD has Jets in a good position to move forward with a QB reset and 21 picks for these next two drafts.  After a good haul of quality FA signings at good value prices.  Jets will still have a  healthy CAP situation to go forward with into next year's FA-trade season.

My suggestion...make an effort towards an attitude adjustment.  Get excited...enjoy the ride.


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yeah draft night for jet fans is always exciting.

but in sick of being excited for draft night. its like an official holiday for us.

i cant wait to pick 29 and 30 like we did back in 2010-2011. that means we have a really good team.

be honest, was anybody excited for those drafts.

lets hope this and next year are the last drafts we get excited about in a long long time.


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Living in Sweden the draft is 2 am, but I am going to watch it live this time, I usually don't do that of course, since I have no masochistic traits at all. Last time I watched a draft live, was when I woke up in the middle of the night by accident, tuned in, watched Darnold get drafted, went to sleep with a big smile. How naive...

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2 hours ago, Jackie Treehorn said:

Living in Sweden the draft is 2 am, but I am going to watch it live this time, I usually don't do that of course, since I have no masochistic traits at all. Last time I watched a draft live, was when I woke up in the middle of the night by accident, tuned in, watched Darnold get drafted, went to sleep with a big smile. How naive...

Scotland here. I usually try to have a nap before the draft starts and then get up shortly before it starts. You miss some of the build up, but we've had months of that so no great loss.

The tough bit will be the long wait from pick 2 until pick 23. Then the Jets will, inevitably, trade out just to piss us off.

Whatever happens, I expect to be like a zombie while working on Friday.

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22 minutes ago, mrcoops said:

Scotland here. I usually try to have a nap before the draft starts and then get up shortly before it starts. You miss some of the build up, but we've had months of that so no great loss.

The tough bit will be the long wait from pick 2 until pick 23. Then the Jets will, inevitably, trade out just to piss us off.

Whatever happens, I expect to be like a zombie while working on Friday.

Love Scotland! Great country! 

I am luckily enough free from work on Friday, so I will just party hard in celebration of the new QB. 

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15 hours ago, AlexVanDyke said:

It’s like Christmas for football fans.  I have watched this event since the 1983 draft when I was 10 and have looked forward to it each year ever since.  I remember reading that Pete rosella was shocked ESPN wanted to televise it and look at it now.  My father in law couldn’t believe I actually enjoyed staying home on a Saturday afternoon watching it back in the 90s.   Now the family joke is  thatI was ahead of my time when I forward him ratings. 

anyway enjoy the week guys. I have a feeling this is going to be a very important 3 days to building something special 

Struck me now, the draft is rather like Festivus for us Jets fans, no? 


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i am getting anxious imagining the jets going to the podium....and then listening to draft experts wax poetic about the jets not knowing what they are doing in the draft...or how they should have taken the SF offer instead of taking Mac Jones second.

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4 hours ago, GreenReaper said:

In comparison to the Texans...Jets look like a sanely run operation.  The Johnsons...at least for now...have zipped up their flies and allowed real football people to run the operation for a change. 

No...please spare me the complaints about the mistakes and imperfections.  Cause IMO it was needed to take a step backwards to rid this team of Gase.  Macc picks and overpaid/no show FA's.  Don't know about Maye.  But Mosely and Herndon will be gone by no later then football year's end.  From FA and the draft...fresh blood is being infused into this roster and team.

So...there's more then a reset of the QB position happening here.  It's also a resetting of Jets fortunes too.  A new team with a collective vision.  GM-HC are truly working in unison like never seen since maybe the Parcell years.  

Do yourselves a favor...get rid of the past and all the pain that it encompasses.   Stop dwelling there for gods sakes.  Yea...we're going to have a bumpy road.  Nobody comes out of the womb not kicking and crying.  This team isn't going to improve without its ups and downs.   It shouldn't be just all about feeling good cause it's draft time.  It's should be more of a  foundational feeling then that.  

This team is much more solid right now then you think.  Texans  had a bright future with Watson and Hopkins...look at them now.  49ers recently went to the Supe.  Now they're frantically moving up for a new FQB by trading away a ton of their future picks.  For Mac Jones?   Chiefs spend a ridiculous $80+ mil for a guard?  They had to right?  If Jets do those things fans heads here would explode.  Like it was Macc doing it.  

It's not.  JD has Jets in a good position to move forward with a QB reset and 21 picks for these next two drafts.  After a good haul of quality FA signings at good value prices.  Jets will still have a  healthy CAP situation to go forward with into next year's FA-trade season.

My suggestion...make an effort towards an attitude adjustment.  Get excited...enjoy the ride.


I have no problem with the Jets new direction, I welcome it! - I’m just pointing out how Houston has screwed the pooch, and how quickly they made that Franchise toxic. I do feel we are leaving a lot of that behind now.

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16 hours ago, FidelioJet said:

I'm having a party.

I have about 15 guys coming over.    Mix of Jets, Giants and Eagle fans.

Good Bourbon, good beer, Hooters wings and Pizza...

Two big screen TV's in my basement bar....

Nobody else I know give a ****. LOL. Most guys I know, especially at work, have completely tuned out sports entirely. 


Wife has no idea whats going on, and kids are young and vaguely aware of Football, and just want the Jets to win so Dad isn't annoyed all fall. ? 


Might watch round 1 at a local...maybe. 

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19 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

Nobody else I know give a ****. LOL. Most guys I know, especially at work, have completely tuned out sports entirely. 


Wife has no idea whats going on, and kids are young and vaguely aware of Football, and just want the Jets to win so Dad isn't annoyed all fall. ? 


Might watch round 1 at a local...maybe. 

Come over!  You're welcome to join....

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