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Holy fork ZW


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6 minutes ago, Barry McCockinner said:

They also have a crappy starter, fwiw

Ya,  I would go  out starter is crappier than our back ups. 

And I don't say that based on 1 game or interview or rats hatred passion. 

Just where is the reason to keep hoping for Zach... blah blah... talent I'm not seeing it... blah blah young,  I'm not seeing growth...

Every back up we have is potentially better than ZW

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7 minutes ago, Wit said:

If you go by preseason Strev should get the nod, but it was clear a few weeks ago that Mike White is the number 2. 

He cant fire Lafluer, it’s his best friends brother. He needs to be 1-16 bad to do that. 

Firing MLF when he’s scheming up wide open receivers on the first read?  No OC can be successful when QB plays soo bad that opposing DCs load up to stop the run and know the QB has zero hope of beating you with his arm.

Not a MLF problem as already proven last year… and as the film proves this year

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I wrote a replies to multiple posts but somehow I seem to have lost them.

Stunned at this news.  I still wouldn't be shocked if ZW starts on Sunday (and I still think that's the most likely scenario, just that he'll have a short leash) but it's clear that ZW is at least "on notice".

Some interesting theories on here as to who made this call.  T0m mentioned W0ody.  Could be him and/or Chris.  But it could also be JD or even MLF.  And some other people have mentioned the captains of the defense might have went up to Saleh.  Or maybe they asked Ulbrich to speak on their behalf.  Honestly, I hope it wasn't his teammates because that would have to be brutal for Zach's confidence.  But we'll see how he responds from here.  My guess is he'll be professional about it and work hard and keep quiet.  My hunch is that the comments about him being "entitled" or whatever are just people disliking him.  I think he's a good kid at heart (though not a good QB so far).

Someone brought up the possibility of the Jets skipping over Mike White and starting JiFlacco instead.  I think that's a very good question.  It'll be interesting to see the answer, should a change be made.

The other thing that people are leaving out is that maybe the Johnson Brothers checked the negativity level on JN before making their decision.  We all know our own self-importance in organizational decisions.  Maxman, I think you should put up a poll asking if JN wants a QB change.  It'll make life easier for the Johnson family, rather than have them hire someone to evaluate all the posts since yesterday's game.

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50 minutes ago, Wit said:

Zach remains the QB, he is just trying to calm down the fans, media and the locker room. They have crappy backups so that the fans don't really have anyone to ask for behind him. That was the plan this year. He obviously does well in practice but has the mental YIPS, and may be ruined forever.  They didn't plan on that. 

Its actually to scare Zach.  To this point he's been entitled. Whether or not he actually benches Zach, he is lighing a fire under his a$$. 

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1 hour ago, Wit said:

They have crappy backups so that the fans don't really have anyone to ask for behind him.

Maybe, but chances are that if that crappy backup completes even one pass they'd eclipse the total combined yardage of the most recent half of football. So, yeah... I'll take my chances with the younger crappy backup first.

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1 hour ago, Wit said:

Zach remains the QB, he is just trying to calm down the fans, media and the locker room. They have crappy backups so that the fans don't really have anyone to ask for behind him. That was the plan this year. He obviously does well in practice but has the mental YIPS, and may be ruined forever.  They didn't plan on that. 

If you are right and he has the "mental Yips," then they need to make the move now.  Sit him for the rest of the season and let him work through his issues,a nd try to win his job back in the offseason and preseason.  This defense is too good to waste a shot at the playoffs to try to develop a QB who is showing no signs of improvement.

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1 hour ago, Wit said:

If you go by preseason Strev should get the nod, but it was clear a few weeks ago that Mike White is the number 2. 

He cant fire Lafluer, its his best friends brother. He needs to be 1-16 bad to do that. 

Nor should he fire Lafluer.  

I have ragged on Lafluer, and hated the gameplan for yesterday, but when you go back and look at all the examples where receivers are wide open and Zach doesn't throw the ball, what is Lafluer supposed to do? 

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16 minutes ago, Untouchable said:

If they’re making a change, it’s going to be White.

How is this even a discussion?

1. They already demoted Flacco to 3rd string weeks ago and elevated White in his place. And White, despite being very physically limited, can at least find the open guy underneath and execute the basic fundamentals of the offense.

2. Streveler is nearly 30 and his claim to fame is being a backup on a CFL Championship team and engineering a couple of game winners 3 months ago against present-day claims adjusters.

3. Someone like Garoppolo, Carr or Minshew is pretty much guaranteed to be a Jet next year.

Regarding point 1 I think the reasoning to promote white was to analyze if they want him to be the long term backup. Give him practice reps and have the coaches get a better look at him. 

Based on Flacco starting earlier in the season they may believe he is the better starter right now. 

it’s hard to tell what they will do 

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