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NY Jets Sign Dalvin Cook

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Just now, JoJoTownsell1 said:

Good. Sell your sell to win. Finally a GM that gets it. You are competing with a team that just signed tyreek hill last year. 

Let's remember why they called big Ben, rapelisberger.... and the steelers are considered a "class" organization. And the pats had freaking aaron hernandez on their roster. 

Klecko is an admitted and convicted felon — based on the completion of the judicial process.

If he’s convicted we will talk. But I don’t presume to be judge, jury and executioner based on social media reports. I have respect for the process because while not perfect, individual humans are driven by passion and emotion and prone to wild, reactionary and incorrect conclusions.

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5 minutes ago, Warfish said:

I will choose whatever outlet I wish.  You may be my cherished e-friend, but I don't answer to you.

With that said, that previous post was likely the only moralizing I intended to do.


You are free to be as dumb as you wish, friend. If you have a replacement for the judicial system, let’s hear it. But I sure am not going to replace it with dunces making  judgements based on social media reports. Because that would be emotional and idiotic.

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11 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

The WR depth is certainly an issue but I'm hoping our TEs can contribute more (maybe Ruckert?)  And let's not forget Breece is also a very good receiving RB.  I think Dalvin Cook is, too.

Yes the right ends should contribute more than we have ever seen here.

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22 minutes ago, pointman said:

lol winning football with a player on the way to being washed > not paying a dirtbag that has abused women and dogs. Yikes. 

Make sure you say hi to Jesus on your way home tonight. I am watching the dog show. 

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17 minutes ago, pointman said:

So you're not ok with someone abusing women, but its ok to financially compensate one if it fits your desperation to win football games? Got it. Not much of a difference, but you do your thing.

You do realize that those allegations were proven to be false, right? The woman flat out lied. 


The dog thing, he chained a dog to a lightpole bro. I'm not saying I would do that and I'm not saying it's okay but my god, you talk like he murdered little puppies and then posted a video of it on YouTube. 


Do research before it start blasting people based on your perceived view of their character. 

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54 minutes ago, Bobby816 said:

Happy we are adding a back better than Knight or Carter. But in reality this isn’t great for us… bc this likely means Hall isn’t as healthy as we think. But this gives us the ability to still have a running game until he’s healthy. Otherwise Rodgers would’ve been throwing the ball 50 times a game until Hall was healthy.

I’m not sure this has anything to do with Hall being ready. Other than @Joe W. Namathmosr of us felt very good chance that bring him back slow. I think it’s about allowing Breece to come back at exactly the pace he needs to. Not that he’s necessarily progressing the way they hoped. 

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1 minute ago, jgb said:

You are free to be as dumb as you wish, friend.

I appreciate that my friend.  I'll ignore the insult.

1 minute ago, jgb said:

If you have a replacement for the judicial system, let’s hear it.

Not a replacement, but an additional court.  That being the Court of public opinion.  Not every sin requires a conviction for it's legitimacy.

1 minute ago, jgb said:

But I sure am not going to replace it with dunces making  judgements based on social media reports. Because that would be emotional and idiotic.

As I noted previously, if not for your "emotions are dumb" post I doubt I would even have touched on this one.

And at this point, I'm only responding on it when you quote me to call me dumb (which, I'm confident, you know I'm not, lol).  I've said my peace, I'm happy to agree where we agree (I think we both agree on his signing) and agree to disagree otherwise (the role of personal judgement when choosing to engage in entertainment products).

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4 minutes ago, Warfish said:

I appreciate that my friend.  I'll ignore the insult.

Not a replacement, but an additional court.  That being the Court of public opinion.  Not every sin requires a conviction for it's legitimacy.

As I noted previously, if not for your "emotions are dumb" post I doubt I would even have touched on this one.

And at this point, I'm only responding on it when you quote me to call me dumb (which, I'm confident, you know I'm not, lol).  I've said my peace, I'm happy to agree where we agree (I think we both agree on his signing) and agree to disagree otherwise (the role of personal judgement when choosing to engage in entertainment products).

Emotion is dumb. It’s a heuristic evolved to make fast decisions in life and death situations when reason is too slow.

And I stand for the rights of all humans, even those accused of heinous crimes. That’s my moral stance. A man should not be closed off from his livelihood based upon accusation alone. Period dot end of story. To believe otherwise is to enslave oneself to the emotional and reactionary whims of the underinformed and misinformed mob. I choose reason.

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